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1、一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 Grandpa & Grandma: Happy Birthday, Bobby. This is for you.Bobby: Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma. What is this?Grandpa & Grandma: Its a robot.Bobby: Great!Mum & Dad: This yellow jacket is for you, Bobby. Happy Birthday!Bobby: How nice! I like (喜欢) this colour. Thank you, Dad and Mu

2、m.John: Bobby, Happy Birthday! This CD is for you.Bobby: Thank you, my friend!Tina: This ball is for you, Bobby. Happy Birthday!Bobby: Thank you, My sister.31、Its _ birthday. ()ATinasBJohnsCBobbys32、Mum and Dad give (给) Bobby _. ()Aa jacketBa robotCa CD33、Bobby likes (喜欢) _. ()AblueByellowCred34、_ i

3、s Bobbys friend. ()AJohnBTinaCTim35、Bobby has got (得到) _ presents (礼物). ()A2B3C42 I have a sister. Her name is Nini. She is five years old. She has many toys. She has 6 toy babies, 11 colourful balls (球), 10 boats and 6 toy pandas. The colourful balls are in the ball box. The toy babies are on her b

4、ed. The boats are under the chair.31、I have a _. ()AbrotherBsisterCuncle32、Nini has many _. ()ApensBbooksCtoys33、How many colourful balls does Nini have? ()ATen.BEleven.CFifteen.34、The toy babies are _. ()Aon her bedBunder her bedCon the chair35、_ are under the chair. ()AThe toy pandasBThe boatsCThe

5、 colourful balls3 Hi! Im Bob. I like animals. Look at my dog. Its black and white. It has big eyes. This is my bird, Polly. It is three years old. Its very beautiful. I have a small cat. Its white. She is Mimi. Mimi likes the fish. What about you?31、The dog is _. ()AblackBwhiteCblack and white32、How

6、 old is Polly? ()AIts 2 years old.BIts 3 years old.CIts 4 years old.33、_ is very beautiful. ()AThe birdBThe dogCThe giraffe34、Bob has a _ cat. ()AshortBsmallCfat35、Mimi likes _. ()AfishBgrapesCPolly4 Hello! My name is Lisa. I am twelve years old. Im from Australia. I am a new student in China. In Au

7、stralia, kangaroos are very popular (受欢迎的). The mother kangaroo is very tall. Where is the baby kangaroo (小袋鼠)? Its in her mothers pouch. Today I have a new toy animal. This animal is from China. Its black and white. Its fat and cute. It has two black eyes. It likes bamboo. I like it very much. What

8、 is it? Can you guess?31、Where is Lisa from? ()AChinaBAustraliaCCanada32、We see many _ in Australia. ()AelephantsBmonkeysCkangaroos33、Lisa is a new _. ()ApupilBteacherCanimal34、The underlined word pouch means _. (文中划线词pouch是什么意思?) ()A口袋B嘴巴C包35、What is Lisas new toy animal? ()AA toy tiger.BA toy pand

9、a.CA toy bear.5 Hello! Im Mike. Im from the UK. Im a student. I have a brother. Hes a student, too. We like watermelons. My mum and dad are teachers. They like strawberries. We have a watermelon and twenty strawberries on the desk.31、Mike is from _. ()Athe USABthe UK32、Mikes brother is a _. ()Astude

10、ntBteacher33、Mikes mother and father like _. ()AstrawberriesBwatermelons34、Mikes family has _ strawberries on the desk. ()AtwelveBtwenty35、Mikes family has _ people (人). ()AfourBthree6 Im a boy. My name is Li Ping. Im ten years old. Im tall. I have long arms and long legs. I like blue. I have twelve

11、 crayons. I like bananas. I like apples, too. Bananas and apples taste really good. I dont like pears. I dont like strawberries, either.假如你是Li Ping,请替他做出选择。31、Im _. ()AB32、Im _. ()AB33、Im _. ()AB34、I have _. ()AB35、I like _. ()AB7 Hi, my friend. Im Mike. Im from the UK. Im eleven. Look! This is my r

12、oom(房间). A ball is under the bed. A toy boat is on the desk. I like strawberries. I dont like watermelons. My brother Jim likes oranges. He is fat and tall. He is twelve. He has small ears and big eyes.31、_ is from the UK. ()AJimBMikeCFriend32、A boat is _ the desk. ()AunderBinCon33、Jim likes _. ()Ao

13、rangesBstrawberriesCwatermelons34、Mike is _. ()A10B11C1235、Jim has _. ()Asmall earsBbig eyesCBoth A and B8 One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car

14、, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.31、Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _. ()AfishingBsho

15、ppingCbusiness32、They stop their car _. ()Aat the parking spotBnear the seaCnear the store33、They want to put the things _. ()Ain a big bagBin their carCin others car34、Mr. White cant open the car, so _. ()Athey walk homeBthey ask a policeman to helpCthey call a taxi35、The car _ their car. ()AisntBi

16、sCare9 Lynn: Mike! Do you like fruit?Mike: Yes, I do.Lynn: So, lets buy some fruit.Mike: Good idea! I like pears and watermelons. Lets buy some.Lynn: No, I dont like pears. Lets buy some oranges and watermelons.Mike: OK.31、Lynn and Mike buy some _. ()ApensBrulersCfruit32、Lynn: I like _. ()Apears and

17、 watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges33、Mike: I like _. ()Apears and watermelonsBoranges and watermelonsCpears and oranges34、Lynn and Mike: We like _. ()AstrawberriesBpearsCwatermelons35、_: I don t like pears. ()ALynnBMikeCMum10 Mr. Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big ci

18、ty(城市). He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.This morning, when he was reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him said Hello to him and began to talk to him. Your life is not interesting, isnt it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in

19、 the same seat and read the same newspaper. How do you know all that about me? Mr. Smith said angrily(生气地). Because I always sit in the same seat behind you, the man answered.31、Mr. Smith works _. ()Ain a villageBin a cityCin a townDin the country32、He comes back home from work _. ()Aby shipBby busC

20、on footDby train33、When he is on the train, Mr. Smith often _. ()Areads booksBreads a newspaperCtalks to othersDlistens to others34、Mr. Smith _. ()Alikes the man very muchBlikes reading booksCdoesnt like the man.Dhas much money35、The man knows Mr. Smith because _. ()Ahe is Mr. Smiths good friendBthe

21、y work in the same factoryChe sits behind Mr. Smith on the same train every dayDthey live in the same village11 (Mrs Bear 为此次迎新年派对采购了很多礼物,让我们一起来看一看吧!)Hello, I am Mrs Bear. We will have a party. Here are many gifts (礼物) for my friends. One green bag, three red rulers, four yellow erasers, two black p

22、encils and ten books. How many crayons? Six. Look! Whats this? Oh, its a toy tiger. Its so cool. Its for my friend, Mr Elephant.31、The bag is _. ()AredBgreenCyellow32、Mrs Bear has six _. ()ApencilsBcrayonCerasers33、The toy tiger is _. ()AcoolBniceCfunny34、How many gifts? ()A25、B26.C27.35、The toy tig

23、er is for _. ()AMrs BearBMr TigerCMr Elephant12 A: Hello, this is my new friend David.B: Hello, David. Nice to meet you. Im Wang Bing.C: Nice to meet you too, Wang Bing.B: Look at this new cap.C: Its nice.B: Thanks. Its for my sister Wang Hong. Tomorrow (明天) is her birthday.A & C: Oh, thats great.31

24、、_ is B()AWang BingBDavidCWang Hong32、David is As _. ()AsisterBbrotherCnew friend33、The cap is new and _. ()AredBniceCbig34、Wang Hong is _ sister. ()AAsBWang BingsCDavids35、Tomorrow is _ birthday. ()AWang BingsBDavidsCWang Hongs13 Hi! Im Amy. I am eight. Im a pupil. Look! This is my grandpa. He is a

25、 farmer. This is my father and that is my mother. My father is a driver. My mother is an English teacher. Heres my brother. His name is Sam. He is a pupil. Heres my sister. Her name is Kitty. Shes six. She is a pupil, too.31、I am _. ()ASamBAmyCKitty32、My grandpa is a _. ()AteacherBfarmerCdoctor33、My

26、 mother is a _. ()AdriverBnurseCteacher34、My brother is a _ in a school. ()AteacherBpupilCdoctor35、My sister is _. ()AsixBsevenCfive14 Hello, Im Sue. Im a girl. Now I am six years old. Its my birthday. Whats that on the desk? Oh, it is my mothers present. Its a good cake. Thats my brothers present-a

27、 bag. I like it very much.31、My name is _. ()ASueBLucyCTim32、Sue is _ now. ()AnineBfiveCsix33、Mothers present is a _. ()AcakeBkiteCbag34、The cake is on the _. ()AchairBdeskCbook35、My brothers present is a _. ()AbagBpenCpencil15 Hi, Im Lucy. Im a girl. Im ten. Look! This is my classroom. Its big(大的).

28、 The desks are blue. The chairs are yellow. This is my red bag. Its in the desk. My English book is on the desk. Wheres my pen? Oh, its in the book.31、Lucy is _. ()A8B10C932、Lucys classroom is _. ()AbigBbadCsmall33、The _are blue . ()AchairsBwindowsCdesks34、Her bag is _. ()AredBblueCgreen35、Her pen i

29、s in the _. ()AbagBbookCchair16 Hello! Im Tom. Im ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My bag is black, but(但是) my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs and milk. I dont like cake.根据短文内容选择正确答案。31、Tom is _()A6B10C832、Tom likes _. ()Adogs, cats, pandas and e

30、lephantsBdogs, cats, pandas and ducksCcats, pandas, pigs and elephants33、Toms bag is _. ()AredBblueCblack34、Toms pencil box is _. ()AblueByellowCblack35、Tom doesnt like(不喜欢) _()AeggsBbreadCcake17 It is Monday. I get up at seven. Then I wash my face and hands. I have breakfast at seven thirty. I usua

31、lly have some bread and milk. Milk is good for us. Sometimes I have rice and eggs. But I dont like eggs. I like some cake.31、What day is it today? ()AMonday.BSunday.CFriday.32、What time do I get up? ()AAt six oclock.BAt seven oclock.CAt eight oclock.33、What do I have for my breakfast?()AJuice.BBread

32、.CFish.34、_ is good for us.()AEggsBRiceCMilk35、I dont like _.()AeggsBmilkCcake18 I have a pencil box. Its black. There are lots of things (东西) in it. I have a pen. Its red and long (长的). I like it. I have three pencils. They (它们) are short(短的). I have a ruler. Its big(大的). I have an eraser. Its smal

33、l(小的).31、The pencil box is _. ()AblackBred32、The pen is _.()AyellowBred33、I have _pencils. ()A4B334、The pencils are _.()AlongBshort35、The eraser is _.()AbigBsmall19 Hello, Im Polly. Im a bird. My eyes are black. My mouth is red. My head is yellow. My body is green. Today is my birthday. Im two years

34、 old. Kitty is my friend. Its a cat. Its brown. Its three years old. We are happy.31、Im _ years old. ()A2B3C432、My mouth is _. ()AblackBredCblue33、My _ is green. ()AheadBeyesCbody34、Kitty is _. ()AyellowBbrownCgreen35、Kitty is a _. ()ABC20 One day Mr. and Mrs.White go shopping by car. They stop thei

35、r car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs.

36、 White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.31、Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _. ()AfishingBshoppingCbusiness32、They stop their car _. ()Aat the parking spotBnear the seaCnear the store33、They want to put the things _. ()Ain a big bagBin their carCin others car34

37、、Mr. White cant open the car, so _. ()Athey walk homeBthey ask a policeman to helpCthey call a taxi35、The car _ their car. ()AisntBisCare【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1C解析:31、C32、A33、B34、A35、C【分析】对话主要内容是Bobby过生日,他的家人和朋友给他送生日礼物。31、句意:它是_生日。根据文中句子Happy Birthday, Bobby. 可知是Bobby的生日,故选C。32、句意:妈妈和爸

38、爸给Bobby_。A一件夹克衫,B一个机器人,C一张CD。根据文中句子This yellow jacket is for you, Bobby. 这件黄色的夹克衫是给你的,Bobby。可知爸爸妈妈给了Bobby一件夹克衫,故选A。33、句意:Bobby喜欢_。A蓝色,B黄色,C红色。根据文中句子I like (喜欢) this colour.我喜欢这个颜色。可知他喜欢黄色。故选B。34、句意:_是Bobby的朋友。根据文中句子 Thank you, my friend!谢谢你,我的朋友。联系上文可知John是他的朋友,故选A。35、句意:Bobby得到了_礼物。根据对话内容,可知有a robo

39、t一个机器人,yellow jacket黄色夹克衫, CD光盘,ball球,一共四分礼物,故选C。【点睛】2B解析:31、B32、C33、B34、A35、B【分析】本文主要讲了妮妮有很多玩具。31、句意:我有一个_。A弟弟,B妹妹,C叔叔,根据I have a sister. Her name is Nini. She is five years old.,可知有一个妹妹,故选B。32、句意:妮妮有很多_。A钢笔,B书,C玩具,根据She has many toys.,可知妮妮有很多玩具,故选C。33、句意:妮妮有多少个彩色的球?A十个。B十一个。C十五个。根据She has 6 toy ba

40、bies, 11 colourful balls (球), 10 boats and 6 toy pandas.,可知妮妮有十一个彩色的球,故选B。34、句意:玩具娃娃_。A在她的床上,B在她的床下,C在椅子上,根据 The toy babies are on her bed.,可知玩具娃娃在她的床上,故选A。35、句意:_在椅子下面。A玩具熊猫,B船,C彩色的球,根据The boats are under the chair.,可知船在椅子下面,故选B。【点睛】3C解析:31、C32、B33、A34、B35、A【导语】本文介绍了鲍勃的动物。31、句意:狗是_。A黑色的,B白色的,C黑白相间的

41、,根据“Look at my dog. Its black and white.”,可知狗是黑白相间的,故选C。32、句意:波莉多大了?A它2岁。B它3岁。C它4岁。根据“This is my bird, Polly. It is three years old.”,可知波莉3岁了,故选B。33、句意:_非常漂亮。A鸟,B狗,C长颈鹿,根据“This is my bird, Polly. It is three years old. Its very beautiful.”,可知鸟非常漂亮,故选A。34、句意:鲍勃有一只_猫。A矮的,B小的,C胖的,根据“I have a small cat.”,可知鲍勃有一只小猫,故选B。35、句意:咪咪喜欢_。A鱼,B葡萄,C波莉,根据“Mimi likes the fish.”,可知咪咪喜欢鱼,故选A。4B解析:31、B32、C33、A34、A35、B【导语】本文Lisa介绍了自己的基本情况,澳大利亚受欢迎的动物和自己有的一个新的玩具动物。31、题干句意:丽莎是哪里人?A中国,B澳大利亚,C加拿大,根据“Im from Australia.”可知是澳大利亚的,故选B。32、题干句意:我们在澳大利亚看到很多_。A大象,B猴子,C袋鼠,根据“In Australia, kan

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