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1、一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1 Hello, Im Sue. Im a girl. Now I am six years old. Its my birthday. Whats that on the desk? Oh, it is my mothers present. Its a good cake. Thats my brothers present-a bag. I like it very much.31、My name is _. ()ASueBLucyCTim32、Sue is _ now. ()AnineBfiveCsix33、Mothers present is a _

2、. ()AcakeBkiteCbag34、The cake is on the _. ()AchairBdeskCbook35、My brothers present is a _. ()AbagBpenCpencil2 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Hello. Im Amy. Im from the USAIm ten years old. Look. This is my family. The woman is my mother. She likes bananas. The man is my father. He likes oranges. The little boy is my

3、brother. He is six years old. His name is Mike. He likes pears, watermelons and milk. The girl is me. I like apples and pears.31、Amys mother likes _. ()AorangesBbananasCpears32、Amys father likes _. ()AorangesBbananasCwatermelons33、Amy is _ years old. ()AsixBfourCten34、Mike doesnt like_. ()ApearsBban

4、anasCmilk35、Mike is _ years old. ()AsixBfiveCten3 Kate: Lets go to the zoo!Mike: OK.Kate: Look at the giraffe.Mike: Wow! Its so tall. Its from Africa (非洲).Kate: Look at the panda. Its so cute.Mike: Yeah! It has a big body. Its black and white.Kate: Where is the panda from?Mike: Its from Sichuan, Chi

5、na.Kate: Look at the monkeys. How many monkeys do you see?Mike: I see thirteen.Kate: No, fourteen! Look! A little monkey is on the elephant.Mike: Ha-ha! Its so funny!31、Where is the giraffe from? ()AIts from Africa.BIts from the UK.32、Is the panda from Sichuan? ()ANo, it isnt.BYes, it is.33、How many

6、 monkeys? ()AThirteen.BFourteen.34、What color is the panda? ()AIts black.BIts black and white.35、Where is the little monkey? ()AIts on the elephant.BIts on the giraffe.4 Hello! My name is Betty. Im a girl. I am from Canada. I am eleven years old. I like the zoo. I like pigs. Theyre fat and cute. And

7、 I have seventeen toy pigs, too. I like grapes. Theyre yummy. I dont like apples. Do you like me? Lets make friends.31、Betty is from _? ()ACanadaBChinaCthe UK32、She is a _? ()AteacherBboyCstudent33、The pigs are _? ()AthinBfatCsmall34、Betty has _ toy pigs. ()A7B11C1735、Do you like grapes, Betty? ()AY

8、es, I do.BNo, I dont.CI like grapes.5 阅读对话,选择正确答案。A: Good morning, Miss Li.B: Good morning, Yang Ling.C: Hello, Yang Ling.A: Hello, Mike.D: Hi, Yang Ling.A: Hi, Su Hai.(上课铃声响起)B: Good morning, class.A, C and D: Good morning, Miss Li.31、Whos (谁是) “A”? ( ) AYang Ling.BMiss Li.32、Whos “B”? ( ) AYang Li

9、ng.BMiss Li.33、Whos “C”? ( ) AYang Ling.BMike.34、Whos “D”? ( ) ASu Hai.BMike.35、Yang Ling见到Miss Li, 用“_”进行问候。 ( ) AGood afternoon.BGood morning.6 A duck walks into a snack bar on Monday. “Are there any grapes?” The duck asks.“Sorry. There arent any grapes, ” the waiter (服务员) answers.Then the duck go

10、es away.On Tuesday, the duck comes back. Again, he asks, “Are there any grapes?” The waiter says no and the duck leaves (离开).The duck comes and asks the same question every day. On Friday, the waiter says angrily, “No. And if you ask that again, Ill nail (钉) your feet (脚) to the floor!”The next day,

11、 the duck comes again and asks, “Are there any nails?”“No.”“Are there any grapes?”31、The duck would like _. ()Asome nailsBsome grapesCsome snacksDsome drinks32、The duck comes to the snack bar for _ times (次数) in total (总共) . ()AfourBfiveCsixDseven33、The word“ angrily” means“ _ ”. ()A生气地B热情地C无精打采地D开心

12、地34、The duck is very _. ()AhungryBnaughty (淘气的)Chard-working (勤劳的)Dthirsty35、Which of the following sentences is TRUE? ()AThe duck asks two questions on Friday.BThe duck asks “Are there any nails? ”because (因为) he wants nails that day.CThe waiter will nail the ducks feet to the floor on Saturday.DTh

13、e waiter doesnt like the duck.7 Hello! My name is Nancy. I am eleven years old. Im polite and hard working. Salad is my favourite food, because its healthy for me. My favourite day is Monday. We have Chinese. maths, English and computer class on that day. But we dont have English on Wednesdays or Fr

14、idays. I like English very much. Miss Sun is my English teacher. Shes clever and funny. Sometimes shes strict. She has black glasses for short sight. She can sing English songs well. After school I can swim with my good friend, Sam. Hes a shy boy. He likes sweet food. And I can draw very well. I oft

15、en draw cartoons on Saturdays.31、Nancy is _. ()Aclever and funnyBstrict and shyCpolite and hard- working32、Nancy likes salad, because its _. ()AsweetBfreshChealthy33、Nancy has English class _. ()AWednesdaysBThursdaysCFridays34、She has black glasses for short sight. Here, short sight means(意思是) _. ()

16、A近视B矮个子C目光短浅35、Nancy often _on Saturdays. ()Asings English songsBdraws cartoonsCswims8 Hello. Im Tim. Im 10. There are (有) four people (人) in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. Mary is my sister. Shes two. I love my family. I have (有) some friends at school. They are Tom, Pa

17、ul and Alice. They are ten.31、_ is Tims sister. ()ATomBAliceCMary32、Tim is _. ()A8B9C1033、_ are my friends. ()ATom, Mary and AliceBTom, Alice and PaulCAlice, Tim and Paul34、How many (多少) people are there in Tims family?. ()A4B3C235、下面哪个句子是正确的?()AMary is Tims friend.BPaul is Tims friend.CAlice is Tim

18、s sister.9 This is my room. Look at it. It is big. My desk is near (附近) the window. There are (有) many books on the desk. My bag is in the desk. My books, pens and rulers are in the bag. I have a toy car. It is under my bed. I like it very much.31、My room is _. ()AbigBsmallCnot good32、Many _ are on

19、the desk. ()ApensBrulersCbooks33、My bag is _ the desk. ()AonBinCunder34、My toy _ is under the bed. ()AtaxiBcarCbox35、My _ is not in the bag. ()ApencilBrulerCpen10 Hello, Im Peter. Amy is my sister. And Ben is my brother. We are in a clothes shop now. Amy would like a red skirt. She likes red. Ben wo

20、uld like a blue cap. Wang Bing is in the clothes shop too. He is my friend. He would like a black jacket. Its cool! What would I like? I would like an orange T-shirt and a black cap.31、Who is Bens brother? ()AAmy.BPeter.CWang Bing.32、Wang Bing is _. ()ABens friendBAmys brotherCPeters friend33、Ben wo

21、uld like _. ()Aa black capBan orange T-shirtCa blue cap34、The _ jacket is cool. ()AblueBorangeCblack35、Which sentence is RIGHT? ()APeter, Amy and Ben are in a clothes shop now, but Wang Bing isnt.BAmy would like a red skirt.CPeter would like a black T-shirt and an orange cap.11 Hello! My name is Che

22、n Jie. Im seven years old. Look at my bag. Its green. I have an eraser and three pencils in my bag. I have a brown cat. Its (它的) name is Mimi. Its funny (有趣的). I like it. My cat likes fish and milk. Im a happy (快乐的) girl.31、Chen Jie is _ years old. ()A6B7C832、I have a _ bag. ()AblueByellowCgreen33、I

23、 have _ in my bag. ()Atwo pencilsBan eraser and three pencilsCthree erasers34、My cat is _. ()AfunnyBwhiteCblack35、My cat likes _. ()Afish and milkBmilk and riceCfish and eggs12 Hello, my names Kate. Im nine years old. I like red and white. I like juice and bread. Look, this is my friend (朋友) Lily. L

24、ily is red and blue. She is lovely (可爱的). Haha, she is a bird. I like her very much.31、Kate is _ years old. ()A8B9C1032、Kate likes _. ()Amilk and breadBjuice and riceCjuice and bread33、Kates friend is _. ()ALilyBblackCa cat34、Lily is _. ()Ared and whiteBblue and blackCred and blue35、Lily is a _. ()A

25、dogBbirdCpanda13 My name is Lily. Im eight years old. I have three white pens and two black rulers. Look at my red bag. Its nice and a dog is on it. Its yellow and brown. I like it. Id like some milk. Can I have some?31、My name is _. ()ALilyBMary32、Im _ years old. ()AthreeBeight33、I have two _ ruler

26、s. ()AblueBblack34、_ is on my bag. ()ADogBPanda35、Id like some _. ()AjuiceBmilk14 I have a pencil box. Its black. There are lots of things (东西) in it. I have a pen. Its red and long (长的). I like it. I have three pencils. They (它们) are short(短的). I have a ruler. Its big(大的). I have an eraser. Its sma

27、ll(小的).31、The pencil box is _. ()AblackBred32、The pen is _.()AyellowBred33、I have _pencils. ()A4B334、The pencils are _.()AlongBshort35、The eraser is _.()AbigBsmall15 Hello! My name is Tommy. Im very happy today, because (因为) today is my birthday. Im ten years old now. Look! I have a birthday gift. I

28、ts a tiger bag. I like the colour. Its yellow and black. My friend Mimi is yellow and black, too. Look! Mimi is coming. Haha, its a cat. Its one year old. Its cute. I like it very much.31、Today is _ birthday. ()AMimisBTommys32、_ is the birthday gift. ()AA tiger bagBA cat bag33、Tommy likes _. ()Ayell

29、ow and blackBwhite and black34、Mimi is a _. ()AdogBcat35、Mimi is _ year(s) old. ()A1B1016 Im Kate. Im seven years old. I like blue. I like milk and bread. I like dogs and bears. Today is my birthday. I have a gift. Its a Teddy bear. It is cool. I like it.31、Kate is _. ()ABC32、Kate likes _. ()AblueBy

30、ellowCorange33、Kate likes _. ()ABC34、Kate likes _. ()ABC35、Kate has a gift. Its a _. ()ABC17 Hello, I am Mrs Bear. We will have a party. Here are many gifts(礼物) for my friends. One green bag, three red rulers, four yellow erasers, two black pencils and ten books. How many crayons? Six. Look! Whats t

31、his? Oh, its a toy tiger. Its so cool. Its for my friend, Mr Elephant.31、The bag is _. ()AredBgreenCyellow32、Mrs Bear has six _. ()ApencilsBcrayonsCerasers33、The toy tiger is _. ()AcoolBniceCfunny34、How many gifts? () _.A25、B26.C27.35、The toy tiger is for _. ()AMrs BearBMr TigerCMr Elephant18 Hello!

32、 I am Mike. I am seven years old. I am a student. I have two big eyes and a small nose. I have a red bag. Whats in my bag? Oh, three pens, a ruler, a pencil box and three books. I like blue very much.31、I am _ years old. ()A7B8C932、I have big _. ()AeyesBnoseCmouth33、My bag is _. ()AblueBredCyellow34

33、、I have _ books. ()A2B3C635、I like _ very much. ()AredBwhiteCblue19 My name is Jim. My favorite day is October 18th, because its my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someon

34、e plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I dont do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday.3

35、1、Jims birthday is on _. ()AOctober 8BOctober 18CDecember 8thDDecember 18th32、Jims favorite movies are _. ()AComediesBaction moviesCthrillersDA and B33、Jim goes to bed at _. ()A10:30B10:13C10:00D3:1034、Does Jim do his homework on his birthday? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CNo, he isnt.DI dont know

36、.35、How is Jim on his birthday? ()ATired.BHappy but not tired.CTired but happy.DHappy.20 Hello, Im Joe. Im a boy. Im 7 years old. Let me tell you about my family. Lucy is my mum. She is a maths teacher. Ben is my dad. He is a doctor. John is my little brother. He is only 2 years old. We live with ou

37、r grandpa. And there is a cat is my family. Its Kitty.31、Who is the maths teacher in Joes family? ()ALucy.BBen.CJohn.32、Joe is Johns _. ()AfatherBsisterCbrother33、Whats Bens job? ()AA teacher.BA student.CA doctor.34、How old is Joes brother? ()A7.B5、C2、35、How many people are there in Joes family? ()A

38、4、B5、C6.【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、三年级上册英语阅读理解专项练习1A解析:31、A32、C33、A34、B35、A【分析】本文讲了今天是苏的生日。31、句意:我叫_。A苏,B露西,C蒂姆,根据Hello, Im Sue.,可知我叫苏,故选A。32、句意:苏现在_岁。A九,B五,C六,根据Now I am six years old.,可知苏现在六岁,故选C。33、句意:妈妈的礼物是_。A蛋糕,B风筝,C包,根据Oh, it is my mothers present. Its a good cake.,可知妈妈的礼物是蛋糕,故选A。34、句意:蛋糕在_上。A椅子,B桌子

39、,C书,根据Whats that on the desk? Oh, it is my mothers present. Its a good cake.,可知蛋糕在桌子上,故选B。35、句意:我哥哥的礼物是一个_。A包,B钢笔,C铅笔,根据Thats my brothers present-a bag.,可知哥哥的礼物是一个包,故选A。【点睛】2B解析:31、B32、A33、C34、B35、A【分析】短文大意:你好。我是艾米。我来自美国。我十岁了。看。这是我的家人。那个女人是我妈妈。她喜欢香蕉。那个人是我父亲。他喜欢橘子。那个小男孩是我哥哥。他六岁了。他叫迈克。他喜欢梨、西瓜和牛奶。那个女孩就

40、是我。我喜欢苹果和梨。31、题干句意:艾米的妈妈喜欢 _。根据“She likes bananas. ”可知,妈妈喜欢香蕉,故选B。32、题干句意:艾米的爸爸喜欢 _。根据“The man is my father. He likes oranges.”可知艾米的爸爸喜欢橘子,故选A。33、题干句意:艾米 _ 岁了。根据“Im Amy. Im from the USA. Im ten years old. ”可知艾米十岁了,故选C。34、题干句意:麦克不喜欢 _。根据“His name is Mike. He likes pears, watermelons and milk.”可知麦克喜欢梨

41、、西瓜和牛奶,没有提到香蕉,故选B。35、题干句意:麦克 _ 岁了。根据“He is six years old. ”可知麦克六岁了,故选A。3A解析:31、A32、B33、B34、B35、A【解析】31、句意:长颈鹿来自于哪里?根据Its from Africa.可知,长颈鹿来自于非洲。故选A。32、句意:熊猫是来自于四川吗?根据Its from Sichuan, China.可知,熊猫来自于中国四川。故选B。33、句意:有多少只猴子?根据No, fourteen!可知,一共有14只猴子。故选B。34、句意:熊猫是什么颜色?根据Its black and white.可知,熊猫是白色和黑色的

42、。故选B。35、句意:小猴子在哪里?根据A little monkey is on the elephant.可知,小猴子在大象上面。故选A。【点睛】4A解析:31、A32、C33、B34、C35、A【导语】本文讲述了贝蒂的个人情况以及她的喜好。31、句意:贝蒂来自_。A加拿大,B中国,C英国,根据“I am from Canada.”可知是加拿大,故选A。32、句意:她是_。A老师,B男孩,C学生,根据“I am eleven years old. ”可知她十一岁,可推断她是学生。故选C。33、句意:猪很_。A瘦的,B胖的,C小的,根据“I like pigs. Theyre fat and cute.”可知它们很胖。故选B。34、句意:贝蒂有_玩具猪。根据“I have seventeen toy pigs, too. ”可知是十七只。故选C。35、句意:贝蒂,你喜

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