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1、Teaching Plan for Oxford English 2AM2U3 My hair is short教学设计说明学情分析:二年级学生经过一年的英语学习后,基本上逐渐适应了小学的英语学习生活,大多数学已经养成了良好的学习习惯,并且也掌握了学习英语的能力,他们对于英语学习的兴趣也愈加浓厚。他们能根据老师的语音语调进行模仿,也喜欢用英语进行简单的日常交流。同时,他们在听、说、读、表演等方面有了较大的进步。通过一学年多的英语学习,他们基本具备了基本的听说能力,能进行简短的对话操练。在学习本单元内容之前,他们已经知道了部分身体部位的单词,如face, eye, nose, mouth, ea

2、r等;对颜色、大小等形容词汇也涉略了一些;同时,他们能运用I am It/This/That isI can等句型进行运用与分享。模块教学任务分析:2AM2的模块主题是Me, my family and friends (我和我的家庭与朋友), 分别围绕I can swim(我会游泳),Thats my family(那是我的家庭)以及My hair is short(我的头发是短的)这三个与孩子家庭、学习生活息息相关的话题而展开。三个教学单元旨在帮助学生认识自我,感受能力;在进一步认识家庭成员的基础上,进行合理描述;在了解更多的人体部位的基础上,学会观察、学会比较、尝试描述与分享。 本模块学

3、习的内容较为宽泛,从了解自我延伸到了对家人的了解,从关注自身的能力转向了对家人的特征关注;在观察、比较与梳理中,学会比对、学会思考,在分享各自能力的同时,感受亲情、体验家庭的温馨。单元教学任务分析:2AM2U3的单元主题是My hair is short(我的头发是短的)。通过单元学习,要求学生能初步描述与运用身体的某些部位,如:hair, head, face等,能结合My is/are Your is/are 句型来描述自身或对方的身体部位特征,合理介绍自己和对方的某些体貌特征。在此过程中,学会观察,学会捕捉与比较各自的身体部位特点,积累一定的生活经验。此外,学习、辨认、书写字母Kk和Ll

4、等。第一课时,借助场景(I am Giant),以学生喜爱的Giant和Supergirl为主线角色,通过图片和故事人物的描述引导学生学习相关身体部位单词,如:head, hair, face等;逐步感知句型My/ Your is/are来观察、介绍自己或对方的外貌特征,学会观察。在此过程中,初步感受字母Kk和Ll等。第二课时,借助场景(You are Supergirl)复习本单元核心词汇,进一步理解与运用My/ Your is/are等句型来介绍自己和对方的外貌特征,学会合理描述,了解每人都有各自不同的特点。在此过程中,进一步训练字母Kk和Ll等。 第三课时,借助场景(You and me

5、)较为熟练的复习单元核心(包括字母、单词与句子),进行单元整理与复习。单元课时项目和话题:课时话题项目来源Period 1I am Giant Learn the letters, Look and learn & Look and sayPeriod 2You are supergirlLook and sayPeriod 3You and meSay and act & Play a game 单元课时处理:课时话题词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合能力运用第一课时I am Giant 初步学习head, hair, face等人体部位名称单词初步学习如下内容:My/ Your is/are1初

6、步学习字母Kk和Ll等;2. 在图片与情境中初步感知、理解和运用三种常见的人体部位名称,如head, hair, face等,关注其音、形、义;3在图片与情境中初步尝试运用My/ Your is/are介绍自己和对方的外貌特征,掌握be动词的正确用法;4在交流与分享的过程中感受每个人的外貌特征,学会观察。第二课时You are Supergirl进一步复习单元核心词汇 1进一步理解与运用 单元核心句型:My/ Your is/are2能运用Yes/No.来判断自己和对方的外貌特征是否属实。1进一步辨认与书写字母Kk和Ll等;2. 进一步操练与运用单元核心词汇和核心句型;3在运用My/ Your

7、 is/are表达自己和对方身体部位的特征的同时,学会运用Yes/No 来判断是否属实;4在交流与分享的过程中进一步感受每个人不同的外貌特征,积累生活经验。第三课时Revision (You and me) 第一课时教学设计本课时教学目标设定:1初步学习字母Kk和Ll等;2. 在图片与情境中初步感知、理解和运用三种常见的人体部位名称,如head, hair, face等,关注其音、形、义;3在图片与情境中初步尝试运用My/ Your is/are介绍自己和对方的外貌特征,掌握be动词的正确用法;4在交流与分享的过程中感受每个人的外貌特征,学会观察。Topic: I am GiantProced

8、ureContentMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming up1. Enjoy a song.2. Ask and answer.通过歌曲吟唱,步入学习氛围。通过问答复习上学期学过的单词和句型,为授课内容做铺垫。While-task procedure1. Lead in 2. head3. face4. hair5. is / areIntroduce the situation.Teach: Giant, head 1. T: I like Supergirl. I like Giant, too.2. learn to say: Giant3

9、. say and spell: Giant, Giant, G-i-a-n-t, Giant4. T: How is Giant?5. a chant: Giant big, Giant tall, Giant, Giant, I like Giant.6. Read the passage and do judge.7. Fill in the blanks: Im Giant, Big and tall. My _ is big. And my _ is short. My _ and _ are big. 8. Learn to read: head, head(运用升降调) h-e-

10、a-d, head9. pare: hand10. Who will be Giant and introduce himself?Can you introduce yourself like Giant?1. Listen to the dialogue.2. Learn the word: head3. Say the chant:Big head ,small head.One and two.Big head ,small head.I see you.4. Try to say.5. Act out Part 1Learn: face, round1. T: Hi, Im Supe

11、rgirl. I can run. I can dance. I can swim. But I cant write. Who wants to be Supergirl?2. Try to fill in the blanks: I am Supergirl. I am small and short. My _ is round. 3. Learn to say and spell: face, face, (运用升降调)f-a-c -e, face Supergirl has a round face. 4. Learn to say: Round, round, a round fa

12、ce. Round, round, a round ball. Round, round, a round 1. Listen to the dialogue.2. Learn the word: face3. Say the chant.4. Try to say.Learn: hair 1. T: I am Supergirl. I am My _ are big and my _ is long.2. learn to say and spell: hair, hair, h-a-i-r(运用升降调), hair3. pare: here4. learn to say: My hair

13、is _. (black, white, yellow, long, short)5. Try to say: I am Supergirl. I am small and short. My face is round. My eyes are big and my hair is long. 1. Listen to the dialogue.2. Learn the word: hair3. Say the chant:Black hair, white hair.Hair ,hair, hair.Long hair ,short hair.Hair, hair, hair.4. Cho

14、ose one and say.5. Read the rhyme.6. Make a new rhyme. 1. Make a dialogue.2. Fill in the blanks.3. Try to be Giant.利用Alice和Danny之间的对话穿插新单词和be动词的用法。每个部分都让学生尽可能地参与到对话中去,主动与他人交流,达到语言训练的目的,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过Listen and act , Ask and answer, Say a chant, sing a song等多种手段,巩固新学,层层递进,化解难点,提高学生的学习兴趣。Post-task activ

15、itiesMore practice1. Enjoy again.2. Think and choose.3. Fill in the blanks.4. Play a game.5. Have a talk show.6. Learn: Kk & Ll通过选择题强化学生对be动词用法的掌握度,并且初步学习字母,掌握写法Assignment1. Listening: Listen to P22(听第22页3遍)2. Reading: Read the materials(朗读故事材料)3. Speaking: Try to talk with your parents(试一试跟父母进行简单的介

16、绍)分层布置作业,让学生的语用能力得以训练。板书设计2AM2U3 My hair is short I am Giant headMy/Your face is. hair are.教学反思Materials:Danny: HaHa I am Giant. I am big and tall. My head is big. And my hair is short. My mouth and eyes are big. I am super.Alice: Yes. You are Giant. You are big and tall. Your head is big. Your face

17、 is big too. Your hair is short. Your mouth and eyes are big. You are super.第二课时教学设计本课时教学目标设定:1进一步辨认与书写字母Kk和Ll等;2. 进一步操练与运用单元核心词汇和核心句型;3在运用My/ Your is/are表达自己和对方身体部位的特征的同时,学会运用Yes/No 来判断是否属实;4在交流与分享的过程中进一步感受每个人不同的外貌特征,积累生活经验。Topic: You are SupergirlProcedureContentMethodsPurposePre-task preparationW

18、arming up1. Review the letters.2. Listen and enjoy:3. Review: 3-1 Look and say.3-2 Introduce yourself.通过歌曲吟唱,步入学习氛围。复习并巩固上节课的内容,为本节课做铺垫。While-task procedure1. Lead in 2. Your . is/are2. Is he/she .Yes / No, .3. My . is/are.Yes/No, your.is/are.1. IntroducePoint to teachers face and have the students

19、respond quickly.T: (point to the eye)Ss: eyeWatch the flash: about you and meTry to say the sentences:1. Listen to the dialogue.2. Practice: You are.Your . is/are3. Describe Giant & Duora A Meng 4. Be Alice and say.1. Listen .2. Ask and answer.3. Work in pairs.4. Act out Part 1.A1. Listen and fill i

20、n the blanks.2. Try to talk.3. Work in pairs.4. Act out Part 2practice: My/Your is .practice: My/Your are .In pairs: S1: Im Cathy. Im short and thin. My face is round. My eyes are big. My hair is long.S2: Youre Cathy. Youre short and thin. Your face is round. Your eyes are big. Your hair is long.引导学

21、生自主学习,促进学生自我发展。语言材料的引出与操练与学生的实际生活紧密结合,让学生有话可说。将语言学习与学生的生活有机结合,培养学生学习兴趣。巩固新学,层层递进,化解难点,提高学生的学习兴趣。通过不同形式操练语言,选择学生熟悉的人物,引发学生情感共鸣。Post-task activitiesMore practice1. Enjoy the whole dialogue.2. Choose one and do pair-works.3. Make a dialogue.通过对故事的理解与表演,学会判断与分享。Assignment1. Listening: Listen to P22,23(听

22、第22、23页3遍)2. Reading:Read the material (朗读故事材料)3. Speaking:Try to talk with your parents.(试一试跟父母互相进行人体部位的介绍)分层布置作业,让学生的语用能力得以训练。板书设计2AM2U3 My hair is short. You are SupergirlI am. Youre .My . is/are . Your . is/are.(板书上要呈现某些核心词汇)教学反思Materials:Part 1Alice: You are Supergirl. You are small and short.

23、Your face is round. Your eyes are big and your hair is long. Danny: Yes, shes Supergirl. Is she thin and nice?Alice: Yes, she is.Part 2Alice: Look, I am Supergirl. I am short. My hair is black and long. My face is round. My eyes are big. Danny: Yes, youre Supergirl. Youre short. Your hair is black a

24、nd long. Your face is round. Your eyes are big. 第三课时教学设计本课时教学目标设定:1. 较为熟练的认读与书写字母Kk和Ll等;2. 进一步复习单元核心词汇,如:head, face, hair等;3. 能进一步运用My/ Your is/ are 进行交流、介绍,正确描述自己和对方的外貌特征;4. 能通过介绍和互动,培养学生主动与人交流的意识;在知道人的简单身体构造,了解自己和他人的身体部位特点,积累生活经验。Topic: You and meProcedureContentMethodsPurposePre-task preparationW

25、arming up1. Review the letters and the song2. Ask and answer.复习并巩固上节课的内容,为本节课做铺垫。While-task procedure1. Part 1 2. Part 21. Listen to the dialogue.2. Try to Read.3. Be Alice and Danny.4. Be Eddie and Danny.5. Work in pairs.6. Act out Part 1.Learn the letters: Kk, Ll1. lead in: is it a cat? No, its a

26、kite.2. learn to say and spell: kite, kite, k-i-t-e, kite3. Kites first letter is kk, it pronounces /k/ , so we can say Kk /k/ kite.4. learn to say: Kk /k/ kite, Kk /k/ .5. learn to say: a _ kite6. lead in: Now is it a cat? No, its a lion. it likes a cat.7. learn to say and spell: lion, lion, l-i-o-

27、n, lion8. Lions first letter is Ll, it pronounces /l/ , so we can say Ll /l/ lion.9. learn to say: Ll /l/ lion , Ll /l/ .10. learn to say: a _ lionLearn the rhyme1. read the rhyme: Look! A lion! Look! A kite! Look! A lion and a kite. A big lion and a small kite.2. Try to say a new rhyme:Look! Look!A

28、 kite. A kite.My kite is small.Your kite is big.Look! Look! A lion! A lion!My lion is big. Your lion is small.1. Listen to the dialogue.2. Fill in the blanks.3. Try to read.4. Be Danny and Lili.5. Be Eddie and Lili.6. Work in Pairs.7. Act out Part 2.用一段对话引导学生能够自编一段对话,加强他们的语用输出。学会判断对话内容是否符合事实,懂得运用Yes

29、/No 的句型来判断。Post-task activitiesMore practice1. Play a game.2. Lets guess.3. Do some exercises.4. Look and say.利用学生喜爱的卡通角色来做两个游戏,让学生始终集中注意力,并积极参与课堂活动;巩固核心单词以及感知is/are/am 的基本用法,强化操练的效用。Assignment1. Listening: Listen to U3(听U3各3遍)2. Reading: Read the material(朗读材料)3. Speaking:Try to talk with your pare

30、nts(试一试跟父母进行相关对话)分层布置作业,让学生的语用能力得以训练。板书设计2AM2U3 My hair is short. You and meA: My _ is/are _. Your _ is/are _.B: Yes/No. Your _ is/are(not) _. My _ is/are (not)_. 教学反思Materials:Part 1Danny: Look! My hair is short. Your hair is long.Lili: Yes. Your hair is short. My hair is long. Part 2Alice: My hair is black.Lili: My hair is red.Alice: No. Your hair is not red. Your hair is yellow.

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