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10、和三环至四环区域的行道树群体健康指数分别为0.76和0.92,达到III级健康水平,呈亚健康状态;四环至五环、五环至六环和六环外区域的健康指数分别为1.04、1.14和1.06,整体达到了健康级别。不同类型道路行道树健康情况差异较为明显。快速路健康情况最差,健康指数为0.80,为亚健康状态,而其它类型道路的综合健康指数分别为1.07、1.11与1.06,群体健康均达到IV级,处于相对良好的健康水平。针对北京市行道树的现状,本研究从树种选择、结构调整、管护措施三个方面提出建议以改善行道树的健康质量。【英文摘要】201 sections,378km various roads roadside t

11、rees of Beijing were investigated in this thesis.According to Ring Roads in Beijing,divided all the roads into different regions,different road types,and then did the field investigation, analysis and evaluation. Analysis of each region,different types of roadside trees in the species composition of

12、 the road, growth index structure, pest management and protection on the basis of other indicators in beijing, this thesis systematically for the first time evaluate the two scales from individuals and groups in different regions and different type roads of roadside trees ,and make recommendations a

13、bout the heath management of roadside trees in Beijing. The main conclusions are as follows:1.There are 63 roadside tree species in Beijing which the arbor trees take up 24 families,31generas,50 kinds,the shrubs take up 8 families ,12 generas,13kinds.The formed tree is most abundant in The area insi

14、de 2nd Ring Road and The area between 2nd and 3rd Ring Road,it is take up 72 persentage of the total of the formed tree,then The area between 3rd and 4th Ring Road and The area outside 6th Ring Road are take up 50%,The area between 4th and 5th Ring Road is 52%,the rent of the tree shrubs have a clea

15、r diffirences that it is priority to the formed trees.the change of the Diversity index and average index is consisitent,from the city to the suburbs have an increased trends.2.The average DBH of roadside trees throughout the City is 18.0cm. The area inside 2nd Ring Road has the largest average DBH

16、that is 24.3cm, The area between 4th and 5th Ring Road local minimum for the 11.4cm, DBH classs structure is more reasonable. Sub-region, in addition to regional Victoria to the rings, the diameter of left side show the trend of normal distribution. Sub-type of road run, expressways and Secondary ro

17、ads of the structure is consistent with the number of paths for multi-level trees; and trunk roads and branch diameter classes in the scope of the second stage more of the small diameter and large diameter Relatively few trees. Planting the largest number of average diameter size of 10 species were

18、Sophora japonica Koelreuteria paniculata Ginkgo biloba Fraxinus chinensis Sabina chinensis Prunus cerasifera Chinese arborvitae Rosa xanthina. 3. The distribution of the roadside trees a height, the regional level in the second peak, that is, height 5-10m in the largest number of trees taller than 1

19、5m but not many, only 5% of the total number of trees. The area inside 2nd Ring Road and the area between 2nd and 3rd Ring Roads change is almost consistent; the area between 3rd and 4th Ring Road,the area between 5th and 6th Ring Road and the area outside 6th Ring Road consistent with the distribut

20、ion of trends; tetracyclic to pentacyclic regional distribution of the performance of the first And second-level number of tree height or less, 94% of the trees, tree height is less than 10m. According to the distribution of road type, Main roads,Secondary roads and branch roadsdistribution is more

21、consistent for the 5-10m in diameter at breast height of trees was more than a small proportion of trees 10m; Expressway has 0-5m of the trees are mostly 48% of the total number of trees.4.Among the Roadside trees in Beijing City, the ratio of deciduous trees and evergreen trees is 14.5 :1. Evergree

22、n trees is only 6.5% of the total number of trees. Comparing the different regions, the evergreen trees in the area inside 2nd Ring Road and the area between 3rd and 4th Ring Road are the least. In these two areas, the ratio of evergreen trees and deciduous trees is 1.7% and 1.4%. The number of ever

23、green trees in the area between 2nd and 3rd Ring Road, the area between 5th and 6th Ring Road and the area outside 6th Ring Road is above the average. There is little difference between different type roads, the ratio of evergreen trees is less than 10%.5.The ratio of native trees and exotic tree sp

24、ecies among the roadside trees in Beijing is 5.4:1.As you can see,the richful exotic tree species only takes up a small proportion. Based on different areas,exotic tree species takes up the largest proportion between 5th and 6th Ring Road which is 20.6%,while them takes up the smallest proportion in

25、side 2nd Ring Road which is 9.2%.The amount of native trees inside 4th Ring Road is over the average amount in beijing.Based on different road types,native trees takes up the smallest room which is 77.5% on branch roads,secondary roads the largest which is 89%.Exotic tree species covers all kinds of

26、 road types,Expressways with 10 species,Main roads with 16 species,Secondary roads with 13 species,while branch roads with 11 species.6.The prune management,Tree-based coverage,diseases and insect pests ,mechanical demage reflects the case management and protection of Beijing roadside trees.The prun

27、e management when planting takes up 15%,while the prune management of management and protection takes up a large amount which is 70%.The average area of roadside trees is 1.53m2,while the projective area of crown is 23.5 m2,which makes the ration between them is 1:15.3.Among the roadside trees,tree-

28、based takes up more than a half,while the green covered ones take up 35.19%,the rest of them are covered by other types of protections which takes up 5%.The organic compounds which are suitable for tree-based coverage only takes up 1.78%.The roadside trees suffered from various disease take up 5.5%,

29、about 12% of them are affected by insect pest, the injured bark takes up 17.2%.the roadside trees which are procteced by fence,tree pond,whiten and irrigation measures takes up 1%,20% and 28%.7.Half of them blong to Sub-health state which make up 52.24%,the top quality roadside trees take up 4.8%,wh

30、ile the healthy ones take up 24.99%.the unhealthy ones take up 17.43%.0.24% of them are dying.According to different regions,the dying roadside trees and unhealthy ones inside 2nd Ring Road take up the largest proportion,and there are few of them beteen 5th and 6th Ring Road.Sub-healthy roadside tre

31、es take up a large proportion all over the area.The healthy ones take up the largest proportion outside 4th Ring Road,while they take up the largest room between 5th and 6th Ring Road.The farther they live from the downtown,the better their state is.It also implies the top-quality roadside trees exi

32、st less inside 2nd Ring Road area.The state of the roadside trees show an approximate normal distribution skewed to the right among Expressways,Main roads and the Secondary roads, on the brach roads they show a left bias normal distribution.All in all, the amount of unhealthy level trees are over th

33、e healthy ones.8.The overall Health Evaluation score is 0.92 of roadside trees,which makes them belong to level III according to health score.It also suggests that the roadside trees in Beijing belong to Sub-health state,as well as medium level.The overall health index shows an extend trend from the

34、 inner area to the outer ring area.The unhealthy roadside trees within 2nd ring road of which the healthy state is 0.56 belong to level II. And the sub-healthy roadside trees within 2nd and 4th ring road of which the index is 0.76 over the 2nd ring road and 3rd ring road, 0.96 over the over the 3rd

35、ring road and 4th ring road area,which makes them belong to level III.The index is 1.04 over the 4th ring road and 5th ring road area,and 1.14 over the 5th ring road and 6th ring road area,1.06 outside the 6th ring road,whick makes them all belong to healthy state.Based on different roadtyes,the dif

36、ferences are quite obvious.Expressway roadside trees of which the index is 0.8 belong to Sub-healthy state.The overall state of the rest roadside trees is relatively healthy,their index are and 1.06 which make them all belong to level IV.This study puts forward tree species selection, rest

37、ructuring, management and protection measures three recommendations, in order to improving the health quality of roadside trees in Beijing.【关键词】北京市 行道树 树种结构 健康评价 个体健康 群体健康【英文关键词】Beijing Roadside tree Tree structure Health assessment Individual Health Population Health【目录】北京市行道树结构分析与健康评价摘要5-8ABSTRACT

38、8-11第一章 绪论18-271.1 引言18-261.1.1 研究背景18-191.1.2 国内外研究现状及评述19-261.2 研究内容及意义26-271.2.1 主要研究内容261.2.2 研究意义26-27第二章 研究区概况与研究方法27-372.1 研究区概况27-282.1.1 地理位置272.1.2 气候特点272.1.3 行政区划27-282.1.4 道路概况282.1.5 物种概况282.2 研究方法28-372.2.1 调查样地的选择与划分28-292.2.2 调查方法29-312.2.3 行道树结构分析方法31-322.2.4 行道树健康评价方法32-37第三章 北京市行

39、道树结构特征分析37-603.1 行道树结构组成分析37-523.1.1 行道树树种组成分析37-433.1.2 行道树胸径结构分析43-463.1.3 行道树树高结构分析46-493.1.4 常绿树种和落叶树种的比例49-503.1.5 乡土树种与外来树种的比例50-523.2 行道树管护情况分析52-603.2.1 行道树截枝截干情况分析52-543.2.2 行道树树基覆盖情况分析54-563.2.3 行道树病害情况分析56-573.2.4 行道树虫害情况分析57-583.2.5 树皮机械损伤情况分析58-593.2.6 其它管护情况分析59-60第四章 北京市行道树个体健康评价60-84

40、4.1 行道树个体健康评价60-664.1.1 评价指标的选取60-614.1.2 指标权重的确定61-644.1.3 行道树个体健康得分644.1.4 行道树个体健康等级的划分64-654.1.5 行道树健康指数65-664.2 不同特性行道树个体健康情况分析66-724.2.1 总体评价分析664.2.2 主要行道树种个体健康评价分析66-684.2.3 不同径阶行道树个体健康评价分析68-694.2.4 常绿行道树与落叶行道树个体健康评价分析69-714.2.5 乡土行道树与外来行道树个体健康评价分析71-724.3 不同区域行道树个体健康评价分析72-784.3.1 总体评价分析72-

41、744.3.2 主要行道树种个体健康评价分析74-754.3.3 不同径阶行道树个体健康评价分析75-764.3.4 常绿行道树与落叶行道树个体健康评价分析76-774.3.5 乡土行道树与外来行道树个体健康评价分析77-784.4 不同类型道路行道树个体健康评价分析78-844.4.1 总体评价分析78-804.4.2 主要行道树种个体健康评价分析80-814.4.3 不同径阶行道树个体健康评价分析81-824.4.4 常绿行道树与落叶行道树个体健康评价分析824.4.5 乡土行道树与外来行道树个体健康评价分析82-84第五章 北京市行道树群体健康评价84-925.1 指标的选取845.2

42、主成分评价分析84-885.3 行道树健康总体评价分析88-895.4 分区域行道树健康评价分析89-915.5 不同类型道路行道树健康评价分析91-92第六章 结论与讨论92-976.1 主要结论92-946.1.1 行道树结构特征92-936.1.2 行道树个体健康93-946.1.3 行道树群体健康946.2 讨论94-97参考文献97-101附录101-109在读期间的学术研究109-110致谢110狼俩追的车热串躯费墩沉拖膨瘩删贞峦函烯蛇祈汲冲迎即狠念锭竖片导伍活周胰藩酉缀痹离坐迫布狠汲妙叛藕灿院戏后卑危阳鲍砰诞屠烃凭洁樟泼皱赶森扮踢眶欧腥赌昏磕佩婿烫载粥桥勃视虑湍困疹驴闽脑岔渍肺叔



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