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1、云南省昆明市红旗小学小学英语六年级小升初期末试题一、单项选择1I will play _ or play _ in the afternoon. ()Afootball; the basketballBthe piano; basketballCpiano; the football2I am 45 kilograms. He is 54 kilograms. He is _ than me. ()AshorterBheavierCheavy3_ are you? ()AHow longBHow tallCHow many4Did you _ badminton with Mike? ()Ye

2、s, I did.Aplay theBplayCplayed5Ten years ago, I _ play football. ()AamBcouldntCwill6Look! The sun is getting up. ()Oh, yes! The weather reporter also says it is _ today.AwindyBsnowyCsunny7Nancy is talking her plans the weekend Miss Li.Aabout; at; toBto; about; forCabout; for; with8Would you like _ w

3、ater? ()AsomeBanyCaDan9The canteen is on the _ floor. ()AoneBsecondCthree10Sarah is very _. ()AheavierBtallerCtall1ont talk _. You should be _ here. ()Aloudly; loudBloudly; quietlyCloudly; quiet12Helen is a _ girl. She can dance _. ()Abeautiful; beautifulBbeautiful; beautifullyCbeautifully; beautifu

4、l13We can have _ outing in _autumn.()Aa , aBan , anCan , /Dthe , the1an I have _ apple juice? ()AsomeBmanyCa few15He is _ a king for the play tomorrow. ()Agoing toBgoingCgoing to be二、用单词的适当形式填空16Mike is _ (old) than Peter.17Toms father is a fisherman. He _ (work) at sea.18Yesterday Jack and Tom _ (b

5、e) at school.19Tom often _ (study) Chinese on Sundays.20In the garden, there are many _ (tomato).21She would like _ (drive) the car on the left side of the road.2ont talk, my little sister _ (sleep).23Look, Yang Ling is dancing _ (beautiful).2hildrens Day is on the _ (one) of June.25Im _. My father

6、is _ than me. But my brother is the _ in my family. (tall)26Would you like _ (drink) some coffee?27Look! The little boy _ (cross) the busy road by himself.28Bobby and Tina are going to visit _ (they) grandparents.29Lets _ (meet) in front of the school gate.30Helens mother is a doctor. She usually _

7、(help) sick people.三、完成句子31Some students are watching a football match. They are very _ (兴奋的).32She always f_ her homework before dinner.33My grandma has a _ (健康的) diet.34My brother Mike often f_ his homework before dinner every day.35His jacket is very d_. Hell wash it this afternoon.36My art teach

8、er is _ (更滑稽的) than my maths teacher.37John fell off his bike and _ (受伤) his foot last Saturday.38Where did you go yesterday?To the cinema. We _ _ food (吃新鲜的食物) and _ pictures (拍照).39Did you h_ a cold yesterday?Yes, I did.40Did Lucy w_ TV last Sunday?四、完形填空完形填空。It is a _41_morning. Robin is going to

9、 42_ on the grass when he hears, “wait!”It is a little ant. He is afraid. “Please_43_sit on me. One day I can help_44_.” “Dont _45_, little ant. I wont sit on you. ” says Robin. The next day, it_46_raining. Robin is_47_the park. He is stuck in the mud. He is worried. Then he _48_. “Let 49_ help you!

10、” It is the ant and all of his friends. They are strong. The pull Robin out of the mud.Everyone is _50_41、AsunBrainCsunny42、AsitBsitsCsitting43、AnoBdontCnot44、AyouByoursCyour45、AworriesBworriedCworry46、AareBisCam47、AinBonCunder48、AlistenBhearChears49、AourBusCwe50、AhappyBsadCworried五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断正误,正确

11、的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Today is Nancys birthday. She has a birthday party at home. All her friends come to the party to celebrate the birthday. They give her lots of presents. The doll is from Jack. The doll wears a red dress and red shoes. It can sing English and Chinese songs and dance. Nancy likes it very

12、 much. The toy bike is from Ben. There is a tiger on the bike. The tiger wears a brown T-shirt and green shorts. It can say “Come on, come on.”. Its Nancys favourite presents. The red pencil case is from Su Yang. Red is Nancys favourite color. The children are very happy. They sing, dance and play g

13、ames.51、Nancy has a party in the park. ( )52、The doll can sing English and Chinese songs. ( )53、The toy bike is from Su Yang. ( )54、Nancy likes the pencil case best. ( )55、The children plays games together. ( )六、阅读理解Hello, I am Kitty. I am a lovely girl. My friends and I are playing in Mr. Whites fa

14、rm. We are happy. Linda is standingunder the tree. She is playing the recorder. Peter is sitting beside the lake (湖). He is drawing. Eddie is sleeping on the grass. His drum is under his head. Mr. White isworking in his farm. The farm is big and beautiful. We like this farm. 56、 are playing in Mr. W

15、hites Farm. ()AMr. White and IBKitty and his friendsCKitty and her friends57、Linda is . ()Aunder the treeBbeside the lakeCon the grass58、Eddie has got a . ()ArecorderBbrushCdrum59、Peter is . ()AstandingBdrawingCsleeping60、The farm isnt . ()AbigBniceCsmall【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:B【详解】句意:下午我要弹钢琴或打篮球。本题考查动词短语,p

16、lay football踢足球,play basketball打篮球,play the piano弹钢琴,球类前不加the,乐器前加the,故选B。解析:B【详解】句意:我45公斤。他54公斤。他比我重。本题考查形容词辨析及形容词比较级,A更矮的,B更重的,C重的,根据than可知横线处填比较级,选项B符合题意,故选B。解析:B【详解】句意:你_?A多长,B多高,C多少,根据句意可知B选项符合。故选B。解析:B【详解】句意:你和迈克打羽毛球了吗?是的,我打羽毛球了。助动词did后应加动词原形,打羽毛球play badminton,B动词原形,C动词过去式,故选B。解析:B【详解】句意:十年前,

17、我_踢足球。A是,B不会,C将,根据时间Ten years ago可知该句是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故选B。解析:C【详解】句意:看!太阳正在升起。哦,是的!天气预报说今天是晴朗的。A有风的;B下雪的;C晴朗的;根据句意可知C符合语境,故选C。7C解析:C【详解】略8A解析:A【详解】略9B解析:B【详解】句意:食堂在二楼。本题考查序数词。A一,基数词;B第二,序数词;C三,基数词。表示几楼用序数词,故选B。10C解析:C【详解】句意:莎拉非常_。本题考查形容词原级,A较重的,比较级;B较高的,比较级;C高的,原级;该句没有比较的含义,用形容词原级做is的表语。故选C。1解析:C【详解】

18、句意:不要大声说话。你在这里应该保持安静。talk动词,要用副词修饰,talk loudly大声说话。loud大声的,形容词。quietly安静地,副词。quiet轻声的,形容词。根据句意可知应该安静,排除选项A。be+形容词,表示一种状态。故选C。【点睛】1解析:B【详解】句意为海伦是个漂亮的女孩,她舞跳得很好,该句中,修饰名词girl应用形容词beautiful(漂亮的),修饰动词dance(跳舞)应用副词beautiful(漂亮地),AC均不符合题意,故选B。1解析:C【详解】略1解析:A【详解】句意:我能喝些苹果汁吗?some“一些”,用于疑问句中,表示希望得到对方肯定回答;many许

19、多,修饰可数名词复数;a few一些,修饰可数名词复数。apple juice苹果汁,不可数名词,排除BC。故答案选:A。1解析:C【详解】句意: 他将要在明天的戏剧中出演国王。 根据tomorrow明天,是一般将来时,构成be going to, 根据名词king,to be成为,故选C.【点睛】本题考查了一般将来时,注意牢记一般将来时构成和用法。二、用单词的适当形式填空16older【详解】句意:迈克比彼得年长。本题考查形容词的比较级。该句子符合be动词+形容词比较级+than的结构,将两者进行比较。该空应填old的比较级older年长的。故答案为older。17works【详解】句意:汤

20、姆的爸爸是一位渔民。他在海上工作。根据句意可知,该句时态为一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,work的第三人称单数是works,故答案为works.18were【详解】句意:昨天杰克和汤姆在学校。Yesterday是一般过去时的标志词,主语Jack and Tom是复数,be动词用were,故答案为were。19studies【详解】句意:汤姆经常在周日学习中文。often是一般现在时的标志词,主语Tom是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,动词变第三人称单数,辅音字母+y型,变y为i,加-es,故答案为studies。20tomatoes【详解】句意:花园

21、里有许多西红柿。由空格前的many可知所填的词应为可数名词的复数形式,故答案为tomatoes。21to drive【详解】句意:她想把车开到路的左边。would like to意为想要做某事,为固定用法,其后应接动词drive,意为开车,故答案为to drive。22is sleeping【详解】句意:不要说话,我的小妹妹正在睡觉。根据句意,可知句子是现在进行时,be doing结构,主语my little sister是第三人称单数,be动词用is,sleep现在分词为sleeping,故答案为is sleeping。【点睛】2eautifully【详解】句意:看,杨玲跳舞跳得很漂亮。考查

22、副词修饰动词的用法,beautiful漂亮的,副词是beautifully,故答案为beautifully。24first【详解】句意:儿童节在六月一日。几号用序数词,one的序数词是first,故答案为first。25 tall taller tallest【详解】句意:我是高的。我爸爸比我高。但是我的哥哥是我们家最高的。系词+形容词作表语,故第1空填原级,tall,than 是比较级的标志词,故填tall的比较级,taller,in+范围,是最高级的标志词,第3空填tall的最高级tallest,故答案为tall,taller,tallest。26to drink【详解】句意:你想喝点咖啡

23、吗?Would you like to do sth意为想要做某事,此处应用动词不定式to drink,意为喝,故答案为to drink。27is crossing【详解】句意:看!那个小男孩正独自穿过熙熙攘攘的马路。根据句意,可知句子为现在进行时态,be doing结构。主语The little boy是第三人称单数,be动词用is,cross的现在分词为crossing。故答案为is crossing。28their【详解】句意:鲍比和蒂娜打算拜访他们的祖父母。they他们,人称代词主格,不修饰名词,修饰名词用其形容词性物主代词their他们的,故答案为their。29meet【详解】句意


25、f,可知考查动词finish,意思是完成,由always可知橘子树一般现在时,主语She是第三人称,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,finish的第三人称单数形式是finishes,故答案为finishes。33healthy【详解】句意:我奶奶的饮食很健康。健康的healthy,形容词,故答案为healthy。34finishes#inishes【详解】句意:我弟弟迈克经常每天晚饭前完成他的作业。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词finish完成,句子是一般现在时,主语My brother Mike是第三人称单数,finish用第三人称单数形式finishes,故答案为finishes。3irty#

26、irty【详解】句意:他的夹克衫很脏。他今天下午要洗。结合句意和首字母可知考查dirty脏的,形容词作is的表语,故答案为dirty。36funnier【详解】句意:我的美术老师比我的数学老师更滑稽。滑稽的funny,than是比较级的标志词,故该空用比较级形式,funny的比较级形式为funnier。故答案为funnier。37hurt【详解】句意:上周六,约翰从自行车上摔下来并且脚受伤了。受伤hurt, last Saturday是一般过去时的标志词,hurt的过去式是hurt,故答案为hurt。38 ate fresh took【详解】句意:你昨天去哪儿了?去电影院。我们吃新鲜的食物和拍

27、照。yesterday是一般过去时的标志词,动词吃eat用过去式ate,新鲜的fresh,拍照take pictures,take用过去式took,故答案为ate;fresh;took。39D解析:have#ave【详解】句意:昨天你感冒了吗?是的,我感冒了。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填have,have a cold感冒,固定短语,助动词Did后的动词用原形。故答案为have。40D解析:watch#atch【详解】句意:露西上星期天看电视了吗?根据首字母可知考查短语watch TV看电视,前面有助动词Did,后面的实义动词用原形,故答案为watch。四、完形填空解析:41、C42、A43、B44、A45、C46、B47、A48、C49、B50、A五、阅读判断42F解析:51、F52、T53、F54、F55、T【解析】六、阅读理解解析:56、C57、A58、C59、B60、C

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