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1、深圳观澜文成学校新初一分班英语试卷含答案一、单项选择1How heavy are you? () Im 48 _.AkgBcmCtons2_ you go to the supermarket yesterday? ()No, I read books in the library.ADidBDoCDoes3Would you like _ the football match? ()Ato watchBto seeCwatchDsee4This is not my bag. _ is over there. ()AMyBMineCI5She is going to _ her grandpa

2、rents tomorrow. ()AvisitingBvisitedCvisit6Thats the _ dinosaur in this hall. ()AtallBtallerCtallest7What did you do last weekend? ()I played _ piano.AaBtheC/8This is an English book.下列单词中画线字母组合的发音与book 画线字母组合的发音不同的是哪个?()AfootBfoodCgood9The boy is _ a blue coat. ()AwithBput onCwearing10Do you want _

3、juice? ()Yes, please.AanyBsomeCa1ont drink _ cola. Its bad for your health. ()Aso littleBtoo manyCtoo much12My brother lost his bike last Saturday. He felt _. ()AhappyBexcitedCsad13There isnt _ coffee in the cup. ()AsomeBmuchCmany1hildrens Day is June. ()AinBatCon15Tims mother_ angry because Tim_ ho

4、mework yesterday. ()Ais, isnt doingBdid, didnt doCwas, didnt do二、用单词的适当形式填空16I _ (visit) my grandparents last night.17We shouldnt _ (cut) down the trees.18The boy fell off the bike and _ (hurt) his foot.19Who is _ (strong), Mike or John?20Why must we stop and wait again?Because some children _ (cros

5、s) the road.2ont talk, my little sister _ (sleep).22Listen! Who _ (read) English?23I _ (watch) TV last night.2obby _ (want) to be a scientist, so he should _ (study) hard.25He is good at _ (write). He _ (want) to write stories for children.三、完成句子26I feel sick. I _ (感冒了).27Some students are watching

6、a football match. They are very _ (兴奋的).28Chinese people have the Labour Day holiday in M_.29I am going to _. (打羽毛球)30W_ feet a_ bigger than yours?My m_.31Mike _ (对很兴奋) the football match.32We see with our _, _ with our nose and _ with our legs.33Lingling is now reading books in the school l_.34Im 5

7、0 k_.35Yesterday was an exciting day. I _ with Mike in the nature park. (拍照片)36It was hot yesterday. So I _ at home. (看电视)37My father often p_ s_ on weekends.38Last Saturday, Sarah v_ her grandparents.39What did you d_ last weekend?40Did Lucy w_ TV last Sunday?四、完形填空Most of the children in Western c

8、ountries like _41_. It is _42_ the 31st of October. People often buy some masks. They _43_ buy or make pumpkin lanterns. How _44_ a pumpkin lantern? _45_, pick a large orange pumpkin. Next, cut a face in the pumpkin. Then, _46_a candle inside it. Finally, a pumpkin lantern is finished. _47_, childre

9、n often _48_ and play games. They often knock on peoples _49_ and shout Trick or treat? for _50_.41、AChristmasBHalloweenCChildrens Day42、AinBatCon43、AalsoBtooCboth44、AmakesBto makeCmaking45、AOneBFirstCThe first46、AputBputsCputting47、AIn the morningBIn the afternoonCAt night48、Adress upBsing and danc

10、eCeat nice food49、AdoorsBwindowsCtables50、AcakesBsweetsCsnacks五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断句子Mr. Black is a teacher. He lives in the school. His house is near the school playground. The children often play football on the playground. Sometimes they break Mr. Blacks windows.One afternoon, Mrs. Black is at home. She

11、is reading a book. Soon she closes her eyes and goes to sleep. At that time, a little boy knock at the door. Mrs. Black opens the door and asks, Do you break my window again?Oh, no, answers the boy. Your window is open this time. Our football is in your room. Can I get it back, please?51、Mrs. Black

12、is a teacher, too. ( )52、Mr. Black lives in the school.( )53、The children never break Mr. Blacks windows.( )54、The little boy breaks the window again. ( )55、The football is in Mr. Blacks room.( )六、阅读理解This is a story about a shepherd(牧羊人), who lived with his family in a small village. Every morning,

13、 the shepherd took his sheep to the fields. The shepherd loved his sheep. He sat and watched the sheep eat the beautiful, green grass all day. Every day, he counted the sheep all and walked back home.One day, the shepherd saw a big wolf watching his sheep in the field. He was very worried and wanted

14、 to be careful, but the wolf didnt come close to the sheep. The shepherd watched the wolf very carefully.A few days later, the wolf always followed the sheep home but did not do anything. Every day, the shepherd relaxed a little more and watched the sheep less carefully, because the wolf never tried

15、 to catch the sheep.One day, while the sheep were eating grass in the field, the shepherds mom called him to go home quickly. He left the sheep alone with the wolf and ran back home.When he came back, what did he see? He just saw a few sheep. The other sheep were gone. He knew that the wolf had eate

16、n most of his sheep!The shepherd sat down in shock and with regret. “It serves me right.” he moaned to himself. “How could I leave a wolf to look after my sheep?!”56、The story is about a shepherd, who lived with his family in . ()Aa townBa small villageCa cityDthe country57、When the shepherd saw a b

17、ig wolf at first, he was . ()AsadBkindCworriedDtired58、Why did the shepherd relax a little more a few days later? ()ABecause the shepherd became the wolfs friend.BBecause the wolf didnt like eating sheep.CBecause the wolf never tried to catch the sheep.DBecause the shepherd was stronger than the wol

18、f.59、What happened at last? ()AMost of the sheep ran away.BThe wolf ate a few sheep.CThe wolf ate all of the sheep.DThe wolf ate most of the sheep.60、At the end of the story, the shepherd felt . ()AexcitedBregretfulChappyDlucky【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:A【详解】句意:你多重?我48公斤。本题考查特殊疑问句的答语,A公斤,B厘米,C吨,选项A符合题意,故选A。解析:A

19、【详解】句意:昨天你去超市了吗?没有,我在图书馆看书。本题考查助动词的形式。A动词过去式,B动词原形,C动词第三人称单数形式。yesterday是一般过去时的标志词,助动词用did,故选A。解析:A【详解】略解析:B【详解】句意:这不是我的包。我的包在那里。my我的,形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词,这边相当于my bag;I我,主格,在句中充当主语,但放入这个句子不合适,故选B。解析:C【详解】句意:她明天要去看望她的祖父母。本题考查动词的形式,该句是一般将来时,be going to do结构,A动名词或动词的现在分词,B动词的过去式,C动词原形。故选C。解析:C【详解】句意

20、:在这个大厅里那是最高的恐龙。此题考查形容词最高级,in this hall是最高级的标志词,tall的最高级是tallest,A形容词原级,B形容词比较级,A和B排除,故选C。7B解析:B【详解】句意:你上周末做什么了?我弹钢琴了。本题考查动词短语,play the piano弹钢琴,故选B。8B解析:B【详解】AC选项a和所给词画线部分的发音均为/,B选项画线部分的发音为/u:/,可知B选项不同。故选B。9C解析:C【详解】句意:这个男孩穿着一件蓝色外套。考查了现在进行时,其结构为主语+be+doing,wear的现在分词是wearing,故选C。10B解析:B【详解】句意:你想要果汁吗?


22、不可数名词;C很多,用于修饰可数名词复数;由句中的coffee是不可数名词,故选B。【点睛】1解析:A【详解】略1解析:C【详解】句意:昨天Tim的妈妈很生气因为Tim没做作业。因为句中yesterday是一般过去时的时间词,因此该句子是一般过去时,angry形容词前面需要be动词,故选C。【点睛】考查一般过去时,注意平时掌握。二、用单词的适当形式填空16visited【详解】句意:昨晚我拜访了我的祖父母。本题考查动词形式。last night是一般过去时的标志词,谓语动词用过去式,visit的过去式是visited,故答案为visited。17cut【详解】句意:我们不应该砍伐树木。本题考查

23、动词原形,shouldnt后跟动词原形,故答案为cut。18hurt【详解】句意:那男孩从自行车上摔下来,伤了脚。and连接两个动词,时态一致,fell是过去式,hurt也用过去式,hurt的过去式还是hurt,故答案为hurt。19stronger【详解】句意:谁更强壮,迈克还是约翰?根据句意可知本题考查比较级,strong的比较级是stronger,故答案为stronger。20are crossing【详解】句意:为什么我们必须再次停下来等待?因为一些孩子正在过马路。根据句意可知本题考查现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语some children是第三人称复数,b

24、e用are,cross的现在分词是crossing,故答案为are crossing。21is sleeping【详解】句意:不要说话,我的小妹妹正在睡觉。根据句意,可知句子是现在进行时,be doing结构,主语my little sister是第三人称单数,be动词用is,sleep现在分词为sleeping,故答案为is sleeping。【点睛】22is reading【详解】句意:听!谁在读英语。根据动词listen可判断后面动作正在进行,故用现在进行时态,be doing结构,who做主语,系动词用is,故答案为is reading。23watched【详解】句意:我昨晚看了电视。

25、本题考查一般过去时。last night是一般过去时的标志词,动词watch用过去式watched,故答案为watched。2解析: wants study【详解】句意:鲍比想成为一名科学家,所以他应该努力学习。句子是一般现在时,Bobby是第三人称单数,第一空动词want用第三人称单数形式wants;第二空情态动词should后跟动词原形study;故答案为wants;study。25 writing wants【详解】句意:他擅长写作。他想要为孩子们写故事。at介词后用动名词,write是以不发音的e结尾的单词,要去掉e再加ing,后面一句中主语是he第三人称单数,动词也用第三人称单数wa

26、nts,故答案为writing;wants。三、完成句子26have a cold【详解】句意:我感觉不舒服。我感冒了。根据句意,可知句子是一般现在时,主语I是第一人称单数,谓语动词用动词原形,由所给的汉语可知考查短语have a cold感冒,动词短语,故答案为have a cold。27excited【详解】句意:一些学生正在看一场足球比赛。他们非常兴奋。根据句意和所给的汉语,可知考查单词excited兴奋的,形容词,表示某人对某事物感到兴奋,主语常是人,故答案为excited。28May#ay【详解】句意:中国人在_有劳动节假期。根据常识和字母提示可知,May五月,符合题意,故答案为Ma

27、y。29play badminton【详解】句意:我要去打羽毛球。根据句子结构,可知句子为一般将来时态,be going to do结构,to后面加动词原形。打羽毛球用动词短语play badminton表示。故答案为play badminton。【点睛】30 Whose#hose are#re mothers 【详解】句意:谁的脚比你的大?我妈妈的(脚)。根据题意可知,第一空对所属关系提问,应填whose;feet为名词复数,其后be动词应用are,第二空填are;答语妈妈的(脚),是名词所有格,第三空填mothers,故答案为Whose;are;mothers。31is very exci

28、ted about【详解】句意:迈克对足球比扫很兴奋。本题考查固定短语对很兴奋,be very excited about,主语是Mike,be动词用is,故答案为is very excited about。32 eyes smell walk【详解】句意:我们用眼睛看,用鼻子闻,用腿走路。结合句意,可知第一空填眼睛eye,主语we,eye用复数eyes;第二空闻smell,主语we,动词用原形;第三空走路walk,主语we,动词用原形;故答案为eyes;smell;walk。33library#ibrary【详解】句意:玲玲正在学校图书馆读书。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词library图书

29、馆,名词,故答案为library。34kilograms#ilograms【详解】句意:我50公斤。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词kilogram公斤,50后跟可数名词复数,kilogram的复数是kilograms,故答案为kilograms。35took pictures【详解】句意:昨天是令人兴奋的一天。我和迈克在自然公园拍照片。拍照片用动词短语take pictures表示,根据Yesterday,可知句子为一般过去时态,动词用过去式took。故答案为took pictures。【点睛】36watched TV【详解】句意:昨天天气很热。所以我在家看电视。看电视watch TV,根据时

30、间yesterday可知该句是一般过去时,故谓语动词用过去式,watch的过去式watched,故答案为watched TV。37 plays#lays sports#ports【详解】句意:我爸爸经常在周末_。根据题意和所给字母提示可知,爸爸经常在周末做运动。play sports做运动,由on weekends可知句子为一般现在时态,主语my father是第三人称单数,因此动词play要用三人称单数形式plays,故答案为plays;sports。38visited#isited【详解】句意:上星期天,萨拉拜访她的祖父母了。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词visit拜访,根据Last Su

31、nday,可知句子是一般过去时,visit用过去式visited,故答案为visited。39do#o【详解】句意:上周末你做了什么?根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词do做,前面有助动词did,do用原形,故答案为do。40D解析:watch#atch【详解】句意:露西上星期天看电视了吗?根据首字母可知考查短语watch TV看电视,前面有助动词Did,后面的实义动词用原形,故答案为watch。四、完形填空解析:41、B42、C43、A44、B45、B46、A47、C48、A49、A50、B【分析】短文大意:讲述西方的万圣节。41、句意:在西方国家大多数孩子们喜欢_。A圣诞节;B万圣节;C儿童节

32、;根据下一句它在10月31日可知是万圣节,故选B。42、句意:它在10月31日。在某一天用介词on,故选C。43、句意:他们_或者做南瓜灯。A也,位于句中;B也,位于句尾;C两者都;根据句意可知A选项符合,故选A。44、句意:怎么_一个南瓜饼?how to do sth怎么做某事,故选B。45、句意:_,摘一个大的橙色的南瓜。A一;B首先;C第一;根据句意可知B选项符合,故选B。46、句意:然后,在它里面_一只蜡烛。该句是祈使句,故用动词原形开头,故选A。47、句意:_,孩子们经常_并玩游戏。A在上午;B在下午;C在晚上;根据句意可知C选项符合,故选C。48、句意:在晚上,孩子们经常_并玩游戏。A乔装打扮;B唱歌和跳舞;C吃好吃的食物;根据句意可知A选项符合,故选A。49、句意:他们经常敲人们的_并且大喊“不给糖就捣乱”要_。A门;B窗户;C桌子;根据句意可知A选项符合,故选A。50、句意:他们经常敲人们的门并且大喊“不给糖就捣乱”要_。A蛋糕;B糖果;C小吃;根据句意及常识可知B选项符合,故选B。五、阅读判断42F解析:51、F52、T53、F54、F55、T【解析】六、阅读理解解析:56、B57、C58、C59、D60、B【解析】

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