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1、1精选课件Danny can play football.2精选课件f _ _to o ballTry to read:look book cook 3精选课件play,play,play football4精选课件Who can play football?_can play football.TomEddiefather5精选课件We also do some sports activities after school.We swim.We run.We play football.We do long jump.We do high jump too.6精选课件Eddie cant p

2、lay football.But he can play basketball.7精选课件_a_ _e_ballb s k t8精选课件basket,basketball,play basketball9精选课件We are super!We can do more activities.We play basketball.ballbasketbasketball10精选课件We bounce.(One,two,one,two)We pass.(Max!Catch the ball.)We shoot.(Yeah!3 points!)We can play basketball.11精选课件

3、This is Toms family.Everyone in his family likes sports activities.A:Can you play basketball?Yes,I can.A:Can your father play basketball?Yes,he can.A:Can your mother play basketball?Yes,she can.A:Can your sister play basketball?Yes,she can.We can all play basketball.We can play basketball together.1

4、2精选课件Who cant play basketball?_ cant play basketball.13精选课件_o_ _eyballvl l14精选课件Volley,volleyball,Play volleyball,They can play volleyball.15精选课件footballbasketballvollleyballfootballbasketballvollleyball16精选课件They are all(都是)balls.17精选课件We are super!We can do more activities.We play ping-pong.ping-p

5、ong ballping-pong battable tennis18精选课件We bounce.(bounce for three times)(bounce for ten times)We hit.(hit the ball to the wall for three times)(hit the ball to the wall for ten times)We play ping-pong.19精选课件This is Toms family.Everyone in his family likes sports activities.A:Can you play ping-pong?

6、Yes,I can.A:Can your father play ping-pong?Yes,he can.A:Can your mother play ping-pong?Yes,she can.A:Can your sister play ping-pong?Yes,she can.We can all play ping-pong.We can play ping-pong together.20精选课件We are super!We can do more activities.We play cards.There are 54 cards in the pack.The ranki

7、ng of the cards,from high to low,is ace,king,queen,jack,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2.clubdiamond spadeheart21精选课件This is Toms family.Everyone in his family likes sports activities.A:Can you play cards?Yes,I can.A:Can your father play cards?Yes,he can.A:Can your mother play cards?Yes,she can.A:Can your sister

8、play cards?Yes,she can.We can all play cards.We can play cards together.22精选课件This is Peters family.Everyone in his family likes sports activities.A:Can you play cards,Peter?Yes,I can.A:Can your father play cards,Peter?No,he cant but he can play football.A:Can your mother play football,Peter?No,she

9、cant but she can play basketball.A:Can your sister play basketball,Peter?No,she cant but she can play ping-pong.We like sports activities but we can play different games.A:Can you play ping-pong,Peter?No,I cant but I can play cards.23精选课件This is Peters family.Everyone in his family likes sports acti

10、vities.Peter cant play ping-pong but he can play cards.Peters father cant play cards but he can play football.Peters mother cant play football but she can play basketball.Peters sister cant play basketball but she can play ping-pong.Report(Report(汇报汇报汇报汇报):):24精选课件A:Can your father play basketball?B

11、:Yes,he can.He likes playing basketball.So he is tall.If you play basketball every day,you can be tall,too.25精选课件A:Can your father _?B:Yes,he can.He likes _.So he is _.If you _every day,you can be _,too.play footballplaying footballstrongplay footballstrong26精选课件A:Can your father _?B:Yes,he can.He l

12、ikes _.So he is _.If you _every day,you can be _,too.play ping-pongplaying ping-pongpromptplay ping-pongprompt灵活的灵活的27精选课件A:Can your father _?B:Yes,he can.He likes _.So he is _.If you _every day,you can be _,too.play cardsplaying cardssmartplay cardssmartclever28精选课件A:Can your father _?B:Yes,he can.

13、He likes _.So he _.If you _every day,you can _,too.swimswimmingis strongswimbe strong29精选课件A:Can your mother _?B:Yes,she can.She likes _.So she _.If you _every day,you can _,too.swimswimmingis slimswimbe slim30精选课件A:Do you like sports activities?B:Yes,I do.A:Can you play basketball?B:Yes,I can.A:Can

14、 you play football?B:No,I cant.A:*can play basketball but he/she cant play football.31精选课件A:Can your father?B:Yes,he can./No,he cant but he canA:Can your mother?B:Yes,she can./No,she cant but she canA:*s father canbut he cant.*s mother can but she cant32精选课件We are super!We can do more activities.We

15、play chess.We play soccer.We play American football.We play baseball.We play golf.33精选课件A:How many people are there in your family?B:There are _ people in my family.A:Who are they?B:They are _ and me.A:Does everyone in your family like sports activities?B:Yes,of course.A:Can you _?B:Yes,I can.A:Can

16、your _?B:Yes,he/she can.A:Can your _?B:Yes,he/she can.We can all _.We can _together.skate ride a bike ski dive surf sail34精选课件A:How many people are there in your family?B:There are _ people in my family.A:Who are they?B:They are _ and me.A:Does everyone in your family like sports activities?B:Yes,of course.A:Can you play basketball?B:No,I cant but I can play soccer.A:Can your father play baseball?B:No,he cant but he can play golf.A:Can your mother play American football?B:No,she cant but she can play chess.We can do different sports activities.We can all have fun.35精选课件

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