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1、NCE I lesson121lesson130的总结重点单词1.customer 顾客 2.forget 忘记 3.manager 经理4.serve 照应接待 5.counter柜台 6.recognize认出 7.road 路8.during在.期间 9.trip 旅行10.offer 提供11.job工作12.guess 猜 13.grow 长,让.生长14.beard 胡子,络腮15.kitten 小猫 16.water 浇水17.terribly 非常可怕地 18.dry 干燥19.nuisance讨厌的东西或人 20.mean 意味着,意思是21.surprise 意外的事22.

2、immediately 立即地 23.famous 著名的24.actress 女演员25.at least 至少26.actor男演员27.read 通过阅读得知28.wave 招手29.track跑道 30.mile 英里 31.overtake 从后面超越,超车32.speed 超速行驶 33.dream 做梦,思想不集中 34.sign 标记,牌子 35.driving licence驾驶执照 36.charge 罚款37.darling 亲爱的 共37个重点短语 1.the man in a hat 戴帽子的男士 2.two expensive dictionaries 两本很贵的字

3、典 3.half an hour ago 半小时前 4.forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 5.forget to do sth 忘记要做某事 6.remember doing sth 记得做过某事7.remember to do sth记得要做某事 8.behind the counter在柜台后面 9.wear a hat戴着帽子 10.put it on 戴,(穿) 上它 11.all right 好吧 12.take sth. with sb. 带在某人身上 13.recognize him 认出他 14.a trip to Australia一次去澳大利亚的旅 15.ta

4、ke a photo 拍照 16.during the trip 在旅行期间 17.a beautiful ship 一艘漂亮的轮船18.grow a beard 留胡子19.shave off 刮掉 e home 回到家来 21.tell about. 告诉关于. 22.take (have) a trip 旅行 23. offer you a job 提供给你一份工作 24.lose ones job 失业 25.grow up 长大 26.travel on a ship(travel by ship ) 乘船旅行 e in 进来 28.have tea 喝茶 29.not yet 还没

5、有 30.water the garden first 首先浇花园 31.have to 不得不 32.terrible dry 相当干燥 33.last summer 去年夏天34.every day 每天35.by oneself 独自36.look out of. .看.外面 37.need to do . 需要做. 38.a pleasant surprise 一个令人愉悦的惊喜 39.to ones surprise 令某人吃惊的是 40.get up early 起得早41.tomorrow morning 明天早上 42.take a taxi 乘出租车 43.how long

6、多长时间 (长度)44.wait for. 等. 45.walk to the station 走着去车站 46.catch a bus 赶上公共汽车 47.a famous actress 一个著名的女演员 47.be famous for. 因.而著名48.must be. 一定是. (对现在情况的推测 ) 49.cant be. 不可能是. 50.beside her 在她旁边 51.think so 这样想 52.have another look 再看一看 53.her third husband 她的第三任丈夫54.look old 看起来老 55.at least 至少 56.a

7、t most 最多57.a long time ago 很长时间以前58.more then.多于.,比. 多 59.not more than . 不多于., 不超过 60.wave to sb.向某人招手61.want sb .to do sth 想让某人做某事 62.on a race track 在赛道上 63.at (a speed of )seventy an hour 以每小时七十英里的速度 64.overtake you 超过你65.speed limit 限速 66.drive slowly 慢慢开车 67.driving licence 驾驶执照 68.this time

8、这次 69.had better 最好70.next time 下次71.take ones advice 听某人的劝告72.charge you 罚你 73.be more careful 多加小心 共73个重点语法(一)定语从句在复合句中修饰名词和代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词,定语从句必须放在先行词之后,引导定语从句的关联词为关系代词或关系副词 用作关系联词的关系代词有who, whom, whose, that, which等a. who. whom, whose指人,who指主格,担当主句,whom为宾语,在从句中用作宾语.whose是属格,在从句中用作定语

9、。The man who was here yesterday is a teacher.The man whom/who I saw is called Mike.I know the man whom you like. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. Id like a room whose window is big.b. that 在从句中即可做主谓,亦可做宾语,即可指人,也可指物,但在当代英语中多指物,例 A letter that is written with pencil is difficult to

10、read.The letter that I heard from him yesterday is very important. c. which在从句中即可作主语也可作宾语,一般指物。例,This is the book which is difficult.用作关联词的关系副词有:when. where. why等。a. When 在从句中用作时间宾语,其先行词须是表时间的名词。例,Ill never forget the day when I met her.b. where 在从句中用作地点状语,其先行词是表地点的名词。Ill never forget the place wher

11、e we met.c. why 在从句中用作原因状语,其先行词只有reason. That is no reason why you should leave.三Must 与have to 的用法区分这两个词都表示“有必要,必须”的意思,但是在很多情况下,两者用法和意义大不相同1 首先,在含义上must表示“主观的,认为有必要,有义务”have to 或have got to 则含有“客观的环境方面的需要”除了“必须”的意思外,还含有“不得不”的意思,此外,在语法上must没有时态与人称的变化而have to 则有时态和人称的变化。 I must work harder. I had to s

12、ee my doctor two months ago. I hate having to get up so early.2.其次,它们的否定形式must not 和do not have to 的意思相差甚远,must not 是“绝对不可以禁止”的意思,而do not have to 则是不必,没必要的 You must not tell him. You dont have to tell him. You mustnt leave tonight. You dont have to leave early tonight.语法专练1定语从句(1)用who. whom. which填空

13、The building_ _stands near the river is our school.The doctor _you are looking for is in the room.This is the man _helped her.This is the pen _I want.The book _is on the desk is mine.This is the baby _he is looking after.The letter _I received was from my father.This is the bike _I bought last week.

14、She is the girl _I met yesterday.This is the house _he visited last year.2.改错(1)She is the girl which I served._(2)This is the book that I bought it yesterday._(3)DO you know the teacher whom taught us English last year?_(4)This is the house that we visited it two years ago._(5)This is the car I rep

15、aired it yesterday._Thats the man I spoke._2.单项选择 Is this the shop _sells Childrens clothes?A. which B. who C. in which D. where Can you tell me the name of the school _you visited last week?A. where B. what. C. which D. when.She is the girl _met me yesterday. A. who B. whom C. which D. what(4)This

16、is the ship _we travelled_.A. that on B. which at C. that. at. D. who, on(5)This is a photo _I took during this trip _America.A. which .in B. that. to C. x.in D. whom. tomust 和have to专练一、单项选择1_you _go now ?A.DO, have to, B, Have to C. Have. x. D. Do had to2. Did you have to take a taxi? Im afraid I_

17、.A. had .B. had to . C. have to .D. have.3. _she_ telephone him this evening?A. Does, has to B, Does, have to C. Has , to D. Have, to4.Do you have to walk to the station?No, we dont _A. need to B. need C. neednt to D. needed.5. He _be a dentist.A. mustnt B. neednt C. hasnt D. cant 6. We _water the g

18、arden.A. need B. need to C. neednt to D. dont need 二、模仿例句,使用has to 或I think he is probably改写以下句子例.:He must be home before six oclock He has to be home before six oclock例:He must be tired I think he is probably tired. He must be there at six oclock_ He must be free._ He must be at the office early to

19、morrow._ He must be drinking his milk _ He must be American._He must be in China next month.其中专业理论知识内容包括:保安理论知识、消防业务知识、职业道德、法律常识、保安礼仪、救护知识。作技能训练内容包括:岗位操作指引、勤务技能、消防技能、军事技能。二培训的及要求培训目的安全生产目标责任书为了进一步落实安全生产责任制,做到“责、权、利”相结合,根据我公司2015年度安全生产目标的内容,现与财务部签订如下安全生产目标:一、目标值:1、全年人身死亡事故为零,重伤事故为零,轻伤人数为零。2、现金安全保管,不发

20、生盗窃事故。3、每月足额提取安全生产费用,保障安全生产投入资金的到位。4、安全培训合格率为100%。二、本单位安全工作上必须做到以下内容: 1、对本单位的安全生产负直接领导责任,必须模范遵守公司的各项安全管理制度,不发布与公司安全管理制度相抵触的指令,严格履行本人的安全职责,确保安全责任制在本单位全面落实,并全力支持安全工作。 2、保证公司各项安全管理制度和管理办法在本单位内全面实施,并自觉接受公司安全部门的监督和管理。 3、在确保安全的前提下组织生产,始终把安全工作放在首位,当“安全与交货期、质量”发生矛盾时,坚持安全第一的原则。 4、参加生产碰头会时,首先汇报本单位的安全生产情况和安全问题

21、落实情况;在安排本单位生产任务时,必须安排安全工作内容,并写入记录。 5、在公司及政府的安全检查中杜绝各类违章现象。 6、组织本部门积极参加安全检查,做到有检查、有整改,记录全。 7、以身作则,不违章指挥、不违章操作。对发现的各类违章现象负有查禁的责任,同时要予以查处。 8、虚心接受员工提出的问题,杜绝不接受或盲目指挥;9、发生事故,应立即报告主管领导,按照“四不放过”的原则召开事故分析会,提出整改措施和对责任者的处理意见,并填写事故登记表,严禁隐瞒不报或降低对责任者的处罚标准。 10、必须按规定对单位员工进行培训和新员工上岗教育;11、严格执行公司安全生产十六项禁令,保证本单位所有人员不违章作业。 三、 安全奖惩: 1、对于全年实现安全目标的按照公司生产现场管理规定和工作说明书进行考核奖励;对于未实现安全目标的按照公司规定进行处罚。 2、每月接受主管领导指派人员对安全生产责任状的落11

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