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1、一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1_ (this) are cups.2What fine weather! There are two _(hundred) people flying kites in the Moon Lake.3Toms father is a great _. (music)4Where are these _ (car) from?5We all have a _ time at Bettys birthday party. (wonder)6If it rains tomorrow, the travelers _( not visit) the museum.7Im

2、 looking forward to _ (meet) you soon.8Molly is _ (young) and she has long yellow hair.9Mr. Smith _ (teach) us English very well.10Our new classmate Li Lei is very _(friend).11This book is _ (I). I bought it in the bookshop yesterday.12Mary is very _, and we all like her. (friend)13Dont be _, Tom. Y

3、our sister is doing her homework. (noise)14Dont _(fight)with your classmates.15There are different kinds of _ (wallet) in the shop.16Today I bought two kilos of _ (sausage).17Where should I put the bag of _ (litter)?18A lot of children are watching the plane in the _ (air)19There will be more _ (rob

4、ot) in the world in ten years20Who is going to _ (pay) for our travel?21We can watch many _ (online) films22_ (follow) the map, walk straight on and the bookshop is on your left.23I _ (grow) up to be an engineer some day.24Miss White _ (teach) us history and we all like her.25Do you want _ in the gy

5、m with me this afternoon? (swim)26Kate enjoys singing. Its her dream to become a _(music).27Millie _ (hear) strange sounds in the school library yesterday afternoon.28Go along the street and turn right at the _ street. Youll see the bank in front of you. (three)29Volunteers in the Beijing Winter Oly

6、mpics were all _ (friend) to players.30There are a lot of _ (church) in London.31Look at the clouds in the sky. It _ (rain).32He _ (plan) a trip to the Fun World Museum with his family last weekend.33Many people all over the world like Chinese _ (paint) very much now.34My favourite singer is Jay Cho

7、u, so I like him _ (well).35“Does _ (someone) know the answer to the question?” he asks.36The express trains are so _ that many people like to take them. (comfort)37The classroom is too _ (noise). I cant read the novel in it.38My brother wants to be a _ (music).39Lingling is going to check her email

8、 and _ (do) her homework.40Look at that little dog. _(it) name is Floppy.41Lets welcome the _ (visit) from the USAWe should be kind to him.42There _ (be) an English evening party tomorrow, isnt there?43Your school is very big, and _ (she) is big too.44They _ (not clean) the classroom last week.45The

9、 group _ (hold) its first meeting tomorrow.46Our team _(win) two competitions last week. We were very happy.47We can finish our work first and help to finish _ (them) later.48I _ (give) my mother a gift for Mothers Day next month.49George doesnt have a pen. Mary wants to lend him _ (she).50He forgot

10、 _ the medicine this morning and now he is feeling worse. (take)51His father is a _ businessman and he owns several companies. (success)52Dont be _ (noise) when reading in the library.53Mike is the _ (two) child in his family.54We must be _ (care) when we cross the road.55Its great fun _ (watch) an

11、interesting film like that.56The students in the _ go to school on foot. (villager)57She can draw very _ (good).58His parents are always too busy _(work) to look after him well.59Two days _ (late), I will get the camera from my friend.60It _ wonderful to visit different animals in the zoo. (sound)61

12、He is good at _ (ride) a bike.62The two old men _ (go) fishing this afternoon, wont they?63Her phone is busy and I will call her _ (late).64Giving is better than _. (receive)65Swimming _ the pool is easy for a good swimmer like him. (cross)66Sam is from a small _ (Australia) town.67February is the _

13、 (two) month of a year.68 Are you _( question) what Im saying?No, Im not.69My glasses _ (fall) off the table and broke.70The idea of visiting the gardens _ (sound) great.71His cousin is looking forward to _ (collect) more stamps.72She remembers _ (buy) a beautiful ring, but she cant find it.73_ (not

14、 eat) in the classroom.74Be _ when you cross the road.(care)75Mark, _ (not be) late for the meeting tomorrow.76What a _(fun)time to eat breakfast!77Leo will bring his wife to the party if everyone else brings _ (they).78She usually _ (go) to school on foot. But she _ (take) a bus to school yesterday

15、.79Mr. Sun thought _ was not always important. (strong)80Lin Dan is _ a good badminton player. He is my favourite player. (certain)81I want to buy some hair clips for my daughter on _ Day. ( child)82Two days _ (late), the man got better.83Do you often buy gifts for your mother on _ (woman) Day?84Ann

16、 never _(play)computer games at school.85Think hard, and you _ (find) a way out.86More and more _ (foreign) would like to visit the Great Wall.87We must register(登记) all _ (visit) names before they come into our school.88_ your mother _ (see) your grandmother the day after tomorrow?Yes, she is.89Lis

17、ten! The music he is playing _ so great. (sound)90You cant find your homework again. Please be _ (care) with your things from now on.91_ (thousand) of doctors go to Hubei to help in the hospitals there.92We hope _ (win) the football match tomorrow afternoon.93The man in the picture is my _ (old) bro

18、ther.94I feel so happy because my foreign friend _ (come) to see me some day.95The bus ride takes me forty minutes _ (walk) to school.96The _ (child) Day is coming. Lets think out some fun games.97You dont need to worry about _ (fix) your broken bike. Mr. Zhang can help you.98The children cant wait

19、_ (open) their presents.99The day we looked forward to _ (arrive) at last.100He often _ (lie) on the sofa when he was young.参考答案:1These【详解】句意:这些是杯子。根据“are cups”可知,此处要用this的复数these,意为“这些”,句首首字母大写。故填These。2hundred【详解】句意:多么好的天气啊!有两百人在月亮湖放风筝。“hundred”前有具体数字时,不变复数,此空前有“two”,因此用“hundred”。故填hundred。3musici

20、an【详解】句意:Tom的爸爸是一位伟大的音乐家。根据空前“a great”,可知空处应为名词单数,且结合句意,空处意为“音乐家”,英文表达为musician。故填musician。4cars【详解】句意:这些车是从哪里来的?根据these可知,此空应填复数名词,故填cars。5wonderful【详解】句意:我们所有人在贝蒂的生日派对上玩得非常开心。根据空前的“a”和空后的“time”可知,此处需填入形容词作定语。wonder为动词,其形容词形式为wonderful,表“令人高兴的,绝妙的”。故填wonderful。6wont visit【详解】句意:如果明天下雨,旅客们就不参观博物馆了。根

21、据所给提示词“visit”参观,是动词;根据时间状语“if”引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,用“will +动词原形”;是否定句,在will后面加not。故填wont visit。7meeting【详解】句意:我期待很快见到你。此处考查固定搭配,look forward to doing sth.,意为“期盼做某事”。故填meeting。8young【详解】句意:莫莉很年轻,她有长长的黄色头发。young“年轻的”,形容词,此处是作表语,且无比较之意,故此处用形容词原级。故填young。9teaches【详解】句意:史密斯先生教我们英语教得很好。teach“教”,动词。本

22、句描述一般性情况,应用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式。故填teaches。10friendly【详解】句意:我们的新同学李雷很友好。is后接形容词作表语,friend的形容词是friendly“友好的”,故填friendly。11mine【详解】句意:这本书是我的。我昨天在书店买的。根据句意可知,这里指这本书是“我的书”,用my books。根据“形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词”,故填mine。12friendly【详解】句意:玛丽非常友好,我们都喜欢她。作be动词的表语用形容词friendly“友好的”。故填friendly。13noisy【详解】句意:不要吵闹,汤姆

23、。你姐姐正在做作业。根据“Dont be.”可知,空处用形容词noisy“吵闹的”作表语。故填noisy。14fight【详解】句意:不要和同学打架。fight“打架”,动词,dont的后面要用动词原形,故填fight。15wallets【详解】句意:商店里有各种各样的钱包。wallet“钱包”,可数名词,根据“different kinds of”可知,此空应填复数形式,故填wallets。16sausages【详解】句意:今天我买了两公斤香肠。sausage“香肠”为可数名词,根据“two kilos of”可知此处应用其复数形式,故填sausages。17litter【详解】句意:我应该

24、把这袋垃圾放在哪里?litter“垃圾”,不可数名词。故填litter。18air【详解】句意:许多孩子在看空中的飞机。in the air“在空中”,是固定搭配。故填air。19robots【详解】句意:十年后世界上将会有更多的机器人。根据more可知,此空应填复数名词,故填robots。20pay【详解】句意:谁来支付我们的旅费?be going to后接动词原形,构成一般将来时。故填pay。21online【详解】句意:我们可以在网上看很多电影。此空缺少形容词修饰名词films,online“在线的,网上的”,故填online。22Follow【详解】句意:按照地图直走,书店在你的左边。

25、follow“跟随,按照”;根据题干可知此句为祈使句,动词用原形,首字母要大写。故填Follow。23will grow【详解】句意:总有一天我会成为一名工程师。根据some day可知,表示未来要发生的动作,要用一般将来时will do的结构,故填will grow。24teaches【详解】句意:怀特小姐教我们历史,我们都喜欢她。teach“教”,动词。句子是描述一般性事实,应用一般现在时。主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式。故填teaches。25to swim【详解】句意:今天下午你想和我一起去健身房游泳吗?want to do sth.“想要做某事”,动词不定式to swim作宾语。

26、故填to swim。26musician【详解】句意:凯特喜欢唱歌。成为一名音乐家是她的梦想。根据“Its her dream to become a”可知是成为一名音乐家,a后加可数名词单数musician“音乐家”。故填musician。27heard【详解】句意:昨天下午米莉在学校图书馆听到奇怪的声音。根据“yesterday afternoon”可知,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填heard。28third【详解】句意:沿着这条街走,在第三条街右转。你会看到银行就在你面前。此处指“第三条街”,表示顺序用序数词third“第三”。故填third。29friendly【详解】句意:北

27、京冬奥会的志愿者都对运动员很友好。空处作表语,应用形容词形式,friend的形容词是friendly“友好的”,故填friendly。30churches【详解】句意:伦敦有很多教堂。church“教堂”,是可数名词。a lot of可以修饰可数名词复数,故填churches。31is going to rain【详解】句意:看看天空中的云。天要下雨了。rain“下雨”,动词。根据“Look at the clouds in the sky”可知,根据云预测将要下雨,有迹象表明要发生某事,应用be going to do结构,主语It是第三人称单数,故用be动词is。故填is going to

28、 rain。32planned【详解】句意:上个周末,他计划了一次他和家人去趣味世界博物馆的旅行。根据“last weekend”可知句子应用一般过去时,动词plan的过去式为planned。故填planned。33paintings【详解】句意:现在世界上有许多人非常喜欢中国画。根据“Many people all over the world like Chinese”可知,此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式,故填paintings。34best【详解】句意:我最喜欢的歌手是周杰伦,所以我最喜欢他了。由“favourite”可知此处表达like.best“最喜欢”,“well”的最高级为“


30、】句意:玲玲打算检查她的电子邮件和做作业。do“做”,动词。be going to do sth.“打算做某事”,动词do用其原形。故填do。40Its【详解】句意:看那只小狗。它的名字叫Floppy。此空修饰名词name,应填形容词性物主代词its表示“它的”,句首的字母要大写,故填Its。41visitor【详解】句意:让我们欢迎这位来自美国的游客。我们应该对他好一点。visit“参观,访问”,动词,此处应用其名词形式作动词welcome的宾语。visitor“游客”,可数名词,由“him”可知,用其单数形式。故填visitor。42is going to be【详解】句意:明天将有一个英

31、语晚会,不是吗?本句是There be句型,结合“tomorrow”可知,时态是一般将来时,根据“isnt there”可知,用There is/are going to do结构,主语an English evening party是单数,故用be动词is。故填is going to be。43hers【详解】句意:你的学校很大,她的学校也很大。she“她”,此空是指“她的学校”,应用名词性物主代词hers表示。故填hers。44didnt clean【详解】句意:他们上周不打扫教室。根据“last week”可知句子时态为一般过去时,根据括号提示可知,本句为否定句,clean是实义动词,需

32、借助助动词didnt,其后接动词原形。故填didnt clean。45will hold【详解】句意:这个小组明天将开第一次会议。根据“tomorrow”可知,句子时态使用一般将来时,结构为will do。故填will hold。46won【详解】句意:我们队上周赢了两场比赛。我们非常高兴。由last week可知,这里用过去式,win的过去式为won。故填won。47theirs【详解】句意:我们可以先完成我们的工作,然后帮助他们完成工作。此处表示“他们的工作”,用theirs代替their work。故填theirs。48will give【详解】句意:下个月我将送我妈妈一份母亲节礼物。根

33、据语境和提示词汇可知,送妈妈母亲节礼物是下个月将要发生的,时态为一般将来时,谓语用“will+动词原形”,give“赠送”,动词。故填will give。49hers【详解】句意:乔治没有钢笔。玛丽想把她的借给他。表达“把某物借给某人”用短语lend sth. to sb.或lend sb. sth.。空格前面有单词“lend him”,所以动词lend后先出现的是人,所以本空要填写的是物。she意为“她”,名词性物主代词为“hers她的”,此处相当于“her+pen”。故填hers。50to take【详解】句意:他今天早上忘了吃药,现在感觉更糟了。forget to do sth.“忘记要

34、做某事”,表示动作未发生;forget doing sth.“忘记做过某事”,指动作已完成。根据“now he is feeling worse”可知,此处表示他忘记吃药了,应用不定式作宾语。故填to take。51successful【详解】句意:他父亲是个成功的商人,拥有几家公司。success“成功”,名词;根据“he owns several companies”可知,他父亲拥有几家公司,应是个成功的商人,应用形容词successful“成功的”作定语修饰其后的名词“businessman”。故填successful。52noisy【详解】句意:在图书馆看书时不要吵闹。该句是祈使句,空

35、处缺少形容词作句子的表语,结合所给单词,noisy“吵闹的”,故填noisy。53second【详解】句意:迈克是家里的第二个孩子。此处在句中作定语修饰child,用序数词second,故填second。54careful【详解】句意:过马路时我们必须小心。题干中“be”是系动词,后应该用形容词作表语。care的形容词careful,意为“小心的”。故填careful。55to watch【详解】句意:看这样一部有趣的电影很有趣。It is adj./n. to do sth.“做某事是”,it作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。故填to watch。56village【详解】句意:村里的学生

36、步行上学。根据“The students in the.”可知,此处表示村里的学生,in the village“在村子里”,空处用名词单数village。故填village。57well【详解】句意:她画得很好。此处应用副词修饰动词draw,所给的词good“好的”是一个形容词,well“好地”,副词,故填well。58working【详解】句意:他的父母总是太忙工作而无法照顾好他。短语be busy doing sth表示“忙于做某事”,后接动名词形式。故填working。59later【详解】句意:两天后,我将从我的朋友那里得到相机。根据“Two days .”及所给词可知,此处指两天后

37、;later“后来,随后”,副词;“一段时间+later”表示“多久后”。故填later。60sounds【详解】句意:在动物园里参观不同的动物听起来很美妙。根据“It . wonderful to visit different animals in the zoo.”可知陈述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语“It”后接动词sound的第三人称单数形式sounds,意为“听起来”。故填sounds。61riding【详解】句意:他擅长骑自行车。be good at doing sth表示“擅长做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填riding。62will go【详解】句意:这两位老人今天下午去钓鱼,是吗

38、?根据“wont they?”可知,前肯后否,前否后肯。因此此处需用肯定形式,will+动词原形。故填will go。63later【详解】句意:她的电话占线,我稍后再打给她。根据“Her phone is busy”可知,电话现在占线,需要稍后再打,时间副词later“稍后”符合语境。故填later。64receiving【详解】句意:给予胜于接收。receive“接收”,动词,空前的than是介词,后加动名词,故填receiving。65across【详解】句意:对一个像他那样的优秀游泳选手来说,游过泳池是很容易的。cross是动词,应用介词across表示“穿过”,swimming ac

39、ross the pool在句中作主语。故填across。66Australian【详解】句意:Sam来自澳大利亚的一个小镇。Australia“澳大利亚”是名词,这里填形容词Australian“澳大利亚的”修饰名词“town”。故填Australian。67second【详解】句意:二月是一年中的第二个月。根据“February is themonth of a year.”可知设空处应填序数词,指的是二月是一年中的第二个月,表示第几个月应填two的序数词second。故填second。68questioning【详解】句意:你在质疑我说的话吗?不,我没有。根据Are可知,这里是现在进行时

40、态,结构是is/am/are+动词的现在分词,question的现在分词是questioning“质疑”。故填questioning。69fell【详解】句意:我的眼镜从桌子上掉下来摔碎了。句中and连接两个并列的动词,故其前后句子的时态应一致。根据broke可确定,句中fall的动作已经发生,句子时态为一般过去时态,动词使用过去式,动词fall的过去式fell。故填fell。70sounds【详解】句意:参观花园的主意听起来不错。本句时态是一般现在时,主语中心词是“The idea”,动词用三单。故填sounds。71collecting【详解】句意:他的表弟期待着收集更多邮票。look f

41、orward to doing sth.“期待做某事”,此处用动名词collecting作宾语。故填collecting。72buying【详解】句意:她记得买了一枚漂亮的戒指,但她找不到。buy“买”,根据“but she cant find it”可知是记得买了戒指,用结构remember doing sth.“记得已经做过的事情”。故填buying。73Dont eat【详解】句意:不要在教室里吃东西。eat“吃”,动词。分析题干可知此处是祈使句的否定形式,应用dont+动词原形,故填Dont eat。74careful【详解】句意:当你过马路的时候要小心。care“小心”,名词;Be后

42、面应跟形容词作表语;结合“when you cross the road.”可知,过马路要小心,careful“小心的”。故填careful。75dont be【详解】句意:马克,明天开会不要迟到。根据英语语法,be动词开头的祈使句变为否定句,在be前加dont,故填dont be。76funny【详解】句意:多有趣的早餐时间!根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“有趣的”,空格在句中修饰time,所以应该用一个形容词修饰,fun的形容词是funny,故填funny。77theirs【详解】句意:如果其他人都带妻子来,里奥就会带他的妻子来参加聚会。根据“Leo will bring his wife

43、 to the party if everyone else brings.”可知,此处表示“他们的妻子”,their wives可用theirs代替,故填theirs。78 goes took【详解】句意:她通常步行上学。但她昨天乘公共汽车去学校。根据“usually”可知句子用一般现在时,主语是She,谓语动词用单三goes;根据“yesterday”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式took。故填goes;took。79strength【详解】句意:孙先生认为力量并不总是重要的。分析句子可知,空格处为宾语从句的主语,应用名词形式,strong意为“强壮的”,是形容词,其名词为streng

44、th,意为“力量”,是不可数名词,故填strength。80certainly【详解】句意:林丹无疑是一位优秀的羽毛球运动员。他是我最喜爱的运动员。certain“无疑的”,形容词,句子为主系表结构,且结构完整,因此使用certain的副词形式certainly“无疑地”,用在系动词后表示强调。故填certainly。81Childrens【详解】句意:我想在儿童节那天给我女儿买一些发夹。此处指“儿童节”,英文表达为Childrens Day。故填Childrens。82later【详解】句意:两天后,这个人好了。此处表示“两天后”用two days later。故填later。83Womens【详解】句意:在妇女节你经常给你妈妈买礼物吗?根据“Do you often buy gifts for your mother on.Day?”和提示词汇可知,在妇女节你是否给妈妈买礼物,Womens Day表示“妇女节”,节日的专有名词,单词women和day的首字母均需大写。故填Womens。84plays【详解】句意:Ann从不在学校玩电脑游戏。描述事实,用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词是三单plays。故填plays

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