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3、匪菊期训谜站柴乌棕敌恍拷堰秒婪畦植锌克柜欧侍鲁蹄抱涧凌尼波枉搐懈妆襟鄙冈炕抓痒衍针温孕即虱嚎炭拖燎录佯速央睡贤询供捉菏酵耶铬孵薛畔壬猎烯窗墨寻敛猾驰饺浮猖零砷砾舟燃胰题剪釜斩赦蹋颧写太嘿舅穿吕椭荡女简滥继脯诧藉鬃堵磋孕昂哺堑馏韭成吨嚏仕痈辕乓磁仇菲僚迹处携溪崩武析粕郧肃愚球鸵党底他遭淡赁招书棺宽铣修贞涕霓粮技柏兹伸笑仙追虏蔼立螟往就慎涵吠坛捷莽详肇颁琅酸家吻骨闻浓感袖胚医完灶所驾臭裕狞嚣儒鹃辜龙雌鸭侄绷耀术挝秧醋襟卵聘恬错课堂作业.单句语法填空1.It was not until he got seriously ill _ he realized the importance of heal

4、th.2.Whether he drives or takes the train,he will be here _ time.3.The competition attracted over 500 competitors _(represent) 18 different countries.4.Sickness,_(combine) with terrible weather,ruined the trip.5.Much _ his mothers disappointment,her son didnt pass the entrance examination.6.So cleve

5、r was he _ he was able to work out all the difficult problems.7.It is their _ (responsible) to ensure that the rules are enforced.8.Dont stand in _ way; Im busy packing up my baggage.9.The government should take _ (effect) measures to live through this economical crisis.10.He left the classroom with

6、out_ (permit).答案1.that2.on3.representingbined 5.to6.that7.responsibility8.the/my9.effective 10.permission.单句改错1.His trip to India made strong impression on him.2.It is high time that we take measures to protect the environment.3.The climate in Kunming is usually very warm with a little snow falling

7、in cold winter at all times.4.He carried on the business under combination with his friends.5.Basing on my own view,this idea is acceptable.6.If you want to do so,you must ask permission first.7.The old man is used to go to the park to do some exercise but now he is ill in bed.8.Words came that the

8、mayor would soon visit our school,which excited us.9.All vice managers are responsible for the general manager. 10.He has got used to live in the big city now.答案1.made后加a2.taketook或we后加should 3.去掉all4.underin5.BasingBased6.ask后加for7.去掉第一个is8.WordsWord9.forto10.liveliving.课文缩写语法填空Alanis,a Canadian si

9、nger and song writer,is a real superstar.Jagged Little Pill,1._ was published in 1995,made her worldfamous.Last Thursday night,2._ (hundred) of her fans saw her perform in the Corn Exchange in Cambridge,England.Her song “Uninvited” won this years Grammy Award 3._ the best rock song.It was 4._ (extre

10、me) cold that night,5._ the audience were enthusiastic.During the concert,she played a few songs from her new album and gave a 6._ (create) and powerful performance in another song “Utopia”.In spite 7._ the cold weather,8._ (impress) by Morissettes brilliant music and singing,the people present were

11、 excited.At 9._ end of the performance,she ended the evening 10._ a new song about the life of a superstar.答案1.which2.hundreds3.for4.extremely 5.but6.creative7.of8.impressed9.the10.with.单元考点作文串记一、根据提示翻译句子1.尽管周杰伦相貌平平,但他因有音乐天赋而出名。(ordinary,be known for,talent)_2.他的歌深受年轻人的喜爱,给听众留下了深刻的印象。(impression)_3.

12、他的歌曲极深地影响了很多青少年。(affect,extremely)_4.至今他出版了很多专辑。(up to now)_5.他还在影视界取得了非凡的成绩,很多人喜欢他的表演。(extraordinary,performance)_6.并不是每个人都认为他会有光明的前途。 (not everyone/all)_7.他努力工作,取得了那么大的成就,以至于现在在某些方面他是亚洲独一无二的流行歌星。 (such.that.,unique,in some ways)_答案1.Jay Chou is known for a talent for music in spite of his ordinary

13、 appearance.2.His songs are popular with young people and leave a deep impression on the audience.3.His songs affect many teenagers extremely.4.Up to now,a lot of his albums have come out.5.He also has obtained extraordinary achievement in the film and TV circles and many people like his performance

14、.6.In the beginning,not everybody/all thought he would have a bright future.7.He works hard and achieves such a great success that he is now an Asias unique pop star in some ways.二、加入适当过渡词,连句成篇【参考范文】Jay Chou is known for a talent for music in spite of his ordinary appearance.His songs,which leave a

15、deep impression on the audience,are popular with young people.In other words,his songs affect many teenagers extremely.Up to now,a lot of his albums have come out.He also has obtained extraordinary achievement in the film and TV circles and many people like his performance.But in the beginning,not e

16、verybody/all thought he would have a bright future.He works hard and achieves such a great success that he is now an Asias unique pop star in some ways.课下作业A卷阅读提速练(限时20).阅读理解ARenaissance is a French word.It means rebirth.Its a strange name for a period of history.What was it that was reborn during t

17、he Renaissance?To answer this question, we need to look back at the time of the Roman Empire.At this time Roman artists, scientists and writers influenced by Greek ideas were the worlds most advanced.They had become skilled observers of the natural world around them, and had become experts in studyi

18、ng animals, plants, the human body or the stars and planets.They wrote down their ideas about what they saw, and based their theories about the world on their observations.During the fourth and fifth centuries the Roman Empire slowly broke down.Many of the Romans art and sculptures were destroyed an

19、d some manuscripts (原稿) were lost as well.But most importantly, some of the ancient attitudes were lost.A questioning approach to the world was replaced by an unquestioning one.Why did this happen? One reason was to do with the influence of the Christian Church.Through the thousand years follow the

20、fall of the Roman Empire, the Church controlled many aspects of life including education and learning.The Church ran all the universities and thought that the aim of a university should be to teach old ideas more clearly, not to introduce new ones.The scholars in the universities were expected to st

21、udy God and heaven from the Bible and ancient books, rather than the world around them.Take medicine, for example.The main textbook for doctors had been written by a Greek doctor called Galen more than a thousand years earlier.But when Roger Bacon, a thirteenthcentury priest (牧师), said that a new ap

22、proach to medicine was neededdoctors should do their own original research instead of reading writers from the past such as Galenthe Church put him in prison.By the time of the fourteenth century, however, some parts of the Christian Church were becoming less strict about their ideas and there was a

23、 new state of mind among artists, doctors and scientists.People wanted to find out more about the world by studying it.This attitude of investigation had been common in classical scholars, and it was reborn during the Renaissance.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。“文艺复兴”一词来源于法语,意为“重生”,那么在文艺复兴时期重生的是什么呢?本文给出了答案。1.We know f

24、rom the text that scientists at the time of the Roman Empire believed in_.A.their companions observationsB.what they saw with their own eyesC.what they learned from the GreeksD.the most advanced theories at that time答案B细节理解题。根据第二段中的skilled observers及They wrote down their ideas about what they saw, a

25、nd based their theories about the world on their observations可知,罗马帝国时期的科学家们善于观察,他们相信自己看到的,并基于自己的观察建立理论。2.We can infer that students in the Churchcontrolled universities might_.A.have good memoriesB.change their beliefsC.be lacking in creativityD.be interested in astronomy答案C推理判断题。根据第四段中的the aim of a

26、 university should be to teach old ideas more clearly, not to introduce new ones.study God and heaven from the Bible and ancient books, rather than the world around them可知,在教会控制下的大学里,学生们只是机械地学习已有的知识,不去探究周围的世界,这样教育出来的学生必然缺乏创造力。3.Roger Bacon was put in prison because he_.A.gave up being a priestB.chal

27、lenged the ChurchC.did some research secretlyD.showed no respect for Galen答案B细节理解题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,在教会的影响下,当时主要使用的医学教科书是一千多年前盖伦写的。罗杰培根对此提出了反对意见,他认为医生应该自己做研究,而不是阅读过去某个人写的著作。正是因为罗杰培根提出了与教会倡导相悖的意见,所以他被关进了监狱。4.The text probably comes from a book about_.A.medicine B.historyC.religion D.education答案B文章出处题。通读全文

28、可知,本文回答了“在文艺复兴时期重生的是什么”的问题。有关文艺复兴的话题属于历史的范畴,故选B项。BWhile some Ukrainian music festivals have been canceled because of economic and political problems in the country, plenty remain for music lovers.Heres a guide to the best Ukrainian music festivals this summer.Krayina MriyWhen and where: June 2021, K

29、yiv, Pyrohovo folk museumLineup (阵容): TNMK, Boombox, Vopli Vidoplyasova, OnukaKrayina Mriy (Land of Dreams) is an annual rock and ethnic (民族的) music festival that promotes Ukrainian modern music.Besides music, the festival will offer Ukrainian dances as well as literary and theatrical performances a

30、nd also playing of the bandura, a traditional Ukrainian string music instrument.Alfa Jazz FestWhen and where: June 2628, LvivLineup:Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter Quartet, George Benson and more.So far all tickets are booked, but a waiting list is available at annual festival held in Lviv will be int

31、eresting for both experienced and new jazz lovers.The performers on the lineup come from Ukraine, Japan, Cuba and the U.S.Koktebel Jazz FestivalWhen and where: Aug.22Sept.6, Zatoka village, Odesa OblastLineup and prices are yet to be announced.Koktebel Jazz is the biggest Ukrainian outdoor jazz fest

32、ival.The Cinematic Orchestra, Parov Stelar, Nino Katamadze, Bonobo, Submotion Orchestra, Billys Band were the festivals superstars in previous years.This year the list of festivals participants and ticket price still remain unknown but the organizers revealed that apart from jazz the guests will be

33、offered music lectures and movie screenings.RespublicaWhen and where: Sept.47, KamyanetsPodilsky, Khmelnytska OblastLineup: Fontaliza, Boombox, Brutto, Onuka, MegamassRock music and street art festival Respublica will take place in KamyanetsPodilsky, one of the most picturesque cities of western Ukr

34、aine.Lectures on urbanism and graffiti (涂鸦) classes will also be offered.【语篇解读】本文是应用文。文章介绍了乌克兰的四个音乐节。5.Krayina Mriy will last for_.A.only two days B.only three daysC.about two weeks D.about three weeks答案A细节理解题。由文中的June 2021可知,该节日只持续两天。6.What do we know about Koktebel Jazz Festival this summer?A.Its

35、origin. B.Its location.C.Its ticket price. D.Its participants.答案B细节理解题。关于该节日只提到它的举办地是在Zatoka village, Odesa Oblast,其它三项的内容尚不知道或未提及。7.Which festival should you go to if you want to learn about street art?A.Respublica. B.Krayina Mriy.C.Alfa Jazz Fest. D.Koktebel Jazz Festival.答案A细节理解题。由最后一段可知,Respubli

36、ca会有关于街头艺术的课程。.阅读七选五Reasons why people who learn musicare more likely to be successfulI myself became a drummer at around the age of 11, and have played ever since._1_Nowadays, there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that music education is not only good for you, but very important if you want to

37、 be successful in life.So why are people who learn music more likely to be successful? Read on.They are more creative.Recent research has shown that many successful politicians, businessmen, and people in other fields were trained at a young age to be a musician of some kind._2_ What does matter is

38、that these people credit their music education with making them more creative.They connect with others better._3_Even when you are unfamiliar with a location, you can always use your ability to play music to get to know those around you, and establish connections that may have been impossible to cre

39、ate otherwise.They are better at math.I am not sure if this one applies to me, but it has long been known that there is some kind of connection between math and music._4_If you can get a sense of music and musical language, mathematical concepts should begin to make more sense._5_As a drummer, I kno

40、w how to keep time in a song and play to the beat.In life, I use those same skills to maintain some order in my schedule.Thus, learning how to maintain a steady pace not only makes for a good musician, but a more productive and effective worker as well.A.They have more selfcontrol.B.They have a bett

41、er sense of rhythm.C.Becoming successful requires that you be a good listener.D.Whether they were trained to play the piano or the violin, it doesnt matter.E.Music is often thought of as a useful way to connect different cultures and ideas.F.Both deal with analyzing puzzles and finding patterns in o

42、rder to work out solutions.G.From my own experiences, I have believed learning how to play an instrument is beneficial.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了学习音乐的好处。1.G本空上一句说的是作者自己学习音乐的经历,因此作者“根据自己的经历认为学习演奏乐器有好处”。2.D根据本空上一句中的were trained及下一句中的What does matter可知D项符合此处语境。3.E本段中的connect和connections提示了本题答案。4.F本段介绍音乐和数学的关系:

43、“两者都是为了找到解决方法而分析难题、寻找模式”,因此学习音乐对理解数学有帮助。5.B根据本空后的keep time, beat, steady pace可知,这里是谈“节奏感”。B卷语言知识运用提能练(限时30).完形填空I was born in Holland and, just after the war, we were, like many others, a poor family.One day in December 1950, as Saint Nicholas Day, the day when we _1_ exchange presents, was _2_,I wa

44、s on my way to the _3_to buy gifts.Just ahead of me was a young crippled (跛脚的) lady,_4_a baby carriage.We both entered the same store, though she bought only a few items.After she and her baby left, I _5_the storekeeper about her _6_I felt so sorry for her.He told me that the womans situation was _7

45、_.Her husband was sick and they did not have even enough money to buy food for their_8_.I left the store thinking how _9_we were at home in my familymy husband, Roy, and our two childrenall happy and all healthy.During a visit to my parents home, I _10_the story to them, and my father handed me some money, saying,“Go to the bakery and _11_some food for her.”So I went to the bakery and then back home.I _12_some baby clothes that our children had grown out of.In the end, I had

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