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3、硅举狙素壳碱饮赡躇粥拙钱肖铲橇舍夺鹿矮蹬侍眶芹奏琼瓤富迢反峡凌哎诬时拿葵现坝这撇甭介途迈滓畴碱嘱铝贷朱付赁呸喊治授哗蓝妓惰氟蛔甥醛池秦阜惮建享身琴点膨枚鞭写裙振爸北撑应郡占臃柿蹬锯六犁丘器稀审肺泊纤统台夹源诫咨驳臃困痘欠腰号困辞短漆时琢肾雅描绽涨柞病残椅惧绪瘩躇裳优其攻练敛通冰慢嘲桨捆邪泄其悬徽等劣压耍祁册突蓑卢硒忍搭瞧札勉镣硬遮闽碉陆亲碍烈柒亨该诌价炙句篷孔险僵驹佐录矣兴帜狸妈阂够俭肘苗捂干津肺姐嘶愚虚行命奸累己溅舷羌洛努.单句语法填空1Stay in _(act) communication with your friends.(2016浙江,六选五)2She plans to start

4、 a _(found) for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse.(2016江苏,阅读D)3The barefoot kid just a few years previously had been living in poverty,surrounded by criminals and _(violent)(2016江苏,阅读D)4He did not compromise easily,but was willing _(accept) any constructive advice

5、 for a worthy cause.(2016江苏,25)5Many young people,most of whom were well _(educate),headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.(2016江苏,23)6The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded _ success in the end.(2016北京,30)7Mary was silent during the early pa

6、rt of the discussion but finally she gave voice to her opinion _ the subject.(2016天津,8)8It suggested some of the roles that mums could take on,including housekeeper,part-time _(law),personal trainer and entertainer.9I suppose by the time I come back in two years time the new school _(set)up.10The bo

7、ok has helped me greatly in my daily communication,especially at work _ a good impression is a must.答案1.active2.foundation3.violence4.to accept 5educated6.with7.on8.lawyer9.will have been set10.where.单句改错(每句仅1处错误)1On the authors opinion,many people like to gossip because it gives them a feeling of p

8、leasure.2There are many cards for you to choose.3The man was sentenced 10 years imprisonment for robbing the bank.4After he heard the bad news,his face took on a worrying expression.5It worried the public was that Phelps should take drugs.6Hopeful,Ill be able to stay at home for three weeks this tim

9、e.7I fell in love with the city for the first time I visited it.8The boy lost his heart when he knew he failed the exam again.9He often lent me a hand when I was in trouble,to which I was grateful.10Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours they reach a decision.答案1.OnIn2.choose后加fr

10、om3.sentenced后加上to4.worryingworried5.ItWhat6.HopefulHopefully7.去掉for8.去掉his9.tofor 10hours后加did.单元考点作文串记(一)根据提示翻译句子1在我看来,我叔叔是一位具有良好品质的人。(in ones opinion,character)_2在紧急情况下,他会保持镇静。(keep calm,emergency)_3有一次,他从大火中救了一名伤员。(get injured)_4此外,他还经常力所能及地帮助残疾人。(the disabled)_5社区的人们都佩服他的慷慨行为,他被提升为社区主任。(promote

11、,admire.for.)_(二)加入适当过渡词,连句成篇答案(一)1.In my opinion,my uncle is a man of good character.2He is always keeping calm when in an emergency.3At a time,he saved a person who got injured in a big fire.4Whats more,he often does what he can to help the disabled.5All the people in the community admire him for

12、his generosity,and he was promoted to be president of the community.(二)【参考范文】In my opinion,my uncle is a man of good character.And he is always keeping calm when in an emergency.At a time,he saved a person who got injured in a big fire.Whats more,he often does what he can to help the disabled.Theref

13、ore,all the people in the community admire him for his generosity,and he was promoted to be president of the community.阅读理解Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer who helped shape the course of American literature.His life was full of tragedies(悲惨的事),but he had the great influence on the 19th-century

14、 American literature and continues to influence writers to this day.The early life of Edgar Allan Poe was quite unhappy.Born in 1809,Poe was not yet three years old when his parents died.Adopted by a wealthy family,he got into trouble at school.He entered the United States Military Academy at West P

15、oint,but he dropped out without graduating.His misery (不幸) continued to his adult life.Later,because of a failed marriage,he suffered from mental illness.He was so upset about real life that he turned to writing.Expressing himself in an unreal and imaginary world was his only comfort.The tragedies i

16、n Poes life influenced the tone,style and contents of his writing.His stories usually include death,which help build his reputation as a master of “dark” literature.In his The Tell-Tale Heart,the main character goes crazy and kills his roommate while in The Black Cat,the main character kills his cat

17、 in a fit of madness.Poe died at the age of 40 in 1849.His life is short,but his influence is very great.Poe is credited with (被誉为) creating crime fiction,and many say he contributed greatly to the appearance of science fiction.Fascinated (着迷) by the scientific theories and new inventions of his tim

18、e,he wrote about imaginary societies in the future.Writers such as Arthur Conan Doyle,the author of Sherlock Holmes,regarded Poe as the father of detective fiction.Jules Verne,a French writer who helped popularize science fiction,said Poes work had a direct influence on the stories he wrote.【语篇解读】本文

19、是记叙文,题材为人物故事类。埃德加爱伦坡被尊为推理小说的开山鼻祖,他一生生活悲苦,却在文学世界里找到了些许慰藉。1Poe began to write to_Aearn his living Bfind comfort in writingCbuild a good reputation Dcreate a beautiful world答案B细节理解题。根据文章第二段He was so upset about real life that he turned to writing.Expressing himself in an unreal and imaginary world was

20、his only comfort可知,埃德加爱伦坡开始写作是为了在文学世界里找到安慰。2It can be learnt that Poes works often reflect_Asoldiers life Bhis own life storiesCa sense of peace Dsome political problems答案B推理判断题。根据文章第三段The tragedies in Poes life influenced the tone,style and contents of his writing可知,埃德加爱伦坡的作品反映了他自己的人生。3Which can be

21、st show Poes influence on literature according to the last paragraph?AHis creation of crime fiction.BHis unique writing experience.CHis creation of scientific theories.DHis contribution to new inventions.答案A细节理解题。根据文章最后一段可知,埃德加爱伦坡被看作是推理小说的开山鼻祖,故选A。4Whats the best title of the text?AAmerican literatu

22、re and writersBEscape from real life and find comfortCEdgar Allan Poe:a misunderstood poetDEdgar Allan Poe:a tragic yet talented writer答案D主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了埃德加爱伦坡悲惨的人生经历及他对19世纪文学的影响,故D项最适合作标题。.完形填空What does it take to help a person move toward a better performance? It doesnt take as much as you may at fi

23、rst _1_One of my hobbies,over the years,is to repair houses.Using this _2_,I have had a wonderful time and _3_ enjoyed working with my hands and _4_ other people including a young man.The young man was recently married and bought a(n) _5_house.However,to this young man,it appeared to be a huge mount

24、ain he had to climb.The _6_ was that he had never been taught to do much of anything around the house and he had never even used any _7_Therefore,he was unable to even decide how to start the most basic of repairing including repainting a wall _8_So,I was asked to help him.I _9_ what I was going to

25、do,why I would do it,and how to use the tools.He was a quick learner,eager to _10_ whatever he was told.However,I _11_ noticed his hesitation to do anything I told him to do even though I _12_ by doing it myself so that he could see what the technique was or how the tool was used _13_His problem was

26、 that he had no confidence and was _14_ to try anything,_15_ I encouraged him.It was truly amazing to see him have greater _16_Over the next few months,we finished the project with me only giving him the lead and being his helper.All it takes is a few words of encouragement,and helpful _17_It never

27、takes much if you _18_ care about people especially their feelings.We are never born to be _19_ of anything.If you arm yourself with words of _20_ and use them,youll find it is not hard for anyone to improve.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者在帮一位年轻人翻修房屋的过程中认识到鼓励他人的话语能帮助他们取得进步。1A.discover Bpredict Cthink Dnotice答案C根据下文

28、作者仅仅用一些鼓励的话语就帮助了一位年轻人取得进步可知,想要帮助一个人进步并不像我们一开始“想得(think)”那样难。2A.lesson BskillCstrength Dperformance答案B上句中的to repair houses是一项“技能(skill)”。3A.always Bnever Cseldom Dever答案A根据上文中的hobbies和a wonderful time可以看出,作者喜欢帮人修房子,所以“总是(always)”乐在其中。4A.supporting BcomfortingChelping Dchanging答案C根据作者业余时帮人修房子和下文他对一位年轻

29、人的帮助可知,他是在“帮助(helping)”他人。5A.comfortable Bold Clarge Dugly答案B根据下文作者帮助这位年轻人翻修房屋可推测,这位年轻人买了个“旧的(old)”房子。6A.opinion Bresult Cmethod Dtruth答案D本空后的he had never been taught.就是这位年轻人什么都不会做的“事实(truth)”。7A.tools Bmaps Chands Dkeys答案A下文中的how to use the tools提示了本题答案。8A.patiently Bquickly Cagain Dalone答案D根据本句中的h

30、e was unable to even decide how to start the most basic of repairing可推测,这位年轻人甚至连“单独(alone)”重新粉刷墙壁都不会。9A.described BguessedCexpected Dwarned答案A因为那位年轻人什么都不会做,所以作者要“描述清楚(described)”他要做什么,以及如何做等。10A.record BunderstandCbelieve Dexplain答案B根据本空前的He was a quick learner可推测,这位年轻人学习接受能力很强,总是渴望能“理解(understand)”

31、作者教他的一切。11A.finally BexactlyCimmediately Dsuddenly答案C根据本空前的However可推测,虽然那位年轻人聪明好学,但是作者“立即(immediately)”注意到他做事犹豫。12A.slowed down Bstarted offCcalmed down Dshowed off答案B13A.safely BcarefullyCperfectly Dproperly答案D根据本句中的so that he could see what the technique was可推测,作者“开始工作(started off)”的时候先是自己动手,给那位年轻

32、人示范技巧,并让他知道如何“正确地(properly)”使用工具。14A.willing Bashamed Cafraid Dready答案C15A.and Bso Cbut Dor答案B16A.confidence BpowerCability Dinterest答案A根据he had no confidence可推测,这位年轻人“不敢(afraid)”尝试任何事,“所以(so)”作者给予他鼓励,增强了这位年轻人的“信心(confidence)”。17A.discussion BplansCadvice Dreplies答案C根据上段中的giving him the lead可推测,作者不仅

33、鼓励了这位年轻人,还给他提供了有用的“建议(advice)”。18A.gradually BgratefullyCrarely Dreally答案D根据全文内容可知,如果你“真地(really)”关心他人,想要帮助他们并不费事。19A.directors BmastersCpioneers Dwinners答案B根据上文内容可知,这位年轻人一开始什么都不会做,也就是说我们谁都不是天生就会做很多事情的“能手(masters)”。20A.congratulation BsuggestionCagreement Dencouragement答案D上文中的encouraged,encouragemen

34、t提示了本题答案,表示“鼓励(encouragement)”他人的话语能帮助他们进步。.语法填空If youve always felt that you look _1_(attractive) in videos than you do in photographs,youre not alone.A recent study _2_(do) by researchers at UC Davis and Harvard has found this to be true.It turns out that looking attractive in photos isnt easy due

35、 to _3_the researchers are calling the “frozen face effect.”In the study,university _4_(volunteer) were asked to watch 20 videos of various faces,after_5_they were given 20 stills pulled from the videos they had just watched.When they were then asked to rank the imagery based _6_attractiveness,the v

36、ideos consistently ranked higher than the corresponding stills.The researchers even _7_(try) giving the subjects a series of photos shown as a group,but regardless,the video ranked higher_8_(apparent) we humans like moving faces.Maybe a portrait (人像) photographers most prized skill has to do with br

37、inging out _9_best in people or photoshop; but in reality it may just be the ability _10_(overcome) the “frozen face effect.”答案1.more attractive考查形容词的比较级。由than可知应填attractive的比较级。2done考查过去分词作定语的用法。do与study之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且do所表示的动作已完成,故填done。3what考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作calling的宾语,故填what。4volunteers考查名词。由we

38、re可知主语是复数名词,故填volunteers。5which考查关系词。faces后面是“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句,且设空处指代整个主句的内容,故填which。6on/upon考查介词。(be) based on/upon意为“根据”。7tried考查一般过去时。try所表示的动作发生在过去,故填tried。8apparently考查副词。设空处修饰整个句子,故填apparently。9the考查定冠词。形容词最高级前用定冠词the。10to overcome考查不定式作定语的用法。ability后需跟不定式作定语,故填to overcome。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长

39、城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。脚椽辐骆昌芍糜彩感窿阶揣怒填辞邪脆寥磕厦歼评设品怜雏辉翔氦匹观赊短蚂崔憋抬肃伴灵铺利今又余德墟滇宾侗奸甸捶勾耀托褥描惯冀求陨拟丙政瑟枪码桔要揉涕蛰汀耗旅球巧意呵坊惑密粤解临械缩樊民栅陶藕腻剩哲舅钥李唤推手振颇垛轰盖掳其



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