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1、译林版版英语小学六年级上册期末模拟提高试题(带答案)一、单项选择题1Im _ twelve next week. ()Agoing to beB/Cgoing to do2Mike often _ kites on Saturdays. But he _ fishing with me last week. ()Afly; goBflies; wentCflew; goes3Do you know the news? ()Yes, Mrs Brown _ me _ it yesterday.Atold; forBsays aboutCtold; about4What can we use wa

2、ter _? ()To wash a lot of things.Ato doBdoCdoes5He _ a banana skin on the floor. ()AgiveBcutsCthrowsDlitter6My father _ hot and he opened the windows. ()AisBwereCwas7My friend and I _ shopping _ the Internet. ()Ado; inBdoes; inCdo; on8 _ you at home yesterday? () No, I _ climbing.AWas; wentBDid; wen

3、tCWere; went9_ was your holiday? () It was great fun!AWhatBHowCWhere10What _ you do last weekend? () I went to the Bund.AdoBwereCdid11They looked at the king and shouted, “_ beautiful clothes!” ()AWhatBWhat aCHow12What _ the signs _? ()They mean we can park here.Adoes; meanBdo; meansCdo; mean13Jack,

4、 _ shout in the hospital. Can you see that sign? ()AarentBdont beCdont14Can I _ a film? ()No. You must _ books now.Awatching; readingBwatching; readCwatch; read15Earth Day is on _. ()Athe 5th of JuneBthe 22nd of AprilCthe 12th of March二、用单词适当形式填空16Smoke from cars _ (make) our city dirty.17Theyre goi

5、ng to _ (watch) a lion dance next morning.18My brother _ (catch) a big fish yesterday.19My brother often _ (play) football at the weekend.20Dirty smoke _ (make) our home dirty.21Who _ (cook) for us next week? Our grandma is.2obby is _ (walk) home after school.23It _ (rain) in Huaian yesterday.24Hele

6、n is very _ (excite) about the present.25She _ (bring) a lot of things to the party yesterday.26_ (protect) the Earth, we should save water.27_ she _ (have) a Chinese lesson tomorrow?28We _ (should) throw rubbish anywhere.29Sam starts _ (draw), but Bobby _ (not).30Yu Gong and his family _ (work) ver

7、y hard. They _ (be) tired but happy.三、完成句子3obby throws a banana skin on the _ (地面) .32We can p_ more trees in our school.33What _ (使空气变脏)?34We went to a car m_ (博物馆) last Sunday.35We shouldnt use too much plastic, we should use g_ bottles.36The weather _ (变成) cloudy yesterday afternoon.37Black _ (烟雾

8、) from some factories makes the air dirty.38We shouldnt use too many plastic _ (瓶子).39W_ comes from trees.40What _ (发生) between you and your brother last weekend?四、完形填空Lisa is my best friend. Shes from _41_. She lives in Hefei _42_ her parents now. She always _43_ early in the morning and she goes t

9、o school _44_. Her father _45_ a car and he goes to work by car. He always wants Lisa to go to school _46_, but she thinks walking is good for her _47_. Lisas mother is a doctor in a _48_. She often goes to work by bus. But on cold or _49_ days Lisa and her mother often _50_ her fathers car.41、AAmer

10、icanBAmericaCEnglish42、AaboutBfromCwith43、Agoes to bedBgets upCgets on44、Aon footBon feetCby foot45、AhaveBhasCis46、Aby a carBby carCby cars47、AhealthBhealthyCparents48、AbankBhospitalChome49、ArainBrainsCrainy50、AtakeBrideCbuy五、阅读判断阅读并判断,用T或F表示。Long long ago, there was a lion. He lived in the forest.

11、There were some flowers in front of his house. One day, an old woman picked a flower. The lion was angry. He shouted at the old woman. The old woman was afraid.41、The lion lived near the forest. ( )42、There were some flowers in front of the house. ( )43、An old man picked a flower. ( )44、The lion was

12、 angry. ( )45、The lion shouted at the old womans child. ( )六、阅读理解On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings or under the Christmas trees. On Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty. He quickly put on the clothes and looked for his present in the stocki

13、ng. Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much. He said happily. Then he ran down to the ground floor to see whats in the box. He shook the box and listened. His sister, Nancy came to him, Oh, Mike, you are taking my present. What? Open it and have a look! Then they opened the box, a pretty dre

14、ss in it. Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.51、Mike got up at _. ()Atwenty to sixBtwenty past sixCsix52、The lovely dog was for _. ()ANancyBNancys sisterCNancys brother53、The pretty dress was for _. ()AMikeBMikes sisterCMikes brother54、Mike got _ presents from his fami

15、ly. ()Aonly oneBtwoCthree55、Whats in the box for Mike? ()AA toy dog.BA skateboard.CSorry, I dont know.七、选择题Once, a Chinese student goes to study English in England. His Family name is sun. It is the same of the English word “sun”. England is a country with bad weather. It is often cloudy or misty (有

16、雾的), and it rains now and again, so the people there dont get much sunshine(阳光) in the whole year.When the Chinese student arrives(到达) in London, a tall English policeman with a long face opens his passport(护照) to check it. The policeman is interested to find the Chinese name “Sun” in the passport.

17、He thinks it is pronounced(发音) just like the English word “sun”, so he says to the Chinese student, “I see your name is Sun. We want you here!” The Chinese student is greatly surprised(惊讶的). But after a moment(一会儿) the policeman begins to smile, Mr Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont

18、want you to go away.56、The weather in England is _. ()AcloudyBmistyCrainyDA B and C57、The policeman is interested in the students _. ()ApassportBaddressCnameDschool58、The Chinese student is welcomed because he has got _. ()Aa police friendBa nice nameCa lot of moneyDa passport59、The underlined phras

19、e now and again in the story means _. ()Aseldom很少BsometimesCnever从不Devery day60、The policeman is a _ man. ()AhumorousBfoolishCbadDserious(严肃)八、选择题4 My pen pal is Chen Fei. She lives in Shanghai. She is a quiet girl. She likes football. She wants to be a football coach. She goes to school on foot. Sh

20、e has a brother. His name is Chen Yang. He is only five years old. He likes singing. Her father is a baseball player. Her mother is a reporter. She works in a TV station. She likes using computers. They go to work by car. They are a happy family.61、Chen Fei is my _. ()AbrotherBpen palCteacher62、What

21、 does Chen Fei want to be? ()AA football playerBA doctor.CA football coach63、What is Chen Feis brothers hobby? ()ADancing.BSinging.CSwimming.64、How do Chen Feis parents go to work? ()ABy bike.BOn foot.CBy car65、What does Chen Feis mother do? ()AA reporter.BA teacherCA basketball player.九、选择题4 Bill i

22、s seven years old. He is polite(有礼貌的). So his friend and his parents like him very much. It is Saturday today. Bill is at home. He is watching TV and his sister is doing her homework. At eleven, his father comes back with some oranges. Bill likes oranges very much and he wants to eat one. His mother

23、 asks,” Which orange do you want, Bill?”“The biggest (最大的) one, Mum.”“What?” says his mother. “You should be polite and want the smallest(最小的)one.”“Should I tell a lie (说谎) just to be polite, Mum?”66、Is Bill polite? ()AYes, he is.BNo, he isnt.CHe is polite.DYes, he does.67、How many people are there

24、in Bills family? ()AThree.BFour.CFive.DMany.68、What is Bill doing? ()AWatching TV.BAt home.CDoing homework.DPlaying computer games.69、What time does his father come back? ()AAt seven.BAt nine.CAt ten.DAt eleven.70、Which orange does Bill like? ()AThe smallest one.BThe red one.CThe biggest one.DThe gr

25、een one.【参考答案】一、单项选择题解析:A【详解】句意:我下周12岁了。根据next week下周,可知句子为一般将来时态,be going to结构,排除B选项。be动词+基数词表示年龄,故选A。解析:B【详解】句意:迈克经常在星期六放风筝。但是上周他和我去钓鱼了。第一句根据often可知句子是一般现在时,主语Mike是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式flies;第二句根据last week可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式went,所以B选项符合题意,故选B。解析:C【详解】句意:你知道这个新闻吗?是的,布朗夫人昨天告诉我关于它的事情。根据答句中yesterday昨天可

26、知,答句用过去时态,tell告诉的过去式是told。告诉某人关于某事用tell sb about sth。故选C。解析:A【详解】句意:你能用水做什么?洗很多东西。use sth. to do sth.使用某物做某事,后跟不定式,A不定式,B原形,C第三人称单数,故选A。【点睛】解析:C【详解】句意:他扔香蕉皮在地上。结合选项,此题考查一般现在时,主语He是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式,排除AD;B切,C扔,选项B不符合句意,排除B。故选C。【点睛】解析:C【详解】句意:我爸爸很热,他打开了窗户。根据opened可知该句是一般过去时,主语My father是单数第三人称,故be动

27、词用was,故选C。【点睛】7C解析:C【详解】句意:我的朋友和我在网上购物。主语My friend and I是第三人称复数,后面的动词用原形;on the Internet在网上,固定介词搭配。故选C。【点睛】8C解析:C【详解】句意:昨天你在家吗?不,我去爬山了。本题考查动词的辨析,be at home在家,主语you是第二人称,be动词用were。故选C。9B解析:B【详解】句意:你的假期怎么样?太有趣了!本题考查特殊疑问词。A什么,B怎样,C在哪里。根据问句可知是问假期怎样,用How提问,故选B。10C解析:C【详解】句意:你上周末做什么了?我去了外滩。本题考查What引导的特殊疑问

28、句及其回答。you是第二人称,What后面加do引导疑问句,由last week可知句子是一般过去时,do用过去式did,故选C。1解析:A【详解】句意:他们看着国王喊道:“多么漂亮的衣服!”根据感叹号和选项,可知本题考查感叹句,what引导的感叹句的结构为:What+(a/an)+形容词+名词+(主语+谓语)!How引导的感叹句的结构为:How+形容词/副词+(主语+谓语)!故选A。1解析:C【详解】句意:这些标志是什么意思?它们的意思是我们可以在这里停车。根据答语可知本题考查一般现在时,主语the signs是第三人称复数,助动词用do,后面的实义动词用原形mean。故选C。1解析:C【详

29、解】句意:杰克,_在医院喊叫。你能看到那个标志吗?该题目考查祈使句的否定形式,在动词原形shout前面加助动词否定形式dont,故选C。1解析:C【详解】句意:我可以看电影吗?不,你现在必须读书。看电影watch a film,情态动词can后的动词用原形;读书read books,情态动词must后的动词用原形。故选C。1解析:B【详解】句意:地球日在_。A6月5日,B4月22日,C3月12日,根据常识可知地球日在4月22日,故选B。二、用单词适当形式填空16makes17watch【详解】句意:第二天早上他们要去看舞狮。根据next morning,可知句子是一般将来时,be going

30、to后面接动词原形,故答案为watch。18caught【详解】句意:我哥哥昨天钓到了一条大鱼。根据yesterday可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,catch的过去式是caught,故答案为caught。【点睛】19plays【详解】句意:我的哥哥/弟弟经常在周末踢足球。根据often经常,可知句子为一般现在时态。主语My brother是第三人称单数,动词play用第三人称单数形式plays。故答案为plays。【点睛】20D解析:makes【详解】句意:脏烟使我们的家园很脏。主语Dirty smoke是第三人称单数,句子是一般现在时,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式makes,故答案

31、为makes。21is going to cook【详解】句意:下周谁给我们做饭?我们的奶奶。根据next week可知句子是一般将来时,由will+动词原形构成,或者be going to+动词原形构成,由答句中有系动词is,可知问句是be going to+动词原形结构,故答案为is going to cook。22walking【详解】句意:鲍比放学后正步行回家。walk步行,根据横线前的is可知该句是现在进行时,主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,walk的现在分词形式为walking。故答案为walking。23rained【详解】句意:淮安昨天下雨了。根据yesterday,可知句

32、子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,rain的过去式是rained,故答案为rained。24excited【详解】句意:海伦对这份礼物很兴奋。be excited about对感到兴奋,人做主语,故答案为excited。2rought【详解】句意:她昨天带许多东西到派对上。根据句中yesterday昨天,可知本题是一般过去时,动词bring用过去式brought。故答案为brought。26To protect【详解】句意:_地球,我们应该节约用水。根据后半句意可知前半句说的是为了保护地球,我们应该节约用水。表示目的,用动词不定式to protect,to放句首,首字母大写。故答案为To pr

33、otect。27 Is/Will going to have/have【详解】句意:她明天上语文课吗?根据tomorrow可知句子是一般将来时,其构成是will+动词原形,或者be going to+动词原形,主语是she,所以be动词用Is,故答案为Is/Will;going to have/have。【点睛】28shouldnt【详解】句意:我们不应该到处乱扔垃圾。此题考查情态动词should,根据句意,可知不应该到处乱扔垃圾,用shouldnt不应该,故答案为shouldnt。【点睛】29B解析: drawing doesnt【详解】句意:萨姆开始画画,但鲍比没有。start doing

34、 sth开始做某事,draw的动名词是drawing;but前后是转折关系,前面说开始画画,可知后面说鲍比没有,Bobby是第三人称单数,没有用doesnt表示。故答案为drawing,doesnt。【点睛】30 worked were【详解】句意:愚公和他的家人努力的工作。他们很累但是很快乐。该句是一般过去时,work工作,过去式为worked,be是,主语They是复数,故be动词用were,故答案为worked;were。【点睛】三、完成句子31ground【详解】句意:鲍比把一个香蕉皮扔在地面上。根据题意和所给中文提示可知,该空应填不可数名词ground地面,故答案为ground。32

35、plant#lant【详解】句意:我们可以在学校种更多的树。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词plant种植,can后跟动词原形,故答案为plant。33makes the air dirty【详解】句意:什么使空气变脏?使空气变脏make the air dirty,句子可用一般现在时,what做主语,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式,故答案为makes the air dirty。34museum#useum【详解】句意:我们上周日去了一个汽车博物馆。根据汉语提示可知考查名词博物馆,英文是museum,前面有不定冠词a,所以该空填名词单数形式,故答案为museum。35glass#lass【详解】

36、句意:我们不应该使用太多的塑料,我们应该使用_瓶。根据句意及首字母g,可知该空考查名词glass,意思是玻璃,glass bottles意思是玻璃瓶,故答案为glass。3ecame【详解】句意:昨天下午天气变得多云。根据yesterday afternoon可知该句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,变成become,其过去式是became,故答案为bacame。【点睛】37smoke【详解】句意:一些工厂排放的黑色的烟雾使空气变脏。烟雾smoke,不可数名词,故答案为smoke。【点睛】38bottles【详解】句意:我们不应该用太多的塑料瓶子。too many太多,后接可数名词复数,瓶子bott

37、le,其复数形式是bottles。故答案为bottles。【点睛】39Wood【详解】句意:木头来自树木。由常识可知木头来自树木,由句中comes可知该空应填第三人称单数形式wood,首字母大写,故答案为Wood。【点睛】40happened【详解】句意:上个周末你和你哥哥之间发生生事情了?发生happen,根据时间last weekend可知该句是一般过去时,happen的过去式为happened,故答案为happened。四、完形填空解析:41、B42、C43、B44、A45、B46、B47、A48、B49、C50、A【分析】文章大意:介绍了Lisa和她的家人情况和出行方式。41、句意:丽

38、莎是我最好的朋友。她来自_。A美国的,B美国,C英国的,be from后面跟地点,故选B。42、句意:她现在和父母住在合肥。A关于,B从,C和,结合句意,故选C。43、句意:她总是一大早就_并且_去上学。A睡觉,B起床,C上车,选项B符合语境,故选B。44、句意:她总是一大早就_并且_去上学。结合选项可知考查步行on foot,故选A。45、句意:她父亲有一辆汽车,他开车上班。A有,原形;B有,第三人称单数;C是。结合句意和Her father是第三人称单数,故选B。46、句意:他总是想让丽莎_上学,但她认为走路对她的_有好处。结合选项可知考查坐车by car,故选B。47、句意:句意:他总是


40、析】短文大意:狮子和老太太的故事。41、句意:狮子住在森林旁边。由短文中的关键句Long long ago, there was a lion . He lived in the forest.可知狮子住在森林里,不是在森林旁边,故该句是错误的,故答案为F。42、句意:在房子的前面有一些花。由短文中的关键句There were some flowers in front of his house.可知他的房子前面有一些花,故该句是正确的,故答案为T。43、句意:一个年老的男人摘了一朵花。由短文中的关键句One day, an old woman picked a flower.可知是一位年老的

41、女人摘了花,故该句是错误的,故答案为F。44、句意:狮子很生气。由短文中的关键句The lion was angry.可知狮子很生气,故该句是正确的,故答案为T。45、句意:狮子冲着那个老太太的孩子大喊。由短文中的关键句He shouted at the old woman.可知狮子朝着那个老太太大喊,故该句是错误的,故答案为F。【点睛】六、阅读理解解析:51、B52、C53、B54、B55、C【分析】本文讲述了圣诞节早上迈克早起找礼物的事。51、句意:迈克在_起床。A五点四十,B六点二十,C六点,根据原文On Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty.

42、 可知他在六点二十起床,故选B。52、句意:这只可爱的狗是给_。A南希,B南希的妹妹,C南希的弟弟,根据原文Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much. He said happily. 可知狗是给迈克的,故选C。53、句意:漂亮的连衣裙是给_。A迈克,B迈克的姐姐,C麦克的弟弟,根据原文 Oh, Mike, you are taking my present. What? Open it and have a look! Then they opened the box, a pretty dress in it. 可知连衣裙是给南希的,故

43、选B。54、句意:迈克收到家人的_礼物,A仅仅一件,B两件,C三件,根据原文 Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much. He said happily. Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree.可知他收到小狗和另一个盒子共两件礼物,故选B。55、句意:迈克的盒子里是什么?A一只玩具狗,B一个滑板,C不好意思,我不知道。根据原文Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the t

44、ree.可知盒子没有打开,所以不知道里面是什么,故选C。【点睛】七、选择题解析:56、D57、C58、B59、B60、A【分析】该篇主要讲述了一个警察和一个学生因伦敦的天气而发生的故事。56、句意:英格兰的天气是_。A多云的,B有雾的,C多雨的,D意为AB和C。根据It is often cloudy or misty (有雾的), and it rains now and again.可知英格兰经常是多云或有雾,偶尔下雨,故选D。57、句意:警察对学生的_情况很感兴趣。A护照,B地址,C名字,D学校。根据The policeman is interested to find the Chinese name “Sun” in the passport.可知警察对学生的名字很感兴趣,故选C。58、句意:中国学生受到欢迎,因为他

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