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1、牛津英语(上海版)6年级上学期知识点罗列(1)1. family 表示家庭的时候,它是单数名词 表示家庭成员的时候,它是复数名词Toms family is a happy one. 家庭 The Wangs family go to America every year. 家庭成员 FAMILY: Father and mother I love you. 2. grandfather 爷爷 great-grandfather 曾祖父 granddaughter 孙女 great-granddaughter 曾孙女3. classmate 同学 deskmate 同桌 workmate 同事

2、 roommate 室友 schoolmate 校友4. get sth. from sb. 从某人那里得到某物 He doesnt get any money from his parents. 5. 频度副词 always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never 频度副词的位置:放在行为动词之前,be动词之后 I sometimes watch TV with my grandmother. He is always late for school. 6. What else do you do with her? What else 还有什么

3、Who else will he meet? 他还要见谁? Where else will you go? - else 用于特殊疑问词之后 Anything else? 还有什么东西么? Anyone else? 还有谁么?1. exciting 令人兴奋的,使人激动的-通常修饰事物 excited 感到兴奋的,感到激动的-通常修饰人 interesting interested boring bored 无聊的 surprising surprised 惊奇的2. who 主格 whom 宾格 whose 所有格 My grandparents usually go to see a fi

4、lm with my mother. 对划线部分提问 Who/Whom do your grandparents usually go to see a film with?3. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. 动名词短语做主语。 踢足球是我的爱好(hobby)。 Playing football is my hobby. 我的爱好是踢足球。 My hobby is playing football. 4. because 与 because of because 是个连词,后面要接从句 becau

5、se of 后接名词或者名词性的短语 He did very well in the test because he studied very hard. 由于大雨她迟到了。 She was late because of the heavy rain.5. 在周末 at weekends on the weekend 生词学习1. almost adv. 几乎 =nearly Almost every student in our school is from Shanghai. 2. friendly adj. 友好的 貌似副词的形容词:lovely, lonely, lively, mo

6、therly, fatherly, friendship n.友谊,有情3. helpful adj. 有帮助的 helpless adj. 无助的,无能的 helper n. 助手 She is helpful to us. 她对我们很有帮助4. kind adj. 友好的,宽容的 n. 种类 She is always kind to me when I am unhappy. unkind adj. 无情的;不仁慈的,不厚道的 kindness n. 仁慈;好意;友好的行为 Thank you for your kindness. 5. look after 照顾,照看 = take c

7、are of =care for Please look after my dog during my absence. 同义句转换 Pease _ _ my dog during my absence. 6. environment n.环境 The children have a happy environment with Jack. natural environment 自然环境 home environment 家庭环境 environmental adj. 周围的,环境的7. pollute v. 污染 pollution n.污染 air pollution 空气污染 wate

8、r pollution 水污染 land pollution 土地污染 noise pollution 噪音污染8. pick up 捡起,拾起 pick 采摘 Dont pick up the flowers. 不要把花捡起来。 Dont pick the flowers. 不要采花。9. leave v.留下 离开 Dont leave any food in your plate. I will leave Shanghai soon. 10. promise n. 承诺,诺言 keep ones promise make/give a promise 答应,许诺11. discuss

9、讨论 = talk about 12. reuse 再利用 = use again 课文解析1. But she doesnt talk at all. not at all 用于否定句,表示一点也不,根部不 It doesnt matter at all. Not at all. 不用谢,没关系 -Thank you. Not at all. 2. She sometimes watches TV and never goes out at night. go out 外出,出去 He goes out for drinking almost every night. at night 在晚

10、上 last night 在昨天晚上,注意这里不加介词 3. She always works hard. work hard 努力工作,勤奋学习 She worked hard to work out the problem. hardworking adj. 努力工作的;不辞辛劳的,苦干的 Jack used to be a hardworking student. 4. She never gets angry. be/get angry at/about sth. 因某事生气 be/get angry with sb. 生某人的气 be/get angry with sb. for s

11、th. 因某事而生某人的气 make sb. angry 使某人生气1. for the first time 第一次 Last year, I visited Jack for the first time. The thief says “I steal things for the first time.”2. ask sb. about sth. 问某人关于某事 我们不应该总是问别人的年龄。 We shouldnt always ask others about their ages. Dont ask me about it. 3. Have you been to Ocean Pa

12、rk yet? 你去过海洋公园吗? have been to 去过(意味着回来了) have gone to 去了(意味着还没回来) have been in 在某地待了一段时间 yet 还,仍然,用于否定句或者一般疑问句的末尾 I havent finished my homework yet. Have you finished that book yet?4. I have just been to Garden City Zoo. just 相当于 a short time ago ,意思是 刚刚,用于肯定句中。 I have just had dinner.5. I have alr

13、eady been there. already 意思是 已经,用于肯定句。 I have already been to New York. =I have been to New York already.6. What about Water Word? What about? 怎么样呢? 去趟城市公园怎么样? What about a trip to City Park? =What about going to City Park? what about 后面如果出现动词, 要把动词改变成动名词。7. keep + 名词 + 形容词 使某物保持某种状态 We should keep

14、the room tidy.8. put into 把放入中 Please put the money into the piggy bank. 储蓄罐 tell sb. to do sth. 否定 tell sb. not to do sth. Teachers often tell us not to be late for school.老师经常告诉我们上学不要迟到。1. a friend of +名词性物主代词(mine, yours, his, hers, ours, its, theirs,)或者是 名词所有格(Kittys, my fathers)。 a friend of mi

15、ne a friend of my fathers 2. be late for 迟到 look after 照顾,照看 look at 看 look down 向下看 look up 向上看,查阅(字典) If you meet any new word in the book, you can look it up in a dictionary. look out 小心 look out of 向外看 look out of the window look into 观察,调查,向里面看 3. be kind to sb. 对某人友善 be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 I

16、f you listen to Jack and do your homework carefully, Jack will be kind and friendly to you, or Jack will be very strict with you. (be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格)4. 零冠词 (没有冠词) go to school 上学 go to the school (去学校里面,不是去学习的) play football 踢足球 have breakfast 吃早餐 President Obama 在头衔名称前不加冠词5. help each othe

17、r 互相帮助 = help one another 6. He likes going fishing with us. like doing sth. go fishing 7. 基数词:4,14,40,5,9,19,12,20,21 序数词:fourth,fourteenth,fortieth,fifth,ninth,nineteenth,twelfth,twentieth,twenty-first five fifth twelve twelfth 8. help n./v. helpful adj. 有帮助的 helpless adj. 没帮助的 use n./v. useful us

18、eless care n./v. careful careless harm n./v. 伤害 harmful harmless 9. 助动词(helping verbs)不能单独做谓语,要和其他实意动词一起做复合谓语。 do, does, did She didnt watch TV last night. has, have, had She has finished her homework. can, must, may She can ride a bike. 变否定句的步骤: 1.找助动词(helping verbs) 2.找到助动词之后,在其后加not。She can ride

19、a bike. She can not ride a bike. 3.找不到助动词,找实意动词,通过实意动词看出它对应的助动词(火眼金睛) John watched TV last night. watched - did 其后的实意动词要变回原型 John didnt watch TV last night. 变一般疑问句的步骤: 1. 找助动词2.找到助动词之后,将它提前置句首。 Kitty is watching TV. Is Kitty watching TV?3.找不到助动词,找实意动词,通过实意动词看出它对应的助动词(火眼金睛)。 John watched TV last nigh

20、t. watched - did 提前置句首。其后的实意动词要变回原型 Did John watch TV last night?1. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事情 help sb. do sth. help sb. to do sth. 2. more 和much的区别 more 是用于构成比较级的 beautiful more beautiful much 是用于修饰比较级的 taller much taller 高得多了 典型错误:more better 由于better已经是比较级了,不需要加more。 改正:much better much more beau

21、tiful 更加漂亮得多了3. sell v. 卖,出售 sale n. 出售 On sale. 打折销售4. 反义疑问句的回答只根据事实而定,事实是正确的,就用yes,事实是否定的就用no One plus one is two, isnt it? Yes, it is. One plus one isnt two, is it? Yes, it is. One plus one is three, isnt it? No, it isnt. One plus one isnt three, is it? No, it isnt. 5. spend度过;花费 Where are you go

22、ing to spend your summer holiday? spend (money or time) on sth. 花(钱或者时间)在某事物上面 I spent 30 yuan on this book. Lily spends a lot of time on her work. spend (money or time) (in) doing sth. 做某事花了多少(钱或者时间) I spent two hours reading yesterday. 家庭作业 - 两小时: I spent two hours on my homework. I spent two hour

23、s (in) doing my homework. 单词学习:1. island 岛屿 The biggest island in China is called Taiwan.2. weekend n. 周末 在周末:on weekends 或on the weekend(美语) at weekends 或 at the weekend (英语) 注意:单数形式的weekend 前面要使用定冠词the 复数形式的 weekends 前面不需要定冠词the3. seaside 海边,海滨 We spent the weekend at the seaside.4. luck n. Good l

24、uck to you. lucky adj. 幸运的 unlucky adj. 不幸运的 luckily adv. 幸运地 unluckily adv. 不幸运地5. activity n. 活动 Iusuallytakepartinschoolactivities. 我经常参加学校活动。 act v. 扮演 active adj. 积极的 actor n. 男演员 actress n. 女演员6. barbecue n. 烧烤 常被缩写成BBQ Lets have a barbecue tomorrow!7. collect v. 收集 Children like collecting sh

25、ells on the beach. Do you collect stamps from other countries. 你收集其他国家的邮票吗? collection n. 收藏品 I have a big collection of stamps.8. album 集邮册,影集,相册 Is this your family photo album?9. plan to do sth. 计划做某事,相当于 be going to do sth. IplantogotoZhongshanparkthisSaturday.我计划这个周六到中山公园去。 plan n. 计划,平面图 10. s

26、hall v. 将要;好吗? 助动词shall 常用于征询对方意见,往往用第一人称 Shall we turn on the air-conditional? What shall we buy for the barbecue? 我们该为烧烤买点什么呢?11. cost 花费 -How much does that bag cost? -It costs 38 thousand. -How much did that bag cost? -It cost 38 thousand.AAA (“国家三A级保护单词”) cost cost cost 这个动词的原型,过去式,过去分词都一样 put

27、put putcut cut cuthurt hurt hurtread read read hit hit hit 打,撞let let letset set setThe book cost me 20 yuan. 对划线部分提问How much did the book cost you?12. trip 旅行 This is my first trip to Hainan Island. 近义词: journey make a trip to (去)旅行 go on a trip to (去)旅行 I want to make a trip to Yunnan. 课文详解:1. a map of China 一张中国地图 a map of Shanghai 一张上海地图2. a photo of my family and me 一张我的家人和我的照片 a photo of me 强调照片里有我 a photo of mine 强调照片是我所拥有的,但照片里不一定有我

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