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1、.t ti im me eOclockOclock.What time is it What time is it nownow?Its Its oclock.oclock.5 5.What time is it What time is it nownow?Its Its oclock.oclock.8 8.8:008:006:006:0012:3012:301:001:006:306:3011:3011:30Its Its .School is over.School is over.Lets go to the Lets go to the playground.playground.I

2、ts 6 oclock.Its 6 oclock.Its time for dinner.Its time for dinner.What time is it?Its _.Its time for _.7:00breakfastTalk something about the schedule.TimeTimesubjectsubject7:00breakfast8:20English class10:00Chinese class11:30lunch2:00Math class3:00P.E.class4:10dinner.What time is it?Its _.ItIts s tim

3、etime for for _.ItIts time s time toto _.7:00breakfastTimeTimesubjectsubject7:00breakfast8:20English class10:00Chinese class11:30lunch2:00Math class3:00P.E.class4:10dinner.Hi!School is over.Lets go to the playground.OK.What time is it now?Its 5 oclock.Time to go home,kids.What time is it?Its 6 ocloc

4、k.Its time for dinner.Oh!Lets go.1234BeijingLondonNew YorkSydney.Its _ p.m.in London.7:00 p.m.下午下午What time is it?Its 7 oclock in the afternoon.Its _ a.m.in Sydney.6:00 a.m.上午上午.New York(上午)Its 11:00 _ in New York.a.m.Its 4:00 p.m.in Beijing.School is over.放学了。.Its time for breakfast.Its time for br

5、eakfast.breakfastbreakfast7:007:00.Its time for English class.Its time for English class.English classEnglish class9:009:00.Its time for lunch.Its time for lunch.lunchlunch.Its time for music class.Its time for music class.music classmusic class2:002:00.Its time for PIts time for PE E class.class.PE

6、 classPE class3:003:00.Its time for dinner.Its time for dinner.dinnerdinner.Its time for breakfast.Its time for breakfast.Lets drink some milk.Lets drink some milk.Its time for lunch.Its time for lunch.Lets have some chicken.Lets have some chicken.Its time for dinner.Its time for dinner.Lets eat som

7、e rice.Lets eat some rice.Its time for PE class.Its time for PE class.Lets Lets jumpjump and and runrun.Its time for English class.Its time for English class.Lets Lets readread and and writewrite.Its time for music class.Its time for music class.Lets Lets sing sing andand dance dance.-ir,-ur-ir,-urg

8、 gir irl lb bir ird dn nurursesehambhambururgerger.A girl and her bird.A nurse and her hamburger.Its Its .Its time Its time to to .Its Its .Its time Its time toto .Its Its .Its time Its time forfor .8:008:00.Oh!Its 6:30.Its time to get up.Breakfast is ready.Hurry up!Its time to go to school!OK.What time is it?Its 8 oclock.Its time for English class.Im ready.It:6:25.It:6:25.Its time to get Its time to get up.up.get upget up.What time is it?Its ten oclock.What time is it?.

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