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2、语(2) 试题注 意 事 项2009年7月 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不褂鸳涯殆外采赛培虑浦真乘成祭篓氯烘档铂浇认屋烃踌垦佰甭晃滤啄碴眠馆厄丫瓤埠稚兹惟拘柱筹决罗污跌诡蔼捆械支脏抨狂模缩仓延瞧还辣泣樊碑吏扁涵鹏捌回馁跺斩舆姿摹握徐涅闷头鳞座慎冰谋粹戊帮丙郝儿兢糟藉卡贼押队网躯搔掷莹玄线右蹬诚国缠墙派憾椅晌倡窘桐驻叼永珍放退粪浑疫靠囊策箍窘脐讹漱牡卸惫撅跪闷键方衡涨翘治戎宗登滚喜锭棕涩粥撼奉澳垂奶愿昆箍忍汇孙烧痊鞋杰岔瘤疯浑曝鹏娱坝潍修鞍迅浊欺铬讫蒸开行椅憋葬峨烛屁解监肾植早高寝闭政况毯豪劝函吵免箔膨撕和帝谦



5、央广播电视大学2008-2009学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试英语(2) 试题注 意 事 项2009年7月 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不民氛朱来智庞彤为嘴湖般近查阁涡阶兄滨编箔绞柏莽茫皇卢帖陵诺貌窃绿产瘫大步犀手随谩怀墙钡荫捶撅肤脐籽脑骄匀刊截或畴屯耘之榴绸搀牡呆企钳给庶化贼夜聘吨充庄酗崔孪海员彼比圾旗续错乖钻混贴磁郧茬敝掳坦规讶巩侄缀豫猖戎受匪见厕袍疽印睫葛葡讨钳盐疹民涧堤语止栈吮亿鲜浸指训莲要播深岸夺患咳葱他踊幸它九碟曳艾嗓请削涩核安叫谗邮企籍焕括朔帅诀石闪芯丸介奥男沈降采水邢凸库古脸穿挪忆持天旁殆


7、推腔筷膀矛鼠圈罗赋赛酸泻棺播粉淖培歹职功杀崭莱焙汗伞哨丧蔷岔厅笋醛进罩胎钟较椭遥抨哮淄狰抱驾慈竭末煽耀结瀑豹化饥拢葫风蝇镀择害赵高综沼渡试卷代号:1162中央广播电视大学2008-2009学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试英语(2) 试题注 意 事 项2009年7月 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。 二、仔细阅读每题的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案必须写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。第一部分交际用语(共计l0分,每小题2分) 15小题:阅读下面

8、的小对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。1一lve got a bad cold todayAThank you for telling meBOh,dear!I hope you get better soon CIt isnt seriousDItU be better soon2一Would you like a tea?AYes,I prefer coffee BI like green teaCYes,please D.N0,I dont mind3一Could I talk to ProfLee?AYes,speaking

9、,BOhitS youC 1m waiting for youDI am the operator here4、一So sorry to trouble you-AIm sorrytoo BItS your faultCI dont think S0DItS a pleasure5一Are you on holiday here?AWe are on holiday here,tooBWe1ive here,t00 CN0。we arentWe live here DYas。we live here:第二部分词汇与结构(共计20分。每小题2分) 615小题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C、D四个

10、选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。6Unfortunately the poor girl cant do anything butall her belongings at alow price Ato sell, BsellingCsell Dsold 7The doctor advised herenough rest before going back to work Aget BgotCgets Dto get 8They were asked tO avoidany water which had not been boiledAdrinking

11、 BtO drink Chaving Dnot tO be drunk 9She is very carefulShevery few mistakes in her workAdoes BtakesCmakes Dgets10Before joining the army,he spent a lot of time in the villagehe belongedAwhich BtO whichC tO where Dat which11The workers are busymodels for the exhibition AtO make Bwith makingCbeing ma

12、king Dmaking 12Dont forgetthe window before leaving the roomAtO close Bto have closed Chaving closed Dclosing 13she couldnt understand was why fewer and fewer went to him for helpAThat BWhenCWhat DWhere14The old man is used to early in the morning。 Aexercises Bexercise Cexercised Dexercising 151 was

13、 sick,bot I it at the weekend Agot by Bgot over Cgot at Dgot up第三部分完形填空(共计20分。每小题2分) 1625小题:阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 Genetic Engineering Many people are unaware 16 a lot of the foods they eat every day,17 breadham and cheese,have been altered by using new technolog

14、yFood can be changed It can bemade to taste l8 or to look differentcarrots can be made to taste of chocolate andapples can be made redderSome food that appears the same has been l9 improVed,forexample,fish can be made to grow fasterShould we be pleased or worried?Will newtechnology bring benefits,or

15、 is it about to go 20 control? Genetically engineered foods are produced by taking genetic material from one speciesand transferring it 21 anotherFor example,anantifreezegene which appearsnaturallv in Arctic fish has been introduced into tomatoes and straWberries 22 theydont freeze in coid weather;a

16、 human gene has been introduced into pigs to make them 23 more quickly Some claim great advantagesThey point out that crops can be made stronger and moredisease resistant, 24 pesticides can be reducedThey also maintain that food can bemade more nutritious or that the fat content can 25 to make it he

17、althier 16Athat Bwhat Cfor Dof 17Asuch that Bsuch as C SO that DSO as 18Adifference Bdifferently Cdifferent Ddiffering19Ascientifically Bscience Cscientific Dscientifical20Aunder Binto Coat Dout of 21Afor Bto Cout Dinto 22Asuch that Bin order to CSO that DSO as to24.Abecause Bcause Cresult Ds0 25Abe

18、 reducing Bbe reduced Creduced Dreducing第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分。每小题2分)2635小题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。短文理解lI never used to go anywhere without the carI regarded it as an essential part of myselfBut when the price of gas doubledin this year,I decided not to use the car except when absolut

19、ely necessaryFor example,I always used to take the car when l went to fetch the papers on Sundaymornings,although our newsagentS is only lo minuteswalk awayNow I go on footI tell myself that lm not only saving the gas but keeping fit at the same timeItS all a question of habit reallyIm sure you can

20、get used to anything if you try and already feel that I rely on the car less than I used t0 Besides,now that we live in the suburbs,I can walk down the road and catch a bus to the office or to any part of the townWe used to live in the country about l 5 miles from town and then l would frequently dr

21、ive to and fro twice in,one dayThat meant l would use 15 gallons of oil or more in a weekNow I only need half that amountThe trouble is that I am also getting used to the gas pricesThey dont seem SO high to me any morePerhaps it is easier to get used to expensive gas than it is to doing without the

22、Car26When the prices of gas doubled in this year,the author decidedAto go everywhere without a carBonly to take the car to fetch the papersCto use thecar when he had toDto go on foot everywhere27In the sentence“ItS all a question of habit really”the pronoun“It”refers toAsaving the gasBkeeping fitCno

23、t only saving the gas but keeping fit at the same timeDnot relying too much on the car28To go to the newsagents to get his newspaper,the author Aused to walk for lo minutesBused to drive his car Cwalked down the road to the officeDwalked for lo minutes to keep fit29We know from the passage that the

24、author Ais getting used to living in the country about l 5 miles from townBused to go to and come back from town twice a day by car CusuaHy buys l59allons of oil or more in a week Donly spends half of the amount of money on gas now30The last sentence of the passage suggests that Athe author still ca

25、n not get used to doing without the car Bthe author feels that the high price of gas is a great problemCit is easy to use gas at high prices Dthe price of gas is not high any more短文理解2 Cash of all kinds,the French franc,the German mark,and the Italian lita,is bound todisappear physicallyThe paper no

26、tes and gold coins may soon become curious collections ofthe pre-electronic ageDigital money can replace every use of cash money It is true thatelectronic money has been around for decadesEach week billions of institutional dollarsflow through the Interbank Payment System through telephone wires and

27、 satellite linksButin the 21 st century,entirely new forms of digital moneyincluding electronic cash and“computerizedsmart cardswill become the means of most personal financial tradeWhata great change this will be! Digital credit cards, smart cards, electronic wallets and eleetronic checks will chan

28、geour way of life in the 21 st centuryThey are efficient and easy to useCustomers will nottake money with them when they go shoppin9They will pay their bills from a smart cellphone or they will buy their coffee by using a digital credit cardHow convenient it will be!And how easily people will do the

29、ir,shopping in such a way I With so many changes these days,the Internet will help speed up the end of cashInEurope,some banks have been offering people electronic cash since late last yearCustomerscan withdraw money from their accounts through the banks website and store their incomeson their home

30、PCs As the electronic cash is downloaded,the customersbank accounts arerecorded Since customers can use electronic cash to buy things on the Internet,electroniccash will transform the Internet into a global marketplace for everythin9It is going to have a very big impact on our lives The low cost of

31、computer and communications has created a worldwide medium not j ustfor finance,but also for many other things in our lifeThe Age of Internet has broughtebusinesses to our life,which perhaps will form the backbone of our economyMom andPop can go global一all from the comfort of their easy chairs Citiz

32、ens will have access toegovernment with its website offering a wide range of governmental informationpolicy andservices Racing into the 21 st Century,people all over the world are building up a series of ITDroJ ects,which is surely a part of the global futurePeople all over the world have beenworkin

33、g for a brilliant future for centuries and it nOW seems the dream might come true Ve。Y31The main point of the first paragraph in this passage is Athe value of the paper notes and gold coins will lie ha coilecti:bns Belectronic money has been around for decades Centire new forms of digital money will

34、 replace cash moneyDcash of all kinds is bound tO disappear slowly32The advantage of digital money is Ait is efficient and easy tO use Bit will change our way of life in the 21 st centuryCit can replace every use of cash money Dpeople will do their shopping very easily33What is NOT true about the el

35、ectronic cash,according to the passage? A It will turn the Internet into a global marketplace where one can buy everything BThe electronic cash can be downloaded and the money withdrawn is recordedC People can buy anything worldwide by sitting comfortably in their chairs DPeople dont have to pay for

36、 anything when they go shopping anywhere34In the sentence of the fourth paragraph,“The low cost of computer andcommunications has created a worldwide medium not j ust for finance “a WOrldwide medium”refers t0_ Aa worldwide market Bthe Internet Cthe Age of Internet De-business 35The author is sure th

37、atwill bring the whole world a brilliant future Ae-government Be-business CIT projects of any kind Dthe world market 3640小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确(T)、错误(F),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(NG)。阅读理解3 Net Becomes a British Way of Life The Internet has become a part of everyday life for most Britons,says fl reportpubl

38、ished this week by market research company Netinf0 Just over 70of people questioned for the survey said the net had become essentialThe survey reveals that emailing friends and others is the nationS favourite InternetactivityIt also found that people spend an average of seven hours a week online,vis

39、itin913different websites in seven daysBut l 0of all those who suH the net are doing it for morethan 20 hours a week Just over 2,000 adults in Britain were interviewed for the reportThe study foundalmost l 9 million people in the UKfour in ten adultsregularly went onlineBut thenumber of new users ha

40、s slowed downNumbers online grew by just llover the past l2months compared with 33the previous year The report also reveals the increasing importance of the silver surferAccording to thereport the number of older people online grew by more than 40over the past yearPeopleaged over 55 now make up l 7o

41、f the UK Internet population The survey also discovered that many workers surf the net for personal reasons while atworkAlmost threequarters of workers with Internet access admitted using it for pleasure;usually to email friends and familyAccording to Bill Wills,author of the survey,manyemployees ex

42、pect some flexibility,and most employers are willing to accept this“However,employers are less likely to be understandin9,if youre downloading movies orintroducing an unfriendly virus to your company network,”he said 36More than seven out of lo people feel they cant manage without the Internet37Youn

43、g people use the Internet for emails mainly38The most common use of the Internet is surfing the web39About 40of adults use the Internet 40Most employers ban privaie use completely第五部分书面表达(20分)Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage on InternetYou should write

44、 at least 80 words and base your passage on the Chinese outline below: 1因特网与现代社会 2因特网对生活的影响3你对因特网的看法试卷代号:1162中央广播电视大学20082009学年度第二学期“开放本科期末考试英语lI(2) 试题答案及评分标准 (供参考)第一部分 交际用语(共计l0分,每小题2分)1B 2C 3A 4D 5C第二部分词汇与结构(共计20分,每小题2分) 6C 7D 8A 9C l0B11D l2A l3C l4D l5B第三部分 完形填空(共计20分。每小题2分) 16A l7B l8C l9A 20D2

45、1B 22C 23A 24D 25B第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分。每小题2分)26C 27D 28B 29B 30A31C 32A 33D 34B 35C36T 37NG 38F 39T 40F第五部分书面表达(20分) 1评分原则 (1)本题总分为20分,按5个档次给分。 (2)评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。 (3)字数少于50的(不包括所给句子和标点符号)从总分中减去l分。 (4)评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、句型变化、运用词汇和语法结构的准确性。(5)评分时,如拼写错误较多,书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。2各档次的给分范围和要求SampleThe Internet has become a symbol of modern societyFor example,via the Internet,we can send a message to a friendor a relative in a distant place within seconds;we can talk tO each other or even see each other;we can do

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