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1、一、单项选择1Whats this? ()_AThis is orange.BIts orange.CIt is an orange.2A: Would you like a _?()B: No, thank you.Aice creamBpieCorange3This is _ ball. Its my _ ball. ()Aa; aBa; /Can; /4 Which colour do you like ? ()_AGreat.BGreen.CGood.5Look at my jacket. ()Its _.AThank youBniceCplease6_ is Su Hai and _

2、 Liu Tao. ()AShes; HesBShe; HesCShe; hes7That nice skirt is for _ Yang Ling. ()AIBmyC/8_ is the skirt? ()AWhat colourBWhatsCThat9Mike is my friend. Yang Ling is my friend, _. ()AtoBtwoCtoo10Whats this? ()_AIts my mum.BIts blue.CIts a pear.11_ about a hot dog? ()AWhoBWhatCWhats12Would you like _ ice

3、cream? ()AaBanCto13_ you Bobby? ()No, _.AIs; I amBAre; I am.CAre; Im Sam.14A cake, a pie. _ you and _. ()Afor; IBFor; meCTo; my15A: Look at my jacket. ()B: Its _.AThank you.Bvery nice.Cplease16Are you Liu Tao? ()_AYes, I am.BNo, I am.CYes, Im not.17Would you like _ robot? ()AaBanC/18Look at me! ()Oh

4、. _ nice!AWhatBHowChow19下面字母中,需要三笔写成的是 _。()AMBFCK20Hi, Bobby. ()_AHello, Bobby.BHi, Sam.CHi, Im Bobby.二、完成句子21I like _ (米饭).22_ (再见), Alice!23This is a (黑色) T-shirt.24Look at my new (帽子).25Whats (那个)? Its a hot dog.26_ (新年快乐), Uncle Li!27He is my (好的) friend, Mike.28What abou_ a ca_e? 29_ (他) is Jac

5、k.30I have an _ (eraser / pen). 31A: Whats this? B: Its a _. Its for Tim.32There are s_ days(天) in a week(周).33The _ (熊) is brown.34Would you like a _ (蛋糕)?Yes, please.35This (小汽车) is for (你).Thank you, Uncle John.36N_. Im Wang Bing.37Hi, I a_ Su Hai.38An apple is _ (红色的).39Frogs are _ (绿色的).40Shake

6、 your _.三、阅读理解Hello! Im Tom. Im ten. I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. I like blue. My bag is black, but(但是) my pencil box is blue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs and milk. I dont like cake.根据短文内容选择正确答案。41、Tom is _()A6B10C842、Tom likes _. ()Adogs, cats, pandas and elephantsBdogs, cat

7、s, pandas and ducksCcats, pandas, pigs and elephants43、Toms bag is _. ()AredBblueCblack44、Toms pencil box is _. ()AblueByellowCblack45、Tom doesnt like(不喜欢) _()AeggsBbreadCcake四、阅读理解I am in the zoo. I can see many animals. Look at the pandas. They are cute. Look at that goose. Its so beautiful. Look

8、at the foxes. They are smart. Look at the elephants. They are big. Look at the birds. They are small. I like them very much. Do you like them?46、The pandas are _. ()AcuteBbig47、The goose is _. ()AfunnyBbeautiful48、The foxes are _. ()AsmallBsmart49、The elephants are not _. ()AsmallBbig50、The birds ar

9、e not _. ()AbigBsmall五、阅读理解One day Mr. and Mrs.White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help th

10、em. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.51、Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _. ()AfishingBshoppingCbusiness52、They stop their car _. ()Aat the parking spotBnear the seaCnear

11、the store53、They want to put the things _. ()Ain a big bagBin their carCin others car54、Mr. White cant open the car, so _. ()Athey walk homeBthey ask a policeman to helpCthey call a taxi55、The car _ their car. ()AisntBisCare六、阅读理解Sam: Hello, Danny. Whats this?Danny: Its my new bag.Sam: How many pens

12、 in the bag?Danny: Two.Sam: How many pencils?Danny: Five pencils.Sam: Five?Danny: Oh, no! Six!Sam: How many books?Danny: One two three. nine, ten, eleven!Sam: Danny, point to your new blue bag.56、_ has (有) a new bag. ()ASamBDannyCMum57、How many pens? ()AOne.BTwo.CTen.58、How many pencils? ()AFour.BFi

13、ve.CSix.59、How many books? ()ANine.BTen.CEleven.60、The bag is _. ()AgreenBblueCblack【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:这是什么?This is orange.这是橙色的。Its orange.它是橙色的。It is an orange.它是一个橙子。句子问的是物品,所以C符合句意,故选C。2B解析:B【详解】句意:A:你想要一个_吗?B:不,谢谢你。A冰淇淋,C馅饼,C橙子。AC以元音音素开头,不定冠词用an,B以辅音音素开头,不定冠词用a。横线前为a,故选B。3B解析:B【详解】句意:这是一个

14、球。它是我的球。ball以辅音音素开头,第一个空填a修饰;第二个空前有形容词性物主代词修饰,不再用冠词修饰。故选B。4B解析:B【详解】问句句意:你喜欢哪个颜色? A好极了。B绿色的。C好的。根据问句可知答语回答颜色,故选B。5B解析:B【详解】句意:看我的夹克。它很漂亮。A谢谢,B漂亮的,C请,横线处填形容词nice,符合句子语法与题意,故选B。6C解析:C【详解】句意:她是苏海,他是刘涛。本题考查并列句。第一句缺少主语,填人称代词主格She,第二句第一个单词不位于句首,首字母不用大写。故选C。7C解析:C【详解】句意:那条漂亮的裙子是给杨玲的。本题考查介词的用法。for给,后面直接加动作的

15、对象或接受者,for Yang Ling,给杨玲,故选C。8A解析:A【详解】句意:这条裙子是什么颜色的?句子是疑问句,排除C;Whats是What is的缩写,句子已有is,排除B;What colour什么颜色,符合句意,故选A。9C解析:C【详解】句意:迈克是我的朋友。杨玲_是我的朋友。to向,two二,too也,根据语境可知:杨玲也是我的朋友。too一般放在句尾,符合题意,故选C。【点睛】10C解析:C【详解】句意:这是什么?Its my mum.是我的妈妈。Its blue.它是蓝色的。Its a pear.它是一个梨子。句子问的是什么物品,所以C符合句意,故选C。11B解析:B【详

16、解】句意:来个热狗怎么样?What about.?怎么样?是一句常用的客套话,后面跟名词,代词或动词-ing形式,故选B。【点睛】12B解析:B【详解】句意:你想要一个冰淇淋吗?根据句意本题表示一个冰淇淋,ice cream以元音音素开头,前面用an修饰,故选B。13C解析:C【详解】句意:你是Bobby吗?不,我是萨姆。此题考查系动词,you用are,回答用的no,根据句意,故选C。【点睛】14B解析:B【详解】句意:一个蛋糕,一个馅饼。_你和_。给用介词for,所以第一空填介词for;介词for后面跟人称代词宾格形式,所以第二空填宾格形式,B选项符合题意,故选B。【点睛】15B解析:B【详

17、解】句意:A:看我的夹克。B:它是_。选项A谢谢。选项B很漂亮,选项C请,该对话是在向别人展示自己的夹克,故答语应该礼貌地表示夸奖一下,故选B。【点睛】16A解析:A【详解】句意:你是刘涛吗?_根据问句可知该对话是由are引导的一般疑问句及其回答,问句主语是you,故答语主语为I,其肯定回答为Yes, I am.是的,我是。否定回答为No, I am not.不,我不是。故排除BC选项,故选A。【点睛】17A解析:A【详解】句意:你想要一个机器人吗?a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用于以元音音素开头的单词前;句中的名词robot以辅音音素开头,故用a修饰,故选A。【点睛】18B解析:B【详解

18、】句意:看我!噢。真漂亮!句子为感叹句,其构成为What+a/an+形容词/ how+形容词+主语+谓语, 结合选项B符合题意,故选B。【点睛】19B解析:B【详解】根据字母的书写格式可知M是两笔写成,F是三笔写成,K是两笔写成,故B选项符合题意,故选B。【点睛】20B解析:B【详解】句意:你好,鲍比。A你好,鲍比。B你好,萨姆。C你好,我是鲍比。选项B符合题意,故选B。二、完成句子21rice【详解】略22G解析:Goodbye【详解】句意:再见,爱丽丝。再见是goodbye,故答案为Goodbye。23black【详解】句意:这是一件黑色的T恤衫。黑色的是形容词black,故答案为blac

19、k。【点睛】24cap / hat【详解】句意:看我的新帽子。cap和hat都有帽子的意思。故答案为cap / hat。【点睛】25that【详解】句意:那个是什么?它是一个热狗。本题考查指示代词那个that,故答案为that。【点睛】26H解析:Happy New Year【详解】句意:新年快乐,李叔叔。新年New Year,新年快乐英文为happy New Year,故答案为Happy New Year。27good【详解】句意:他是我的好朋友,迈克。好的good,形容词,故答案为good。28 t k【详解】句意:蛋糕怎么样?根据提示可知考查what about怎么样,cake蛋糕,故答


21、r。【点睛】34cake【详解】句意:你想要一个蛋糕吗?好的,谢谢。蛋糕cake,前面有a修饰,用单数,故答案为cake。【点睛】35 car you【详解】句意:这辆小汽车是给你的。谢谢你,约翰叔叔。小汽车car,this修饰可数名词单数,你you。故答案为car,you。36No#o【详解】句意:不。我是王兵。本题考查否定的回答,用no,故答案为No。37am#m【详解】句意:你好,我是苏海。本题考查be动词,根据句意及首字母,可知单词为am是,故答案为am。38red【详解】句意:苹果是红色的。本题考查形容词辨析,根据汉语意思可知单词为red,故答案为red。39green【详解】句意:

22、青蛙是绿色的。本题考查形容词辨析,根据汉语意思可知单词为green,故答案为green。40legs【详解】略三、阅读理解解析:41、B42、A43、C44、A45、C【解析】41、由短文的第二句 Im ten.可知汤姆10岁了,故答案为B。42、由短文的第三句 I like dogs, cats, pandas and elephants. 可知汤姆喜欢dogs, cats, pandas and elephants,故答案为A。43、由短文的第四句中的前半句 My bag is black 可知汤姆的书包是黑色的,故答案为C。44、由短文的第四句中的后半句 but(但是) my penci

23、l box is blue 可知汤姆的铅笔盒是蓝色的,故答案为A。45、由短文的最后一句 I dont like cake. 可知汤姆不喜欢蛋糕,故答案为C。四、阅读理解解析:46、A47、B48、B49、A50、A【导语】本文主要讲述了作者在动物园看见了许多动物。并对它们做了介绍。46、句意:熊猫是_。A可爱的;B大的;根据文中“ Look at the pandas. They are cute. ”可知熊猫是可爱的。故选A。47、句意:鹅是_。A有趣的;B漂亮的;根据文中“ Look at that goose. Its so beautiful. ”可知鹅是漂亮的。故选B。48、句意:

24、狐狸是_。A小的;B聪明的;根据文中“Look at the foxes. They are smart. ”可知狐狸是聪明的。故选B。49、句意:大象不是_。A小的;B大的;根据文中“ Look at the elephants. They are big. ”可知大象不是小的。故选A。50、句意:鸟不是_。A大的;B小的;根据文中“Look at the birds. They are small.”可知鸟是小的。不是大的。故选A。五、阅读理解解析:51、B52、C53、B54、B55、A【分析】略六、阅读理解解析:56、B57、B58、C59、C60、B【分析】对话大意:文具的数量。56

25、、句意:_有一个新的包。根据Danny: Its my new bag.,可知丹尼有一个新的包,故选B。57、句意:多少支钢笔?A一支。B两支。C十支。根据Sam: How many pens in the bag? Danny: Two.,可知有两支钢笔,故选B。58、句意:多少支铅笔?A四支。B五支。C六支。根据Sam: How many pencils? Danny: Five pencils. Sam: Five? Danny: Oh, no! Six!,可知六支铅笔,故选C。59、句意:多少本书?A九本。B十本。C十一本。根据Sam: How many books? Danny: One two three. nine, ten, eleven!,可知十一本书,故选C。60、句意:包是_。A绿色的,B蓝色的,C黑色的,根据Sam: Danny, point to your new blue bag.,可知包是蓝色的,故选B。【点睛】

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