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1、1编辑ppt观看视频观看视频Whats the flash about?课题课题Home alone.2编辑pptUnit1 I can look after myself,although it wont be easy for me.Module 4HOME ALONE3编辑pptThere are so many _ in the stations.passengers4编辑ppt Can you send me a _ _.I have forgotten your _.(地址)(地址)text message address5编辑pptmy telephone_ when I had

2、 a _.I felt so sorry.rangmeeting6编辑ppt n.(供上下火车用的供上下火车用的)月月 台;站台台;站台 n.会议,集会会议,集会 v.未出席;未出现未出席;未出现 v.关上;合上关上;合上 v.锁;锁住锁;锁住 adj.简单的;容易的简单的;容易的pron.任何人任何人Words and expressions platform meeting miss shut lock simpleanybody7编辑pptWords and expressions clock ring passenger address text text message couple

3、 a couple ofn.钟;时钟钟;时钟v.鸣响;发出铃声鸣响;发出铃声 n.乘客;旅客乘客;旅客n.地址地址n.文本;正文文本;正文 短信短信n.一对;两个一对;两个 两个两个8编辑ppt接龙接龙幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。每人一词,按行每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,列依次接龙,3秒秒内说不出,此行内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此列同学即失去此答题机会,下一行答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。列同学接续。9编辑pptluggagedestinationmeetingtravelparents train numb

4、erplatformclothes10编辑pptwww.e-l- 1.It was so late that all the shops were_.2.Liu Hua l_ the door and took the key with him.3.When the bell r_,most of students ran out of the classroom.4.As soon as the bus stopped in the station,all the p_got off.5.Please write down your home a_ and telephone number

5、on the notebook.自学课本P142Module2Unit 1(10)的单词,并根据给出的首字母或中文意思,写出正确的单词。shutockedangassengersddress11编辑pptWork in pairs.Talk about the picture.1P26The girls parents are going to take the train T27 to Lhasa.Her father is carrying a big luggage.12编辑ppt2P26Listen and answer the questions.1 Where are Betty

6、and her parents?2 Is Betty travelling with her parents?A.At the station.B.At the airport.No,she isnt.13编辑ppt3P26Listen again and complete the sentences.1.Will you be OK at home _ _?2.Ill _ you too,and Ill call you every day.3.Ill keep it tidy so that youll _ _ me when you get home.on your ownmiss be

7、 proud of14编辑pptThere is a conversation between Betty and her parents.Lets do some listening.15编辑pptListen to the conversation and answer the following questions.1.Why didnt Betty go with her parents?2.What did Bettys mum ask her to remember?*be _ with the door.*eat plenty of _ *_ on timeShe cant mi

8、ss two weeks of school.careful fresh fruit,vegetables wake upTask 116编辑ppt1.Lets read with the video.3.Pk in small groups.(小组读课文比赛)小组读课文比赛)2.Read in groups loudly.(六人一小组读)六人一小组读)17编辑ppt4P26Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.There may be more than one answer.1.Bettys parents are going to _

9、_.2.Her mum tells her to _ _.3.Betty can _.4.bettys parents usually _ _.5.Bettys mum has not _ _.Lhasa for an important meeting eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables cook simple meals wake her up in the morning given Betty their address in LhasaTask 218编辑ppt5P27Choose the correct answer.1.“I have

10、nt given you our address in Lhasa!”This means you do not know where we are staying/what we are doing.2.You see passengers travelling by train/staying at home.3.When your clock rings,it is quiet/makes a loud noise.Task 519编辑ppt4.You receive a text message on your phone/by email.5.When the door is shu

11、t,it is open/closed.6.When you lock the door,you keep people out/let people in.7.At a meeting,you meet people for work/fun.20编辑pptBettys parents are going to go to Lhasa by train to attend an important meeting.Betty cant go with them because she cant _ two weeks of school.Bettys mum wants her to rem

12、ember to _ the door,to eat plenty of fresh fruit,_ and biscuits.Her dad tells her to make sure the clock can _ in the morning.Now their train _ leave and theyll be back in _ weeks.Complete the passage with proper words.miss be careful with vegetables wake her up is about to a couple ofTask 621编辑ppt根

13、据给出的中文或英文完成下列短语根据给出的中文或英文完成下列短语:(1)照顾,照看_ (2)虽然,尽管_(3)独自在家_ (4)醒,唤醒 _ (5)短信_ (6)简单的饭菜_(7)两个_ (8)建议某人(不)做某事_(9)小心(处理)某物_ (10)旅途愉快_Look afteralthoughHome aloneWake upSimple meals A couple of Advise sb.(not)to do sth.Be careful with Language pointsHave a good tripText message22编辑ppt翻译句子翻译句子_.点拨:点拨:bele

14、aving在这是现在进行时表将来时意义。在这是现在进行时表将来时意义。在英语中在英语中,可以用现在进行时表将来的动词一般都是一可以用现在进行时表将来的动词一般都是一些些瞬间动词瞬间动词:leave,arrive,get,come,go,finish,start,stay等等。用。用现在进行时现在进行时表将来指的是近期的、表将来指的是近期的、按计划和安排要发生的动作。按计划和安排要发生的动作。即学即练:即学即练:They_inBeijingforaweek.他们将在北京待一个星期。他们将在北京待一个星期。1.Its leaving from Platform 2.它从它从2号站台发车。号站台发车

15、。are stayingLanguage pointsLanguage points23编辑ppt2.So am I,but I cant miss two weeks of school.点拨点拨:“So+系动词系动词/助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词+主语主语”这一结这一结构的倒装句,表示自己与前一个人的情况构的倒装句,表示自己与前一个人的情况相同相同或或同意同意前一个人的说法,意思是前一个人的说法,意思是“也这样也这样”。Eg.I am a middle school student.-So am I.So+主语主语+系动词系动词/助动词助动词/情态动词的结构情态动词的结构,意为,意为“确

16、实如此确实如此”,表示肯定上句所说事情,表示肯定上句所说事情,上下句的主语上下句的主语是同一人是同一人。Eg.He likes the car.-So he does.24编辑ppt例如:例如:Joe was a little upset,and so was I.乔有点不开心,我也有点儿。乔有点不开心,我也有点儿。He has been ill,and so has his wife.他一直生着病,他妻子也一样。他一直生着病,他妻子也一样。Neil left just after midnight,and so did Jack.尼尔一过午夜就走了,杰克也是。尼尔一过午夜就走了,杰克也是。2

17、5编辑ppt即学即练:As a member of bus drivers,I am proud of Wu Bin._.He is a hero in my heart.A.So am I B.So do I C.So I amA26编辑ppt3、I can look after myself,although it wont be easy for me.Although连词,意为“虽然,尽管;即使”,相当于though,引导让步状语从句,不可以跟but,however连用。即学即练:_ my grandma is very old,she is very healthy.虽然我奶奶年纪很

18、大了,但是她很健康。Although/Though27编辑ppt4.There wont be anybody to wake you up in the morning.点拨:点拨:wake为为不及物动词不及物动词,意为,意为“唤醒,醒来唤醒,醒来”。当作当作“唤醒某人唤醒某人”讲的时候,其后常讲的时候,其后常加介词加介词up,构,构成短语成短语wakeup。当被叫醒的对象是。当被叫醒的对象是人称代词人称代词时,时,要用要用宾格宾格形式,且必须放在形式,且必须放在短语中间短语中间;当被叫醒的;当被叫醒的对象是对象是名词名词时,可放在短语时,可放在短语中间中间,也可放在短语,也可放在短语后后面

19、面。即学即练:即学即练:Mymother_veryearlythismorning.今天早晨妈妈很早就叫醒了我。今天早晨妈妈很早就叫醒了我。Tom,thanksfor_mycousin_/_mycousineveryday.汤姆,谢谢你每天叫我表弟起床。汤姆,谢谢你每天叫我表弟起床。woke me upwaking up waking up28编辑ppt4.There wont be anybody to wake you up in the morning.点拨:点拨:anybodypron.不定代词不定代词,相当于,相当于anyone.多用在多用在疑问句、否定句和条件句中疑问句、否定句和条

20、件句中,意为,意为“某人;某人;任何人任何人”;也可用于也可用于肯定句中肯定句中,意思是意思是“随便哪个人随便哪个人”。做主语时做主语时,谓语动词用,谓语动词用单数单数形式,形式,anybody只只能指能指人人,不指物不指物。即学即练:即学即练:WhohelpedBettytidyupthebedroomjustnow?_.Shecleaneditallbyherself.A.SomebodyB.NobodyC.EverybodyD.Anybody B【解析解析】somebody“某人;有人某人;有人”,nobody“没有人没有人”,everybody“每个人每个人”,anybody“任何一人

21、任何一人”。句意:。句意:“谁帮助贝蒂收拾卧室了?谁帮助贝蒂收拾卧室了?”“没有人,她全靠自己打扫的。没有人,她全靠自己打扫的。”。29编辑ppt5、原句:、原句:Your train is about to leave._点拨:点拨:be about to do sth.的意思是的意思是“就要就要/正要正要”。即学即练:即学即练:She looked as if she _ _ _ _.她看上去好像要哭了。她看上去好像要哭了。was about to cry30编辑ppt6原句:原句:See you in a couple of weeks!点拨:点拨:a couple of 1)两人;两件

22、事物两人;两件事物 2)几个人;几件事物几个人;几件事物即学即练:即学即练:I saw _ men get out.我看见有两个男人出去了。我看见有两个男人出去了。We went there _ years ago.我们几年前去过那里。我们几年前去过那里。a couple ofa couple of31编辑ppt6原句:原句:My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up.点拨:点拨:so loudly that 是是“so+形容词形容词/副词副词+that+从句从句”的结构。的结构。so that 意思是意思是“如此如此以

23、至于以至于”即学即练:即学即练:This story is_ _ _ I want to read it again.这个故事如此有趣,我想再读一次。这个故事如此有趣,我想再读一次。点拨:点拨:ring v.打电话打电话 n.戒指;环;铃声;电话戒指;环;铃声;电话Wish you a pleasant journey!Thanks!Ill give you a _ as soon as I arrive in Paris.A.ring B.hand C.ride D.present so interesting thatA32编辑pptHave you been left alone at

24、home?What did your parents ask you to do or not to do?Remember your parents contact telephone number.Know how to call the police,fire service or hospital.Dont answer the door to strangers.Dont touch dangerous things.DosDonts33编辑pptLets look through the Home alone rules for American children.34编辑pptY

25、es,I can./No,I cant.Can you look after yourself?Ill make the clock ring loudly.How will you make sure you wake up in the morning?Ill cook some simple meals.How will you eat?Ill try to finish it on my own.If there is still some difficult ones,Ill discuss them with my classmates.How will you manage yo

26、ur homework?TalkWork in pairs.Imagine you are staying at home by yourself.Ask and answer.35编辑ppt7P27Work in pairs.Imagine you are staying at home by yourself.Ask and answer.Talk1 Can you look after yourself?2 How will you make sure you wake up in the morning?3 What will you eat?4 How will you manage

27、 your homework?5.36编辑pptI.根据句意完成句子。根据句意完成句子。1.I _ just _ _ ask you the same thing.我刚才正要问你同一件事情。我刚才正要问你同一件事情。2.Wed like to go on a picnic this Sunday!_.Its a good idea.这周日我们想去野餐。这周日我们想去野餐。我也是。好主意!我也是。好主意!was about toSo would I 37编辑ppt3.Look out!The traffic is_ fast _ we cant cross the street now.小心!车

28、开得太快了,以至于我们现在过不了马路。小心!车开得太快了,以至于我们现在过不了马路。4.The doctor _ _ _ _ more milk.医生建议他要多喝牛奶。医生建议他要多喝牛奶。5.The doctor asked him to stay in bed for _ _ _ days.医生叫他卧床两天。医生叫他卧床两天。so that advised him to drink a couple of38编辑ppt1、Please check your homework to _ there are no mistakes.A.think of B.try out C.find out

29、 D.make sure2.I hope the summer vacation will come soon.-.It is really relaxing.A.So I did B.So I do C.So did I D.So do I 39编辑ppt3.Luckily,my mother _ in time,so I didnt get up late.A.woke me up B.cheered me up C.gave me up D.picked me up4.Where are you going?I_ for Hainan on vacation.A.leave B.leav

30、ing C.left D.am leaving5._ the girl is only nine,she takes care of her brother and cooks meals every day.A.If B.Because C.Although D.As40编辑ppt本课时主要短语和句型本课时主要短语和句型总结回顾总结回顾总结回顾总结回顾1.wake up2.a couple of3.So am I.4.I can look after myself,although it wont be easy for me.5.My clock rings so loudly that

31、it will certainly wake me up.41编辑ppteg:Thank you.Did you get there late again?3.“元音元音+元音元音”型型(即前一个词以元音(即前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个词结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个词往往要自然而不间断地连读)往往要自然而不间断地连读)eg:It will take you three hours to walk there.I am Chinese.42编辑pptListen and mark the words which the speaker links.6P271 Be espe

32、cially careful with the door.Shut it when youre in and lock it when you go out.2 I can look after myself,although it wont be easy for me.3 Im sure Ive forgotten something,but I dont know what it is!Now listen again and repeat.43编辑pptHomeworkHomework1.Review the new words and expressions in Unit 1.2.Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.44编辑ppt

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