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1、raise drop pay train perhaps importantelectricity countryside hear of look after 筹集筹集扔,落下扔,落下支付支付培训培训也许也许重要的重要的电电农村,乡下农村,乡下听说听说照顾照顾1编辑pptWhat has the Project Hope done for some children?Show us something about the children from poor families.感动.mp42编辑ppt MODULE 4 Education Unit 2 Project Hope has bu

2、ilt many schools.3编辑pptRead quickly and finish:2.How many children are mentioned in the passage?Who are they?1.choose the main idea about the passage.A.Helping poor children go to school.B.Talking about education.C.Describing life for poor familiesLiu SanziLi YinmingShen4编辑pptRead paragraph12 and fi

3、nish:1.His parents want him to drop out of school.(改为同义句)改为同义句)His parents want him_ _ _ _ school.2.Its important for him to work on their farm.(句中的句中的“it”指的是哪部分)指的是哪部分)“It”是指是指_.3.His parents have been ill and he has to look after them.(翻译为汉语)翻译为汉语)_。tostop goingtoto work on their farm他的父母一直有病,他得照顾

4、他们他的父母一直有病,他得照顾他们5编辑pptwherewhy His parentsA:How old is he?B:He isC:Where is he from?D:He is A:What did his parents do?B:His parents wantC:Why did his parentsD:BecauseWork in groups:Liu SanziageLi YinmingTry to retell:the story of Li Yinming!(one student,one sentence)6编辑ppt1.Who have given the money

5、 for the education?(回答问题)回答问题)2.What has Project Hope used the money to do?(回答问题)回答问题)3.Do the children from poor families need help now?(回答问题)回答问题)4.Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope.(改为同义句)(改为同义句)Now they can go to school _ _ Project Hope.5.Thousands of children have better l

6、ives.(翻译为汉语)翻译为汉语)_.Read paragraph35 and finish:People in China and abroad.It has built schools and libraries,trained teachers and sent students to high schools.Yes,they do.becauseof成千上万的孩子过上了更好的生活成千上万的孩子过上了更好的生活7编辑pptcanhelpmoneyeducationschoolslibrariestrainsendChinaabroadcantbecause8编辑ppt一、用词的适当形

7、式天空:一、用词的适当形式天空:1.I have _(be)in Weifang since ten years ago.2.People from China and abroad _ _(give)money.二、改写句子:二、改写句子:1.Shen went to a school with no electricity and a few books.(改写为同义句)改写为同义句)Shen went to a school _ electricity and a few books.2.Mary is ten years old.(改为同义句)改为同义句)Mary is _ _ _ _

8、 _.三、翻译句子:三、翻译句子:1.他由于家里穷,不能受到教育。他由于家里穷,不能受到教育。(get an education)_.2.在过去的三年里,他一直在帮助贫困家庭的孩子们。在过去的三年里,他一直在帮助贫困家庭的孩子们。_.9编辑ppt children from poor familiesProject Hopewe10编辑pptWhat I have done for Project Hope!11编辑pptWork in groups:Talk about:What have(can)you done(do)for Project Hope?How have(can)you h

9、elped(help)?2010希望工程公益广告片.mp412编辑ppt一、一、You must:Write down your poster about Project Hope.二、二、If you can:Draw a fishbone of Module4 unit213编辑ppt14编辑ppt15编辑pptBecause of Project Hope,thousands of children have better lives but 40 million children from poorFamilies still need help.Think about:What ca

10、n we do for Project Hope?How can we help?16编辑ppt Part 5(the further problem we should think of.)1.Most people in abroad have heard of Project Hope and have given money.2.40 million children from poor families dont need help.3.Because of Project Hope,thousands of children have better lives.Think abou

11、t:What can we do for Project Hope?How can we help?Part3:(para6)17编辑pptLi YinmingTry to retell the story of Li Yinming!(one student,one sentence)18编辑ppt19编辑pptcanhelpmoneyeducationschoolslibrariestrainsendChinaabroadPart1:(para3-para5)cantbecause20编辑ppt一一.按要求完成句子按要求完成句子1.She is _(11岁)岁)girl with long

12、 brown hair.2.So far I_(make)quite a few friends here.3.They stopped_(talk)when the teacher came in.4.They _(live)in that town since they _(move)there.二二.根据要求填写句子根据要求填写句子1.Betty has lived in England for two years._(同义句)同义句)_(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)2.I lived in shanghai in 2009.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)_3.She didnt go to school because it rained heavily.(改为同义句)改为同义句)She didnt go to school _ the heavy rain.an eleven-year-oldhave madetalkinghave livedmovedBetty has lived in England since two years ago.How long has Betty lived in England?When did you live in Shanghai?because of21编辑ppt任务型阅读22编辑ppt23编辑ppt24编辑ppt

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