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1、Lesson 17By Mr.RenUnit 9 Red,white and pink!Robert:Here are Pauls new pyjamas.Robert:Here are Pauls new pyjamas.Look at them!Look at them!They are bright red!They are bright red!But they are a bit dirty.But they are a bit dirty.Lucy:Here are Dads shirts.Lucy:Here are Dads shirts.They are pure white.

2、They are pure white.But theyre a bit dirty,too.But theyre a bit dirty,too.Put them in the washing machine.Put them in the washing machine.Lucy:What about your shirts?Lucy:What about your shirts?Robert:Yes.My shirts are dirty,too.Robert:Yes.My shirts are dirty,too.Lucy:Put them in the washing machine

3、.Lucy:Put them in the washing machine.William:Karen!Where are my new shirts?William:Karen!Where are my new shirts?Karen:Theyre in the washing machine,Karen:Theyre in the washing machine,with Pauls pyjamas and Roberts shirts.with Pauls pyjamas and Roberts shirts.Karen:Here you are!Two lovely clean sh

4、irts!William:Those shirts arent white!William:Those shirts arent white!Theyre pink!Theyre pink!Karen:Yes,they are,and theyre very Karen:Yes,they are,and theyre very pretty!pretty!Guided Conversation a1.Are Pauls new pyjamas bright red?Yes they are.2.Are they clean?No,they arent.3.Are they a bit dirt

5、y?Yes,they are.4.Are Dads shirts bright red?No,they arent.5.Are they pure white?Yes,they are.Guided Conversation a6.Are they a bit dirty,too?Yes,they are.7.Are Roberts shirts dirty?Yes,they are.8.Are the shirts clean now?Yes,they are.9.Are they pink?Yes,they are.Guided Conversation b1.What are pure

6、white?Williams new shirts.2.What are a bit dirty?Pauls new pyjamas and Williams new shirts.3.What are in the washing machine now?Pauls new pyjamas,Williams new shirts and Roberts shirts.Guided Conversation b4.What are lovely and clean?Williams new shirts.5.Whose shirts arent pure white?Williams new

7、shirts are.6.Whose shirts are pink now?Williams new shirts are.Guided Conversation c1.Are Pauls pyjamas clean?No,they arent.They are a bit dirty.2.Are Dads shirts bright red?No,they arent.They are pure white.3.Are Dads shirts very dirty?No,they arent.They are a bit dirty.Guided Conversation c4.Are D

8、ads shirts in the cupboard now?No,they arent.They are in the washing machine now.5.Are Dads shirts white now?No,they arent.They are pink now.Guided Conversation d1.What colour are Dads shirts?They are pure white.2.Whose pyjames are a bit dirty?Pauls pyjamas are a bit dirty.3.And whose shirts are a b

9、it dirty?Williams shirts are a bit dirty.Guided Conversation d4.Where are Pauls pyjames and Dads and Roberts shirts?They are in the washing machine.5.What colour are Williams shirts now?They are pink now.Guided Conversation 1Dads shirts/pure white?(What colour?)A:Are Dads shirts pure white?B:Yes,the

10、y are.A:What color are Dads shirts?B:They are pure white.Guided Conversation 2the shirts/in the washing machine now?(Where?)A:Are the shirts in the washing machine now?B:Yes,they are.A:Where are the shirts now?B:In the washing machine.Guided Conversation 3Dads shirts/pink now?(What colour?)A:Are Dads shirts pink now?B:Yes,they are.A:What color are Dads shirts now?B:They are pink.Guided Conversation 4Dads shirts/pretty now?(Whose?)A:Are Dads shirts pretty now?B:Yes,they are.A:Whose shirts are pretty now?B:They are Dads.此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!

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