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1、一、单项选择1_ this? ()Its a hot dog.AWhatBwhatsCWhats2The hot dog is _ you. ()AtoBforCand3A: Look at me.()B: _AThank you.BIts nice!CGreat.4A: Are you Alice?()B: _AYes. Im Amy.BYes, I am.CYes. Shes Alice.5_ is that? ()Its a new robot.AWhatBHowCWhat colour6Happy New Year! ()_!AHappy New YearBThank youCIts

2、great7This doll is _ your sister. ()AforBgiveCto8Would you like a pie? ()_AYes, I am.BNo, thank you.CNo. Its a CD9_ is this jacket? ()Its brown.AWhatsBWhat colourCWhat10_ my T-shirt. ()How nice!AWhat colourBWhat aboutCLook at11What colour would you like? Red, blue _ yellow? ()A,BandCor12Billy is _,

3、its playtime but he cant play with anyone. ()AsadBhappyChungry13Would you like an ice cream? ()_ I like(喜欢) ice creams.AYes, I am.BYes, please.CNo, thank you.14A cake, a pie. _ you and _. ()Afor; IBFor; meCTo; my15_ you like a hot dog? ()No, thank you.AdoBDoCWould16_? ()Its a red cap.AWhos wearing a

4、 red cap?BWhat colour is the cap?CWhats that?17A: Look at my jacket. ()B: Its _.AThank you.Bvery nice.Cplease18This is Tim. _ my brother. ()AHesBShesCIts19What about an ice cream? ()_, thank you.AYesBNoCno20Its an _ car. ()AtoyBblueCorange二、完成句子21He has _ and his _ are orange. 22Tom is my f_.23_ (好的

5、) morning!24Hello, _ (小姐) Li.25What colour is your _ (帽子)?Its black _ white (黑白相间).26My _ (祖父) is a farmer.27What colour is _ (我的汽车) now?It is _ (红绿相间的).28_ood afternoon. 29This is Mike. H_ is my friend.30Look at my c_.Its great.31Look at my new _. Its nice.32I see _ ( d e r ). 33How many pens? _ pe

6、ns. 34How many apples?_ apples.35We can borrow some books from the school l_.36How _ (老的) are you?37Lily likes f_ and rice.38Would you like a _ ? Yes, please.39This toy _is for Tim.40Is she Yang Ling? Yes. S_ is my friend.三、阅读理解I have a pencil box. Its black. There are lots of things (东西) in it. I h

7、ave a pen. Its red and long (长的). I like it. I have three pencils. They (它们) are short(短的). I have a ruler. Its big(大的). I have an eraser. Its small(小的).41、The pencil box is _. ()AblackBred42、The pen is _.()AyellowBred43、I have _pencils. ()A4B344、The pencils are _.()AlongBshort45、The eraser is _.()A

8、bigBsmall四、阅读理解Hello, Im Weiwei. Im a boy. Im nine. Im a pupil. Look! This is a photo (照片) of my family (家庭). This is my father, hes a policeman. This is my mother, shes a doctor. This is my sister Lanlan, shes four. Doudou is my dog, its a yellow dog, and its my friend (朋友).46、How old is Weiwei? ()

9、A9B8C747、Which picture (哪张图片) is Weiwei? ()ABC48、Weiweis father is a _. ()ABC49、Is Weiweis mother a teacher? ()AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CYes, he is.50、Doudou is _. ()Aa yellow catBa yellow dogCa yellow bird五、阅读理解Hello! My name is Chen Jie. Im seven years old. Look at my bag. Its green. I have an e

10、raser and three pencils in my bag. I have a brown cat. Its (它的) name is Mimi. Its funny (有趣的). I like it. My cat likes fish and milk. Im a happy (快乐的) girl.51、Chen Jie is _ years old. ()A6B7C852、I have a _ bag. ()AblueByellowCgreen53、I have _ in my bag. ()Atwo pencilsBan eraser and three pencilsCthr

11、ee erasers54、My cat is _. ()AfunnyBwhiteCblack55、My cat likes _. ()Afish and milkBmilk and riceCfish and eggs六、阅读理解One day Mr. and Mrs.White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White cant open the door of

12、the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and shouts, “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.56、Mr. and Mrs. White drive for _. ()Afish

13、ingBshoppingCbusiness57、They stop their car _. ()Aat the parking spotBnear the seaCnear the store58、They want to put the things _. ()Ain a big bagBin their carCin others car59、Mr. White cant open the car, so _. ()Athey walk homeBthey ask a policeman to helpCthey call a taxi60、The car _ their car. ()

14、AisntBisCare【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:这是什么?它是一个热狗。本题考查what引导的特殊疑问句。句子缺动词,排除选项A;whats=what is,句子首字母大写,故选C。2B解析:B【详解】句意:热狗是_你。to向,for给,and和。根据语境可知:热狗是给你的。故选B。【点睛】3B解析:B【详解】句意:A:看看我。B:_ A谢谢你。B真漂亮!C太棒了。答语应说看到我的想法,B选项符合题意,故选B。4B解析:B【详解】句意:A你是爱丽丝吗?B:_ A是的。我是艾米。B是的,我是。C是的。它是爱丽丝。问句为Are引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答为Yes, I am

15、. 故选B。5A解析:A【详解】句意:那是_?是一个新机器人。答句是东西,用what提问,how怎么,what colour什么颜色,故选A。6A解析:A【详解】句意:新年快乐!_!A新年快乐,B谢谢你,C太好了。根据语境可知,新年时要相互祝贺新年快乐,选项A符合题意,故选A。7A解析:A【详解】句意:这个娃娃是给你的姐姐的。A给。介词;B给,动词;C到,介词;原句有be动词is,所以给用介词for,故选A。8B解析:B【详解】句意:你想要馅饼吗?A是的,我是。B不, 谢谢。C不。它是一张光盘。would you like引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答是Yes, please. 否定回答是No,

16、thank you. 故选B。9B解析:B【详解】句意:这件夹克衫是什么颜色的?是棕色的。whats是什么,问的是物品;what colour什么颜色,问的是颜色;what什么,问的是物品;由答句可知问的是颜色,故选B。【点睛】10C解析:C【详解】句意:_我的T恤衫。好漂亮!本题考查祈使句,A什么颜色,B怎么样,C看,根据答语可知C选项符合。故选C。11C解析:C【详解】句意:你想要什么颜色?红色,蓝色_蓝色?B和,表并列;C还是,表选择;该句表选择,故选C。【点睛】12A解析:A【详解】句意:Billy是_,现在是游戏时间,但他不能和任何人玩。A伤心的,B高兴的,C饥饿的。根据句意,可知A

17、选项符合句意,故选A。【点睛】13B解析:B【详解】句意:你想要冰淇淋吗?_我喜欢冰淇淋。would you like.?的肯定回答是Yes, please.否定回答No, thank you.根据答句的后半句可知作肯定回答,故选B。14B解析:B【详解】句意:一个蛋糕,一个馅饼。_你和_。给用介词for,所以第一空填介词for;介词for后面跟人称代词宾格形式,所以第二空填宾格形式,B选项符合题意,故选B。【点睛】15C解析:C【详解】句意:你_一个热狗吗?不,谢谢。would like想要,故选C。【点睛】16C解析:C【详解】句意:_?它是一顶红色的帽子。A谁戴着一顶红帽子?B帽子是什么

18、颜色的?C那是什么?根据答语物品,可知问句问的那是什么?故选C。【点睛】17B解析:B【详解】句意:A:看我的夹克。B:它是_。选项A谢谢。选项B很漂亮,选项C请,该对话是在向别人展示自己的夹克,故答语应该礼貌地表示夸奖一下,故选B。【点睛】18A解析:A【详解】句意:我是蒂姆。_我的弟弟/哥哥。A他是,B她是,C它是,此题考查人称代词,根据my brother可知人称代词用he,故选A。【点睛】19B解析:B【详解】句意:来个冰激凌怎么样?_,谢谢你。A是的;B不;C不,开头大写,排除C;句子表示建议,答语应该为是的,请;不,谢谢;故选B。【点睛】20C解析:C【详解】句意:它是一辆橙色的汽

19、车。A玩具,以辅音音素开头;B蓝色的,以辅音音素开头;C橙色的,以元音音素开头。根据an可知横线处填以元音音素开头的单词,故选C。二、完成句子21 glasses shoes【详解】句意:他有一副眼镜,他的鞋是橙色的。图片是一幅眼镜和一双鞋,眼镜glasses,鞋shoes,都常用复数。故答案为glasses,shoes。22friend#riend【详解】句意:汤姆是我_。根据句意及首字母f可知该空考查名词朋友,英文是friend,故答案为friend。【点睛】23G解析:Good【详解】句子意思是:早上好。“好的”翻译为英语是good, 因位于句首故首字母大写,故答案为Good。24Mis

20、s【详解】句意:你好,李小姐。根据所给的汉语,可知考查单词Miss小姐,专有名词,故答案为Miss。【点睛】25 cap and【详解】句意:你的帽子是什么颜色?它是黑白相间的。帽子cap,因为句子中由is可知名词是单数形式,black和white都是颜色,所以用and连接,故答案为cap; and。26grandpa【详解】句意:我的祖父是一个农民。句子考查名词,根据中文提示可知是grandpa,由is可知主语是单数,故答案为grandpa。27 my car red and green【详解】句意:我的汽车现在是什么颜色?它是红绿相间的。我的my,汽车car,句子be动词是is,所以名词是

21、单数形式,红绿相间的red and green,故答案为my car;red and green。28G解析:G【详解】句意:下午_。根据图示可知是下午问好,一般会说Good afternoon. 下午好。故答案为G。【点睛】29H解析:He#e【详解】句意:这是迈克。他是我的朋友。句子缺少主语,根据句意及首字母,可知考查人称代词主格he他,故答案为He。【点睛】30cap#ap【详解】句意:看我的_。它是漂亮的。图片上是一个帽子,根据首字母c,可知考查名词cap,意思是帽子,由答句中人称代词是It,可知该空填名词单数形式,故答案为cap。31car【详解】句意:看我的新_。它真好。根据图片提


23、糕吗?好的,谢谢。图片是蛋糕cake,前面有a修饰,用单数,故答案为cake。【点睛】39car【详解】句意:这个玩具汽车是给蒂姆的。图中是玩具汽车toy car,前面有this修饰,用单数,故答案为你car。【点睛】40She#he【详解】句意:她是杨玲吗?是的。她是我的朋友。根据句意及首字母S,可知该空考查人称代词She,意思是她,故答案为She。三、阅读理解解析:41、A42、B43、B44、B45、B【导语】本文介绍了作者的文具盒,它很小。文具盒里有很多东西:一支又红又长的钢笔,三支短的铅笔,一把大尺子,一块小橡皮。41、句意:文具盒是_。A黑色的,B红色的,根据I have a pe

24、ncil box. Its black. 可知是黑色的。故选A。42、句意:钢笔是_。A黄色的,B红色的,根据 Its red and long(长的). 可知它又红又长。故选B。43、句意:我有_。根据I have three pencils. 可知作者有三支铅笔。故选B。44、句意:这些铅笔_。A长的,B短的,根据 They(他们)are short(短的).可知它们很短。故选B。45、句意:橡皮擦很_。A大的,B小的,根据I have an eraser. Its small(小的).可知橡皮擦很小。故选B。【点睛】四、阅读理解解析:46、A47、B48、C49、B50、B【分析】短文大

25、意:介绍伟伟及家庭成员,包括他们的职业、年龄。46、句意:伟伟多大了?根据Hello, Im Weiwei. Im a boy. Im nine.可知伟伟九岁了。故选A。47、句意:哪张照片是伟伟?根据Hello, Im Weiwei. Im a boy. 可知伟伟是个男孩。故选B。48、句意:伟伟的爸爸是一名_。A农民,B医生,C警察,根据This is my father, hes a policeman. 可知伟伟的爸爸是一名警察。故选C。49、句意:伟伟的妈妈是老师吗?根据This is my mother, shes a doctor. 可知伟伟的妈妈是医生,不是老师,可知是否定回答

26、,故选B。50、句意:豆豆是_。A一只黄色的猫。B一只黄色的狗。C一只黄色的鸟。根据Doudou is my dog, its a yellow dog.可知豆豆是一只黄色的狗。故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解解析:51、B52、C53、B54、A55、A【导语】本文讲述了陈洁的年龄,她的书包,书包里的物品以及她的猫。51、句意:陈洁_岁了。根据“Im seven years old. ”可知她七岁。故选B。52、句意:我有一个_书包。A蓝色的,B黄色的,C绿色的,根据“Look at my bag. Its green.”可知是绿色的。故选C。53、句意:我的书包里有_。A两支铅笔,B一块儿橡皮和三支铅笔,C三块橡皮擦,根据“I have an eraser and three pencils in my bag.”可知是一块橡皮和三支铅笔。故选B。54、句意:我的猫_。A有趣的,B白色的,C黑色的,根据“Its funny (有趣的). ”可知它很有趣。故选A。55、句意:我的猫喜欢_。A鱼和牛奶,B牛奶和米饭,C鱼和鸡蛋,根据“ My cat likes fish and milk.”可知是鱼和牛奶。故选A。六、阅读理解解析:56、B57、C58、B59、B60、A【分析】略

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