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1、小学六年级小升初英语质量试卷测试卷(带答案)一、单项选择1Tom _ Chinese food well now. But he couldnt _ it 3 years ago. ()Acook; cookBcooks; cookedCcooks; cook2There is _ water in the bottle. ()Aa fewBa littleCany3I want to fly a spaceship _ the Moon. ()AtoBforCof4Mr Black _ in Shanghai last year, but now he _ in Suzhou. ()Aliv

2、es; livedBlived; livesClived; live5Which pair has the same sound (相同的发音)? ()AbearearBHownowCgroupshout6Did you clean your room? ()No, I _.AdontBdidCdidnt7What size are your shoes? ()_AI like them.BSize 37.CYour shoes are nice.8Your schoolbag is _ than mine. ()AbiggerBbigCbiggest9He is _ a king for t

3、he play tomorrow. ()Agoing toBgoingCgoing to be10Thats the _ dinosaur in this hall. ()AtallBtallerCtallest11Shall we go by bus? It is faster than _. ()AwalkingBwalkCwalked12Where _ your sister _ last summer holiday? ()Adid; goBdid; doCdoes; go13Let me _ the teacher to help answer the question. ()Aas

4、kBto askCasksDasked14I have two storybooks, but Helen _ four. ()AhasBhaveChad15Su Yang and Su Hai are .Aa twin sisterBtwin sisterCtwin sisters16His little cat likes fish, so he often goes _ with his father on weekends. ()AfishingBboatingCfish17I _ camping yesterday. ()AgoBgoedCwent18She got up late

5、and _ to school. ()ArunBrunsCran19There is _ apple on your desk. ()AaBanCtwo20Look! There _ a ruler and some books on the shelf. ()AisBareCam二、用单词的适当形式填空2n elephant is _ (heavy) than a tiger.22People couldnt _ (use) the computer in the Tang Dynasty.23He usually _ (watch) TV after dinner every day.24

6、There _ (be) no tall buildings in my city forty years ago.25The elephants are _ (big) than the cats.26There _ (be) an apple and two oranges on the table last night.27Theres a green man, we can _ (walk) now.28Look! The little boy _ (cross) the busy road by himself.29Liu Tao looks _ (sleep) now.30She

7、likes _. She wants to be a _. She will go to a _ school. (cook)三、完成句子3hinese people have the Labour Day holiday in M_.32Last week my brother b_ me a present from Beijing.33She always f_ her homework before dinner.34The lion is _ (又大又强壮).35I want to be a w_ in the future, because I like writing for t

8、he children.36There are lots of _ (糖果) in the bag.37Sarah often _ (watch) TV with her family on the weekend.38Did you h_ a cold yesterday?Yes, I did.39I w_ TV with my mother last weekend.40Yesterday was an exciting day. I _ with Mike in the nature park. (拍照片)四、完形填空_41_ is a beautiful country. There

9、are _42_ interesting places there. Many people visit it every year. You can go to _43_ the kangaroos, koalas and other interesting _44_. To travel _45_ the country, you can find the Great Barrier Reef. Its _46_ coral reef (珊瑚礁) in the world. The coral reef grows under the sea. It looks _47_ plants (

10、植物) but it is made by (由组成) animals. Coral is a living thing. The Great Barrier Reef is _48_ now.Sydney is the most popular _49_ in Australia. You can _50_ Sydney Opera House there. Do you want to come?41、Athe UKBthe USCAustraliaDCanada42、Aa lotBlot ofCa lot ofDmuch43、AlookBseeChave a lookDwatch44、A

11、placeBanimalCanimalsDplaces45、AaroundBatConDwith46、AbigBbiggerCthe biggestDbiggest47、AasBlikeClikesDlove48、AgrowingBgrowCgrowsDto grow49、AvillageBcountryCtownDcity50、AvisitsBto visitCvisitedDvisit五、阅读判断Youd better be careful on April 1st, because somebody may make a fool of you! April 1st is April F

12、ools Day, and on that day people like to play tricks on others. April Fools Day is a very old holiday from Europe. It started over 800 years ago when people would put a picture of a fish on someones back as a joke. Now, people in Europe and North America play tricks and make fun of each other on Apr

13、il Fools Day. Remember to be careful this April, and watch out for people playing tricks, or you could be an April Fool!51、April Fools Day is in April. ( )52、April Fools Day is from America. ( )53、People like to play tricks on people on April 1st. ( )54、April Fools Day started over 800 years ago. (

14、)55、You neednt be careful on April Fools Day. ( )六、阅读理解My New FriendHi, Im Li Yan. I have got a new friend. His name is Peter. He is American. Hes from New York. He is very cool. He likes jeans. He is tall and fat. He has got big eyes and short hair. He likes Chinese food very much. He has a dog. It

15、 has got a big mouth and a long tail. Its yellow.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。56、Whats Li Yans friends name? ()AHis name is Peter.BHis name is Tom.CHis name is Jim.57、Where is Peter from? ()ACanada.BLondon.CNew York.58、Peter likes _.()AtrousersBjeansCshirts59、Peter has got _.()Abig eyes and long hairBsmall eyes an

16、d long hairCbig eyes and short hair60、Peters dog has got _.()Aa big mouth and long hairBa big mouth and a long tailCtwo big eyes and a long tail【参考答案】一、单项选择解析:C【详解】句意:汤姆现在中国菜做得很好。但三年前他不会做。本题考查动词形式。cook是动词原形,cooks是第三人称单数形式,cooked动词过去式。now是一般现在时的标志词,Tom是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,第一空用cooks;could后接动词原形,第二空用c

17、ook,故选C。解析:B【详解】句意:瓶子里有一点水。a few少许,形容可数名词复数;a little一些,形容不可数名词;any任何的。water是不可数名词,修饰water用a little。故答案为B。解析:A【详解】句意为我想开宇宙飞船去月球,A意为向,朝着,B意为为了,C意为的,由句意可知,BC均不符合题意,故选A。解析:B【详解】句意:布莱克先生去年住在上海,但是现在他住在苏州。根据时间last year可知该句是一般过去时,故谓语动词用过去式;根据now可知该句是一般现在时,主语he是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;lived是过去式,lives是单数第三人称,故选

18、B。解析:B【详解】选项A中的bear划线部分发音为e,ear划线部分发音为。选项B中的How,now划线部分发音均为a。选项C中的group划线部分发音为u,shout划线部分发音为a。题意要求选出相同的发音,故选B。解析:C【详解】句意:你打扫房间了吗?不,我没有。本题考查一般疑问句的答语,did引导的一般疑问句,否定回答是No, 主语+didnt. 故选C。7B解析:B【详解】句意:你的鞋多大?_ 本题考查What size引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。A我喜欢它们。B. 37码。 C你的鞋很漂亮。根据问句,可知答语应说鞋子码数,B选项符合题意,故选B。8A解析:A【详解】句意:你的书包比我

19、的大。本题考查形容词的比较级。A.更大的,形容词比较级;B.大的,形容词;C.最大的,形容词最高级。根据is和than,可知句子为两者作比较,该空应填形容词的比较级,故选A。9C解析:C【详解】句意: 他将要在明天的戏剧中出演国王。 根据tomorrow明天,是一般将来时,构成be going to, 根据名词king,to be成为,故选C.【点睛】本题考查了一般将来时,注意牢记一般将来时构成和用法。10C解析:C【详解】句意:在这个大厅里那是最高的恐龙。此题考查形容词最高级,in this hall是最高级的标志词,tall的最高级是tallest,A形容词原级,B形容词比较级,A和B排除

20、,故选C。1解析:A【详解】句意:我们乘公共汽车去好吗?它比走路快。本题考查动名词,A是动名词/动词的现在分词,B是动词原形,C是动词过去式,than是介词,后面的动词用动名词形式,故选A。1解析:A【详解】句意:去年暑假你(们)的姐姐/妹妹去哪儿了?本题考查did做助动词和动词原形。根据last summer holiday去年暑假, 可知句子为一般过去时态,助动词用过去式did,排除C选项。根据Where哪里,可知问句询问去什么地方,动词用go,故选A。1解析:A【详解】略1解析:A【详解】句意:我有两本故事书,但是海伦有四本。用I have可知是一般现在时,Helen是第三人称单数,ha

21、ve要用单三式has,故选A。1解析:C【详解】孙杨和孙海是双胞胎,主语是复数,所以用twin sisters.1解析:A【详解】句意:他的小猫喜欢鱼,所以他经常和父亲周末去钓鱼。A钓鱼,现在分词或动名词;B划船,现在分词或动名词;C动词原形或名词,根据句意可知,喜欢鱼,所以钓鱼,排除B,go+doing表示去,故选A。17C解析:C【详解】句意:昨天我去野营了。yesterday是一般过去时的标志词,和固定短语go camping ,所以动词也用过去式,go的过去式是went,故选C。18C解析:C【详解】句意:她起晚了并且_去学校。A动词原形,B动词第三人称单数形式,C动词过去式。根据go

22、t up为过去式形式,and连接两个并列句时态要保持一致,run的过去式形式是ran。故选C。19B解析:B【详解】句意:你的课桌上有一个苹果。本题考查不定冠词。apple是可数名词单数,故C选项排除;apple元音音素开头,用不定冠词an修饰。故选B。20A解析:A【详解】句意:看架子上有一把尺子和一些书。本题考查ther be句型。在there be句型中be动词的单复数遵循就近原则,a ruler一把尺子,单数,所以be动词用is,故选A。二、用单词的适当形式填空21heavier【详解】句意:大象比老虎重。根据than可知heavy用比较级heavier,故答案为heavier。22u

23、se【详解】句意:在唐朝,人们不能使用电脑。couldnt后跟动词原形,故答案为use。23watches【详解】句意:他通常每天晚饭后看电视。usually是一般现在时的标志词,主语he是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,watch的第三人称单数形式是watshes,故答案为watches。24were【详解】句意:四十年前,我所在的城市没有高楼。根据forty years ago,可知句子是一般过去时,句子是there be句型,横线后是名词复数,be用are的过去式were,故答案为were。2igger【详解】句意:大象比猫大。根据than可知big用比较级bigger,故答案

24、为bigger。26was【详解】句意:昨天晚上桌子上有一个苹果和两个橘子。该句是there be句型,要体现临近原则,根据时间last night可知该句是一般过去时,临近主语an apple是单数第三人称,故be动词用was。故答案为was。27walk【详解】句意:有一个绿色的人,我们现在可以走。情态动词can后面跟动词原形,故答案为walk。【点睛】28is crossing【详解】句意:看!那个小男孩正独自穿过熙熙攘攘的马路。根据句意,可知句子为现在进行时态,be doing结构。主语The little boy是第三人称单数,be动词用is,cross的现在分词为crossing。

25、故答案为is crossing。29sleepy【详解】句意:现在刘涛看起来很疲倦。sleep睡觉,该空做looks的表语,故用形容词形式sleepy困倦的,故答案为sleepy。30 cooking cook cooking【详解】句意:她喜欢_。她想成为一名_。她将会去_学校。第一空考like的用法:like doing sth,所以填cooking;第二空填她想成为一名厨师cook;第三空填应该是烹饪学校a cooking school,所以填cooking,故答案为cooking;cook;cooking。三、完成句子31May#ay【详解】句意:中国人在_有劳动节假期。根据常识和字母

26、提示可知,May五月,符合题意,故答案为May。3rought#rought【详解】句意:上周,我哥哥给我从北京带来了一个礼物。带来是动词bring,根据last week可知句子是一般过去时,动词要用过去式,bring的过去式是brought,故答案为brought/rought。【点睛】33finishes#inishes【详解】句意:她总是在晚餐前_她的家庭作业。根据句意及首字母f,可知考查动词finish,意思是完成,由always可知橘子树一般现在时,主语She是第三人称,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,finish的第三人称单数形式是finishes,故答案为finishes。3ig

27、/ large and strong【详解】句意:狮子又大又强壮。又大又强壮big and strong或large and strong,故答案为big / large and strong。35writer#riter【详解】句意:未来我想成为一名作家,因为我喜欢为孩子们写作。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词writer作家,前面有a修饰,用单数,故答案为writer。3andies【详解】句意:包里有许多糖果。糖果可以用candy,可数名词,许多糖果用复数candies。故答案为candies。37watches【详解】句意:莎拉在周末经常和她的家人看电视。本题考查动词的第三人称单数形式。

28、句子是一般现在时态,句子主语Sarah是第三人称单数,动词watch要用第三人称单数形式watches,故答案为watches。38D解析:have#ave【详解】句意:昨天你感冒了吗?是的,我感冒了。根据句意及首字母提示可知该空填have,have a cold感冒,固定短语,助动词Did后的动词用原形。故答案为have。39watched#atched【详解】句意:上周末我和妈妈一起看电视了。根据句中的last weekend,可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,由句意和首字母,可知考查短语watch TV看电视,watch过去式为watched,故答案为watched。40too

29、k pictures【详解】句意:昨天是令人兴奋的一天。我和迈克在自然公园拍照片。拍照片用动词短语take pictures表示,根据Yesterday,可知句子为一般过去时态,动词用过去式took。故答案为took pictures。【点睛】四、完形填空解析:41、C42、C43、B44、C45、A46、C47、B48、A49、D50、D【解析】41、本题根据koala, the Great Barrier Reef, Sydney推出澳大利亚故答案选C。(每小题1分)42、本题根据places是可数名词复数用法可用many, a lot of, lots of修饰,故答案选C。(每小题1分

30、)43、本题根据kangaroos, koalas,看到这些东西,表示结果看见应该是see不用watch,故答案选B。(每小题1分)44、本题根据kangaroos, koalas推出同类总称animals故答案选C。(每小题1分)45、本题根据介词词组搭配travel around the country,故答案选A (每小题1分)46、本题根据考查最高级the.est,故答案选C。(每小题1分)47、本题根据句意及动词词组搭配look like看起来像,这里like是像不是喜欢不能用love,故答案选B。(每小题1分)48、本题根据is和now确定进行时态表示还在生长中,故答案选A (每小

31、题1分)49、本题根据Sydney是城市,故答案选D。(每小题1分)50、本题根据情态动词can后用动词原形,故答案选D (每小题1分)五、阅读判断42F解析:51、T52、F53、T54、T55、F【导语】本文介绍了愚人节。51、题干句意:愚人节在四月。根据“April 1st is April Fools Day”可知题干表述正确,故答案为T。52、题干句意:愚人节来自美国。根据“April Fools Day is a very old holiday from Europe.”可知来自欧洲,题干表述不正确,故答案为F。53、题干句意:人们喜欢在四月一日捉弄人。根据“Youd bette

32、r be careful on April 1st, because somebody may make a fool of you!”可知题干表述正确,故答案为T。54、题干句意:愚人节始于800多年前。根据“ It started over 800 years ago when people would put a picture of a fish on someones back as a joke. ”可知题干表述正确,故答案为T。55、题干句意:愚人节你不必太小心。根据“Remember to be careful this”可知愚人节要记得小心。题干表述不正确,故答案为F。六、阅

33、读理解解析:56、A57、C58、B59、C60、B【解析】56、问句的句意为“李艳的朋友叫什么名字?”根据文中句子“Hi, Im Li Yan. I have got a new friend. His name is Peter.”大家好,我是李艳。我有一个朋友。他叫彼得。可知她朋友的名字叫彼得,故答案为A。57、问句的句意为“彼得来自哪里?” 根据文中句子“He is American. Hes from New York.”他是美国人。他来自纽约。可知他来自纽约,故答案为C。58、句意为“彼得喜欢_。” 根据文中句子“He likes jeans.”他喜欢牛仔裤。可知答案为B。59、句意为“彼得有_。” 根据文中句子“He has got big eyes and short hair.”他有大眼睛和短头发。可知答案为C。60、句意为“彼得的狗有_。” 根据文中句子“He has a dog. It has got a big mouth and a long tail.”他又一只狗。它又大嘴巴和长尾巴。可知答案为B。

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