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1、 雅思口语百科全书IELTS 雅思口语全攻略Ideas and Examples for IELTS SpeakingJeremy Chiron 编著北京语言大学出版社BEIJING LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UINIVERSITY PRESS图书在版编目(CIP)数据雅思口语全攻略(法)希隆编著.一北京:北京语言大学出版社,2011重印ISBN978-7-5619-2989-6I.雅II .希M. WELTS一口语一自学参考资料INH319.9中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2011)第048583号_书名:雅思口语全攻略责任印制:陈辉_出版发行:北京语言大学出版社社 址:北京

2、市海淀区学院路15号 邮政编码:100083网 址:电 话:发行部82303648 /3591 /3650编辑部82301019读者服务部82303653 /3908网上订购电话82303668客户服务信箱sexvice印 刷:北京外文印刷厂经 销:全国新华书店_版 次:2011年4月第1版 2011年12月第3次印刷开 本:787毫米x1092毫米 1/16 印张:24.5字 数:559千字书 号:ISBN978-7-5619-2989-6/H.11028定 价:49.8元_凡有印装质量问题,本社负责调换。电话:82303590 序 当Jeremy独自在非洲旅行、挑逗大草原狮子的时候,我正坐

3、在办公室里细细阅读这本书的原稿。 这本书的出版离不开我的怂恿。Jeremy和我一同做过几次雅思的公开讲座,第一次是在福州的三峡影院。听完他的讲座后,我跟他说:我听过许多外教的口语课程,你的教学方法与众不同,让我印象深刻。从你的教学思路中我感到你真正了解中国学生的口语水平和他们学习的痛苦。我强烈建议将你的独家讲义整理扩充,集结成书出版,让更多的学生受益。 数次鼓动之后,Jeremy终于答应。又过了两年后,终于成书。我想,这应属于标准的慢工出细活吧。 Jeremy的授课风格是激情而生动,演讲时上蹿下跳,是讲台上的舞者。通过两年的艰苦工作,他把这种个人的激情和热爱通过笔尖沉淀在了这本书中,希望各位读

4、者能够真正享受学习的快乐,了解口语提升的真谛。 刘洪波北京雅思学校总校校长 2011年2月ForewordDear Students,Having taught IELTS in China for four years already, Im here to help you understandthat the IELTS speaking test is not as complicated as people seem to think. My aim with thisbook is to give you as many examples as possible (some kin

5、d of cheat-notes) to give youideas on how YOU could answer the questions when your turn comes to face the examiner.In writing, I would tell you: in this instructional textbook you will surely find that youwont need to recite a plethora of inexorably difficult words in order to achieve well on theexa

6、m. However, in speaking it means that you must keep things clear and simple-you dontneed to use so many difficult words when you speak English!Before you start reading the numerous examples for Part 1,2 and 3, it is essential thatyou read the Strategies section of this book as it will lay down the r

7、ules and explain to youwhat you must do and what you must avoid doing during the test.Depending on your level, some answers might be too long for you but you can selectparts of the answer, steal some ideas, and then make them your own.Remember that the IELTS speaking test is based on communication,

8、which means thatyou need to be interesting and clear. Dont use words you are not extremely familiar with.“I understand the question but I dont know what to say!”= Too many students in myclasses tell me they dont know what they could say to express themselves (especially in Part2 and 3). This book wi

9、ll give you many suggestions on what you could say as well as showyou how to fully develop your answers. The result is that you .will finally be able to expressyour ideas like a native English speaker would.Remember, however, DO NOT RECITE the answers that are given to you in this book.You might wan

10、t to learn one or two sentences because they are well-put-together, but the idea is for you to read the answers offered in the book, think about the meaning, and then create your own.I am sure you will find this book useful while preparing for the IELTS test.I hope you can enjoy studying and improvi

11、ng your English as much as I took pleasurein writing this book.Remember that practice makes . improvement. Wishing you all the success youdeserve!Best from Jeremy Chiron前言亲爱的学生们: 在中国教授雅思课程已有4个年头了,在此我想告诉大家雅思口语考试并非人们想象的那么复杂。我写本书的目的是为了给大家尽可能多的示例(某种秘籍),以便让大家知道当你们面对考官提问时可以怎样回答。 我想告诉大家:你们在本辅导书中肯定会发现,在写作中,

12、并不需要为了考出好成绩而背诵一堆高深复杂的词汇。而在口语中,这就意味着你必须做到清晰而简明说英语时并不需要使用那么多高难度的词汇。 在开始学习本书关于口语考试第一、第二和第三部分的范例之前,大家有必要阅读本书的“雅思口语考试十大攻略”部分。它将提供口试须遵循的法则,并告诉大家在口试中须做些什么,避免些什么。 根据大家的水平,书中有些答案的内容或许太长。但大家可以节选答案的一部分,获取一些灵感,用于自己的回答之中。 请记住,雅思口试的基点是交流。也就是说,你的回答必须有趣、清晰。切勿使用你不熟知的单词。 “我明白问题的意思,但我不知道该说什么!”在我的课上有许多学生告诉我他们不知道该说些什么来表

13、述自己的想法(尤其是口试第二部分和第三部分)。本书将就如何回答以及如何充分拓展回答内容给予大家许多建议,最终让大家能够像英语母语者那样来表述自己的观点。 请记住,无论如何,不要去背诵本书中提供的答案。或许你想学习其中的一两个句子,因为这些句子非常经典,但本书的旨意是让大家学习书中所提供的回答,思考其含义,然后创作自己的回答。 我相信在大家准备雅思口试时会感受到本书的实用之处。 我希望大家能够享受学习和提高英语水平的过程,正如我享受写作本书的过程。 练习成就进步。祝愿大家学有所成!Jeremy ChironAcknowledgementsThanks to every student who j

14、oined my classes and provided the idea for this book. Ienjoy teaching IELTS because it is fascinating to hear what you have to say about lifein China.Id also like to thank Liu Hongbo and Li Ran from Beijing IELTS for making thepublishing of this book possible, and Anne Meredith for going over my wri

15、ting andproviding her American perspective and expertise on this project.I want to thank my parents who have always supported me and encouraged me to becurious and spontaneous. I now want to encourage my students to do the same. Anaffectionate thank to Tang Xiaojiao who has played a very important r

16、ole in my lifein China, especially during the creation of this book.Although Ive nearly forgotten, Ive been reminded to offer a particular word ofgratitude to my dearest Sugar. Your devotion and support have comforted me in thelengthy process of publishing this book, and your sassy quick-wit will un

17、doubtedlybe an inspiration for my next edition. I would not dream of completing it withoutyou.The opinions expressed in the sample answers are not necessarily my own or evensimilar to my own.Good luck to all the students who strongly desire to improve their English.Jeremy ChironContents目 录Who Is the

18、 Author of This Book?-An Overview of the IELTS Speaking Test(Part 12)作者简介雅思口试(第一、二部分)概览 110 Strategies for the IELTS Speaking Test雅思口语考试十大攻略 5 1 Rule #1:Dont Be Boring! 第一法则:切勿枯燥乏味! 6 2 Rule #2: Describe! Give Details! 第二法则:描述!给出细节! 83 Rule #3: DevelopConnect!第三法则:拓展关联! 104 How to Prepare如何备考 125 Kn

19、ow What to Expect from the Test了解雅思口试都考些什么 166 Be Clear about How the Examiner Will Assess Your Level清楚考官如何评估你的水平 187 Learn How to Plan for Part 2学习如何构思口试的第二部分 208 Three Language Tips三个语言技巧 239 Master the Most Useful Words for the Test掌握口试最实用的词 2510 Avoid Some Common Mistakes避免常犯的错误 27 QuestionType口

20、语问题的种类 311 Do You Like? 322 How Often? 353 How Important.? 384 Do You Think.? 415 Why?(Causes) 446 What Effects?(Results) 477 Compare(Advantages and Disadvantages) 508 How Could?(Solutions) 539 How Might.?(Possibilities in the Future) 56Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test雅思口语考试第一部分 591 Yourself 602 Your Family 633 Your Hometown 664 Your Home 695 Your Studies 726 Your Work 757 Food 788 The Weather 809 Your Hobbies 8210 Sports 8411 Music 8612 Shopping 8813 Reading 9014 Writing

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