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1、Unit|Unit|EightEightUnit|EightFromFattoFit2021/10/101Unit|Unit|EightEightUnit Goals:Unit Goals:What You Should Learn to DoWhat You Should Learn to Do 1.See a doctor:patients complaints 2.Inquire about symptoms 3.Give advice and write a prescription 4.Understand and follow a doctors advice and prescr

2、iptions 5.Comfort a patient 6.Understand and write a doctors prescriptions and medical instructionsWhat You Should Know AboutWhat You Should Know About 1.Health advice 2.Medical advances 3.Use of conjunctions2021/10/102Unit|Unit|EightEightContentsSection Section Appreciating Appreciating Culture Tip

3、sCulture TipsSection Maintaining a Maintaining a Sharp EyeSharp EyeSection Talking Face Talking Face to Faceto FaceSection Being All Being All EarsEarsSection Trying Your HandTrying Your Hand2021/10/103Unit|Unit|EightEightSection Talking Face to FaceImitatingImitating Mini-TalksMini-TalksSpeak and R

4、eciteSpeak and PerformStudy and ImitateImitate and PerformActing out the TasksActing out the TasksStudying MedicalStudying Medical InstructionsInstructionsFollowing Sample DialoguesFollowing Sample DialoguesPutting Language to UsePutting Language to UseSpeak and CompleteSpeak and Communicate2021/10/

5、104Unit|Unit|EightEight1)Complaining of Ones Illness to a Doctor A:Oh,doctor,I feel so terrible!B:Lets see.What seems to be the problem?A:My whole body hurts.B:Perhaps youve got a cold.Take this medicine.2)Asking About Taking a Medicine A:How shall I take the medicine?B:Two pills a time,three times

6、a day.A:Before or after meals?B:After meals.SECTION I Talking Face to FaceSECTION I Talking Face to FaceImitating Mini-TalksImitating Mini-TalksSpeak and Recite1 Work in pairs.Practice the following mini-talks about seeing a doctor and complaining of health problems.Window on Key Words糟糕的医药,药品2021/1

7、0/105Unit|Unit|EightEight3)Showing Concern for a Friend A:Whats the matter/trouble with you?B:Ive got a bad headache.A:Have you seen a doctor?B:Yeah.He asked me to have a good rest.4)Giving Medical Advice A:Youve got another bad tooth.B:Well,I often have very bad toothaches.A:You should have dental

8、checks more often.B:Yeah.But I just hate to see the dental drill.5)Giving a Prescription A:Whats wrong with you?B:I couldnt sleep well.A:Let me prescribe the BEST medicine for you!B:I know what youll say.You want me to do more exercise.Window on Key WordsBack关怀事情,问题;麻烦头痛医疗的牙齿检查憎恨,不喜欢;牙钻处方2021/10/106

9、Unit|Unit|EightEightSpeak and PerformActing out the TasksActing out the Tasks2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.1 Task:Complain of ones illness to a doctor.2 Task:Show concern for a friend.3 Task:Explain how to use the medicine.4 Task:Give medical advice to a boy

10、 suffering from a toothache.5 Task:Prescribe medicine to help an overweight woman.Back2021/10/107Unit|Unit|EightEightStudy and Imitate3 Here are instructions for taking two different medicines.Read the following instructions carefully and try to use the information to practice short dialogues.Studyi

11、ng MedicalStudying Medical InstructionsInstructions2021/10/108Unit|Unit|EightEightBack2021/10/109Unit|Unit|EightEight1)A Doctor Is Talking to a Patient Doctor:Whats wrong with you?Patient:Ive got a sore throat and a bad cough.Doctor:Try this throat spray.You should feel relieved soon.Patient:Thank y

12、ou.How should I use it?Doctor:Simply spray it in your throat three times a day.And remember not to drink or eat anything immediately afterwards.Patient:I see.Thank you very much.Doctor:Oh,remember to keep it in a cool and dry place.Patient:Yes,I willFollowing Sample DialoguesFollowing Sample Dialogu

13、esImitate and Perform4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.2021/10/1010Unit|Unit|EightEight2)Talking About the Use of a MedicineA:Why do you look so unhappy?Is there anything wrong?B:Its my skin.Its so dry and rough.A:You could try this skin oil capsule.Just rub the

14、 oil into your skin.It will soothe and soften your skin immediately.B:Really?What are the ingredients?A:Vitamin E and vegetable oil.Back2021/10/1011Unit|Unit|EightEightPutting Language to UsePutting Language to UseSpeak and Complete5 Imagine you are a doctor.An overseas student from England is suffe

15、ring from a toothache.He is coming to you for help.Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words.You:Whats 1 _?You dont look 2 _.Patient:Oh,doctor.I have got a terrible toothache.You:Let me 3 _.Open your mouth.Oh,the whole gum(牙床)is sore.Patient:I cant eat or sl

16、eep at all.Im feeling weak and dizzy.You:Thats no surprise.Dont 4 _.Ill prescribe 5 _ for you.It will 6 _ very soon.Patient:Thank you,doctor.How should I take the medicine?You:7 _ twice a day.And spray the liquid on the gum 8 _.Patient:I see.Thank you,doctor.Unit|Unit|EightEightseveral times a dayth

17、e mattervery wellhave a lookworrysome medicinestop the painTake the tablets/capsuleBack2021/10/1012Unit|Unit|EightEightSpeak and Communicate6 Imagine you are a tour guide.You notice that one of the tourists does not look very well.Talk with her and try to give her some help.Fill in the blanks accord

18、ing to the clues given in brackets.Then act it out with your partner.Tourist:Excuse me.When will we be back at the hotel?You:1(很快就回去。你没事吧?你看上去好像有点不舒服。)_ _.Tourist:I dont feel very well.Perhaps Ive got heat-stroke(中暑).You:2(这可真糟糕。你最好休息一会儿。你吃过什么药吗?)_ _.Tourist:Yes.I took some medicine,but I still feel

19、 sick.Oh,thats too bad.Youd better take a rest now.Have you had/taken any medicine?Very soon.Are you sure youre all right?/Are you OK?You dont look quite yourself./You dont look well.2021/10/1013Unit|Unit|EightEight You:3(看,这是风油精(medicated oil),你可以先在太阳穴(temple)上擦一点。)_Tourist:Thank you.I feel better

20、now.You:4(但是你最好还是去看看医生。一到旅馆我就陪你去诊所。)_ _.Tourist:Thats very kind of you.You have been really very helpful.Speak and CommunicateBack6 Imagine you are a tour guide.You notice that one of the tourists does not look very well.Talk with her and try to give her some help.Fill in the blanks according to the

21、 clues given in brackets.Then act it out with your partner.But youd better go to see a doctor.Ill accompany you to the clinic as soon as we return to the hotel.Look,this is medicated oil.You might want to rub some on your temples.2021/10/1014Unit|Unit|EightEightSECTION SECTION IIII Being All Ears Be

22、ing All EarsLearning Sentences for WorkplaceLearning Sentences for Workplace Communication CommunicationListen and RepeatListen and MatchListen and RespondHandling a DialogueHandling a DialogueListen and SelectUnderstanding a Short Speech/Understanding a Short Speech/TalkTalkListen and CompleteListe

23、n and Match2021/10/1015Unit|Unit|EightEightSECTION SECTION II Being All EarsBeing All EarsLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationListen and Repeat1 Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations

24、.2021/10/1016Unit|Unit|EightEightWindow on Key Wordsbleed 出血 dizzy 头晕的,眩晕的 tired 疲劳的lie down 躺下 flu 流感 treatment 治疗Back2021/10/1017Unit|Unit|EightEightListen and Match2 Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version in Column B.C

25、olumn AColumn B2021/10/1018Unit|Unit|EightEightColumn AColumn BKey:1-g,2-a,3-c,4-f,5-j 6-b,7-i,8-h,9-e,10-dBack2021/10/1019Unit|Unit|EightEight1)A)Oh,thank you.B)Sit down,please.C)Thats a chance for you.D)Ive got a bad toothache.2)A)Thank you for the advice.B)I went to see the doctor.C)Three times a

26、 day after meals.D)Not yet.But perhaps I should.3)A)Yes,it is beautiful.B)The doctor works too hard.C)The nurse treats me well.D)Well,lets wait and see.4)A)I hate to take any medicine!B)No.The appointment is tomorrow.C)See you this afternoon.D)Id love to go with you.5)A)No,I dont think so.B)Dont men

27、tion it.C)How wonderful it is.D)The pleasure is mine.6)A)Yes,the tooth is killing me!B)He does not like candy.C)Yeah,every now and then.D)No,he is a good boy.Listen and Respond3 Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.BackScriptScript2021/10/1020Unit|Unit|E

28、ightEightScript:Script:Back1.Whats the trouble with you?2.Have you taken the medicine?3.Does this new treatment work well?4.Have you seen a doctor?5.Do I need to take some more medicine?6.Does he often have bad toothaches?2021/10/1021Unit|Unit|EightEight1)Jack doesnt feel well because _.a.somebody h

29、as hurt his feelings b.he has taken some aspirin c.it is very cold outside d.he has got a bad cold2)Which of the following is TRUE?a.Jack needs to have an injection.b.Aspirin doesnt work well for Jack.c.Li is a medical doctor.d.Jack cant go straight to the hospital.3)In the hospital,_.a.the doctor t

30、ells Jack that he is seriously ill b.Jack tells the doctor that he is running a high fever c.the doctor wants to see if Jacks lungs are all right d.Jack tells the doctor that hes hurt his body badlyHandling a DialogueHandling a DialogueListen and Decode4 Listen to a dialogue and do the following mul

31、tiple choice exercises.ScriptScript 2021/10/1022Unit|Unit|EightEightJack and Li are good friends.Li:Why,Jack,are you all right?You dont look quite yourself.Jack:Im feeling awful.Ive got a terrible headache.Li:It might be a bad cold.Have you taken any medicine?Jack:I took some aspirin,but I still fee

32、l sick.Li:Youd better go to see a doctor immediately.Want me to go with you to the hospital?Jack:Oh,its so nice of you.I do need your help.I just cant think straight at the moment.In the hospital,a doctor is receiving Jack.Doctor:Whats the matter?Jack:Ive got a terrible headache,a sore throat,and my

33、 whole body hurts badly.Doctor:Let me see.Oh,youre running a high fever.Jack:Am I seriously ill,doctor?Doctor:Dont worry.I think youve just got a bad cold.But youd better take an X-ray first.Jack:Thank you,doctor.Script:Script:Back2021/10/1023Unit|Unit|EightEight My grandparents live in a small 1 _(

34、what?).They always get up at about 2 _(what time?).Grandpa works 3 _(where?)and Grandma is always 4 _(how?)at home.Their 5 _(what?)is mostly home-produced.They chat with their neighbors in their 6 _(what kind of?)time.They prefer to live 7 _(how?).I live in a large 8 _(what?)with all the modern faci

35、lities.I drive a beautiful car 9 _(where?).But my food is not very 10 _(how?),nor is the air very fresh 11 _(where?).I have a lot of worries and 12 _(how much?)free time.You see,we have quite different life styles.But its difficult to 13 _(do what?)which is better.Understanding a Short Speech/TalkUn

36、derstanding a Short Speech/TalkListen and Complete5 Now listen to a short speech/talk and fill up the blanks according to what you have heard.The words in brackets will give you some hints.BackUnit|Unit|SevenSevenvillagefive oclockin the fieldbusyfoodsparethis waytownto workhealthyin my officevery l

37、ittlesay2021/10/1024Unit|Unit|EightEighta.life styles in the country and in the city.b.living standards of the rich and the poor.c.modern and traditional people.d.peoples different attitudes toward life.Listen and Match6 Listen to the speech/talk again and complete the information in Column A with t

38、he right choices in Column B.Column A Column B1)The speech mainly compares2)The speakers grandparentsa.do not have much to eat.b.both work hard in the field.c.get up and go to bed late.d.can enjoy fresh food and air.2021/10/1025Unit|Unit|EightEighta.being busy all day long.b.having friendly neighbor

39、s.c.enjoying modern facilities.d.staying with old parents.a.likes city life much better.b.lives a fashionable life.c.misses the simple country life.d.enjoys life without worries.Column A Column BBack3)It seems that the speaker4)One advantage of living in a small village is2021/10/1026Unit|Unit|Eight

40、EightSECTION SECTION IIIIII Trying Your Hand Trying Your HandPracticing Applied WritingPracticing Applied WritingWrite and SimulateWrite and CreateWriting Sentences and Reviewing GrammarWriting Sentences and Reviewing GrammarWrite and Apply RulesWrite and Correct MistakesWrite and TranslateWrite and

41、 Describe a Picture2021/10/1027Unit|Unit|EightEightSECTION SECTION IIIIII Trying Your Hand Trying Your HandPracticing Applied WritingPracticing Applied WritingWrite and Simulate1 Read the following samples of a doctors prescription and medical instructions for taking medicine and learn to write your

42、 own.2021/10/1028Unit|Unit|EightEightBack2021/10/1029Unit|Unit|EightEightWrite and Create2 Translate the following instructions into Chinese.2021/10/1030Unit|Unit|EightEightWrite and CreateBack3 Try to understand the following medical prescription and translate it into Chinese.2021/10/1031Unit|Unit|

43、EightEightWriting Sentences and Reviewing GrammarWriting Sentences and Reviewing GrammarBack2021/10/1032Unit|Unit|EightEightWrite and Apply Rules4 Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence using a proper conjunction.1)Your nose is bleeding.Youd better lie down immediately.2)Bob got the prescr

44、iption.Then he went to a drugstore.3)Jack speaks a little Chinese.He cant write in it.4)The patient could not decide what to do.He asked the doctor for advice.5)I have to take a sleeping pill.I cant fall asleep easily.Your nose is bleeding,so youd better lie down immediately.Bob got the prescription

45、 and then he went to a drugstore.Jack speaks a little Chinese,but he cant write in it.The patient could not decide what to do,so he asked the doctor for advice.I have to take a sleeping pill,or/otherwise I cant fall asleep easily.2021/10/1033Unit|Unit|EightEightWrite and Apply Rules4 Combine each pa

46、ir of sentences into one sentence using a proper conjunction.Back6)It must have rained yesterday.The ground is wet.7)He works as hard as others.He is in poor health.8)We listened to the report.We discussed it in small groups.9)Tom has made big progress in his Chinese.He works very hard.10)You know t

47、he rules of grammar.You will be able to write correctly.It must have rained yesterday,for the ground is wet.He works as hard as others,although he is in poor health.We discussed the report in small groups after we had listened to it.Tom has made big progress in his Chinese because he works very hard

48、.As you know the rules of grammar,you will be able to write correctly.2021/10/1034Unit|Unit|EightEightWrite and Correct Mistakes5 Correct the errors in the following sentences.1)The man has had a bad cough recently,or he has to give up smoking.2)Because your eyes are tired,so you should close them f

49、or a while.3)The old woman doesnt go out to do morning exercise seems very strange to her old friends.4)Im not quite sure that you should take the medicine twice or three times a day.5)Although he hates TV,but he still watches the program every day.The man has had a bad cough recently,so he has to g

50、ive up smoking.Because your eyes are tired,you should close them for a while./Your eyes are tired,so you should close them for a while.That the old woman doesnt go out to do morning exercise seems very strange to her old friends.Im not quite sure whether you should take the medicine twice or three t

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