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1、1. You became so deeply _(absorb) in an activity that you lost track of time.2. Both say they want to write literary books that are _(access) to a general audience.3. Every care has been taken to ensure the _(accurate) of all information given in this leaflet.4. Parents are more willing _( acknowled

2、ge) their children as adults when they behave like adults.5. Older workers can be as _(adapt) and quick to learn as anyone else.6. She won the _(admire) of many people in her battle against cancer.7. Im afraid I have no alternative but _(report) you to the police.8. He is so deep in debt and despera

3、te for money that hes _(apparent) willing to say anything.9. The project has now received _(approve) from the government.10. The charity aims to provide _(assist) to people in need.11. People are often _ a loss when confronted with a number of choices.12. Stores should _(ban) from selling alcoholic

4、drinks to teenagers.13. The satellite enables us _(calculate) their precise location anywhere in the world.14. The condition prevents the blood from _(circulate) freely.15. His treatment was a _(combine) of surgery, radiation and drugs.16. You cannot afford to relax your _(concentrate) for a moment.

5、17. Children vary _(considerable) in the rate at which they learn these lessons.18. We will win the contest if we can tap into our _(creative).19. He became _(convince) of the need for cheap editions of good quality writing.20. The number of staff _(decline) from 217,000 to 114,000 since 2021.21. Al

6、l our officers are trained _(defend) themselves against knife attacks.22. The term mental illness is difficult_(define).23. It is impossible _(deliver) this letter because the address is illegible.24. They are anxious _(demonstrate) to the voters that they have practical policies.25. The _(describe)

7、 which he had been given was brief and to the point.26. He deserves _(lock) up forever for what he did.27. Under such conditions, the _(destroy) effects of bacteria are diminished.28. Alcohol can also damage the liver and do great harm if _(consume) in large quantities.29. He _(discipline) at school

8、 last week for talking back to the teacher.30. He was so irresponsible that I decided _(dismiss) him.31. We didnt understand how difficult it was _(distribute)a national paper.32. There are obvious _(distinction) between the two wine-making areas.33. They believed that the greater the diversity the

9、_(stable) the ecosystem.34. I was impressed by the _(efficient) with which she handled the crisis.35. The exchange of prisoners of war was one of the key _(element) of the UNs peace plan.36. You rescued me from an _(embarrass) situation.37. The government has declared a state of _(emergent) followin

10、g the earthquake.38. Until recently, the emphasis in dam building was _ the economic benefits.39. Many volunteers choose to hurt themselves rather than endure _(bore).40. Its of significant importance for us _(enrich) our life with habits.41. Barbecues are a favourite way of _(entertain) friends42.

11、It was this campaign that _(establish) the papers reputation.43. It is hard _( estimate) how many children suffer from dyslexia.44. There is _(convince) evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.45. Most of the buildings in the town are modern, but the church is an _(except).46. It

12、took them about 50 minutes _(extinguish) the fire.47. Houses in the neighbourhood of Paris are _(extreme) expensive.48. They found that every _(face) expression is connected to a certain color.49. He _(fasten) up his coat and hurried out.50. She is still _(finance) dependent on her parents.51. I am

13、extremely grateful _ all the teachers _ their help.52. We guarantee _(refund) your money if youre not delighted with your purchase.53. Shes very good at _(handle) her patients.54. Please do not hesitate _(contact) me if you have any queries.55. I made a suggestion but they chose _(ignore) it.56. Two

14、 _(dependent) research bodies reached the same conclusions.57. A red sky at night often _(indicate) fine weather the next day.58. Dreams can be a rich source of _(inspire) for an artist.59. Its _(legal) to drive through a red light.60. She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to swi

15、mming _ (instruct).61.The online classroom provides an innovative and _(interact)interactive learning environment.62. I wish my mother would stop _(interfere)interfering and let me make my own decisions.63. Dont you think its about time you _(invest)invested in a new coat?64. There was a serious inc

16、ident _(involve)involving a group of youths.65. _( maintain)To maintain her weight, she simply chooses fruits and vegetables over fats and sweets.66. _(manufacture)Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.67. Under planning law _the maximum height for a fence or hedge

17、is 6 feet.68. He studied his map, trying _(memorize)to memorize the way to Roses street.69. You may be physically and _(mental)mentally exhausted after a long flight.70. He said nothing, _(mere)merely smiled and watched her.71. Thousands were forced _(migrate) from rural to urban areas in search of

18、work.72. He spent five years in Paris, with _(occasion) visits to Italy.73. It is one of the most _(origin) works of imagination in the language.74. The residents were trying to escape from the fire but _(overcome) by smoke.75. I _(panic) when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.76. 40 of the cours

19、e _(participant) are offered employment with the company.77. An immigrant is a person who comes to live _(permanent) in a foreign country.78. The introduction to a _(persuade) speech is very important.79. The society was set up _(preserve) endangered species from extinction.80. You dont have to sacr

20、ifice environmental protection _(promote) economic growth.81. The equipment can _(purchase) from your local supplier.82. _(rare) has a debate attracted so much media attention.83. The town has changed beyond _(recognize) since I was last here.84. _(register) a car in Japan, the owner must have somew

21、here to park it.85. _(relative) speaking, these jobs provide good salaries.86. Firefighters took two hours_(release) the driver from the car.87. We are looking for someone who is _(rely) and hard-working.88. Firefighters burst the door open and _(rescue) them.89. He went to the desk to inquire and m

22、ake a _(reserve).90. They are determined _(resist) pressure to change the law.91. We must find a way _(resolve) these problems before its too late.92. Well be stopping here for longer than _(schedule).93. They are now under a great deal of pressure _(tighten) their airport security.94. The classroom

23、 teacher must be sensitive _ a childs needs.95. Her father paid $5,000 for an operation _(shorten) her nose.96. We overlook all sorts of warning _(signal) about our own health.97. His family then moved to a _(slight) larger house.98. Everything is clear to her and things go _(smooth) then.99. Most o

24、f the staff specialize _ the care of children.100. The article can be used _(stimulate) discussion among students.101. To improve the quality of life through work, two complementary _(strategy) are necessary.102. The exercises are designed _(strengthen) your stomach muscles.103. I _(stretch) out a h

25、and and picked up the book.104. The course teaches you the theory but theres no substitute _ practical experience.105. All of us will struggle fairly hard _(survive) if we are in danger.106. White has always been _ symbol of purity in Western cultures.107. The public should be on the lookout for _(s

26、ymptom) of the disease.108. I have a _(tend) to talk too much when Im nervous.109. He tied her up and _(threaten) her with a six-inch knife.110. She had no _(tolerant) for jokes of any kind.111. I _(catch) in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise I would have not kept you waiting for such a long

27、 time.112. Can the world become so _(bear) to someone after years of loneliness?113. He was _(conscious) and as I looked at his face, something occurred to me.114. The preview offers _ unique opportunity to see the show without the crowds.115. It is _(universal) acknowledged that its very difficult

28、to shake off bad habits.116. He was back in the office, _(update) the work schedule on the computer.117. The cost of the alcohol duty _(vary) according to the amount of wine in the bottle.118. Be careful not to fall victim _ online banking fraud.119. Reading is _ vital importance in language learning.120. Fruit is a convenient source of _(vitamin) and energy.121. The volcano _(erupt) last year killing about 600 people.122. What I want now is two _(volunteer) to come down to the front.123. He reached into his pocket and _(withdraw) a sheet of notepaper.

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