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1、Unit7 How much are these socks?SectionA(1a2e)New wordssock/sk/or/s:k/a pair of sockssocksT-shirt/ti:(r)t/T-shirtstrousers/trazrz/a pair of trouserssweater/swet(r)/sweatersshorts/:rts/a pair of shortsskirt/sk:rt/skirtsshoes/u:z/a pair ofbig /bg/small/sm:l/short/:rt/long /l:/1.socks _2.T-shirt _3.shor

2、ts _4.sweater _5.bag _6.hat _7.trousers _8.shoes _9.jacket _10.skirt _idacfgjbhe1aMatch the words with the things in the picture.79A:How much is this_?B:Its _.Look and sayA:How much is the_?B:Its _.T-shirtseven dollarssweaternine dollars58A:_ is the_?B:_.How muchshirtIts eight dollarsA:_?B:_.How muc

3、h is the skirtIts five dollars46A:How much_ trousers?B:_six dollars.are theseTheyreA:How much_?B:_.are these shortsTheyre four dollarsthethe102A:How much_?B:_.are these socksTheyre two dollarsA:_?B:_.How much are these shoesTheyre ten dollarsthethebaghatT-shirttrousersshoesshortssweatersocks-How muc

4、h is/are this/that/these/those?-Its/Theyre$.$8$3$5$8$9$6$7$21.How much is the/this/that+名词单名词单?Its .2.How much are the/these/those+名词复名词复?Theyre .Colors green bluebrown black orangered white purpleyellowListen to the conversations and circle the things you hear.2b$5$8$6$7$2$9Woman:Can I help you?Mar

5、y:Yes,please.I need a sweater for school.Woman:OK.What color do you want?Mary:Blue.Woman:How about this one?Mary:It looks nice.How much is it?Woman:Nine dollars.PairworkRole-play the conversation.Mary:Ill take it.How much are those yellow socks?Woman:Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for tw

6、o pairs.Mary:Great!Ill take two pairs.Woman:Here you are.Mary:Thank you.Woman:Youre welcome.二、单项选择二、单项选择1.I like that watch._ is it?Its 20 yuan.A.How many B.How much C.What color 2.My T-shirt _ white and my shorts _ yellow.A.is;are B.are;are C.are;is 3.I want _ the blue T-shirt?A.get B.gets C.to get

7、 BA C4._,sir?I need a pair of sports shoes.A.Can I help you B.How do you do C.What do you do 5.Can I use(用用)your eraser?Yes._.A.Thank you B.Youre welcome C.Here you are AC三、句型转换。1.This shirt is small for me.(改为复数意义的句子)_ _ _ small for me.2.The red skirt is 20 yuan.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ the red skirt?3.Those

8、 shoes are yellow.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ those shoes?These shirts areWhat color areHow much is4.She needs a skirt for school.(改为否定句改为否定句)She _ _ a skirt for school.5.Is the blue hat two dollars?(作肯定回答作肯定回答)_,_ _.doesnt needYes it isUnit 7How much are these socks?hatT-shirtjacketsweaterskirtshortsshoessockst

9、rousersdollarsExercises一、看图说出下列物品的英语单词Colors green bluebrown black orangered white purpleyellow79A:How much is this_?B:Its _.Look and sayA:How much is the_?B:Its _.T-shirtseven dollarssweaternine dollars58A:_ is the_?B:_.How muchshirtIts eight dollarsA:_?B:_.How much is the skirtIts five dollars46A:

10、How much_ trousers?B:_six dollars.are theseTheyreA:How much_?B:_.are these shortsTheyre four dollarsthethe102A:How much_?B:_.are these socksTheyre two dollarsA:_?B:_.How much are these shoesTheyre ten dollarsthetheQuestions Answers How much is the hat?Its five dollars.How much is this T-shirt?Its se

11、ven dollars.How much is that brown sweater?Its eight dollars.How much are these socks?Theyre two dollars.How much are those black trousers?Theyre nine dollars.Grammar Focus3a Make sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes.How much is?How much are?the yellow T-shirt the this that these

12、 those yellow greenpurple bluebrown redWhite blackT-shirt hattrousers skirtsweater socksjacket bag 3b Look at the pictures and write the questions and answers.1.How much is the hat?2.How much is the bag?3.How much is the T-shirt?4.Theyre three dollars.5.Its nine dollars.6.Its eight dollars.Its five

13、dollars.Its ten dollars.Its six dollars.How much are the socks?How much is the sweater?How much is the skirt?$5.00$10.00$6.00$3.00$9.00$8.00 B:How much are the socks?A:Um,theyre three dollars.$5.00$10.00$6.00$3.00$9.00$8.00 How much milk is there in the glass?杯子里有多少牛奶?因为water和milk是不可数名词,所以动词 be用单数形式

14、is.如修饰可数名词问数量,则用How many.eg:How many apples are there in the bag?袋子里有多少苹果?2)socks,shoes,shorts,trousers这类物品常常成对 出现,所以它们做主语时,和它们搭配的谓 语动词用复数形式。如:Are those trousers Jims?那是吉姆的裤子吗?The shorts are 58 dollars.这个短裤58美元。如果这类词前面有“.pair(s)of(条/双)”修饰,谓语动词就要根据pair的单复数形式 发生相应的变化。如:The pair of trousers is 98 yuan.这条裤子98元。Two pairs of blue shoes are 200 dollars.两双蓝鞋200美元。Clerk:Can I help you?/What can I do for you?What color do you want?Here you are.Youre welcome.购物用语购物用语购物用语购物用语拓展Customer:Yes,please.I want/need a/an.No,thanks.How much is it?How much are they?Ill take it/them.拓展购物用语购物用语购物用语购物用语

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