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1、面值:face value赊账:open account破产法:bankruptcy law印花税:stamp duty总资产:total assets贸易壁垒:trade barrier进口关税:import tariff资金转移:fund transfer有形贸易:tangible trade无形贸易:intangible trade国际惯例:international customs and practices清算系统:clearing system银行竞争:banking competition国际支付:international payment缺乏经验:lack of experti

2、se全球策略:global strategy专业服务:professional service财务报表:financial statement远期汇票:term bill跟单汇票:documentary draft流通工具:negotiable instrument授权签字:authorized signature金融机构:financial institution运输单据:shipping document托收指示:collection instruction拒绝证书:protest商业用途:commercial utility契约安排:contractual arrangement付款义务

3、:obligation of payment独立责任:independent responsibility合同义务:contractual obligation信用评估:credit evaluation经济衰退:economic recession法律文件:legal document指定银行:nominated bank信誉调查:credit investigation提货担保:shipping guarantee转移风险:transfer risk信用额度:credit line汇款人账户:remitters account可兑换货币:convertible currency大小写金额:

4、amount in words and figuresSWIFT密押:SWIFT authentication key第二还款来源:the second source of repayment多式联运提单:multimodal transport document全球金融市场:global financial market需要时的代理:agent in case of need全球经济一体化:economic globalization带有不符点的单据:discrepant document有条件的付款承诺:conditional undertaking of payment无条件的支付承诺:

5、unconditional promise of payment全球金融同业通讯协会:SWIFT无条件的书面支付命令:unconditional order of payment in writing海外分支机构和代理行:overseas branches and correspondent banks1. 国际结算涉及有形贸易和无形贸易,外国投资,从其他国家借贷资金等等。The international settlement involves tangible trades, intangible trade, foreign investments, funds borrowed fro

6、m or lent to other countries and so on.2. 许多银行注重发展国际结算和贸易融资的业务。Many banks have focused on their business of international settlement and trade finance.3. 大多数国际间的支付来自于世界贸易。Most of the international payments originate from transactions in the world trade.4. 一般来说,国际结算的方式分为三类:汇款,托收和信用证。Usually the inter

7、national settlement is divided into three broad categories: remittance,collection and letter of credit.5. 用于国际结算的的货币是可兑换的货币。Currencies used in the international settlement are convertible currencies.6. 每一个通信和支付系统都有自己的使用规则。Each communication and payment system has its own rules.7. 有五种美元清算的方式。There ar

8、e fives US dollar fund transfer payment methods.8. 欧元是欧盟国家使用的货币。Euro is the single currency of the European Union.9. 香港作为国际金融中心必须遵循国际惯例。As an international financial center, Hong Kong must follow international payment practices.10. 两家银行建立代理行关系的原则是基于双方的互惠互利。The overall principle to establish correspo

9、ndent banking relationship between two banks is on the basis of mutual benefits.11. 一家银行对其所在国金融系统的重要性是对该银行进行评级的重要因素。The importance of a bank to its countrys financial system is a major factor in the rating process.12. 穆迪和标准普尔在对银行进行评级时有许多相似之处。Moody and Standard&Poors share many similarities in rating

10、 banks.13. 许多著名的大银行是根据一定的程序来向代理行提供信用额度。The credit line for a correspondent is worked out according to certain procedures in many sizeable and well-known banks.14. 银行不仅可从贸易融资中获利,而且还可以介入金融活动之中。Not only banks can gain from trade finance, they can also engage in those financial activities.15. 由于这张信用卡的持卡

11、人不讲信用,发卡银行将取消该卡。The issuing bank of this credit will cancel the holders card because of his poor credit standing.16. 旅行支票异于在国外银行旅店商店机场等兑现。Travellers checks are easily encashable at banks, hotel, shops and airports abroad.17. 汇票和本票的定义有一些相似之处。There are some similarities between the definition of a bil

12、l of exchange and a promissory note.18. 请开立一张以Mr.Smith为付款人的金额为2000美元的即期汇票。Please draw a sight draft on Mr.Simth for US dollars 2000.19. 由于电信业的迅猛发展,大多数的付款义务都是通过电汇方式完成。With rapid telecommunication, most payment transactions are handled by telegraphic transfer.20. 在付款业务中总是会出现一些差错。In the process of paym

13、ent transfer, some mistakes may occur.21. 处理付款业务中的典型错误是将头寸付款方式和链式付款方式的报文混淆。It is a typical mistake to confuse the message types of the cover method with those of the serial method.22. 在一些国家,通常用于国内付款的链式方式也用于跨境付款。In some countries and for some currencies, the serial method-typical for domestic payment

14、s-is also used cross-border.23. 电汇常常用于大金额和时间较紧的情况。T/T is often used when the remittance amount is large and the transfer of funds is subject to a time limit.24. 跟单托收适用于出口商既不想用赊账也不愿意用信用证的情况。Documentary collections are suitable in cases where the exporter is reluctant to supply the goods on an open ac

15、count basis, but does not need the strong security provided by a documentary credit.25. 跟单托收统一惯例是国际托收业务中通行的规则。The Unifrom Rules for Collections from an internationally accepted code of practice covering documentary collections.26. 单据应符合进口国家的法律和法规的要求。The type of documents should comply with the laws

16、and regulations of the importing country.27. 拒绝证书是法庭认可的拒付的法律依据,它要由公证机构来制作。Bill protesting is a legal evidence of dishonor acceptable to a court of law, and it will come into force by a notarization of notary office.28. 在此契约安排下的每一项条款都是独立的。Each item in contracts in this arrangement is independent of o

17、ne another.29. 进口商也要对远期汇票进行承兑并到期付款。An importer is also obliged to make an acceptance on the term bill of exchange and make payment on its due.30. 既然大多数的信用证都是不可撤销的,故此字样印就在开证申请书上。Since the great majority of credits are irrevocable, the indication of irrevocability is printed in the application form.31

18、. 出口商在向他的银行提示单据前就应确信其单据满足了信用证的要求。Before the exporter presents the documents to his bank, he must ensure that they fully meet the requirements laid down in the credit.32. 银行必须根据信用证的条款和要求仔细的审核单据。The bank must check the presented documents carefully against the wording of the terms of credit.33. 用于国际贸易

19、中的保函分两类:直接保函和间接保函。The guarantees used in international business can be divided into two categories: direct guarantees and indirect guarantees.34. 银行开具各种类型的保函:投标保函履约保函预付款保函和尾款保函。Banks issue various types of guarantee or bond, and they are bid bonds, performance bonds, maintenance or retention bonds.3

20、5. 预付款保函向买方提供了一个资金安全的保证。The advance payment guarantee provides financial security to the buyer.36. 开立传统的信用证是为了国际贸易中货物交易的付款。The traditional documentary letter of credit serves the purpose of securing payment of the contract price in the international trade of goods.37. 信用证和保函的主要不同点是:信用证是一个付款工具,而保函是一个

21、合同义务被履行的保证。The main difference between a letter of credit and a guarantee is that the letter of credit actually represents a payment instrument while the guarantee is an assurance that contractual obligations will be fulfilled.38. 出口商收到信用证后,将根据信用证的要求准备出货和缮制单据。On receipt of a letter of credit, the ex

22、porter will prepare his shipments according to the requirements of the credit and complete the relating aocuments.39. 一般来说,信用证里要规定最后交单日期。In general, the latest date of presentation is specified in the credit.40. 在信用证业务中,银行应只审核单据。In credit operations, banks must make examination on the basis of the d

23、ocuments alone.41. 银行对没有要求提示的单据不予理会,以避免由此而产生的拒付。Banks should disregard cnditions without stating the documents to be presented in compliance to avoid unnecessary refusal.42. 提单是出口商和承运人之间的运输合同。The bill of lading is an evidence of the contract for carriage between the exporter and the carrier.43. 国际贸易

24、融资是银行向进口商和出口商提供的国际结算项下的融资服务。International trade finance is a financial service under the international trade settlement provided by banks for importers and exporters.44. 信用额度内容和贸易融资产品是构成贸易融资的重要因素。Credit line structure and trade financing facilities constitute important factors of trade finance.45. 在

25、信用证业务下,银行应该特别关注贸易背景和市场。The bank should always keep an eye on the trade background and its market under the letter of credit.46. 监督是控制打包放款风险的重要措施。Supervision is an important step to control the risk of packing loan.47. 出口押汇是出口银行提供的贸易融资产品。Export bill purchased refers to a financing facility provided by exporters bank.

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