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1、.小学部2005-2006学年度下学期三年级英语班级 姓名 密封线期中试卷 得分 听力部分 (50分)一、Listen and choose。 (听录音,选择)(10分)( )1. A. Coke B. coffee ( ) 6. A. night B. nest( )2. A. dog B. duck ( ) 7. A. lion B.lock( )3. A. goose B. grapes ( ) 8. A. milk B. mouse( )4. A. jump B. jeep ( ) 9. A. fish B. father( )5. A. kangaroo B.key ( ) 10.

2、A. twelve B.twenty二、Listen and number. (听录音,排序号。) (5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、Listen and choose. (听录音,选择) (10分)( ) 1. A. Who s the man? B. Who s that woman?( ) 2. A. Let s watch TV. B. Lets fly a kite.( )3. A. This is my friend. B. This is my father. 1 ( )4. A. How many pens do you have? B. How many

3、pencils can you see?( )5. A. Welcome back to school. B. Let s draw a picture.四、Listen and match. (听录音,连线) (10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 精选word.五、 True or False. (对的打“”,错的打“”)(5分) 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、Listen and order. ( 听录音,排顺序。) (10) ( ) Open it and see.( ) Amy, look at my new crayons.( ) Oh

4、, how nice. How many crayons do you have?( ) You have 16 crayons.( ) That s right.笔试部分(50分)七、Read and choose. (选出与其他两个不同类的单词来。)(10) ( )1. A. girl B. goose C. lion ( )2. A. apple B. grapes C. kite( )3. A. woman B. student C. fish( )4. A. teacher B. duck C. bird( )5. A. fourteen B. fifteen C. banana(

5、)6. A. strawberry B. watermelon C. sister( )7. A. milk B. coffee C. bag( )8. A. hamburger B. hot dog C. orange( )9. A. peach B. pear C. ice cream( )10. A. grandfather B. grandmother C. boy八、Read and match. (读一读,连线。) (10)MAN brother 11 twenty APPLE girl 13 sixteen ANT man 15 thirteen GIRL apple 16 el

6、even BROTHER ant 20 fifteen九、choose the right answer. (选择正确的答案) (7分) 3 ( ) 1. A: Who is that man? B: _ is my teacher, Mr. Wang. A. She B. He C. It( ) 2. A: Who is that girl? B: _ is my sister. A. He B. She C. It ( ) 3. This _ my mother. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 4. How many _ can you see? A. dog B. dog

7、s ( ) 5. Look, I have _ ice cream. A. an B. a C. / ( ) 6. Come _. (加油。过来。) A. on B. in ( ) 7. _ a big fish! A. How B. What.十、选择合适的答语。(16)( ) 1. Nice to see you. A. Thank you.( ) 2. Good afternoon. B. I am from China.( ) 3. I am sorry. C. I have 13.( ) 4. Who is that boy? D. She is my mother.( ) 5. W

8、ho is that woman? E. He is my friend, Wu Yifan.( ) 6. How many pens do you have? F. It s OK!( ) 7. Have some tea, pleas. G. Good afternoon.( ) 8. Where are you from? H. Nice to see you, too.十一选择正确的答案。(7) ( ) 1. How funny! A. 真漂亮! B.真有趣。真好玩。( ) 2. 当你提醒别人注意时, 你应说,_. A. Watch out! B. Good idea.( ) 3. 三

9、八妇女节时, 你对妈妈应该说,_. A.Happy Halloween. B. Happy Women s Day.( ) 4. 你在走路时,发现了一只大蚂蚁,你感叹到,_ A. What a big egg! B. What a big ant!( ) 5. 班里来了位新同学,大家表示欢迎,该说,_. A. Welcome B. Goodbye.精选word.( ) 6 . 你上课迟到了,你应该说,_. A. I am sorry. B. It is OK!( ) 7. 今天,Amy 穿了一条新裙子,你觉得很漂亮,你说,_. A. Oh, how beautiful! B. Oh, how

10、funny. 4Answer:Listening part一、1.A 2. B 3.A 4.B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8.A 9.B 10. B二、1look and see. 2. Say OK! 3.touch your knee. 4. Draw a tree 5. Make a D.三、B A B B A四、1. - How many fish can you see? -I can see 11. 2. - Come on, Wu Yifan. Let s watch TV. - Great! 3.- This is my mother and this is my fath

11、er. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too. 4.- Who is this girl? - She is my friend, Amy. 5. - Look, Chen Jie. I have a new kite. - Oh, how beautiful! 五、() 1. Drink some tea. () 2. Have a seat. () 3. Fly a kite. () 4. Say Goodbye. () 5. Read after me. 六、( 3 ) Open it and see.( 1 ) Amy, look at my new crayons.( 2 ) Oh, how nice. How many crayons do you have?( 4 ) You have 16 crayons.( 5 ) That s right.精选word.感谢您的支持与配合,我们会努力把内容做得更好!精选word

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