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1、静脉肾盂造影(静脉肾盂造影(IVP)1Introduction:An intravenous pyelogram(IVP)is a special x-ray exam of the kidneys,bladder,and ureters(the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder).2How the Test is PerformedAn IVP is done in a hospital radiology department or a health care providers office.3How the T

2、est is Performed1.You may be asked to take some medicine to clear your bowels before the procedure to provide a better view of the urinary tract.You will need to empty your bladder right before the procedure starts.4How the Test is Performed2.Your provider will inject an iodine-based contrast into a

3、 vein in your arm.A series of x-ray images are taken at different times.This is to see how the kidneys remove the dye and how it collects in your urine.5How the Test is Performed3.A compression device (a wide belt containing two balloons that can be inflated)may be used to keep the contrast material

4、 in the kidneys.4.You will need to lie still during the procedure.The test may take up to an hour.6How the Test is Performed5.Before the final image is taken,you will be asked to urinate again.This is to see how well the bladder has emptied.76.You can go back to your normal diet and medicines after

5、the procedure.You should drink plenty of fluids to help remove all the contrast dye from your body.How the Test is Performed8Ureteral compression 4Take X-ray images3Clear your bowel,empty your bladder1Inject nject a contrast2Drink more water to help remove the contrast6Urinate again before the final

6、 image5Review9How the Test will FeelHow the Test will Feel?10How the Test will FeelHow the Test will Feel?You may feel a burning or flushing sensation in your arm and body as the contrast dye is injected.You may also have a metallic taste in your mouth.This is normal and will go away quickly.Some pe

7、ople develop a headache,nausea,or vomiting after the dye is injected.The belt across the kidneys may feel tight over your belly area.11Why the Test is PerformedWhy the Test is Performed?An IVP can be used to evaluate:kidney stonesAn abdominal injuryBladder and kidney infectionsBlood in the urineTumors12ReferenceReference:wechat:specifiko13THANK YOU14此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!15

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