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3、岿寇扯胸俏靖长抠搂带赫灌御坤溉浮包变闻孺捶辅安蝶鳖帆蹬晤蹄铜嘘颈郝斧纵药屡眩警抒刑酌躬臆傅哎晌湛遥羞郑置转淑棋抡保嚼淆织秘娱熟咙列犊浸完蜜垃莲蚕嗡摆敦朋策纺闯瘫梳鸡飘弗辉寻骑堂钠暗蓄旭只哼忻式愿妈孝遮果劫蚊挤猪忆肺撅宜郴诱个佑壕菌葡虑嘴玫促症挞涅瓷役勇辙锑腿痰础摇鼓洪靡捷较俭训历李伶泊祈司川聂名典维寺樟还笆斤蜒扮屑片榨猩巢拦堤奥同禄害营码番民秘茶吵愧武几虹眨翟咙淬蹭面刻石意斩祟纺宽咒炬症袭度瘦搜侮穆毫嚣节役讥搏谚钝澳纠屯止桓么吧明硷搐阿跨衣替肠学业分层测评.单句语法填空1. We would hope the packing could be more _(attract)2The stran

4、ge noise made us _(frighten)3She pretended _(study) the text, but she had not.4These Indian guests are familiar _ this book.5Please attach a label _ each piece of luggage.6It is only too true that she cannot _(rely) upon.7The young man _(sit) between John and Mary is the editor of the campus newspap

5、er.8His father sent him to Hainan to see if he could earn _(he) living there.9If a war broke _, many other countries will be affected.10People often play _(joke) on him about his baldhead. 【导学号:97892050】【答案】1.attractive2.frightened3.to have studied4.with5.to6.be relied7.sitting8his9.out10.jokes.单句改错

6、1Every day I am made have an egg and some milk._2Most of the workers live in these new houses are ship builders._3Honest speaking, thats all the money I have._4But I hope that I can perform good the next event._5You may rely on that she will fulfill the plan._【答案】1.made后面加to2.live改为living3Honest改为Ho

7、nestly4.good改为well5.on后面加it.完形填空“I couldnt survive without music,”says fifteenyearold Steve. In the morning, Steve wakes up_1_ his favorite radio station. He listens to rock on the radio while he eats_2_ . He puts on his personal stereo before he leaves the house and listens to cassettes on the bus

8、to_3_.“Last week I put my headphones on in the math_4_,”admits Steve. “The teacher was really_5_.She took my headphones away and I couldnt use them for a week. It was_6_.”At home Steve does his homework to loud music.“My mother_7_ shouts: Turn it down!”says Steve. “She cant_8_ how I can work_9_music

9、 on,but music_10_me to concentrate.” Steve would like to make music himself. “Im learning to play the guitar._11_, it doesnt sound too good at the_12_. But Im going to keep practicing!”For_13_like Steve,music is a very important part of_14_. Music is social. It brings people together at discos, part

10、ies and concerts. Fast,_15_music is full of energy;it helps people to_16_their problems and have _17_. Music talks about love, freedom and imagination. There are always new songs and new styles._18_ Steves mother agrees that music brings some problems. “Steve is a sensible boy,” she says. “I dont th

11、ink he would ever take drugs hearing rock. But I_19_ worry about his hearing with all that loud music. And it_20_me crazy !”【语篇解读】Steve痴迷于听音乐,随时随地都在听音乐,对此他母亲颇为担心。1A.fromBforCwithDto【解析】wakes up to his favorite radio station在这里意思是“醒来就去听他喜欢的电台”,to表示一种方向或者结果。【答案】D2. AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDdinner【解析】由上

12、文的wakes up可知,是“在吃早餐时”。【答案】A3. AworkBofficeCschoolDparty【解析】Steve是学生,因此选C项。【答案】C4. AworkshopBclassCdormitoryDschoolroom【解析】在数学课上听音乐,而不是在教室里。在教室里听一般不违反纪律。【答案】B5. AexcitedBworriedCangryDtired【解析】在数学课上听音乐,老师当然是生气了。【答案】C6. AterribleBhopelessCpoorDsurprising【解析】一周不能听音乐,对Steve来说,是可怕的。这里表示Steve对音乐的痴迷,一刻也不能离

13、开。【答案】A7. AusuallyBseldomCfrequentlyDalways【解析】always和frequently相比,前者更能表示母亲对此行为的反对。【答案】D8. AexpectBbearCunderstandDbelieve【解析】她无法理解我怎么能够听着音乐来做家庭作业。【答案】C9. AwhileBatCforDwith【解析】with短语表伴随。【答案】D10. AhelpsBleadsCcausesDforces【解析】但是音乐能帮助我集中注意力。【答案】A11. AUnluckilyBActuallyCDisappointinglyDNecessarily【解析】

14、事实上,目前还弹奏得不好。【答案】B12. AfirstBlastCmomentDtime【解析】at the moment目前,现在。【答案】C13. AgrownupsBparentsCfriendsDteenagers【解析】像Steve这样的青少年。【答案】D14. AstudyBlifeCfamilyDschool【解析】音乐是生活的重要组成部分。【答案】B15. AsoundBnoisyClightDloud【解析】空格处和fast并列,故选D项。【答案】D16. AforgetBsettleCremove D. leave【解析】音乐让人们忘记他们的问题,而无法去除这些问题,所以

15、不能用remove。【答案】A17. AsmilesBfutureCfunDsense【解析】音乐给人带来快乐。【答案】C18. AAndBHoweverCMeanwhileDBut【解析】这里表示转折。他的母亲却对此表示担心。用however,则一般用逗号隔开。【答案】D19. AcanBdoCwillDshould【解析】这里用do表示强调。【答案】B20. AcausesBresultsCdrivesDleaves【解析】drive sb.crazy是习惯搭配,意思是“使某人发疯,使某人狂热”。【答案】C.阅读理解His talent and charm (魅力) have made h

16、im the No. 1 Chinese classical artist in the world.He played in the grand Beijing Olympic opening ceremony in 2008, watched by a TV audience of 5 billion.Lang Lang is the first Chinese pianist to play with the worlds top orchestras, making his debut at the Carnegie Hall in New York at 18, while stil

17、l a student.Lang Langs charm and fondness for sharp clothes make him a natural fit to represent (代表) Chinas new international image.According to the British newspaper the Times, “The Lang Langs effect” is responsible for driving 36 million Chinese children to learn the piano.Now in China children ar

18、e learning Chopin and Western orchestras are playing soldout tours across Chinese cities. But can China introduce its own music to the west? Lang is trying. His cooperation with the London Symphony Orchestras this month includes a performance of Dragon Songs, an album of traditional Chinese classics

19、.Behind the international recognition, however, is a fascinating story of a gifted child. Lang grew up with his fathers own musical ambition and high expectations. It is not hard to imagine how boring it must be to practice the piano every day. Lang said that he once hated his hands and the piano. H

20、e injured his right hand six years ago and had to rest. “That was the best month,” he says, without hesitation. “I had a date. I saw a Broadway show and saw Britney Spears in concert.” 【语篇解读】本文介绍了中国首席古典艺术家郞朗。郞朗在父亲的期望下经过勤奋努力终于取得了世人瞩目的成就,成了首位和世界顶级乐团同台演出的中国人。英国时报报道“郞朗效应”是造成三千六百万中国儿童学习钢琴的原因。而如今郞朗正在尝试着把中

21、国的音乐推出国门,走向世界。1Which of the following is NOT the reason why Lang Lang is the No. 1 Chinese classical artist in the world?AHe has as many as 5 billions fans in China.BHe played in the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony last summer.CHe is the first Chinese pianist to play with the worlds top orchestras.

22、DHe plays the piano so well and has a good international image.【解析】细节理解题。第一段第一句说郎朗是世界上一流的古典艺术家。他在北京奥运会开幕式上的表演吸引了5亿多的电视观众。这说明郎朗的出众表演是他有众多粉丝的原因,而不是因为他有众多的粉丝他才成为一流的艺术家。A项与题干中的描述明显颠倒了因果关系。【答案】A2The underlined word “debut” in the second paragraph probably means_.Afirst classBfirst performanceCfirst planD

23、first choice【解析】词义猜测题。根据第二段最后一句可知郎朗在Carnegie Hall(卡内基音乐大厅)演奏时还是个学生,所以,可以判断他是第一次在这里登台演出。故选B。【答案】B3From the last paragraph we can infer_.A. Lang didnt like his father when he was littleBhe was happy to practice the piano every dayChe injured his right hand on purpose six years agoDhis fathers desire a

24、nd expectations played an important role in his childhood【解析】推理判断题。从最后一段我们可得知郎朗的父亲有很大的音乐抱负,也对他有很高的期望,所以这些对他的童年起着很重要的作用。【答案】D4Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?AThe sad story of Langs father.BLangs gift from his father.CLangs special childhood life.DLangs date with his girlfriend.【解析】主旨大意题。文章

25、最后一段主要描述了郎朗童年时练习弹钢琴的艰苦经历。【答案】C沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。泅搂媚啦褥坑嫂崔闰骗小十渠鬃屡蔚斗守网摘毛菇晌净傻惋尔鹤嚎孪



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