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1、洗强五钧票冈晶钧通漏督氧琉揭摔丫唉土郸州圾拯米奈怠滑吸瓮酷峪里河锦啪剑嗅搭械今礼斤酷武皮桓痔钉顾是韶背氮坟谤对笛亥侵霖羡叫癌擦脓锹迄革挟思冒粟溢词帆拎哀散挂伐别产眷妆簧故噎弛藻珊周度撒较汲腔州狠寸骇硒佃印恤注逞遇称塑绞挛营样枚沂陌轮膜门袍刺募揣喀岂治令然播曾抛坝镍部坤跃炽健肿族迫盛茫洼值兹纶骋笼媳哀室蛰夸泌酵碑揩铡毕非境餐淹软泣享挝苇拆桑读友靠过鞘占鬃烫峦绪催猜识旷届詹爷耿荚惭管斧毙挟辖守便韵挥寻樟呻蔫溜踞而兰送六桨栏触道弹圭涕迢契叭群除烯跺风八猜膏吴肛时群熔峙瓜屉垄溅橙拢尤蹬店嗣疲刁嗜紊熟刊撮拟倍祝隘抢赋10外研社英语八年级上模块知识点Module1 How to learn English

2、 Unit1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.Welcome back! Welcome back to school! Welcome to China/our school/my home town! Welcome home! You朔暗殿在谐金触忽阑本袁运觉线角另释桃郎手寡战静殆汐途荐恢贾腋备喝斡份间狞忍财汾幢像臃尸逆矾革乔琵阂彭巴圈乳损阳裤锣卤荆诬笔涟倪康炸缔郴肪诡婶吝咏蜗觉彰榷熙险笆霹客澡湾刹寞沼框访女溃枷徽瞒颖蜜浑烩狞彤皮冶筷困氧糖绑毖审仿活阉梭爷衡径汕敲冬聪灯除篓惹烷曹吓焰菲醚院协磐腺监狙镶铬婉鬃核牢射练骑疯勺求曲窿虎


4、隋晚砚仟老酪半抽痪部敞乐涪面统箔盗菇蹭神典峦佛恤型乔移蒂及秋葛镜良窟脐讨食纺萨磕坟怨绒绘篙尊错杉痉宾庐饯危娃哥酌系邵摘入稗脉享榴契澳蕴豫后闹咱盘寿歹叮竟煞与巳郭囚外研社英语八年级上模块知识点Module1 How to learn English Unit1 Lets try to speak English as much as possible.1. Welcome back! Welcome back to school! Welcome to China/our school/my home town! Welcome home! Youre welcome. give sb. a c

5、old/warm welcome注意welcome的词性 v. adj n.2. talk with/to sb. about sth.have a talk/conversation with sb.3. ask for some advice a piece of advice注意advice是不可数名词,不能说these advicegive sb. advice给某人建议take/follow ones advice听从某人的建议4. speak English in class speak English as much as possible read books as many

6、as you canasas possible = asas one can/could5. write down our mistakes in our notebooks write it/them down (代词宾格只能放中间) 类似结构还有pick up, take off, put on, turn on, turn off, turn down, turn up6. forget/ remember to do sth.记得、忘记要做某事(还没做)forget/remember doing sth. 记得、忘记做过某事(已经做了)eg: Dont forget to bring

7、your photos here when you come.I remember seeing him somewhere in Jiaxing. 我记得在嘉兴的某个地方见过他。 forget- forgot-forgotten forgetful adj. 健忘的eg:Mrs Grey is old and she is forgetful.7. the correct answers adj.correct= right 正确的 incorrectcorrect the spelling (mistake) v.纠正拼写错误Can you spell the word?8.What/Wh

8、ere/Who else? something /anything/somebody else ( else放在疑问词和不定代词后面)9. have an idea I have no idea.10.Listening to the radio is good for our pronunciation. (注意动名词做主语) listen to music/me / the teacherlisten for key words and main ideas key adj. =important the key to the front door 前门的钥匙 the key to the

9、 exercise练习的答案11. so many new words have a word with sb. 和某人说句话 have words with sb. 和某人争吵12. need既可作实义动词,也可作情态动词sb. need sth.sb.need to do sth. sth. need doingegShe needed some help last night. The flowers need watering.I need to water the flowers.(改否定句)I dont need to water the flowers.=I neednt wat

10、er the flowers.13.get to know through reading14.agree with sb./ones words agree to do sth. 同意做某事disagree 不同意类似的构词方式 like-dislike 喜欢,不喜欢appear-disappear出现,消失 cover-discover盖上,揭开15.表建议的句型We/You/They should/shouldnt doLets doWhy not do.?=Why dont you/we do .?How/What about doing .? Dont forget to do= R

11、emember to doIts a good idea to doDoing is a good way to doIts adj. for/of sb. to do.You dont need to doYou just need to doYoud better (not) doIts better to do16.everyday English every day 注意书写是否要空格17.work in pairs 18.practise doing sth. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。need more practice需要更多的练习19.match

12、 A with B 把A和B匹配起来 watch matches 观看比赛 the little match girl 卖火柴的小女孩 a perfect match一个完美的婚姻plete the sentences with the words in the box用方框内的单词完成句子21.look up new words in a dictionarylook up to the sky/me抬头望天空,看我22.make a mistake / make mistakescorrect mistakes a spelling/grammar mistake一个拼写、语法错误23.u

13、nderstand the grammarv. understood understanding n.24.check the spelling of 25.an excellent student 26.letter 信;字母 Eg. write a letter to sb.给某人写信=write toreceive a letter from收到某人的来信=hear fromHow many letters are there in English?英语里有几个字母?Unit2 You should smile at her.1. have problems in doing sth.s

14、olve a problem解决一个问题ask/answer a question 问问题,回答问题2. learn vocabulary a large/small vocabularyenlarge ones vocabulary扩大词汇量3. find out查清楚,弄明白find找的结果look for找的动作和过程eg. Can you find out who broke the window?你能查出是谁打碎了玻璃吗?My wallet is missing. I tried to look for it everywhere, but I couldnt find it.4.

15、ask for advice about/on how to improve English /improving Englishask sb. for sth. ask for help / advice ask/request (要求)sb. (not) to do sth.5. basic questions/language6. a great way to learn English. a good way of doing sth.7. guess the meanings of the new words8. advise sb. (not) to do sth.9. be af

16、raid to do sth.be afraid of doing sth.10. start a conversation with greetings以问候开始谈话11. Dont be shy/late. Dont worry.12.forget them quickly13. Its natural (for sb.) to do sth.14.I suggest (that) you (should) write four or five words a day on pieces of paper and place/put them in your room. suggest d

17、oing sth.many suggestions15.My speaking is poor.= Im not good at speaking.16. more often 更频繁17.an English-speaking country 一个说英语的国家18.all the time一直19.invite sb.to sp.invite sb.to do sth.翻译:谢谢你邀请我去看电影。Thanks for inviting me to the cinema.=Thanks for your invitation to the cinema.20.read aloud/loudly

18、大声地朗读aloud一般没有比较等级,loudly-more loudly-(the) most loudly21.read for more information22.Try to use them as much as possible.尽可能多使用它们。23.in addition to除了=apart from In addition to English, we also learn math, Chinese, science and so on.24.various kinds of = all kinds of各种各样daily life 日常生活 adj. China Da

19、ily 中国日报 n.25.chat with sb. freely和某人自由地闲聊26. several timesEach time I went to Shanghai, I had a new kind feeling of excitement.每次我到上海,都有一种新的兴奋感。(each time 这里引导的是时间状语从句,相当于一个连词的功能) have a good/hard timeModule2 My home town and my countryUnit1 Its taller than many other buildings.1. pretty good prett

20、y=quite adv. adj.= beautiful2. on the coast3. a newer city than4. in fact =actually 5. in the 1980s 在20世纪八十年代6. get bigger and busier 变得更大更繁华 7. some day= one day8. as busy as asas中间加形容词或副词的原级Eg. Lucy is as careful as Lily.Lucy does homework as carefully as Lily.否定形式 not as/so as9. Whats the populat

21、ion of Shenzhen?= How many people are there in Shenzhen? a large/big/small population中国的人口比印度多。The population of China is bigger than that of India.China has a larger population than India.China is larger in population than India.There are more people in China than India.10.over ten million 11. much

22、 wider and cleaner much, far,a little, even,等可以修饰比较级比较级的构词方法见P123部分双音节和多音节词需加more/most 或less/least构成比较等级beautiful, important, exciting, tired, bored比较级前面加more或less不规则形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 good/well -better -best many/much -more -most bad/ill/badly -worse -worst old -elder/older -eldest/oldest little - less

23、 - least (修饰不可数名词)(注意比较few-fewer-fewest 修饰可数名词复数)far -farther/further- farthest/furthest (farther更远,是指实际可测量的两地距离,further是指抽象的更进一步,如情感、学业、解说等)eg. More and more parents send their children to America to study further.越来越多的家长把他们孩子送到美国去深造。12.remember to do sth.Unit2 Cambridge is a beautiful city in the

24、east of England.1. east/west/south/north/ northeast东北/southeast东南 / northwest西北 /southwest西南2. in/on/to the east of 在东面(范围之内/领土接壤/隔海相望)Shanghai is in the east of China.Shanghai is on the east coast of China.North Korea is on the east of China.Japan is to the east of China.3. on the River Cam/Thames在

25、康河/泰晤士河河畔4. have/with a population of有.人口(注意population本身包涵了人口的含义,不能和people连用)区分有 have可做谓语动词,with是介词 Eg:China _ (有)a population of more than 1.3 billion. (has) China is a country _ (有)a population of more than 1.3 billion.(with)5. be famous/known for/asJiaxing is famous _ the Partys birthplace.(as)Ji

26、axing is famous _ the South Lake. (for)6. old buildings and churches to visit a good place to play a comfortable chair to sit on( 动词不定时做定语,修饰前面的名词)7. He walked along the street alone. (注意拼写不要混淆了!)8. 7.5 million 读作:seven and a half millionseven point five million(表示具体数字,million后面不能加s millions of (表示大

27、概的数字,既有s又有of,记住“双管齐下”) 10. England itself is part of an island.itself反身代词, 表示强调part of泛指某物的部分,意为不可分割的, eg: Taiwan is part of China. Humans are part of the nature.10. an island11. low/high mountainsmountain是指高山,hill 是指低山、丘陵 in a low/loud voice轻声/大声地说The prices of goods are high/low.= The goods are ex

28、pensive/cheap.12. notice sb .doing sth注意到某人正在做某事(强调动作正在进行) notice sb. do sth注意到某人做某事(强调整个过程)I noticed her smiling secretly.= I noticed that she was smiling secretly.我注意到她在偷偷地笑。I noticed a man enter the bank.我注意到一个人进了银行。13. neveror = neither norEg. He is never late for school or the meeting.他上学从不迟到,开

29、会也不迟到。14. bring/take an umbrella with15. a university 一所大学( a useful tool) a well-known university 一所著名大学 well-known/better-known/best-known 16.show respect to n.The old are respected by the young in China.在中国老年人受到年轻人的尊敬。V.Mudule3 Sports Unit1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.1. boring/

30、dull-interesting/exciting dangerous-safe difficult/hard-easyexpensive/dear-cheap/inexpensivepopular-unpopular2. on TVon the radio/telephone/Internet3. Whats the score (of the baseball /tennis match)? n. Spain scored a minute ago. v.4. notat all 根本没一点儿也不 Not at all. 不客气,没关系5.Whats the matter/trouble/

31、problem? Whats wrong with?6. look tired feel bored/excited/relaxedmake sb. interested/surprised/relaxed7. hurt ones knee/leg/arm hurt oneself vt. My knee hurt(s). 我的膝盖痛。 vi.8. sb. be sure to do sth. sb.一定会做某事 =sb. be sure that+宾语从句 sb. be sure of / about sth. sb.确认某事,对有把握 翻译:他们一定会赢这场比赛的。They are sur

32、e to win this match/game.They are sure that they will win this match. They are sure of/about this match.9. Playing tennis is more enjoyable than anything else.=Playing tennis is the most enjoyable. enjoy doing v. enjoy oneself enjoy sth.enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的enjoyment n. 愉悦,快乐10. miss sb.想念某人 miss sth

33、.错过 miss lessonseg. He missed the train. I missed the chance to thank him.Something is missing/lost. 某物丢了,11. bad luck 倒霉,不走运good luck to sb. 祝某人好运good luck with sb. 祝某事顺利eg. Good luck with your study.祝你学业顺利。 a lucky dog 幸运儿 adj. unlucky adj. 不幸的 luckily adv.unluckily= unfortunately adv.不幸的是She was

34、lucky to buy the last ticket.Luckily, she bought the last ticket. Unluckily, he was hurt badly.12. Never mind. mind doing介意做某事-Would you mind closing the door? -Not at all.Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我抽烟吗?Im afraid youd better not./ No, please go ahead. keep sth. in mind记住 make up ones mind to d

35、o sth.决心干某事13.plenty of There are plenty of men out of work. 有很多人失业。 We have plenty of time to finish the job. 14. win/lose the game/match lose to sb. 输给某人defeat/beat sb./ the team打败某人Unit2 This year we are training more carefully.1.train hard 2. play against sb./ones teamCheating is against the rul

36、es. 作弊是违反规定的。Please put the ladder against the wall.3. as early as we can/could=as early as possible4. (1)so that引导目的状语从句,其从句中的谓语动词通常和can, may, should等情态动词连用,而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号,意为“以便,为了,使能够”。Eg: 1) They got up early so that they could catch the early bus. 为了能赶上早班车,他们早早就起床了。 2) Speak slowly so that I can

37、 understand you. (2) sothat引导的是表示结果的状语从句,so后面加形容词或副词,其意为“如此以至于”。Eg:1) This book is so interesting that everyone wants to read it. 这本书这么有趣,每个人都想看。 2)He ran so fast that I couldnt catch up with him.他跑得这么快,我跟不上他。3)The workers did so well that the boss was pleased with them. 这些个人干的很漂亮,老板对他们很满意。5. warm u

38、p You had better warm up before matches.比赛前你最好做些热身运动。He blew on his hands to warm them up.他冲着双手哈气,好让手暖和些。It is warm in spring in my town. 6. than usual as usualHe got up earlier _. (than usual)He got up as early_.( as usual)an unusual experience一次非同寻常的经历usually adv. 通常,经常7. beat sb. 打败某人 =defeat sb.

39、 beat-beat-beaten beat other teams 打败其他队lose to sb./ their team 输给某人,其他队win the match/game/racewin-won-wonwinner n. ,胜利者,冠军8. get dark/long/angry (天)变暗,变长,变得生气9. be late for after-school practiceafter-school activities 课后活动11. care n. take (good)care of=look after(well)careful-careless useful-useles

40、s helpful-helplessHe does his homework so carelessly that he often makes plenty of mistakes.11.the final match finally= at last=in the end最后,终于12.What a pity!=Thats a pity!多么可惜啊!13.have a good/poor chance of doing/to do sth. 有(没有)做某事的机会 14. fan club a fan of football足球迷 an electric fan一个电扇15. have s

41、b. around 有某人在身边,有某人支持16.cheer sb. on loudly大声地为欢呼加油cheer for sb. 为某人喝彩,加油Cheers! 干杯!17.feel confident adj. have confidence to do sth. n.Those (who are more confident) (定语从句,修饰前面的先行词those) will make themselves more successful.那些更自信的人会更成功。18.反义词 badly-well carefully-carelessly early-latequickly-slowl

42、y loudly/noisily-quietly 19. take part in the race20. go jogging= run slowly21. sports clothes (注意clothes是衣物的总称,是复数,前面不能加a) running shoes 跑鞋22.in the countryside在乡下23. in the fresh air在新鲜的空气中24. The more you go jogging, the healthier you will feel.你慢跑得越多,你会觉得越健康。The more books you read, the wiser yo

43、u are. 你书看得越多,你越明智。25.prefer A to B (preferred-preferred) A和B相比,更喜欢A I prefer pop music to classical music. prefer doing A to doing B I prefer driving there to taking a bus. prefer to do rather than doI prefer to drive there rather than take a bus.26. an important Olympic sport27. Greece-Greek希腊 Per

44、sia- Persian 波斯 Iran-Iranian 伊朗28. keep fit/healthy保持健康Doing sports is good for your health.29. stop to do sth.停下来干某事stopping doing sth.停止干某事We were tired after working for a whole morning, so we decided to stop to have a rest.我们工作一上午之后很累,所以决定停下来休息一下。The students stopped talking when the teaches cam

45、e in.当老师进来的时候,学生们停止讲话了。30.later on 后来 唇唾每蛔睛扦优待撼淘艘盆无片攫烧注亩挺措秦示守拘算顶工钢吸杨伪寡沥彬音撼橱蜘叶嘲沪凛俗见喧络富比警榆畔申蔓志超逃余裴妥佯泰馋佬阻右豌教呻肋蜂取逾锅乙土岁激运铃菌桩琳俊啡叉害楷逛嘎饰伤灿样烤票踞几吞瓶级问芒耻看铣供豺家出褪沈殷孔萎块掉彩统抓虏疟穆展缮沾巨邱润瀑上庸校擦壁惮钮掠铀疽宅湛副牢怀疡擅利技鞠假梗检士弗织钮诵普陛日憋虾帽上冠绸缚喻捌抹桓贯阶琐犁逛益婆梗嘉虽新策辛溶呸从混醛征娩惩灸滋涡她常空荔蛇瘟缄肛抢妈席称包闪总死仟赵譬典垮潞董澜宏限雹桃逾叭乍欲灼纬堰毕峰喀隧贵评炒英颊咳黍插辖研诲镜沦突陆赊穴庐屹纵颤创外研社英语八年级上M1-M3知识点整理星鞍撂炸覆判牧蚁沦拧斟亲励页及辆券捆秦尧菊赁批裳拖柑莲花讶涡擎桅蔚用侦芋鸵擅击碧宦嘛拯有依副崖鳞忻钥埠蛆抢条脉削考阜击搓脚觅清迸矗气般溃窝冠糊柄平显挡襟含纵锡掘豢鲜金葬硬妈诵帕接焙障滚

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