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1、 破产论文:论破产管理人的执业责任保险制度【中文摘要】随着中华人民共和国企业破产法的颁布,带有浓厚行政色彩的清算组制度悄然退出历史舞台,破产管理人制度取而代之,成为与国际立法接轨的一个重要标志。破产法实施三年来,管理人以其专业性强、相对独立等特征,在破产清算中发挥着积极的作用。然而破产管理人的工作具有较高的风险,稍有不慎就可能给破产企业带来重大损失,破产管理人也会因此面临巨额赔偿。为转移破产管理人的执业风险,破产法规定了破产管理人执业责任保险制度。自然人担任破产管理人的,应强制购买执业责任保险,其他组织担任破产管理人时,不做要求。破产管理人执业责任保险作为一项新的险种,尚处于研究试点阶段。目前




5、规定上的冲突,并提出解决重复保险的方案。应当设立破产管理人协会和破产管理人执业责任鉴定委员会等机构,解决法律冲突和重复保险的问题。保险公司还可以设计优惠费率以鼓励破产管理人另行购买专业执业责任保险。推行破产管理人执业责任保险是一项重要且复杂的任务,需要保监会、保险公司及其它相关部门的协作。为更好保障破产管理人制度的实施,可以考虑由破产管理人事先缴纳保证金。【英文摘要】Along with the Peoples Republic of China on enterprise bankruptcy issued, with a strong administrative liquidation

6、team of color quietly exit the stage of history, the system of bankruptcy system, become with international legislation instead connected a important symbol. “Bankruptcy law implementation in three years, the administrator with its professional and strong, relatively independent features, such as th

7、e bankruptcy liquidation plays an active role. However bankruptcy administrator work has higher risk, carelessly a bit might give the bankrupt enterprise bring heavy losses and bankruptcy administrator will also faced huge compensation. To transfer the practicing risk bankruptcy administrator, “bank

8、ruptcy law stipulates the bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance system. For natural bankruptcy administrator is concerned, practice liability insurance belongs to compulsory insurance, other bankruptcy administrator can choose whether to buy the practice liability insurance.Bankruptc

9、y administrator practice liability insurance as a new plant, still in the research experimental stage. At present domestic studies in this field is just at the beginning, only a few of article academic achievements, also introductory primarily, without too much system innovation, the lack of systema

10、tic research. The lack of theoretical research results greatly limits the bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance in practical application. In view of this, this paper introduces bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance system, by analyzing the basic theories of foreign ba

11、nkruptcy administrator practice liability insurance system in legislation and practice, and then put forward to build our bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance system in practice.The result of this paper mainly include:1、shall by insurant as bankruptcy administrator practice liabilit

12、y insurance of the applicant. In comparison with circles for bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance of policy-holder different views on the basis of the authors viewpoint, clarify and reason. Bankruptcy administrator is practice liability insurance insurant and the indirect beneficiar

13、y beneficiary, behoove by its for buying their own risks. Chinas other practice liability insurance of policy-holder are insured. Bankruptcy administrator of the pay was relatively rich, while the bankrupt enterprise usually based on the principles of fairness, debt, should by the bankruptcy adminis

14、trator pay insurance premium. On the other hand, in bankruptcy administrator as policy-holder is also advantageous natural bankruptcy system promotion and implementation.2、clear the bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance compensation scope. General duty behavior caused by units shall

15、bear the consequence should be, but bankruptcy administrator in practice and place unit not applicable employment relationship, so bankruptcy administrator of duty behavior should belong to bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance compensation scope, Bankruptcy administrator contract re

16、sponsibility for the bankruptcy expenses will usually be in bankruptcy property prior to liquidation, and thus bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance compensation scope shall not cover contract responsibility; Because of different trades of different bankruptcy administrator professio

17、nal master degree of the endless and same, are difficult to be determined its fault degree, thus bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance compensation range should also contains general fault and gross negligence.3、bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance unfavorable design

18、 of the underwriter subrogation. If the underwriter enjoy practice liability insurance of subrogation, the insureds ultimate purpose will fall to the ground. Subrogation system, the lack of may lead to the insured, the insurer may of the moral risk through designing disclaimer remedy system lack, st

19、ill can establish insurance company and bankruptcy administrator special joint liability, bankruptcy administrator in compensation to the insurer may not recover, conversely the recovery.4、From the legal Angle to bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance pricing in risk analysis, propose

20、d insurance rate shall determine the notices. Risk insured against, professional risk and moral hazard are widespread in the bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance, can pass design differential cost rate to circumvent the risk.。5、Analysis “bankruptcy law and the lawyers law, the regis

21、tered accountants law in conclude bankruptcy administrator practice liability under the insurance contract on the conflict, and proposes the solution repeat insurance scheme. Shall set up a bankruptcy administrator association and bankruptcy administrator practice liability appraisal committee insti

22、tution, etc, solve the conflict of laws and repeat insurance problems. Insurance company still can design special rates to encourage bankruptcy administrator shall be separately purchase professional practice liability insurance.Implement bankruptcy administrator practice liability insurance is an i

23、mportant and complex task, need to circ, insurance companies and other related departments of collaboration. To better safeguard the bankruptcy system implementation, can be considered by the bankruptcy administrator beforehand pay deposit.【关键词】破产 破产管理人 执业责任保险【英文关键词】bankruptcy bankruptcy administrat

24、or practice liability insurance【目录】论破产管理人的执业责任保险制度摘要4-6Abstract6-8引言9-11一、破产管理人执业责任保险制度的基本理论11-24(一) 破产管理人制度的含义11-16(二) 执业责任保险制度16-19(三) 不同行业的破产管理人执业时的风险比较分析19-21(四) 破产管理人制度下设立管理人执业责任保险的必要性分析21-24二、国外破产管理人执业责任保险制度的立法与实践24-29(一) 英国关于破产管理人执业责任保险制度的法律规定24-26(二) 美国关于破产管理人执业责任保险制度的法律规定26-27(三) 俄罗斯关于破产管理人

25、执业责任保险制度的法律规定27-29三、我国破产管理人执业责任保险制度的构建29-42(一) 破产管理人执业责任保险投保人的确定29-31(二) 破产管理人执业责任保险的范围31-34(三) 破产管理人执业责任保险的代位求偿权34-35(四) 破产管理人执业责任保险的定价35-38(五) 破产法与其它法律规定的冲突及解决38-42结论42-43参考文献43-45致谢45-46攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录46苗木供应合同书甲方:乙方:周至县哑柏镇绿星苗圃经甲乙双方协商同意, (以下简称甲方)从周至县哑柏镇绿星苗圃(以下简称乙方)购买银杏苗木,(用于渭政办发2010205号文件,渭南市区绿化

26、),并就相关事宜达成以下协议:一、 苗木数量: 二、 苗木规格:胸径15cm以上,主干通直,树头完整,枝条匀称、丰满,无病虫害,树形美观。三、 苗木价格:每株计人民币四、 该价格包括:苗木费、挖掘费、包装费、装车费、拉运费五项。合计人民币( )五、 付款方式:任务完成后,10日内一次付清。六、 有关事项:1、 土球规格:苗木所带土球直径1.2米以上,厚度60cm以上,卸车前完整不破裂。2、 包装规格:土球包装腰带无间隙宽度12cm以上,纵扎草绳间隙在2cm以下。绳杆高度40cm,缠冠高度2米。3、 所有苗木必须是播种培育,均为本苗圃苗木,严禁从外省、外地调动,由此产生的不良后果,由乙方负责。4、 乙方必须按照甲方时间、地点、数量要求按时送苗。(送苗地点,渭南市城区)并保证我县任务完成居全市前三名。5、 苗木结算数量以接收方接收单上的数据为准,因不符合合同条款中苗木规格要求的,接收方拒绝接收的苗木由乙方自行处理。六、本合同未尽事宜,甲乙双方同意协商解决。七、合同条款违约,造成经济损失,由造成损失方全额赔偿。八、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自签字盖章之日起生效 二0一0年十二月

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