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1、语法从属结构一Part One Infinitive Clause Infinitive Clause Without Subject a)不定式得逻辑主语就是隐含得不定式得逻辑主语就是隐含得:1)I hope to able to e、(指指“我我 能能 来来”)2)The best thing would be to tell everybody、(谁去告诉?需按上下文或情景判断谁去告诉?需按上下文或情景判断)从内在意义上瞧就就是说话人自己从内在意义上瞧就就是说话人自己:3)To be frank,I think it meaningless、Structure of Infinitive

2、 Clause(不定式分句得结构模式不定式分句得结构模式)b)Infinitive Clause with subject 主语通常由主语通常由forfor引出引出:1)Wed be delighted for you to e next e、(很高兴很高兴“您下星期能来您下星期能来”)间或由间或由with,rather than引出引出:2)Rather than you do the job,Id prefer to finish it myself、独立结构独立结构:3)We shall assemble at 10:45,the procession to start moving a

3、t precisely 11、c)Infinitive Clause with wh 间或带疑问词间或带疑问词:1)I dont know what to do、间或带从属连词间或带从属连词:2)He opened his lips as if to say something、Function of Infinitive Clause(不定式分句得句法功能不定式分句得句法功能)1)To accept the job would mean moving to Florida、(作主语作主语)2)Brunos intention was to win the game、(作主补作主补)3)He

4、promised to stop taking drugs、(作宾语作宾语)4)I advised him to take a taxi,or he might be late、(作宾补作宾补)1)She stood up to be seen better、(表目得表目得)=She stood up so that she could be seen better、2)He got to station only to be told that the train had left、(表结果表结果)3)He was lucky to have found the lost child、(表原

5、因表原因)Part Two ing Participle Clause a)ing Participle Clause without subject and subordinator 在特定得上下文或情景中判断在特定得上下文或情景中判断:1)One of my bad habits is biting nails 成为固定用语成为固定用语,其逻辑主语有时就是说话人其逻辑主语有时就是说话人,有时泛指人们有时泛指人们:2)Judging from what you say,he has done his best、b)ing Participle Clause with subordinator

6、 带从属连词时带从属连词时,分词得逻辑主语通常就是主句得主语分词得逻辑主语通常就是主句得主语:1)When sleeping,I never bear a thing、Structure of ing Participle Clause(-ing 分词分句得结构模式分词分句得结构模式)c)ing Participle Clause with subject -ing 分词分句也能带自己得主语分词分句也能带自己得主语,如如:1)My parents object to me/my going out alone、(作宾语时作宾语时)2)Im annoyed about john/johns fo

7、rgetting to pay、(作介词不足成分作介词不足成分)3)Its no use your pretending to be deaf、(作主语时作主语时)4)The report having been read,a lively discussion began、(为独立结构时为独立结构时)Function of ing Participle Clause(-ing-ing 分词分句得句法分词分句得句法功能功能)-ing 分词分句与不定式分句无意义区别时分词分句与不定式分句无意义区别时:1)Flying a plane is dangerous、(作主语作主语)To fly a p

8、lane is dangerous、2)I like getting up early、(作宾语作宾语)I like to get up early、3)Our duty is serving the people heart and soul、(作主补作主补)Our duty is to serving the people heart and soul4)I taught him speaking English、(作宾补作宾补)I taught him to speak English、意义略有不同时意义略有不同时:1)I hate telling a lie、(泛指一般人泛指一般人)I

9、 hate to tell a lie、(特指主语特指主语 I)2)I noticed an old man crossing the road、(表动作正在进行表动作正在进行,非全过程非全过程)I noticed an old man cross the road、(表动作以完成表动作以完成,指全过程指全过程)-ing 分词作状语时分词作状语时:1)Climbing to the top of the tower,we saw a magnificent view、(作时间状语作时间状语)2)Having worked hard all day,I was ready for bed by

10、8:00、(作原因状语作原因状语)3)You will make yourself more tired,keeping on your feet、=if you keep on your feet(作条件状语作条件状语)4)Knowing all this,they still insisted on my paying for the damage、(作让步状语作让步状语)5)It rained heavily,causing severe flooding in that area、(作结果状语作结果状语)6)He ran up to her,breathing heavily、(作伴随

11、状语作伴随状语)Part Three ed Participle Clause Structure of ed Participle Clause(-ed 分词分句得分词分句得结构模式结构模式)a)ed Participle Clause without subject and subordinator 逻辑主语有上下文判定逻辑主语有上下文判定:1)Covered with confusion,she hurriedly left the room、b)ed Participle Clause with subordinator 这里所说得从属连词可以就是when,though,althoug

12、h,as if/as though,if,even if,once,unless,until等等,如如:1)This dictionary will look nice when printed、2)Do not leave the building unless instructed、c)ing Participle Clause with subject -ed 分词本身也能带有自己得主语分词本身也能带有自己得主语:1)The job finished,we went home straightly、也可视为省略了也可视为省略了being 或或 having been,如如:2)My wo

13、rk done(=My work being done),I went bed、带有自己得主语带有自己得主语,即独立结构即独立结构,有时可由有时可由 with 引出引出,如如:3)With the tree grown tall,we got more shade、Function of ed Participle Clause(-ed 分词分句得句法分词分句得句法功能功能)-ed 分词作后置修饰语分词作后置修饰语,如如:1)One of the house wrecked by the storm belonged to my father、(后置修饰语后置修饰语)-ed 分词作状语分词作状

14、语,如如:1)Heated,the metal expands、(作时间状语作时间状语)2)Deeply moved,he thanked her again and again、(作原因状语作原因状语)3)United,we stand;divided,we fall、(作条件状语作条件状语)4)Left to his own device,Charles did not relax his efforts、(作让步状语作让步状语)5)He went to Beijing that that winter,disguised as a merchant、(作伴随状语作伴随状语)大家学习辛苦了

15、,还是要坚持继续保持安静继续保持安静32、4无动词分句无动词分句实际上就是一种省略结构。所谓”无动词”就是因为这种分句结构既没有限定动词词组也没有非限定动词词组作谓语动词。因此,它既不同于限定分句,也不同于非限定分句。无动词分句基本上属于SVC 句型,只就是动词不表示出来,主语也通常不表示出来。1无动词分句得结构模式 无动词分句,就结构模式来说,分为不带从属连词,带有从属连词与带有自己主语得三类。不带从属连词得无动词分句这类无动词分句可由形容词词组表示:Speechless,Victor Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat Big and fat,sh

16、e went to Mass every morning、Right or wrong,I have given him a piece of mind、还可由名词词组表示:An excellent speaker,he was never at a loss for a word、15b)带有从属连词得无动词分句这类无动词分句又有四种形式,瞧、即从属连词+名词词组:When still a boy of six,Bob was sent away from home、从属连词+形容词词组:Although always helpful,he was not much liked by peo

17、ple、从属连词+介词词组:When in Rome,do as the Romans do、从属连词+副词词组:He spoke ungraciously,if not rudely、c)带有自己主语得无动词分句带有自己主语得无动词分句也就是一种“独立结构”。这种无动词分句通常由名词词组+名词词组/介词词组/形容词词组/副词词组构成。例如:Two hundred people died in the accident,many of them children、He looked up,annoyance on his face、Miriam looked at Marry his eyes

18、 full of doubt and disfort、Breakfast over,he went to his counting house、2无动词分句得句法功能无动词分句可在句中作名词修饰语与状语。作主语,无动词分句可表示时间,地点,原因,条件,让步,方式或伴随状况等意义。例如:You must eat when fresh、The cardboard is light-proof where thick、It has little taste,unless hot、There he stood,a tray in each hand、无动词分句作名词修饰语通常相当于一个非限定性关系分句

19、。例如:His hands,numb from the cold,could not find the key、A fellow Georgian,Jordan was well-known as a friend of the President、关于“独立结构”1,“独立结构”得实质与类型 所谓“独立结构”实质上就就是带有自己主语得非限定分句与无动词分句。如前所述,非限定分句与无动词分句通常就是以主句得一定成分作为自己得逻辑主语,从而依附于主句。但也有一些非限定分句与无动词分句带有自己得主语,从而在结构上与主句不发生关系,因此传统语法管它叫做“独立结构”。其实,所谓“独立结构”也并非真正独

20、立,它还就是一种从属分句。“独立结构”,按其结构形式,分为不定式“独立结构”,-ing分词“独立结构”,-ed 分词“独立结构”与无动词“独立结构”,通常在分句中起状语分句得作用。举例:A number of officials followed the emperor,some to hold his robe,others to adjust his girdle,and so on、He went off,gun in hand、The floor being wet and slippery,we stayed outside、The meal over,prayers were re

21、ad by Miss Miller、2”独立结构”得用法与意义由上述诸例可以瞧出,”独立结构”与主句之间通常用逗号隔开,但也有用破折号得,例如:The room was in chaos-dirty clothes strewn on the floor,cosmetics scattered over the dresser,empty bottles and cans everywhere、由上述诸例也可以瞧出,在“独立结构”中作主语得名词词组有时也可省去限定词。例如:The manager sat quietly in the office,(his)eyes closed、由上述诸例还

22、可以瞧出,”独立结构”得位置就是比较灵活得,它可以位于句首,句中或句尾。例如:All things considered I think I ought to award the job to Smiths如果一句中含有几个“独立结构”通常把表示概括意义得结构置于最后,例如:The professor was slammed against the wall,his body frisked,his wrists handcuffed,his dignity lost、独立结构”在句中可以表示多种意义。His homework done,Jim decided to go to the play、(时间)The last bus having gone,we had to walk home、(原因)Weather permitting,the cricket match will be played on Wednesday(条件)He put on his socks wrong side out(表示方式与伴随状况)

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