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1、人教pep版小学六年级上册期末英语综合试题(含答案)一、单项选择题1Im _ twelve next week. ()Agoing to beB/Cgoing to do2What did Mary ask Mr Craven for? ()AA small space.BSome books.CGarden.3Who are you going to _? ()AmakeBvisitCtalk4In the US, people call the metro _. ()AsubwayBundergroundCmetroDbus5Lily, Im going to the Bund next

2、weekend. ()Oh, wonderful! _ASee you.BAll right.CHave a good time.6Sam_ a baby cat three years ago. Now it _ big and strong. ()Ais; isBwas; wasCwas; is7 _ you at home yesterday? () No, I _ climbing.AWas; wentBDid; wentCWere; went8The jeans are cool. Please _. ()Atry on themBtry it onCtry them on9What

3、 _ you do last weekend? () I went to the Bund.AdoBwereCdid10_ you visit Beijing last week? ()No. I _ in Changzhou.AWere; wasBDid; wasCWas; was11What _ the signs _? ()They mean we can park here.Adoes; meanBdo; meansCdo; mean1obby is _ the window. Miss Fox is very angry. ()Alooking atBlooking forClook

4、ing afterDlooking out of13Wood _ trees. We use wood to make tables. ()Acomes fromBcome fromCcoming from14The sign says “_”. We should not touch it. ()ADangerBWet floorCNo eating15Yang Ling got an email _ her e-friend yesterday. ()AinBtoCfrom二、用单词适当形式填空16Smoke from cars _ (make) our city dirty.17Come

5、 and show us how _ (make) a kite.18Chinese National Day is on _ (one) of October.19_ (smoke) in the hospital.20My brother _ (catch) a big fish yesterday.21Rubbish _ (make) the river dirty.22We should _ (reuse) paper _ (make) paper flowers.23Would you like _ (go) with me?24I dont have _ (some) sticke

6、rs.25Would you like _ (go) to the farm?26My sister _ (not go) to the Bund last weekend.27There were black _ (cloudy) in the sky on Sunday afternoon.28Smoke from _ (factory) _ (make) the air dirty.29Its cold today. How about _ (go) _ (run)?30The football game was so_ (excite). Mike was _ (excite) abo

7、ut it.三、完成句子31In 1980, my grandpa usually _ _ for _. (看报纸获取新闻)32The football match went well _ _. (起初) But finally it rained.33Please dont _ your drinks _ the reading room. (把饮料带入阅览室)34The king didnt wear any clothes in the street. A little boy _ at _. (嘲笑他)35There are many m_ in China. There are ol

8、d things in them.36Pick up the banana s_ on the floor and put it in the bin.37Most of our energy comes from coal and o_.38It was s_ yesterday. We played football at school.39Look at the sign. It _ (意思是) “No fishing”.40My grandparent _ (讲) me a story last night.四、完形填空Uncle Jack _41_ a new farm. Ken a

9、nd Ann _42_ to go there. But _43_ the weather like? They dont _44_. They listen _45_ the weather report. _46_ warm and theres no rain in the morning. Ken and Ann go to the farm by _47_. “_48_ to the farm, children!” Uncle Jack says. Ken rides a horse. Its fun. But Ann is _49_. She doesnt like it. Sh

10、e wants to ask Uncle Jack some _50_.41、AhasBhaveChad42、AwantsBwantedCwant43、AwhatBisCwhats44、AknowBknowsCto know45、AinBtoCat46、AItsBItCIts47、AcarBa carCthe car48、AWelcomesBWelcomeCWelcoming49、AhappyBinterestedCscared50、AquestionBquestionsCthe question五、阅读判断阅读下列短文,判断正“T”误“F”。Im Miss Help. Im a childr

11、en writer. If you need some help, you can write an email to me. And I will give you some suggestions (建议).Dear Miss Help,Im a 12-year-old girl. I go to school by bike every day. There is a big library near our school. After school, I like reading books there.I have a brother. Hes 4 years old. Hes cu

12、te and clever. But he often draws pictures on my books and breaks (毁坏) my toys. Im very angry with him. My mum says, “You should be a good sister.” But its not easy for me. What should I do?Yike Dear Yike,Its really not easy to be a good sister. But dont be angry. Your brother will be your good frie

13、nd when he grows up (长大).I think you should put away your books and toys in your schoolbag or boxes. Dont put them everywhere.Miss Help41、Yike rides a bike to school every day. ( )42、Miss Help writes books for children. ( )43、Yike likes reading at home after school. ( )44、Yike is angry with her brot

14、her, because he draws pictures on her toys. ( )45、The underlined words “put away” means“收到”. ( )六、阅读理解Now the Earth is in bad condition. For example, in some places, the air and the water is so dirty that too many animals and plants are dead. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger b

15、ecause of the destruction of their habitats.Luckily, people have realized the problem. On April 22nd, millions of people all over the world do something good for the Earth. Some clean up lakes and rivers, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action and not to des

16、troy (破坏) the Earth. But can we save the Earth only by one days work? The future of our planet depends on our efforts.What we should do is make every day “Earth Day”. Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony (和谐) with nature.51、Now the Earth is in _ condition. ()AgoodB

17、badCwell52、We shouldnt _. ()Aclean up lakes and riversBpick up rubbishCdestroy the Earth53、Earth Day is on _. ()AMarch 12thBApril 22ndCApril 2nd54、People hope to live in harmony with _. ()AhabitatsBeffortsCnature55、Which is NOT true? ()AIn some places, many animals and plants are dead.BIn some place

18、s, many animals and plants are in danger.CIn all places, many animals and plants are living well.七、选择题Jack is going to visit his grandparents in London next Saturday. He wants to give some presents to them. Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a red jacket and a white

19、T-shirt for his grandfather and a beautiful dress for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Jack was very happy.56、Where are Jacks grandparents? ()AIn London.BIn Beijing.CIn New York.57、What did Jack do yesterday? ()AHe visited his grandparents.BHe went shopping wit

20、h his friends.CHe went shopping with his parents.58、How many people went shopping yesterday? ()AOne.BTwo.CThree.59、He bought _ for his grandmother. ()Aa white T-shirtBa dressCa red jacket60、When is Jack going to visit his grandparents? ()ATomorrow.BNext Saturday.CYesterday.八、选择题4 One day, a rich old

21、 businessman in a small town meets a driver, a coach and a fisherman. He gives them three seeds (种子) and says, Bring me the flowers in three months. The man with the most beautiful flower can have my money!After three months, the driver brings a big red flower. The coach brings a small purple flower

22、. But the poor fisherman brings nothing. He is very sad.I dont know why! he says. I watered it every day.”You are honest (诚实的)! the businessman says. The seeds are bad and will never (永不) sprout! The money is yours.”The fisherman is very happy. The other two men feel ashamed and sad.61、How many char

23、acters (人物) are there in the story? ()AThree.BFour.62、Where does the businessman meet the three men? ()AIn a small town.BAt sea.63、What does sprout mean? ()A枯萎B发芽64、How does the fisherman feel at the end(结局)? ()AHe feels very sad.BHe feels very happy.65、What does the story tell us? ()APeople should

24、be honest.BPeople should work hard.九、选择题4 Its very cold outside. There comes a black car and it stops in front of a shopping mall. A young woman is in the car. She is hungry and wants to buy a hamburger to eat, but she doesnt want to go out on such (如此) a cold morning. At that time, she sees a boy p

25、laying in the street.Come on, boy! she says to the boy. Do you know how much a hamburger is in the shopping mall? Two yuan each, the boy answers.She gives the boy four yuan and asks him to buy two hamburgers. One is for you and the other is for me, she says. After some minutes, the boy comes back. H

26、e is eating a hamburger. He gives the young woman two yuan and says, “Sorry, there is only one hamburger left.66、The black car stops because _. ()Ait is broken (坏的)Bthe woman sees a boy playing in the streetCthe woman wants to buy a hamburgerDthe woman wants to look for a people67、A hamburger in the

27、 shopping mall is _. ()A6 yuanB4 yuanC1 yuanD2 yuan68、The young woman has _ at last. ()Ano hamburgerBone hamburgerCtwo hamburgersDthree hamburgers69、The meaning (意思) of the last word “left” is _. ()A左边的B剩余的C可口的D难吃的70、From the passage, we can know the story happens _. ()Ain winterBin summerCon a warm

28、 dayDon a hot day【参考答案】一、单项选择题解析:A【详解】句意:我下周12岁了。根据next week下周,可知句子为一般将来时态,be going to结构,排除B选项。be动词+基数词表示年龄,故选A。解析:A【详解】 句意:玛丽向克雷文先生要了什么?A一个小地方。B一些书。C花园。根据小说秘密花园故事可知,玛丽想克雷文先生要了一块小地方,故选A。【点睛】解析:B【详解】句意:你准备拜访谁?make制作,visit拜访,talk谈话,由句意可知visit符合句意,故选B。【点睛】解析:A【详解】句意:在美国,人们称metro为_。A地铁,B地铁,C地铁,D公共汽车,根据常

29、识可知在美国人们称metro为subway,故选A。【点睛】解析:C【详解】句意:莉莉,我下周末要去外滩。哦,太好了!_A再见。B好吧。C玩得愉快。别人要出去玩,表达祝愿,故选C。【点睛】解析:C【详解】句意:三年前,山姆还是一只小猫。现在它又大又壮。本题考查be动词的形式。由three years ago可知第一句是一般过去时,Sam是第三人称单数,所以be动词用was。由Now可知第二句是一般现在时,it是第三人称单数,所以be动词用is。故选C。7C解析:C【详解】句意:昨天你在家吗?不,我去爬山了。本题考查动词的辨析,be at home在家,主语you是第二人称,be动词用were。

30、故选C。8C解析:C【详解】句意:这条牛仔裤很酷。请试穿它们。本题考查代词的辨析及位置,上句中jeans是复数,该句用them代替,try on试穿,代词位于中间。故选C。9C解析:C【详解】句意:你上周末做什么了?我去了外滩。本题考查What引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。you是第二人称,What后面加do引导疑问句,由last week可知句子是一般过去时,do用过去式did,故选C。10B解析:B【详解】句意:上周你参观北京了吗?没有。我在常州。visit是动词原形,用助动词did引导一般疑问句;答语表示在常州,横线处填was。故选B。1解析:C【详解】句意:这些标志是什么意思?它们的意思是

31、我们可以在这里停车。根据答语可知本题考查一般现在时,主语the signs是第三人称复数,助动词用do,后面的实义动词用原形mean。故选C。1解析:D【详解】句意:博比正在_窗外。福克斯小姐非常生气。A看,B寻找,C照顾,D向外看。根据句意可知D选项符合题意,故选D。1解析:A【详解】句意:木材来自树木。我们用木材做桌子。A第三人称单数,B原形,C动名词,该句是一般现在时,主语Wood是不可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故选A。1解析:A【详解】句意:标牌上写着“_”。我们不应该碰它。A危险,B小心地滑,C请勿饮食。根据句意,可知A选项符合题意,故选A。1解析:C【详解】句意:杨玲昨天

32、从她的网友那得到一封电子邮件。in在里,to到,from从,get sth from从处得到某物,动词短语,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空16makes17to make【详解】句意:来给我们演示如何制作风筝。该题考查疑问词后面跟动词不定式构成不定式短语,故答案为to make。18the first【详解】句意:中国国庆节在十月一日。表示日期要用序数词,one的序数词是first,序数词前面要用定冠词the,故答案为the first。19D解析:Dont smoke【详解】句意:不要在医院里吸烟。根据常识可知不能在医院吸烟,本题考查祈使句的否定形式,结构为:Dont+动词原形+其他。故答案

33、为Dont smoke。【点睛】20caught【详解】句意:我哥哥昨天钓到了一条大鱼。根据yesterday可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,catch的过去式是caught,故答案为caught。【点睛】21makes【详解】句意:垃圾使河水变脏了。根据句意可知句子可用一般现在时,主语Rubbish是第三人称单数,后面的动词make用第三人称单数形式makes,故答案为makes。【点睛】22 reuse to make【详解】句意:我们应该再利用纸张来制作纸花。should后跟动词原形,第一个空填reuse;第二个空考查动词不定式表目的,第二个空填to make。故答案为reuse

34、,to malke。23to go【详解】句意:你(们)想跟我一起去吗?would like to do想要做某事,该空应填动词不定式to go。故答案为to go。2ny【详解】句意:我没有粘贴。句子为否定句,应用不定代词any修饰,因此该空应填any,故答案为any。【点睛】25to go【详解】句意:你想要去农场吗?根据would like to do sth.想要做某事,所以该空填动词不定式,故答案为to go。【点睛】2idnt go【详解】句意:上个周末我姐姐没有去外滩。 go去,last weekend是一般过去时的标志词,根据所给提示可知该句是否定句,故需加助动词didnt,后

35、跟动词原形,故答案为didnt go。【点睛】27clouds【详解】句意:星期天下午天空中乌云密布。根据句意,可知考查cloudy名词cloud,由系动词were,可知为名词复数形式clouds,black clouds乌云,名词词组,故答案为clouds。【点睛】28 factories makes【详解】句意:工厂冒出的烟污染了空气。factory工厂,可数名词,本题表泛指,用复数factories;主语smoke是不可数名词,make用第三人称单数形式makes。故答案为factories,makes。【点睛】29H解析: going running【详解】句意:今天很冷。去跑步怎么样

36、?How about.?怎么样?是一句常用的客套话,后面跟名词,代词或动词-ing形式,去跑步go running,go的动名词形式为going,故答案为going running。【点睛】30 exciting excited【详解】句意:足球赛太刺激了,迈克也很兴奋。英语中,exciting,excited意思都为兴奋的,但exciting主语为物,excited主语为人。前句主语The football game(足球赛)为人,其后应用exciting,意为令人激动的。后句主语Mike为人,其后应用excited,意为兴奋的。故答案为exciting;excited。三、完成句子31 r

37、ead newspapers news【详解】句意:在1980年,我爷爷通常看报纸获取新闻。本题考查动词短语及形式,看报纸read newspaper,新闻news,不可数名词,根据In 1980可知该句是一般过去式,故谓语动词用过去式,read的过去式仍是read。故答案为read;newspapers;news。32 at first【详解】句意:足球比赛一开始进行得很顺利。但最后下雨了。本题考查介词短语。根据题意和汉语提示可知横线处填at first起初,介词短语,故答案为at;first。33 take into【详解】句意:请不要把你的饮料带入阅览室。本题考查动词短语及形式,take

38、 sth. into + 地点,带某物带进某地,dont后跟动词原形。故答案为take;into。34 laughed him【详解】句意:国王在街上没有穿任何衣服。一个小男孩嘲笑他。嘲笑某人是laugh at sb.,由didnt可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,laugh的过去式是laughed,介词at后面人称代词用宾格形式,他him,故答案为laughed;him。35museums#useums【详解】句意:中国有许多博物馆。里面有古老的东西。根据后半句句意,museum博物馆,符合题意。many许多,后接可数名词复数。复数形式是museums。故答案为museums。36

39、skin#kin【详解】句意:把地板上的香蕉皮捡起来放进垃圾箱。根据句意及首字母,可知考查banana skin香蕉皮,根据it可知banana skin用单数,故答案为skin。37oil#il【详解】句意:我们大部分的能源来自于煤炭和_。由句意可知首字母提示可知考查单词oil石油,oil是不可数名词,故答案为oil。38sunny#unny【详解】句意:昨天天气_。我们在学校踢足球。根据所给字母及横线前的be动词,可知该空考查形容词sunny晴朗的。故答案为sunny。39means【详解】句意:看这个标志。它意思是“禁止钓鱼”。根据句意,可知句子是一般现在时,主语It是第三人称单数,谓语

40、动词用动词的第三人称单数,由所给汉语可知考查单词mean意思是,第三人称单数为means,故答案为means。【点睛】40told【详解】句意:我爷爷昨晚给我讲了一个故事。讲故事用动词tell,根据last night可知句子是一般过去时,tell用过去式told,故答案为told。【点睛】四、完形填空解析:41、A42、C43、C44、A45、B46、C47、A48、B49、C50、B【导语】本文讲了肯和安去杰克叔叔农场的事情。41、句意:杰克叔叔有一个农场。根据短文语境可知这句是一般现在时,主语Uncle Jack是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式has,故选A。42、句意:肯和

41、安想去那里。根据短文语境可知这句是一般现在时,主语Ken and Ann是第三人称复数,后面的动词用原形,故选C。43、句意:但天气怎么样?句子缺少疑问词和谓语动词,whats是what is的缩写,故选C。44、句意:他们不知道。dont后跟动词原形,know是动词原形,故选A。45、句意:他们听天气预报。listen to听,固定搭配,故选B。46、句意:天气暖和,早上不下雨。第一句缺少主谓语,Its是It is的缩写,故选C。47、句意:肯和安坐汽车去农场。by car坐汽车,固定搭配,故选A。48、句意:欢迎来到农场,孩子们!句子是省略句,以welcome开头,故选B。49、句意:但安

42、很害怕。A高兴的,B有趣的,C害怕的,根据下句,可知安很害怕,故选C。50、句意:她想问杰克叔叔一些问题。some修饰可数名词复数,questions是question的复数,故选B。五、阅读判断42F解析:41、T42、T43、F44、F45、F【导语】本文介绍了儿童作家海尔普小姐与十二岁的女孩一可之间的邮件来往。一可说自己四岁的弟弟经常搞破坏,她很苦恼。海尔普小姐建议她把自己的东西收好。41、句意:一可每天骑自行车上学。根据“I go to school by bike every day.”可知,一可每天骑自行车上学。题意与文意相符合,故答案为T。42、句意:海尔普小姐为孩子们写书。根据

43、“Im a children writer.”可知,海尔普小姐是一名儿童作家。题意与文意相符合,故答案为T。43、句意:一可喜欢放学后在家看书。根据“There is a big library near our school. After school, I like reading books there.”可知,一可喜欢放学后在学校附近的图书馆看书。题意与文意不相符合,故答案为F。44、句意:一可很生她弟弟的气,因为他在她的玩具上画画。根据“But he often draws pictures on my books and breaks (毁坏) my toys.”可知,她弟弟经常在

44、她的书上画画。题意与文意不相符合,故答案为F。45、句意:带下划线的单词“put away”的意思是“收到”。put away的意思是把东西放好。题意与文意不相符合,故答案为F。六、阅读理解解析:51、B52、C53、B54、C55、C【导语】本文讲了环境保护的事情。51、句意:现在地球的状况很_。A好的,B坏的,C好,根据“Now the Earth is in bad condition.”,可知现在的地球状况很坏,故选B。52、句意:我们不应该_。A清理湖泊和河流,B捡垃圾,C毁灭地球,根据“Some clean up lakes and rivers, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action and not

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