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1、政府工作报告Report on the Work of the Government2018年3月5日第十三届全国人民代表大会第一次会议 Delivered at the First Session of the 13th National Peoples Congress of thePeoples Republic of China on March 5, 2018国务院总理李克强Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council各位代表:Fellow Deputies,现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告过去五年政府工作,对今年工作提出建议,请予审议,并请全国政协

2、委员提出意见。On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the governments work of the past five years and lay out what we propose for this years work for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consul

3、tative Conference (CPPCC).一、过去五年工作回顾I will begin with a review of our work over the past five years.第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。面对极其错综复杂的国内外形势,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民砥砺前行,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设全面开创新局面。党的十九大确立了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的历史地位,制定了决胜全面建成小康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利的宏伟蓝图

4、和行动纲领,具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划圆满完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。The five years since the first session of the 12th National Peoples Congress (NPC) have been a truly remarkable five years in the course of our countrys development. Facing an extremely comp

5、lex environment both at home and abroad, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has rallied and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead. We have moved forward with theFive-Sphere Integrated Plan The “Five-sphere Integrated Plan”

6、is a plan to promote coordinated economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement. and theFour-pronged Comprehensive Strategy The “Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy” is a strategy of comprehensive moves to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepen ref

7、orm, advance law-based governance, and strengthen Party self-governance., and made new advances on all fronts of reform, opening-up, and socialist modernization. At its 19th National Congress, the Party established the position in history ofXi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristic

8、s for a New Era, and mapped out an inspiring blueprint and a program of action for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for striving for the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. This is of great immediate significance

9、 and far-reaching historical significance. All regions and all government departments have strengthened their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment. The new development philosophy has been thoroughly a

10、cted upon, the12th Five-Year Planhas been fully completed, and implementation of the13th Five-Year Planhas seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change.五年来,经济实力跃上新台阶。国内生产总值从54万亿元增加到82.7万亿元,年均增长7.1%,占世界经济比重从11.4%提高到15%左右,对世界经济增长贡

11、献率超过30%。财政收入从11.7万亿元增加到17.3万亿元。居民消费价格年均上涨1.9%,保持较低水平。城镇新增就业6600万人以上,13亿多人口的大国实现了比较充分就业。Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high. Chinas gross domestic product (GDP) has risen from 54 trillion to 82.7 trillion yuan, registering average annual growth of 7.1 percent; and its s

12、hare in the global economy has grown to roughly 15 percent, up from 11.4 percent. Chinas contribution to global growth has exceeded 30 percent. Government revenue has increased from 11.7 trillion to 17.3 trillion yuan. Consumer prices rose at an average annual rate of 1.9 percent, maintaining a rela

13、tively low level of growth. More than 66 million new urban jobs have been added, and our country, with its population of over 1.3 billion, has achieved relatively full employment.五年来,经济结构出现重大变革。消费贡献率由54.9%提高到58.8%,服务业比重从45.3%上升到51.6%,成为经济增长主动力。高技术制造业年均增长11.7%。粮食生产能力达到1.2万亿斤。城镇化率从52.6%提高到58.5%,8000多万

14、农业转移人口成为城镇居民。Over the past five years, the structure of the Chinese economy has seen a major transformation. With the share of the service sector rising from 45.3 to 51.6 percent of the economy, consumptions contribution to growth has increased from 54.9 to 58.8 percent, becoming the main driver of

15、growth. High-tech manufacturing has achieved an average annual increase of 11.7 percent, and the annual grain yield has reached 600 million metric tons. Chinas urbanization rate has risen from 52.6 to 58.5 percent, and more than 80 million people who have relocated from rural to urban areas have gai

16、ned permanent urban residency.五年来,创新驱动发展成果丰硕。全社会研发投入年均增长11%,规模跃居世界第二位。科技进步贡献率由52.2%提高到57.5%。载人航天、深海探测、量子通信、大飞机等重大创新成果不断涌现。高铁网络、电子商务、移动支付、共享经济等引领世界潮流。“互联网+”广泛融入各行各业。大众创业、万众创新蓬勃发展,日均新设企业由5千多户增加到1万6千多户。快速崛起的新动能,正在重塑经济增长格局、深刻改变生产生活方式,成为中国创新发展的新标志。Over the past five years, innovation-driven development h

17、as yielded fruitful outcomes.Chinas investment in research and development (R&D) has grown at an average annual rate of 11 percent, ranking second in the world in scale. The contribution of technological advances to economic growth has risen from 52.2 to 57.5 percent. In manned spaceflight, deep-wat

18、er exploration, quantum communications, large aircraft development, and more, China has seen a stream of major outcomes of innovation. In high-speed rail, e-commerce, mobile payments, and the sharing economy, China is leading the world. The Internet Plus model has permeated every industry and every

19、field. Business startups and innovation are thriving all over the country, and the average number of new businesses opened daily has risen from over 5,000 to more than 16,000. Rapidly emerging new growth drivers are reshaping Chinas growth model, are profoundly changing the way we live and work, and

20、 have become a new hallmark of Chinas innovation-driven development.五年来,改革开放迈出重大步伐。改革全面发力、多点突破、纵深推进,重要领域和关键环节改革取得突破性进展。简政放权、放管结合、优化服务等改革推动政府职能发生深刻转变,市场活力和社会创造力明显增强。“一带一路”建设成效显著,对外贸易和利用外资结构优化、规模稳居世界前列。Over the past five years, significant headway has been made in reform and opening-up. In reform, we

21、have made strong moves across the board, secured major advances in many areas, and driven deeper in pursuing progress, making breakthroughs in reforms in important fields and key links. Reforms to streamline administration and delegate powers, improve regulation, and optimize services, have driven p

22、rofound shifts in the functions of government, and significantly strengthened market dynamism and public creativity. TheBelt and Road Initiative has been making major progress. The composition of both Chinese foreign trade and foreign investment in China has been improved, with volumes ranking among

23、 the largest in the world.五年来,人民生活持续改善。脱贫攻坚取得决定性进展,贫困人口减少6800多万,易地扶贫搬迁830万人,贫困发生率由10.2%下降到3.1%。居民收入年均增长7.4%、超过经济增速,形成世界上人口最多的中等收入群体。出境旅游人次由8300万增加到1亿3千多万。社会养老保险覆盖9亿多人,基本医疗保险覆盖13.5亿人,织就了世界上最大的社会保障网。人均预期寿命达到76.7岁。棚户区住房改造2600多万套,农村危房改造1700多万户,上亿人喜迁新居。Over the past five years, living standards have been

24、 constantly improving. We have made decisive progress in the fight against poverty: More than 68 million people have been lifted out of poverty, including a total of 8.3 million relocated from inhospitable areas, and the poverty headcount ratio has dropped from 10.2 to 3.1 percent. Personal income h

25、as increased by an annual average of 7.4 percent, outpacing economic growth and creating the worlds largest middle-income group. Tourist departures have grown from 83 million to over 130 million. Social old-age pension schemes now cover more than 900 million people, and the basic health insurance pl

26、ans cover 1.35 billion people, forming the largest social safety net in the world. On average, life expectancy has reached 76.7 years. Over 26 million housing units have been rebuilt in rundown urban areas, and more than 17 million dilapidated houses have been renovated in rural areas. Thanks to the

27、se efforts, more than one hundred million Chinese have moved into new homes.五年来,生态环境状况逐步好转。制定实施大气、水、土壤污染防治三个“十条”并取得扎实成效。单位国内生产总值能耗、水耗均下降20%以上,主要污染物排放量持续下降,重点城市重污染天数减少一半,森林面积增加1.63亿亩,沙化土地面积年均缩减近2000平方公里,绿色发展呈现可喜局面。Over the past five years, the environment has seen gradual improvement. To address air,

28、 water, and soil pollution, we have designed and enforced a ten-point list of measures for each and achieved solid progress. Both energy and water consumption per unit of GDP have fallen more than 20 percent, the release of major pollutants has been consistently declining, and the number of days of

29、heavy air pollution in key cities has fallen 50 percent. Forest coverage has increased by 10.87 million hectares, and the area of desertified land has been reduced by close to 2,000 square kilometers on average each year. Encouraging progress has been made in green development.刚刚过去的2017年,经济社会发展主要目标任

30、务全面完成并好于预期。国内生产总值增长6.9%,居民收入增长7.3%,增速均比上年有所加快;城镇新增就业1351万人,失业率为多年来最低;工业增速回升,企业利润增长21%;财政收入增长7.4%,扭转了增速放缓态势;进出口增长14.2%,实际使用外资1363亿美元、创历史新高。经济发展呈现出增长与质量、结构、效益相得益彰的良好局面。这是五年来一系列重大政策效应累积,各方面不懈努力、久久为功的结果。In the year just passed, all main targets and tasks for economic and social development were accompli

31、shed and performance has exceeded expectations. GDP grew 6.9 percent and personal income rose 7.3 percent, both beating the previous years growth rates. Around 13.51 million new urban jobs were created, and the jobless rate was the lowest in recent years. Industrial growth began to rebound, and corp

32、orate profits increased 21 percent. Government revenue grew 7.4 percent, reversing the slowdown in growth. The total import and export value rose 14.2 percent. Inward foreign investment reached 136.3 billion U.S. dollars, hitting a new all-time high. The state of play in the economy was good, with g

33、rowth and quality, structural improvement, and performance each reinforcing the other. This is the result of the cumulative effect of a raft of major policies over the past five years and of consistent efforts in all areas of endeavor.过去五年取得的全方位、开创性成就,发生的深层次、根本性变革,再次令世界瞩目,全国各族人民倍感振奋和自豪。Over the past

34、 five years, the ground-breaking achievements made on every front and the profound and fundamental changes that have taken place, have attracted global attention and are the pride and inspiration of all of us in China.五年来,我们认真贯彻以习近平同志为核心的党中央决策部署,主要做了以下工作。Over the past five years, we have worked with

35、 dedication to implement the decisions and plans made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. The following are the highlights of that work:(一)坚持稳中求进工作总基调,着力创新和完善宏观调控,经济运行保持在合理区间、实现稳中向好。First, with a commitment to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring

36、stability, we have focused on developing new and better approaches to macro regulation, kept major indicators within an appropriate range, and achieved stable, positive economic performance.这些年,世界经济复苏乏力,国际金融市场跌宕起伏,保护主义明显抬头。我国经济发展中结构性问题和深层次矛盾凸显,经济下行压力持续加大,遇到不少两难多难抉择。面对这种局面,我们保持战略定力,坚持不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激,而是适

37、应把握引领经济发展新常态,统筹稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险,不断创新和完善宏观调控,确立区间调控的思路和方式,加强定向调控、相机调控、精准调控。明确强调只要经济运行在合理区间,就业增加、收入增长、环境改善,就集中精力促改革、调结构、添动力。采取既利当前更惠长远的举措,着力推进供给侧结构性改革,适度扩大总需求,推动实现更高层次的供需动态平衡。经过艰辛努力,我们顶住了经济下行压力、避免了“硬着陆”,保持了经济中高速增长,促进了结构优化,经济长期向好的基本面不断巩固和发展。The past few years have witnessed anemic world economic rec

38、overy, volatility in global financial markets, and a sharp rise in protectionism. In China, structural issues and underlying problems have become more acute, downward pressure on the economy has continued to mount, and we have met with no small number of dilemmas. In confronting this new environment

39、, we have maintained strategic focus and refrained from resorting to a deluge of strong stimulus policies. Instead, we have adapted to, addressed, and steered the new normal in economic development, and taken coordinated steps to ensure steady growth, advance reform, make structural adjustments, imp

40、rove living standards, and guard against risk. We have made fresh innovations in and refined macro regulation, developed the idea of and ways to achieve ranged-based regulation, and enhanced targeted, well-timed, and precision regulation. We have been clear that as long as the major economic indicat

41、ors are within an acceptable range, with employment growing, incomes increasing, and the environment improving, then our energies should be focused on advancing reform, making structural adjustments, and adding growth drivers. We have adopted measures that are good for the near term and even better

42、for the long term, made strong moves to advance supply-side structural reform, appropriately expanded aggregate demand, and worked for a dynamic equilibrium of supply and demand at a higher level. With grit and determination, we have overcome downward pressure on the economy, avoided a “hard landing

43、,” maintained a medium-high growth rate, and promoted structural upgrading. The economic fundamentals that will sustain long-term growth have been cemented and enhanced.坚持实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。在财政收支矛盾较大情况下,着眼“放水养鱼”、增强后劲,我国率先大幅减税降费。分步骤全面推开营改增,结束了66年的营业税征收历史,累计减税超过2万亿元,加上采取小微企业税收优惠、清理各种收费等措施,共减轻市场主体负担3万多亿

44、元。加强地方政府债务管理,实施地方政府存量债务置换,降低利息负担1.2万亿元。调整财政支出结构,盘活沉淀资金,保障基本民生和重点项目。财政赤字率一直控制在3%以内。货币政策保持稳健中性,广义货币M2增速呈下降趋势,信贷和社会融资规模适度增长。采取定向降准、专项再贷款等差别化政策,加强对重点领域和薄弱环节支持,小微企业贷款增速高于各项贷款平均增速。改革完善汇率市场化形成机制,保持人民币汇率基本稳定,外汇储备转降为升。妥善应对“钱荒”等金融市场异常波动,规范金融市场秩序,防范化解重点领域风险,守住了不发生系统性风险的底线,维护了国家经济金融安全。We have continued to follo

45、w a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. Despite a fairly big imbalance between government revenue and expenditure, China has led the way in slashing taxes and fees with the aim of using accommodative measures to strengthen the basis for sustained growth. Step by step, we have exte

46、nded the replacement of business tax with value added tax (VAT) to all sectors across the country, calling time on the 66-year history of business tax. The result so far has been a tax cut of more than 2 trillion yuan. We have also adopted measures like preferential tax policies for small low-profit

47、 businesses and an overhaul of different types of fees. All in all, our market entities have seen savings of more than 3 trillion yuan. We have strengthened management over local government debt, and issued local government bonds to replace outstanding debt, cutting interest liability by 1.2 trillio

48、n yuan. We have adjusted the structure of government expenditure, put idle funds to work, and ensured the spending for undertaking major projects and meeting basic public needs. The deficit-to-GDP ratio has been kept within 3 percent. Monetary policy has remained prudent and neutral. The M2 money su

49、pply growth rate has been trending downward, while credit and aggregate financing have seen moderate growth. Differentiated policies, such as targeted reserve requirement ratio cuts and targeted re-lending, have been adopted to strengthen support for key fields and weak links. The growth of loans to small and micro businesses has outstripped the average growth in lending. We have reformed and improved the market-based exchange rate mechanism and kept the R

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