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1、一、单项选择1He should brush _ teeth every day. ()AonesBhisCyour2Are you _ for your mother? ()Yes. Tomorrow is Mothers Day. I want to write Happy Mothers Day on it.Amaking flowersBmaking a cardCbuying flowers3_ is the vegetable salad, Linda? () Its yummy. And the tomato soup is nice too.AHowBWhatCWho4Turn

2、 right _ the traffic lights. The shop is _ your left. ()Aon; onBat; onCat; inDon; at5Mums birthday is coming. We are _ the presents for her. ()Atalk withBtalking withCtalk aboutDtalking about6Peters ears hurt. He cant _ well. ()AeatBseeChearDsmell7Look! The train is coming. Lets _ the train. ()Aput

3、onBget onCtake offDget off8Mum, Im very hungry. ()There _ some bread and milk in the fridge.AisBisntCareDarent9Chinese People usually eat rice cakes and climb mountains at the _. ()ASpring FestivalBDragon Boat FestivalCMid-Autumn FestivalDChongyang Festival10下列单词中划线字母发音与句中cakes划线字母发音不同的是哪个? ()句:I li

4、ke eating rice cakes.AangryBtakeCplane11Where _ your cousin live? ()He _ on Star Street.Adoes; liveBdo; livesCdoes; lives12Is there _ milk in the fridge? ()AsomeBanyCa13How do we get _ the cinema? ()You can walk _ there.Ato; toBto; /C/; /14Whats Liu Tao _ in the fridge? ()Alook forBlooking forClooks

5、 for15There _ some bread and milk in the fridge. ()AisBareChave二、用单词适当形式填空16My father _ (teach) English and he has a lot of students.17_ (Jim) birthday is on the first of May.18Where is your granddaughter?She _ (listen) to music in her bedroom.19Look! What _ the students _ (do)?They _ (sing). They _

6、 (dance).20Today is Marys _ (twelve) birthday. Shes very happy.21Sam _ (have) many fish, but Bobby _ (not have) any.22Does your father usually _ (visit) your uncle at weekends?Yes, he does.23Bens brothers want _ (buy) some interesting picture books _ me.24Look, the twin sisters _ (wash) clothes.25Wh

7、y cant Jim _ (play) with us today?26Would you like _ (cook) with me?27Mays birthday is on the _ (two) of May.28You cant _ (ride) your bike to school. Because you are only 10 years old.29_ (be) there any bread in the fridge?30They usually _ (visit) their grandparents and _ (have) a big dinner togethe

8、r.三、完成句子31Id like some _ (西红柿) for lunch.32There are many d_ and n_ in the h_. They are h_ sick people.33The bus station is on your r_.34I have a toothache. I cant _ (eat) anything. 35Its yummy, Dad. You are a great c_.36You can _ _ (下车) the bus at the _ _ (第三站).37M _ comes before April.38Autumn is

9、in September, October and N_.39Hes watering the flowers in the g_.40The bus stop is on the _ (街道).四、阅读判断 John is a happy boy and he likes to make jokes (开玩笑). His classmates (同学) like him because he often makes them laugh (惹他们笑) for a long time.One Sunday, a new student comes to his class. The stude

10、nt says that his younger brother Tom never (从不) laughs. No one and nothing (没有人和事) can make Tom laugh. John doesnt believe (不相信), so he asks the student to bring Tom to his home. John tells (给讲) Tom many funny (滑稽) stories. Everyone laughs, but Tom doesnt. Finally, John has to give up (放弃). At last

11、(最后), the student tells (告诉) John, “Tom is deaf.”41、Johns classmates like him because _. ()Ahe is deafBhe often makes them laughChe likes to make jokes42、The new student says that his younger brother _. ()Anever laughsBlikes laughingCSometimes laughs43、John tells _ many funny stories. ()Ahis classma

12、tesBTomChis new classmate44、Does John make Tom laugh? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CIts difficult to say.45、The word (词) deaf means (意思是) _. ()A瞎子B聋子C跛子五、阅读判断Hi, my name is Lucy. I live and study in London. I have a night at the museum (博物馆). In London, there are lots of interesting museums. The N

13、atural History Museum opens at night in May and June.On that night, there are some guides (导游) with flashlights (手电筒). They take you to the dinosaurs (恐龙) hall. There are skeletons (骨架) of dinosaurs. The flashlights light up the dinosaurs. They look alive (活的).When you want to go to bed, you can go

14、back to the hall and sleep in your sleeping bag. In the morning, you will have breakfast. After a wonderful animal show, your parents will take you home.Do you want to have a night at the museum?46、The author (作者) lives in _. ()ALondon, the USBLondon, the UKCLondon, China47、After reading, we know th

15、ere are many interesting _. ()AdinosaursBnightsCmuseums48、The phrase light up means (意思是) _. ()A点亮B看清C发光49、When I want to go to bed, I can go to the _. ()AbedBbagCsleeping bag50、The best title (标题) is _. ()AA dinosaur museumBA night at the museumCLondon museums六、阅读理解The Roses (罗斯一家) like having picn

16、ics on Sundays. This Sunday they want to go to the Red Park. Jack and Mike, their sons, get up early in the morning. Jack puts on a shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a T-shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes. After that they help their mother put bread, milk, eggs and some fruit in a

17、 basket and carry it to the car. Mrs Rose also takes four glasses of juice with her.The little dog Jerry is running after her. It wants to go with them, too. They are all very happy.51、On Sundays, the Roses like _. ()Agoing shoppingBwatching TVChaving picnics52、Jack and Mike wear _. ()Ashirts and je

18、ansBjeans and running shoesCjackets and jeans53、Mr Rose and Mrs Rose have _. ()Atwo sonsBa little catCa new car54、They go to the park with _. ()Asome apples and orangesBsome cakes and milkCsome food and drink55、Which sentence is NOT TRUE? ()AThere are five people in Mr. Roses family.BJack and Mike c

19、an have some juice.CJerry wants to go to the park, too.七、阅读理解 Mr and Mrs White and their children are going to London for a holiday today. And they have to be at the airport (机场) at eleven forty. “Itll take us thirty minutes to get there in the taxi,” Mr White says. “So we have to be ready by eleven

20、 oclock. Nobody should be late.”At ten to eleven Mrs White is still sitting quietly in the garden. But Mr White and the children are still running around doing things. They are all in a hurry. At eleven oclock the taxi gets to their home. Mrs White says to Mr White and the children, “Well, I know th

21、at this is going to happen, so before I went to bed last night, I moved all our clocks and watches ahead (提前) twenty minutes. So now we can go to the airport quietly without worrying about being late.”56、_ are going to have their holiday. ()AThe WhitesBMr and Mrs WhiteCMrs White and her children57、T

22、hey are going to London by _. ()AcarBplaneCtrain58、It will take them _ to get to the airport by taxi. ()Athirteen minutesBtwenty minutesChalf an hour59、They are going to get to the airport at about _. ()A10:50B11:00C11:4060、Mrs White moved all our clocks and watches ahead twenty minutes because she

23、didnt want to _. ()Abe lateBbe readyCmiss the taxi【参考答案】一、单项选择1B解析:B【详解】句意:他应该每天刷牙。A某人的,B他的,C你的,根据主语He他,可知横线处填his,故选B。2B解析:B【详解】句意:你在为了你妈妈_吗?对。明天是母亲节。我想在上面写“母亲节快乐”。A制作鲜花,B制作卡片,C购买鲜花,根据后面要写东西,可知是做卡片,故选B。3A解析:A【详解】句意:蔬菜沙拉是_,琳达?它很好吃。番茄汤也不错。选项A怎样,选项B什么,选项C谁。根据答语可知问句为:蔬菜沙拉怎样,琳达?故选A。4B解析:B【详解】句意:在红绿灯那右转。商

24、店在你的左边。in在里面,在红绿灯处at the traffic lights,在你的左边on your left,介词词组,选项B符合题意,故选B。5D解析:D【详解】句意:妈妈的生日快到了。我们正在谈论给她的礼物。talk with与交谈,talking with正与交谈,talk about谈论,talking about正在谈论,系动词are后面接接动词的ing形式,排除AC,由句意可知D选项符合,故选D。【点睛】6C解析:C【详解】句意:彼得耳朵受伤了。他不能_很好。eat吃,see看见,hear听见,smell闻到,根据句意,可知耳朵受伤了不能听的很好,故选C。【点睛】7B解析:B

25、【详解】句意:看!火车快到了。让我们_火车吧。A穿上,B上(车),C脱下,D下(车),根据句意可知B选项符合,故选B。【点睛】8A解析:A【详解】句意:妈妈,我非常饿。冰箱里_一些面包和牛奶。该句是there be句型,some用于肯定句中,临近主语bread是不可数名词,故be动词用is,故选A。【点睛】9D解析:D【详解】句意:中国人通常在_吃年糕和爬山。A春节,B端午节,C中秋节,D重阳节,根据常识可知在重阳节吃年糕和爬山,故选D。10A解析:A【详解】cakes划线字母发音为e,A划线字母发音为,B划线字母发音为e,C划线字母发音为e。故选A。11C解析:C【详解】句意:你的堂弟住在哪

26、里?他住在星星街。主语是第三人称单数,助动词用does,动词用第三人称单数形式lives,故选C。12B解析:B【详解】句意:在冰箱里有一些牛奶吗?句子是一般疑问句,milk是不可数名词,用sone/any修饰。some用在肯定句,any用在疑问或者否定句。故选B。13B解析:B【详解】句意:我们怎么去电影院?你们可以步行去那。get to到达,walk there步行去那,都是固定动词短语,故选B。14B解析:B【详解】句意:刘涛正在冰箱里找什么?横线处的动词用现在分词形式,与is构成现在进行时,looking是look的现在分词,故选B。15A解析:A【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些面包和牛奶。

27、本题考查there be句型,横线后是不可数名词,be用is,故选A。二、用单词适当形式填空16teaches【详解】句意:我爸爸教英语,他有很多学生。根据后半句的has可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,肯定句中动词用第三人称单数形式,teach的第三人称单数为teaches,故答案为teaches。17Jims【详解】句意:吉姆的生日在5月1日。该空做birthday的定语,用所有格形式Jims。故答案为Jims。18is listening【详解】句意:你的孙女在哪儿?她在卧室听音乐。根据句意可知该句表达的是正在做的事情,故时态应为现在进行时,其句型结构为be+动词的现在分词,

28、根据主语she可知be动词用is,listen的现在分词是listening,故答案为is listening。19 are doing are singing are dancing【详解】句意:看!学生们在做什么?他们在唱歌。他们在跳舞。根据students可知,be动词用复数形式are,第一空填are。根据句意可知为现在进行时,动词用-ing形式,第二空填doing。答句中谓语动词用are+动词-ing形式,第三空填are singing。第四空填are dancing。故答案为are;doing;are singing;are dancing。20twelfth【详解】句意:今天是玛丽

29、的十二岁生日。她很高兴。十二twelve,表示第几个生日用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,故答案为twelfth。21B解析: has doesnt have【详解】句意:Sam有很多鱼,但是Bobby一条鱼也没有。根据句意可知,该句是陈述句,时态为一般现在时。Sam是第三人称,谓语动词用三单形式,故第一空have变第三人称单数has,第二空have是实义动词,变否定用助动词do,主语是第三人称,do变第三人称单数does,否定形式为doesnt,实义动词用原形。故答案为has;doesnt have。22D解析:visit【详解】句意:你的爸爸通常在周末拜访你的叔叔吗?是的。助

30、动词Does后面动词用动词原形,故答案为visit。23 to buy for【详解】句意:本的哥哥们想买一些有趣的图画书给我。根据want to do sth.想要做某事,可知第一空填动词不定式to buy;buy sth for sb.给某人买某物,所以第二空填介词for,故答案为to buy;for。24are washing【详解】句意:看!双胞胎姐妹正在洗衣服。根据句意可知,该句时态为现在进行时,其结构是be+doing,the twin sisters是复数名词,系词用are,wash的现在分词是washing,故答案为are washing。25play【详解】句意:为什么吉姆今

31、天不能和我们一起玩?cant后跟动词原形,故答案为play。26to cook【详解】句意:你想要和我一起做饭吗?would like to do sth想要做某事,故答案为to cook。27second【详解】句意:梅的生日在五月二日。根据句意可知表示在五月的第二天,用序数词,two是基数词,序数词是second,故答案为second。28ride【详解】句意:你不能骑自行车去学校。因为你才10岁。cant后跟动词原形,故答案为ride。29Is【详解】句意:冰箱里有面包吗?句子可用一般现在时,bread是不可数名词,be用is,故答案为Is。30 visit have【详解】句意:他们通

32、常去看望他们的祖父母并一起吃顿丰盛的晚餐。visit看望,have吃,根据usually可知该句是一般现在时,主语They是复数人称,故谓语动词用原形,故答案为visit;have。三、完成句子31tomatoes【详解】句意:我午餐想要吃一些西红柿。根据句意可知,该句是陈述句,西红柿tomato,可数名词单数形式,some修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,故tomato变为tomatoes。故答案为tomatoes。32B解析: doctors#octors nurses#urses hospital#ospital helping#elping【详解】根据语境和首字母可组成句意:医院里有许多医

33、生和护士。他们正在帮助病人。根据句意和首字母提示考查单词医生doctor,护士nurse,many修饰可数名词复数,所以doctor变复数doctors,nurse变复数nurses,在医院in the hospital,最后一空是现在进行时,结构为Be+doing,帮助help,help现在分词是helping,故答案为doctors;nurses,hospital;helping。33right#ight【详解】句意:公交车站在你的右边。根据句意及首字母,可知考查on your right在你的右边,固定搭配,故答案为right。34eat【详解】句意:我牙痛。我不能吃任何东西。I can

34、t+动词原形(+其他),用于描述自己不能做某事。故填eat。35cook#ook【详解】句意:很好吃,爸爸。你是个很棒的厨师。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词coo厨师,前面有a修饰,用单数,故答案为cook。36 get off third stop【详解】句意:你可以在第三站下公交车。情态动词can后应加动词原形,下车get off,第三站the third stop,故答案为get;off;third;stop。【点睛】37March【详解】句意:_在四月之前。结合句意和首字母提示可知,此处应用名词March,意为三月,故答案为March。38November【详解】句意:秋天是九月,十月

35、和_。根据句意及首字母提示可知该单词为November十一月,故答案为November。39garden【详解】句意是他正在花园里浇花。根据句中关键词watering the flowers浇花可知,需要在花园里garden才能浇花。故答案为garden。【点睛】考查名词。40street【详解】句意:公交站在街道上。此题考查名词,street街道,故答案为street。四、阅读判断解析:41、B42、A43、B44、B45、B【分析】短文大意:主要讲述约翰是一个爱开玩笑的男孩,但是他却没能让汤姆笑,因为汤姆聋。41、句意:约翰的同学喜欢他因为_。由短文His classmates (同学)

36、like him because he often makes them laugh (惹他们笑) for a long time可知约翰的同学喜欢他因为他能让同学们笑。结合选项B符合题意,故选B。42、句意:新同学说他的小弟弟_。由短文The student says that his younger brother Tom never (从不) laughs可知新同学说他的小弟弟从来不笑,选项A从来不笑,选项B喜欢笑,选项C有时笑,故选A。43、句意:约翰给_讲了很多有趣的故事。由短文ohn tells (给讲) Tom many funny (滑稽) stories可知约翰给汤姆讲了很多

37、有趣的故事,选项A他的同学,选项B汤姆,选项C他的新同学,故选B。44、句意:约翰让汤姆笑了吗?由短文 Everyone laughs, but Tom doesnt可知约翰没能让汤姆笑,因此应作否定回答,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。45、句意:单词“deaf”的意思是_。结合全文推测应是聋的意思,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。【点睛】五、阅读判断解析:46、B47、C48、A49、C50、B【导语】本文主要介绍了作者在夜晚参观自然历史博物馆的经历。46、题干句意:作者住在_。根据“I live and study in London.”可知作者住在伦伦敦,伦伦敦是英国的首都。故选B。47、题干

38、句意:阅读之后,我们知道有很多有趣的_。根据“In London, there are lots of interesting museums.”可知我们知道有很多有趣的博物馆。故选C。48、题干句意: light up的意思是_。根据“The flashlights light up the dinosaurs. They look alive (活的).”可知手电筒照亮了恐龙,让恐龙看上去像活的,推断出 light up应该为“点亮”的意思。故选A。49、题干句意:当我想休息的时候,我可以去_。根据“When you want to go to bed, you can go back t

39、o the hall and sleep in your sleeping bag.”可知如果你想睡觉可以回到大厅,睡在你的睡袋里。故选C。50、题干句意:最佳标题是_。通读全文可知作者主要介绍了夜晚参观自然历史博物馆的经历,故选B。六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、B53、A54、C55、A【导语】本文介绍了罗斯一家周日去野餐的情况,包括所带的东西。51、句意:在星期天罗斯一家喜欢_。A去购物,B看电视,C去野餐,根据文中句子The Roses like having picnics on Sundays.得知罗斯一家在周日去野餐,故选C。52、句意:杰克和迈克穿着_。A衬衫和牛仔裤,B牛仔裤

40、和跑鞋,C夹克和牛仔裤,根据文中句子Jack puts on a shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a T-shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes.得知杰克穿上衬衫和牛仔裤,迈克穿上T恤和牛仔裤。他们还穿上了跑鞋。 故选B。53、句意:罗斯先生和罗斯夫人有_。A两个儿子,B.一只小猫,C.一辆新车,根据文中句子Jack and Mike, their sons, get up early in the morning.得知罗斯先生和罗斯夫人有有两个儿子杰克和迈克,故选A。54、句意:他们和_一

41、起去公园。A一些苹果和橙子,B一些蛋糕和牛奶,C一些食物和饮料,从文中句子After that they help their mother put bread, milk, eggs and some fruit in a basket.Mrs Rose also takes four glasses of juice with her.得知他们带了一些面包、牛奶、鸡蛋和一些水果,罗斯太太带了四杯果汁。可知都是一些食物和饮料,故选C。55、句意:哪句话不对?A罗斯先生家有五口人。B杰克和迈克可以喝点果汁。C杰瑞也想去公园。从文中句子The Roses like having picnics

42、on Sundays. This Sunday they want to go to the Red Park. Jack and Mike, their sons,得知罗斯先生一家一共有罗斯夫妇,还有两个儿子,一共四口人,不是五口人,所以选项A是错误说法,故选A。七、阅读理解解析:56、A57、B58、C59、C60、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了怀特一家要坐飞机去伦敦度假,怀特夫人把所有钟表都提前二十分钟的事。56、句意:_要去度假。A怀特一家人;B怀特夫妇;C怀特夫人和她的女儿;根据短文中的Mr and Mrs White and their children are going to

43、London for a holiday today.可知怀特一家人要去度假,故选A。57、句意:他们要乘_去伦敦。A汽车;B飞机;C火车;根据短文中的And they have to be at the airport (机场) at eleven forty. 可知他们要乘飞机去伦敦,故选B。58、句意:他们乘出租车到机场要_。A十三分钟;B二十分钟;C半小时;根据短文中的Itll take us thirty minutes to get there in the taxi.可知他们乘出租车到机场要半小时,故选C。59、句意:他们将在大约_到达机场。根据短文中的And they have to be at the airport (机场) at eleven forty. 可知他们将在大约11:40到达机场,故选C。60、句意:怀特太太把我们所有的钟表都提前了20分钟因为她不想_。A迟到;B做好准备;C错过了出租车;根据短文中的So now we can go to the airport quietly without worrying about being late.可知她不想迟到,故选A。【点睛】

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