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1、六年级上学期阅读理解专项英语复习模拟试题测试题(答案)一、阅读理解Penny lived on a farm. She was called the “silly goose”(愚蠢的鹅) because she often did some foolish things. She didnt like the name. One day, she found a book on the grass. She was very happy. She took the book with her everywhere. She felt herself so clever and became

2、proud(得意的). The animals thought Penny became clever now because she always carried a book. So they asked her for help. But Penny always gave the wrong ideas. One day, a pig picked a lot of mushrooms and went home happily. He asked Penny for help. Penny said“You can eat them. They are very nice.”But

3、the mushrooms are poisonous(有毒的). The animals were sick and angry. They couldnt believe Penny. So Penny lost her pride(骄傲). She knew that it was useless(无用的) to have a book. She should work hard and she began to read books every day.1、Where did Penny live? () _AShe lived on the grass.BShe lived on a

4、 farm.CShe lived at school.2、Why was she called the “silly goose”? ()_ABecause she was clever.BBecause she lived on a farm.CBecause she often did some foolish things3、Was she happy when she found a book on the grass? ()_AYes, she was.BNo, she wasnt.CYes, she did.4、Pennys ideas are _ for the animals.

5、 ()AgoodBusefulCuseless5、What do we know from the story? ()_APenny began to work hard.BPenny is very clever.COther animals liked reading books.二、阅读理解Do you know Beijing? Its the capital of China. Beijing is a very big and very beautiful city. Its got a very long history. There are many famous places

6、 of interest in Beijing. They are the Great Wall, the Summer Palace (颐和园), the Ming Tombs, the Forbidden City (故宫) and other places.Thousands of people from different countries come to visit Beijing every year. The best season to visit Beijing is autumn. On National Day, the Tiananmen Square is like

7、 a sea of flowers. All the people in Beijing are trying to make the city more beautiful.6、_ is the capital of China. ()AShanghaiBBeijingCDalian7、Beijing is _ city in China. ()Aa small and beautifulBa big and youngCan old and beautiful8、How many famous places are there in the text (文本)? ()There are _

8、.AfourBfiveCsix9、When you visit Beijing, _ is the best time. ()Aevery yearBthe autumnCNational Day10、The people in Beijing _ the city very much. ()Adont likeBmissClove三、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully and said, “Medicine (药物) wont help yo

9、u. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (雪茄) a day. Go to the countryside and stay there for a month.”After a month the man came to the doctor again. “How are you?” said the doctor. “Im glad to see you again. You look much younger.” “Oh! Doctor, I fe

10、el quite well now,” said the man. “I had a good rest. I went to bed early, drank a lot of milk and walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day; this almost (几乎) killed me first. Its no joke to start smoking at my age!”11、The doctor told the man _. ()Ato ta

11、ke some medicineBto smoke a lotCto go to the countryside12、How many cigars did the man smoke one day after seeing the doctor? ()AOne.BTwo.CHe didnt smoke.13、The doctors words were _ for the old mans health. ()AbadBcoolCgood14、The underlined word “joke” means “_”in Chinese. ()A玩笑B开心C好事15、From what th

12、e old man said at last, we know _. ()Aone cigar a day was really helpful to himBthe old man was not a smoker beforeCsmoking made him feel better than before四、阅读理解John lives in Beijing with his grandparents. His parents work in the USAHis father is a computer game tester (测试员). His mother is a busine

13、sswoman. They are very busy and seldom (很少) go home.This morning his grandmother is ill. John feels very worried. His grandmother should see a doctor. The hospital is on Hongxing Street. And its far from his home. So John and his grandfather take his grandmother to the hospital by taxi. He hopes his

14、 grandmother will get better soon.16、John lives in Beijing with _. ()Ahis grandparentsBhis parentsChis grandmother17、Johns mother is a _. ()AdoctorBbusinesswomanCcomputer game tester18、This morning Johns grandmother is ill, he feels _. ()AafraidBsadCworried19、Where is the hospital? ()AIts near Johns

15、 home.BIts near Hongxing Street.CIts on Hongxing Street.20、They go to the hospital _. ()Aby busBby taxiCby car五、阅读理解 On day, a farmer wen to see his son by train. On the train, he found a seat. But there was a big bag on the seat. He asked the woman beside the seat, “Is there anyone here?” “Oh, yes,

16、 of course! He will be back soon!”The farmer was tired. He said down and said, “I will sit for a while until he comes back.” Fifteen minutes later the train stared. “Oh, the poor man. He missed his train but he cant lost his bag!” The farmer said. After these words, the farmer threw the bag out of t

17、he window quickly. “No, no, its my bag!” The woman shouted. But it was too late.21、A farmer wanted _ on the train. ()Ahis sonBa big bagCa seat22、_, so he sat down. ()AThe woman asked the man to sit down.BThe man was too tired.CThe seat was empty.23、The _ threw the bag out of the window. ()AwomanBman

18、Cfarmer24、The _ put the bag on the seat. ()AwomanBmanCfarmer25、The Chinese meaning of the word“threw”is _. ()A取B扔C抓住六、阅读理解Dear Lucy,Thank you for your letter. How are you in London? Im very well in Guangzhou.Last week I went to Hainan with my friend Lanlan. There are lots of beautiful places to go i

19、n Hainan. First we went to Haikou. Its in the north of Hainan. Then we visited Wenchang City and we ate Wenchang chicken. It was delicious. The next day, we went to Sanya and we swam in the sea. The last day, we visited Wuzhishan City. We climbed the Wuzhishan Mountains. We took many photos We also

20、bought some things for our classmates.I hope you will come to visit Hainan one day.Love fromLingling26、This letter is from _. ()ALucyBLinglingCLanlan27、Lucy is in _ now. ()Athe UKBthe USCHainan28、Haikou is in the _ of Hainan. ()AsouthBeastCnorth29、Lingling and Lanlan visited _ places last week. ()Af

21、ourBthreeCfive30、Lingling and her friend swam in the sea in _. ()AWenchangBSanyaCGuangzhou【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、B2、C3、A4、C5、A【导语】本文主要讲述了彭妮的成长经历。1、句意:彭妮居住在哪里?_。A她住在草地上。B她住在农场解析:1、B2、C3、A4、C5、A【导语】本文主要讲述了彭妮的成长经历。1、句意:彭妮居住在哪里?_。A她住在草地上。B她住在农场。C她住在学校。根据“Penny lived on a farm. ”可知她居住在农场,故选B。2、句意:为什么她被叫做“愚蠢的鹅”?_。

22、A因为她是聪明的。B因为她住在农场。C因为她经常做愚蠢的事情。根据“She was called the “silly goose”(愚蠢的鹅) because she often did some foolish things.”可知她经常做愚蠢的事情,故选C。3、句意:当她在草地上发现一本书时,她高兴吗?_。根据“One day, she found a book on the grass. She was very happy. ”可知她非常开心,作肯定回答,故选A。4、句意:彭妮的意见对动物们_。A好的,B有用的,C没用的。根据“But Penny always gave the wr

23、ong ideas. ”可知彭妮总是给动物们错误的建议,故选C。5、句意:我们能从这个故事知道什么?_。A彭妮开始努力工作。B彭妮是非常聪明的。C其他动物喜欢看书。根据“She should work hard and she began to read books every day.”可知彭妮开始努力工作。故选A。二、阅读理解6、B7、C8、B9、B10、C解析:6、B7、C8、B9、B10、C三、阅读理解11、C12、A13、C14、A15、B【分析】短文大意:一个老人去看病的故事。11、句意:医生告诉那个男人_。根据Go to the解析:11、C12、A13、C14、A15、B【分析

24、】短文大意:一个老人去看病的故事。11、句意:医生告诉那个男人_。根据Go to the countryside and stay there for a month.可知让他去乡下呆一个月。故选C。12、句意:看完医生后那个男人一天抽多少烟?根据But you told me to smoke one cigar a day.可知他一天抽一根烟。故选A。13、句意:医生的话对老人的健康很_。根据Your advice certainly helped me. 可知对老人的健康很有帮助,故选C。14、句意:划线单词“joke”的中文意思是_。joke玩笑,故选A。15、句意:从最后老人的话中的

25、,我们知道_。A选项每天一根烟的确帮到了老人的健康。B选项老人以前吸烟。C选项吸烟使老人比以前感觉更好了。根据Its no joke to start smoking at my age!可知老人以前不抽烟。故先B。【点睛】四、阅读理解16、A17、B18、C19、C20、B【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了约翰和他的祖父母住在北京,今天早上他的祖母生病了,约翰和他的祖父带她去医院的解析:16、A17、B18、C19、C20、B【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了约翰和他的祖父母住在北京,今天早上他的祖母生病了,约翰和他的祖父带她去医院的事情。16、句意:约翰和_住在北京。A他的祖父母;B他的父母;C他的祖

26、母;根据短文中的John lives in Beijing with his grandparents. 可知约翰和他的祖父母住在北京,故选A。17、句意:约翰的妈妈是一位_。A医生;B女商人;C电脑游戏测试人员;根据短文中的His mother is a businesswoman. 可知约翰的妈妈是一位女商人,故选B。18、句意:今天早上约翰的祖母病了,他感到_。A害怕;B难过;C担心;根据短文中的This morning his grandmother is ill. John feels very worried.可知他感到担心,故选C。19、句意:医院在哪里?A它在约翰家附近。B它在

27、红星大街附近。C它在红星大街。根据短文中的The hospital is on Hongxing Street. 可知医院在红星大街,故选C。20、句意:他们_去医院。A乘公共汽车;B乘出租车;C乘汽车;根据短文中的So John and his grandfather take his grandmother to the hospital by taxi. 可知他们乘出租车去医院,故选B。【点睛】五、阅读理解21、C22、B23、C24、A25、B【分析】21、句意:一个农民想在火车上找个_。A他的儿子,B一个大包,C座位。结合On th解析:21、C22、B23、C24、A25、B【分析

28、】21、句意:一个农民想在火车上找个_。A他的儿子,B一个大包,C座位。结合On the train, he found a seat. But there was a big bag on the seat.可知农民想在火车上找个座位,故选C。22、句意:_,所以他坐了下来。A女人让男人坐下,B他太累了,C座位是空的。结合The farmer was tired. He said down and said, “I will sit for a while until he comes back.”可知农民坐下因为他累了,故选B。23、句意:_把包扔出了窗外。A女人,B男人,C农民。结合Af

29、ter these words, the farmer threw the bag out of the window quickly.可知农民把包扔出了窗外,故选C。24、句意:_把包放在座位上。A女人,B男人,C农民。结合“No, no, its my bag!” The woman shouted.可知女人把包放在座位上,故选A。25、句意:threw的中文意思是_。结合前句“Oh, the poor man. He missed his train but he cant lost his bag!” The farmer said和后句“No, no, its my bag!” Th

30、e woman shouted.可知threw的中文意思是扔,故选B。六、阅读理解26、B27、A28、C29、A30、B【分析】本文主要讲了玲玲上周去旅游的事。26、句意:这封信来自_。根据最后的署名,可知这封解析:26、B27、A28、C29、A30、B【分析】本文主要讲了玲玲上周去旅游的事。26、句意:这封信来自_。根据最后的署名,可知这封信来自玲玲,故选B。27、句意:露西现在在_。根据Thank you for your letter. How are you in London?,可知露西现在在伦敦,伦敦是英国的城市,A英国,故选A。28、句意:海口在海南_。根据First we went to Haikou. Its in the north of Hainan.,可知海口在海南北部,C北部,故选C。29、句意:玲玲和兰兰上周参观了_个地方。根据第二段可知玲玲和兰兰上周参观了四个地方,A四,故选A。30、句意:玲玲和她的朋友在_的海里游泳。根据The next day, we went to Sanya and we swam in the sea.,可知玲玲和她的朋友在三亚的海里游泳,B三亚,故选B。【点睛】

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