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1、一、单项选择1What do children usually do at Halloween? ()They usually _ and shout “Trick or Treat!” for _.Aput on; sweetsBdress up; cakesCdress up;sweets2How _ your uncle _ to the park? ()Adoes; goesBdo; goingCdoes; go3Can you _ your bike _ me? ()Ashow; forBshow; toCshowing; with4Its time _ go to school.

2、()AtoBatCfor5In _, we ask “Where is the toilet?” ()AChinaBRussiaCthe UKDthe US6Look! The twins _ model planes at home. ()Aare makeBmakeCare making7They live near school. They go to school _ every day. ()Aon footBby trainCby bus8How is the soup? ()It _. Its bad for me.Asmells niceBis just rightCis to

3、o cold9_ is Ben doing now? ()He is helping Mr Green in the classroom.AWhereBWhyCWhat10I think this birthday cake is Mikes. 划线部分发音不同的一项是:()AthinkBthisCbirthday11My friends _ their parents _ presents at Christmas. ()Agives; toBgive; /Cgive; for12Whats wrong with the rabbits _? () She cant hear well.Ae

4、arsBnoseCneckDeyes13There _ any potatoes on the table. ()AisBisntCareDarent14Whats Liu Tao _ in the fridge? ()Alook forBlooking forClooks for15I come to school _. ()Aby bikeBby a bikeCby the bike二、用单词适当形式填空16Who _ (teach) you English this term?Miss Li.17There _ (be) an elephant and some tigers in th

5、e zoo.18My father _ (play) basketball every afternoon.19_ (Jim) birthday is on the first of May.20Where is your granddaughter?She _ (listen) to music in her bedroom.21Tom _ (make) the bed now.22The soup is ready!Wow, it _ (smell) nice.23She wants _ (wash) dishes for her parents.24_ (do) Jack _ (take

6、) the bus to school every day?Yes, he often goes to school _ a bus.25I want _ (cook) some soup. Would you like _ (any) soup?26Jims parents often _ (watch) TV on Sundays.27Let us _ (go) to the party now.28Dont talk! The babies _ (sleep).29He wants _ (take) the bus to the supermarket.30Su Hais good fr

7、iend wants _ (visit) her new home.三、完成句子31We are _ (擦洗) the classroom now. Everyone is _ (忙的).32Do the shoes f_ your feet? No, they dont.33My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse. They both work in a h_.34The password is not easy, but Bobby has all the a_.35Today is Sunday. My mother is doing so

8、me h_ at home.36My mothers birthday is on the f_ of January. Its on New Years Day.37My mother is washing some _ (蔬菜).38The rabbits ear hurts. She cant h_ well now.39You _ (应该) have a rest.40The bus stop is on the _ (街道).四、阅读判断Today is Sunday. All of us go to school early, but we have no classes. Our

9、 teachers are going to take us to the zoo. We take buses there. We get there at nine thirty. How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills and a big lake. Its spring now, so the flowers are coming out. There are many people there too. We like to watch monkeys. They are playing on the hi

10、lls or having oranges, bananas and apples. We are having a good time there. We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.1、The students get to the zoo in the morning. ( )2、The students have lunch at home. ( )3、The students go to the zoo because today is Saturday and they have no classes. ( )4、The stud

11、ents stay in the zoo for four hours. ( )5、The students go to the zoo by bus. ( )五、阅读判断There is an interesting festival in China. On that day, people in some places have dragon boat races. The dragon boat is quite long. The front of the boat is like the head of a dragon. Each team has about thirty me

12、mbers. And there is a man beating the drum(击鼓) on the boat. Its an exiting race, especially when they are reaching the finishing line. The audience(观众) beside the lake shout for their favourite Team. From this match, we have the name of the festivalthe Dragon Boat Festival. This festival has another

13、 nameDuanwu Festival. It has a story. The story is about a poet called Qu Yuan. And people often eat rice dumplings at this festival to memorialize(纪念) him.46、The name of this interesting festival is _. ()AChinese New YearBthe Mid- Autumn FestivalCthe Dragon Boat Festival 47、The name of the festival

14、 comes from _. ()Athe boat racesBthe dragon boat racesCthe boat like a dragon48、There is always a man on the boat to _. ()Ashout for the membersBhelp the membersCbeat the drum for the members49、The story of the Duanwu Festival is about a poet called _. ()AQu YuanBLi BaiCDu Fu50、At the Dragon Boat Fe

15、stival, people usually eat _. ()Apumpkin piesBmoon cakesCrice dumplings六、阅读理解Its late at night. Arthur is sitting on his bed and hes looking at his clock. His neighbors(邻居) are making a lot of noise, and Arthur is very angry(生气). The people in Apartment(公寓) 2 are dancing. The man in Apartment 3 is d

16、oing cleaning in his living room. The woman in Apartment 4 is practicing the violin. The children in Apartment 5 are listening to loud music.The dog in Apartment 6 is barking. And the people in Apartment 7 are having a big argument(吵架). Its very late and Arthur is tired and angry. What a terrible ni

17、ght!51、Arthurs neighbors are _. ()AnoisyBangryCsingingDsleeping52、The man in Apartment 3 is _ his apartment. ()ApaintingBcleaningCwashingDrepairing53、Arthur isnt very _. ()AangryBtiredChappyDfriendly54、The dog in Apartment 6 is _. ()AsleepingBeatingCreadingDbarking55、The woman in Apartment 4 is play

18、ing _. ()AcardsBthe violinCtennisDfootball七、阅读理解 Once there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died. Father and son walked because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired. They met two men on t

19、he road who said, “Why are you walking, farmer? Its a long way to the market. You should ride on it.” The farmer knew that this was true, so he rode on the horse while his son walked. Then they met two old women, “What are you doing up there, farmer? Cant you see how tired the boy is?” So the farmer

20、 got down and his son rode inside instead. Next, three old men stopped them, one said, “Why are you walking, farmer? Get up. Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today.” So the farmer got up behind his son and they rode on. Some time later, a young woman passed them, “Why arent you walking?”

21、She asked, “It isnt far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest.” So the farmer and his son got down once again. It is a fact that you cannot please all the people all the time.56、The farmer wanted to sell the horse _. ()Abefore it was deadBbefore it become too tiredCbefore the market was over57、

22、The two men on the road _. ()Aasked how far it was to the market.Bsaid they thought the horse looked very tired.Casked why the farmer was not riding on his horse.58、The two old women said it was wrong for _. ()Athe farmer to ride such a tired horse.Bthe farmer to ride instead of his son.Cthe boy to

23、ride instead of his father.59、The farmer got up behind his son because _. ()Athree old men said it was too hot for him to walk.Bthe three old men stopped them on the road.Che did not know why he was walking.60、The young woman was most sorry _. ()Afor the old manBfor the farmers young sonCfor the hor

24、se【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【详解】句意:孩子们通常在万圣节做什么?他们通常_而且为了_喊着“不给糖就捣蛋!”。put on穿上,后面加具体的衣物;dress up乔装打扮;cakes蛋糕;sweets糖果;根据节日常识可知,在万圣节,孩子们盛装打扮,为了糖果高声喊着“不给糖果就捣乱!”。选项C符合题意,故选C。2C解析:C【详解】句意:你的叔叔怎么去公园?句子是一般现在时的特殊疑问句,前面要用助动词引导,主语your uncle是第三人称单数,助动词用does,后面的实意动词go要用原形。选项C符合题意,故选C。3B解析:B【详解】句意:你能把你的自行车展示给我看吗?情态动词Ca

25、n后面跟动词原形,排除C选项;show sth. to sb.把某物展示给某人看,为固定搭配,故选B。4A解析:A【详解】句意:该去上学了。Its time to+动词原形,该是做某事的时间了,A选项符合题意,故选A。5C解析:C【详解】句意:在_,我们问“厕所在哪里?”China中国,Russia俄罗斯,the UK英国,the US美国,根据常识,可知在英国,我们问“厕所在哪里?”故选C。【点睛】6C解析:C【详解】句意:看!双胞胎正在家里做飞机模型。根据Look!,可知后一句是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,make的现在分词是making,故选C。【点睛】7A解析


27、友在圣诞节给他们的父母送礼物。give sb sth/give sth to sb给某人某物,固定句型,根据句子结构可知该句是give sb sth句型,故选B。12A解析:A【详解】句意:兔子的_怎么样?她听不清楚。A耳朵,B鼻子,C脖子,D眼睛,根据答语可知问句问耳朵怎么样,故选A。13D解析:D【详解】句意:桌子上有没有土豆。本题考查there be句型,根据any可知句子是否定句,横线后是复数,be用are,are的否定形式是arent,故选D。14B解析:B【详解】句意:刘涛正在冰箱里找什么?横线处的动词用现在分词形式,与is构成现在进行时,looking是look的现在分词,故选B

28、。15A解析:A【详解】句意:我_来学校。by bike骑自行车,固定介词搭配,故选A。二、用单词适当形式填空16will teach【详解】句意:这学期谁教你英语?李老师。teach教,根据时间this term可知该句可用一般将来时,will do结构。故答案为will teach。17is【详解】句意:动物园里有一头大象和一些老虎。该句是there be句型,there be句型遵循就近原则,be动词由最靠近它的名词单复数决定。an elephant是单数,所以be动词用is,故答案为is。18plays【详解】句意:我父亲每天下午都打篮球。根据every afternoon可知时态是一

29、般现在时,所以谓语动词play要用第三人称单数plays,故答案为plays。19Jims【详解】句意:吉姆的生日在5月1日。该空做birthday的定语,用所有格形式Jims。故答案为Jims。20is listening【详解】句意:你的孙女在哪儿?她在卧室听音乐。根据句意可知该句表达的是正在做的事情,故时态应为现在进行时,其句型结构为be+动词的现在分词,根据主语she可知be动词用is,listen的现在分词是listening,故答案为is listening。21is making【详解】句意:汤姆现在正在铺床。now是现在进行时的标志词,其结构:主语+be+doing+其他,主语

30、Tom是第三人称单数,be动词用is,make的现在分词是making,故答案为is making。22smells【详解】句意:汤准备好了!哇,它闻起来很好。smell闻起来,该句是一般现在时,主语it是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式smells。故答案为smells。23to wash【详解】句意:她想要为她的父母洗碗。本题考查want用法,想要做某事want+to+动词原形。故所给动词洗wash用不定式to wash,故答案为to wash。24D解析: Does take on【详解】句意:杰克每天乘公交车去上学吗?是的,他经常乘公交车去上学。根据问句句意可知这是一般现在时

31、,句中有谓语动词take,所以一般疑问句要借助助动词,主语是Jack第三人称单数,助动词用does,后加动词原形take,答句中已经有谓语动词goes,所以乘公交车可以用介词短语on a bus,故答案为Does;take;on。25 to cook some【详解】句意:我想要做一些汤。你想要一些汤吗?第一个空所给单词是动词cook,想要做某事用want+to+动词原形,故填to cook。第二个空所给单词any一般用于否定句和疑问句,some一般用于肯定句,但是这里是提出建议和请求并想要得到对方肯定回答的疑问句,所以用some,故第故答案为to cook;some。26watch【详解】句

32、意:吉姆的父母经常在周日看电视。根据句意可知本题是一般现在时,主语是吉姆的父母,名词复数,动词用原形,故答案为watch。27go【详解】句意:让我们现在去派对吧。let us后跟动词原形,故答案为go。28D解析:are sleeping【详解】句意:不要说话!宝宝们在睡觉。根据Dont talk!可知后面句子是现在进行时,现在进行时结构be+动词的现在分词,主语The babies是复数形式,be动词用are,sleep的现在分词是sleeping。故答案为are sleeping。29to take【详解】句意:他想坐公共汽车去超市,want to do sth想做某事,故答案为to t

33、ake。30to visit【详解】句意:苏海的好朋友想参观她的新家。 根据句意想要做某事want+to+动词原形,故答案为to visit。三、完成句子31 cleaning busy【详解】句意:我们现在正在擦洗教室。每个人都很忙。根据题干中now可知第一句时态为现在进行时,其句型结构为be+动词的现在分词,擦洗clean,其现在分词为cleaning,忙的busy,形容词,故答案为cleaning;busy。32fit#it【详解】句意:鞋子适合你的脚吗?不,它们不合适。由句意和首字母提示可知考查单词fit适合,do是助动词,后面动词用原形,故答案为fit。33hospital#ospi



36、为street。四、阅读判断41F解析:1、T2、F3、F4、F5、T【解析】短文介绍了星期日老师带我们去动物园看动物的过程。1、题干句意:学生们上午到达动物园。根据短文内容Our teachers are going to take us to the zoo. We get there at nine thirty.我们的老师要带我们去动物园。我们九点三十分到达那里。可知与短文内容相符,故答案为T。2、题干句意:学生们在家吃午饭。根据短文内容We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.我们下午三点离开动物园。可知午饭没有在家吃,与短文内容不相符,故

37、答案为F。3、题干句意:学生们去动物园,因为今天是星期六,他们没有课。根据短文内容Today is Sunday. All of us go to school early, but we have no classes今天是星期日。我们所有人都早点上学,但是我们没有课。可知与短文内容不相符,故答案为F。4、题干句意:学生们在动物园呆了四个小时。根据短文内容We get there at nine thirty. We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.我们九点三十分到达那里。我们下午三点离开动物园。可知在动物园呆了五个多小时,与短文内容不相符,故

38、答案为F。5、题干句意:学生们乘公共汽车去动物园。根据短文内容We take buses there.我们坐公共汽车去那里。可知与短文内容相符,故答案为T。【点睛】五、阅读判断解析:46、C47、B48、C49、A50、C【导语】本文主要讲述了中国的端午节。46、句意:这个有趣的节日叫_。A新年,B中秋节,C端午节。根据“From this match, we have the name of the festivalthe Dragon Boat Festival.”从那个比赛以后,我们把这个节日叫端午节。故选C。47、句意:这个节日的名字来自_。A划船比赛,B龙舟比赛,C像龙一样的船。根据

39、“On that day, people in some places have dragon boat races.”在那天,人们在一些地方举行龙舟比赛;和根据“From this match, we have the name of the festivalthe Dragon Boat Festival.”从那个比赛以后,我们把这个节日叫端午节。故选B。48、句意:总是有一个男的在船上_。A为参赛员们呐喊,B帮助参赛员,C为参赛员击鼓。根据“And there is a man beating the drum(击鼓) on the boat. ”有一个人在船上击鼓,故选C。49、句意:

40、关于端午节的故事的诗人叫_。A屈原,B李白,C杜甫。根据“The story is about a poet called Qu Yuan.”这个故事是关于诗人屈原的,故选A。50、句意:在端午节,人们通常吃_。A南瓜饼,B月饼,C粽子。根据“And people often eat rice dumplings at this festival to memorialize(纪念) him.”人们吃粽子纪念屈原,故选C。六、阅读理解解析:51、A52、B53、C54、D55、B【分析】文章大意:在一个晚上,亚瑟的邻居们弄出了各种噪音,导致他无法睡觉。51、句意:亚瑟的邻居们是_。根据文中句子

41、His neighbors(邻居) are making a lot of noise可知他的邻居们弄出了各种噪音,是吵闹的。A. noisy吵闹的;B. angry生气的; C. singing唱歌;D. sleeping睡觉。故选A。52、句意:3号公寓的人正在_他的公寓。根据文中句子The man in Apartment 3 is doing cleaning in his living room.可知3号公寓的人正在打扫他的公寓。A. painting绘画;B. cleaning打扫;C. washing洗;D. repairing修理。故选B。53、句意:亚瑟不是很_。根据文中句子

42、Arthur is tired and angry.可知亚瑟很累很生气。A. angry生气的;B. tired累的;C. happy开心的;D. friendly友好的。故选C。54、句意:6号公寓的那只狗正在_。根据文中句子The dog in Apartment 6 is barking.可知6号公寓的狗在叫。A. sleeping睡觉;B. eating吃东西;C. reading读书;D. barking叫。故选D。55、句意:4号公寓的女人正在演奏_。根据文中句子The woman in Apartment 4 is practicing the violin.可知4号公寓的女人正

43、在练习小提琴。A. cards卡片;B. the violin小提琴;C. tennis网球;D. football足球。故选B。七、阅读理解解析:56、A57、C58、B59、B60、C【分析】短文大意:短文主要讲述一对没有主见的父子在卖马的路上发生的故事。56、句意:农民想要卖掉马_。由短文He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died.可知农民想在马死了之前把马卖了。A在它死之前,B在它变得太累之前,C在市场关门之前,故选A。57、句意:路上的两个男人_。由短文They met two men on

44、 the road who said, “Why are you walking, farmer? 可知路上的两个男人问为什么他们不骑马,A问离市场多远。B说他们认为马看起来很累。C问他们为什么不骑马。故选C。58、句意:这两位老太太说_不对的。由短文hen they met two old women, “What are you doing up there, farmer? Cant you see how tired the boy is?”可知这两位老太太问农夫为什么骑马而儿子在走路,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。59、句意:农夫站在他儿子后面,因为_。由短文Next, three old men stopped them, one said, “Why are you walking, farmer? Get up. Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today.” So the farmer got up behind his son and they rode on.可知是因为三个男人拦住了他们,结合选项B符合题意,故选B。60、句意:这位年轻女人非常抱歉_。由短文

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