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1、小学英语五年级上册期末模拟模拟试题测试卷一、单项选择1Tom _ every evening. He likes _. ()Aread books; readingBis reading books; readsCreads books; is readingDreads books; reading2What _ she like doing?()She _ reading stories.Ado; likesBdoes; likeCdoes; likes3Childrens Day is coming. I buy some things _ my friends. ()AforBtoCg

2、ive4Whats your hobby, Mike? ()I like _ pictures.AdrawBdrawingCto drawing5Are there _ apples in the basket? ()Yes, there are _.Aany; someBany; anyCsome; some6The twins _ like Maths, but the boys in their class _ like PE. ()Aall; bothBboth;allCboth;also7Su Hai is really good at _. ()AdrawsBsingCskatin

3、g8What do your parents like _? ()They _ like reading. Adoing; allBdo; bothCdoing; both9The _ works on the _. ()Afarmers; farmBfarm; farmersCfarmer; farmDfarmer; farms10A: What _ Lucy like _? ()B: She likes drawing pictures.Adoes; doingBis; doingCdoes; do11Its seven, Jack. Its time _ have breakfast.

4、()AtoBforCat12At Christmas, people _ Christmas songs. ()AsingsBsingingCsing13My father and my mother _ work on Sundays. ()AdoesntBarentCdont14When _ the film _? ()At ten oclock.Adoes; beginBdo; beginCis; begin15Mr Turkey _ sad. Whats wrong with _? ()Alooks; himBlooks; heClook; him二、用单词适当形式填空16What w

5、ould you like _ (eat)?17_ (potato) are my favourite food.18My father can _ (play) football on Sundays.19I am a _ (friend) girl.20I like _ (potato).21Sara has _ (dance) lessons and she can _ (dance) well.22Mary _ (dance) very well. She has dancing lessons at school.23The art room is on the _ (three)

6、floor. There are _ (three) pianos in the room.24There _ (be) any bread in the fridge, but there _ (be) some cakes in it.25_ (do) the fish have a big tail?No, but it can _ (swim) fast.26His sister likes _ (dance). She can _ (dance) very well.27They are _ (teach) of our school.28I _ (have) a parrot. M

7、y brother _ (have) a dog.29Nancy usually _ (buy) some things _ (four) us.30How many _ (library) are there in _ (you) school?三、完成句子31Can you play in the _? Yes, we can. 32What does your brother like d_?He likes r_ stories. He has a l_ of books.33(should / shouldnt) _34I know a great Italian _. 35Mike

8、 s_ (有时) goes to the park with his family on Sundays.36Tom is a new s _. Please show h _ around our s _.37We usually _ (上舞蹈课) after school.38My sister and I _ (都喜欢跳舞)39My mother is a good writer. She always _ _ (写故事) at home every day.40Sam likes drawing and now he is in the _ room.四、阅读判断Lily and Lu

9、cy are twins, Theyre 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Lily likes watching TV. Lucy likes listening to music. They both like reading books. Lily likes reading storybooks, but Lucy likes reading comic books. On Sundays, they usually fly kites in the park. They can pla

10、y with their friends. Sometimes their parents go there, too.41、Lily and Lucy look the same but they have different hobbies. ( )42、Lily and Lucy both like listening to music. ( )43、Lily and Lucy likes reading the same books. ( )44、Lily and Lucy usually fly kites in the park on Saturdays. ( )45、The tw

11、ins sometimes go to the zoo with their parents. ( )五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Its Sunday. Mike and I go to the supermarket. Then we want to go to the bookshop. But we dont know how to get to the bookshop. We ask the policeman in the street for help. He tells us to walk along Renmin Road, and turn right a

12、t the fourth crossing. Then we walk and walk, but we dont see the bookshop. We are too tired, so we take a taxi. We tell the taxi driver, “Please take us to the bookshop.” The taxi driver laughs and says, “The bookshop is over there, you may get off now.”46、Mike and I go to the bookshop on Saturday.

13、 ( )47、Mike and I want to go to the bookshop. ( )48、The policeman tells us the way to the supermarket. ( )49、Mike and I go to the bookshop by taxi. ( )50、The driver doesnt know the way to the bookshop. ( )六、阅读理解There are many kangaroos in Australia and they are not only in zoos. You can see them eve

14、rywhere outside the cities. Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. Their tails are very strong, too. So when they want to have a rest(休息), they rest on their tails. Kangaroos are also very good at looking after their babies. They eat grass, leaves(树叶), roots(根) and some p

15、lants(植物). Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.51、There are many kangaroos in _. ()Athe USBAustraliaCChina52、Kangaroos are good at _. ()AdancingBjumpingCrunning53、Kangaroos rest _. ()Awith their legsBon their legsCon their tails54、_ keeps the babies safe in the pockets. ()AMothe

16、r kangaroosBFather kangaroosCSister kangaroos55、Kangaroos eat _. ()Aroots and leavesBgrass and plantsCboth A and B七、阅读理解The Monkey Buffet Festival(猴子自助餐节) is on the last Sunday of NovemberIt is a great day for monkeys in Thailand(泰国). People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them. So, to th

17、ank monkeys, they have this special festival.Every year on that day, people put lots of fruit, vegetables, cakes and even drinks on the tables outside. They are all for monkeys. Many people come to see the monkeys on that day. During the festival, there are a lot of interesting activities about monk

18、eys. Young people are always dressed up as monkeys and they sing, dance and play music in the street.Monkeys always live in groups. Most of them live in the trees. They are good at running and jumping. They eat fruit, vegetables, flowers and birds eggs. Monkeys are clever animals. Do you think so?46

19、、The Monkey Buffet Festival is on _.Athe first Saturday of NovemberBthe last Saturday of NovemberCthe first Sunday of NovemberDthe last Sunday of November47、People have the special festival because they think monkeys _.Aare cuteBcan work for themCare cleverDcan bring good luck48、On that day, young p

20、eople always _.Aeat all kinds of foodsBsing, dance and play music in the streetCplay with monkeysDrun and jump49、Of the four kinds of foods, monkeys dont eat _.AbeefBbananasCbirds eggsDapples50、What does the passage(短文)mainly(主要地)talk about?AMonkeys are clever animals.BMonkeys favourite food.CA fest

21、ival for monkeys.DMonkeys in Thailand.【参考答案】一、单项选择1D解析:D【详解】句意:汤姆每天晚上读书。他喜欢读书。根据every evening可知该句是一般现在时,主语Tom是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,read的第三人称单数形式为reads;like doing sth喜欢做某事,后跟动名词形式,read的动名词为reading;故选D。【点睛】2C解析:C【详解】句意:她喜欢做什么?她喜欢读书。like是实义动词,主语she是单数第三人称,故助动词用does,答语主语she是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,like原形

22、;likes第三人称单数;故选C。【点睛】3A解析:A【详解】句意:儿童节将要来了。我买了一些东西_我的朋友。根据buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物,可知该空填介词for,故选A。【点睛】4B解析:B【详解】句意:你的爱好是什么,迈克?我喜欢_画。根据like doing sth.喜欢做某事,可知该空填动名词,B选项是动名词,故选B。【点睛】5A解析:A【详解】句意:篮子里有苹果吗?是的,有一些。any一些,用于疑问句或否定句;some一些,用于肯定句;问句为there be句型的一般疑问句,故用any修饰,答语为肯定句,故用some修饰,故选A。【点睛】6B解析:B【详解】句意:双

23、胞胎都喜欢数学,但是她们班的男生都喜欢体育。all三者或以上都,both两者都,also也,选项B符合题意,故选B。7C解析:C【详解】句意:苏海真的擅长_。A画,第三人称单数形式;B唱歌,动词原形;C滑冰,现在分词或者动名词。at是介词,后面跟动名词形式,故选C。【点睛】8C解析:C【详解】句意:你父母亲喜欢做什么?他们都喜欢读书。like doing sth喜欢做某事,后跟动名词形式,all3,both两者都,故选C。【点睛】9C解析:C【详解】句意:那位农民在农场里工作。此题考查名词单数,因为动词用的第三人称单数形式,farmer农民,farm农场,故选C。【点睛】10A解析:A【详解】

24、句意:露西喜欢做什么?她喜欢画画。like是动词原形,第一个空不能填系动词is,排除B;like to do sth/like doing sth喜欢做某事,排除C。故选A。【点睛】11A解析:A【详解】句意:现在是七点了,杰克。该吃早饭了。本题考查固定搭配,Its time to do sth.该做某事了。故选A。12C解析:C【详解】本题考查动词形式。句意:在圣诞节,人们唱圣诞赞歌。A选项是第三人称单数形式,B选项是现在分词形式,C选项是原形。结合选项可知本句是一般现在时,主语是第三人称复数,因此动词用原形,故选C。13C解析:C【详解】句意:我爸爸和妈妈周日不工作。本题考查助动词。根据o

25、n Sundays可知,句子为一般现在时。由于句中实义动词work为原形,因此变否定时需加助动词dont。故选C。14A解析:A【详解】句意:电影什么时候开始?在十点。begin是实义动词动词,主语电影film是单数,一般疑问句借助助动词does,故选A。15A解析:A【详解】句意:火鸡先生看起来很伤心。他怎么了?主语Mr Turkey是第三人称单数,后面的动词用第三人称单数形式looks,排除C;with是介词,后面的人称代词用宾格him,排除B。故选A。二、用单词适当形式填空16to eat【详解】句意:你想要吃什么?would like to do想要做某事,所以是动词不定式,故答案为t

26、o eat。17Potatoes【详解】句意:土豆是我最喜欢的食物。根据are可知potato用复数potatoes,故答案为Potatoes。【点睛】18play【详解】句意:我的爸爸在周日可以踢足球。此题考查情态动词后加动词原形,故答案为play。【点睛】19friendly【详解】句意:我是一个友好的女孩。friend朋友,名词,横线处填形容词friendly修饰名词,故答案为friendly。【点睛】20potatoes【详解】句意:我喜欢土豆。本题表泛指,potato用复数potatoes,故答案为potatoes。【点睛】21 dancing dance【详解】句意:萨拉有舞蹈课,

27、她会跳舞。本题考查名词词组和动词原形。第一个空,舞蹈课用名词词组dancing lessons表示,该空应填dancing。第二个空,情态动词can后面加动词原形,该空应填dance。故答案为dancing;dance。22dances【详解】句意:玛丽跳舞跳得很好。她在学校上舞蹈课。根据句意可知本题考查一般现在时,主语Mary是第三人称单数,dance用第三人称单数形式dances,故答案为dances。23 third three【详解】句意:美术教室在三楼。在房间里有三架钢琴。表示楼层用序数词,three对应的序数词是third,基数词表示数量,所以第二空用three,故答案为third

28、;three。24 isnt are【详解】句意:冰箱里_没有面包,但是它里面_一些蛋糕。根据句意,可知句子是there be句型,时态可以是一般现在时,由句中的any,可知第一句是否定句,横线后面的bread是不可数名词,否定用be动词is否定形式isnt,由句中的some,可知第二句是肯定句,横线后面的cakes是名词复数,be动词用are,故答案为isnt;are。25D解析: Does swim【详解】句意:这条鱼有一条大尾巴吗?不,但是它能游得很快。根据句意,可知句子是一般现在时,主语the fish是第三人称单数,助动词用does,句首开头大写,第一空为Does,情态动词can后面

29、接动词原形,第二空为swim,故答案为Does;swim。26 dancing#to dance dance【详解】句意:他的妹妹喜欢跳舞。她跳舞跳得很好。like doing/to do sth喜欢做某事,dance动名词为dancing,第一空为dancing/to dance;句中的情态动词can后面接动词原形,第二空为dance,故答案为dancing/to dance;dance。【点睛】27teachers【详解】句意:他们是我们学校的老师。根据句意,可知该空考查teach名词teacher老师,由主语they可知该空为名词复数形式teachers,故答案为teachers。【点睛

30、】28 have has【详解】句意:我有一只鹦鹉。我的哥哥/弟弟有一只狗。主语I是第一人称,谓语动词用动词原形;主语My brother是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式has,故答案为have;has。【点睛】29 buys for【详解】句意:南希通常给我们买一些东西。根据句中的usually,可知句子是一般现在时,主语Nancy是第三人称单数,谓语动词用动词的第三人称单数,buy第三人称单数为buys,给某人东西用介词for,故答案为buys;for。【点睛】30 libraries your【详解】句意:在_学校里有多少个_?how many意为多少,其后应接名词复数libr

31、aries,意为图书馆,结合句意和提示可知,第二个空应用形容词性物主代词your,意为你的。故答案为libraries;your。三、完成句子31playground【详解】句意:你们可以在玩吗?是的,我们可以。图片为操场playground,故答案为playground。【点睛】32 doing#oing reading#eading lot#ot【详解】句意:你的哥哥/弟弟喜欢做什么?他喜欢读故事。他有很多书。根据题意可知,第一空和第二空考查动名词,like doing sth喜欢做某事,根据首字母和所给图片提示可知,第一空填doing做,第二空填reading读,第三空考查介词固定搭配,

32、a lot of许多,故答案为doing;reading;lot。33The boy shouldnt play in the box.【详解】由所给图片可知男孩不应该在盒子里玩,句子时态为一般现在时,故答案为The boy shouldnt play in the box.【点睛】34hospital【详解】句意:我知道一家很棒的意大利医院。根据图片可以看出是医院hospital,前面有a限定,故用单数形式,故答案为hospital。35sometimes#ometimes【详解】句意:迈克有时星期天和家人一起去公园。根据汉语意思和字母提示可知,sometimes有时,符合题意,故答案为so

33、metimes。36 student#tudent him#im school#chool【详解】句意:汤姆是一个新_。请带他参观我们的_。第一空根据句意及首字母可知该空填单数名词student,意思是学生;show是动词,后面跟人称代词宾格形式,Tom是男孩,所以第二空填him;第三空根据句意及首字母s,可知考查名词school,故答案为student;him;school。37have dancing lessons【详解】句意:我们通常在放学后上舞蹈课。上舞蹈课have dancing lessons,根据usually可知该句是一般现在时,主语We是复数,故谓语动词用原形,故答案为ha

34、ve dancing lessons。【点睛】38both like dancing【详解】句意:我的姐姐/妹妹和我都喜欢跳舞。两者都用不定代词both,喜欢like,跳舞dance,like doing sth喜欢做某事,故答案为both like dancing。39 writes stories【详解】句意:我的妈妈是一名优秀的作家。每天她总是在家写故事。句子时态为一般现在时,主语为My mother,因此动词应用第三人称单数形式writes,由always可知表示经常发生的动作,因此故事story应用复数形式stories,故答案为writes stories。【点睛】40art【详解

35、】句意:萨姆喜欢画画,现在他在_房间里。根据语境和画室的图片内容可知:the art room画室、艺术室,符合题意,故答案为art。四、阅读判断41F解析:41、T42、F43、F44、F45、F【分析】文章主要描写了双胞胎Lily和Lucy虽然看起来一样,但是爱好却不同。41、句意:Lily和Lucy看起来一样,但是他们有不同的爱好。根据文中句子They look the same. But they have different hobbies.可知她们看起来一样但是有不同的爱好。故答案为T。42、句意:Lily和Lucy都喜欢听音乐。根据文中句子Lily likes watching

36、TV. Lucy likes listening to music.可知Lily喜欢看电视。Lucy喜欢听音乐。故答案为F。43、句意:Lily和Lucy喜欢读一样的书。根据文中句子Lily likes reading storybooks, but Lucy likes reading comic books.可知Lily喜欢读故事书,但是Lucy喜欢读漫画书。所以她们喜欢读的书不一样,故答案为F。44、句意:Lily和Lucy在星期六通常在公园里放风筝。根据文中句子On Sundays, they usually fly kites in the park.可知星期日她们通常在公园里放风筝

37、。不是星期六,故答案为F。45、句意:双胞胎有时和她们的父母去动物园。根据文中句子On Sundays, they usually fly kites in the park.Sometimes their parents go there, too.可知她们是去公园,不是动物园。故答案为F。【点睛】五、阅读判断42F解析:46、F47、T48、F49、F50、F六、阅读理解解析:51、B52、B53、C54、A55、C【分析】短文主要介绍了袋鼠。51、句意:在_有许多袋鼠。A美国,B澳大利亚,C中国。根据文中句子There are many kangaroos in Australia an

38、d they are not only in zoos.可知澳大利亚有很多袋鼠,它们不仅在动物园里。故选B。52、句意:袋鼠擅长_。A跳舞,B跳,C跑。根据文中句子Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good at jumping. 可知袋鼠擅长跳,故选B。53、句意:袋鼠休息_。A用它们的腿,B在它们的腿上,C在它们的尾巴上。根据文中句子So when they want to have a rest(休息), they rest on their tails. 可知袋鼠休息在它们的尾巴上,故选C。54、句意:_会把宝宝放在口袋

39、里。A袋鼠妈妈,B袋鼠爸爸,C袋鼠姐姐/妹妹。根据文中句子Mother Kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pockets.可知袋鼠妈妈将它们的宝宝都放在它们的口袋里保持安全,故选A。55、句意:袋鼠吃_。A根和叶子,B草和植物,C根、叶子、草和植物。根据文中句子 They eat grass, leaves(树叶), roots(根) and some plants(植物).可知袋鼠吃草,树叶,根和一些植物,故选C。【点睛】七、阅读理解解析:46、D47、D48、B49、A50、C【解析】46、问题句意为猴子自助餐节在什么时候?根据短文The

40、Monkey Buffet Festival(猴子自助餐节) is on the last Sunday of November猴子自助餐节在十一月最后一个周日。可只为D,故答案为D。47、问题句意为人们有特别的节日,因为他们认为猴子可以带来什么?根据短文People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them. 在那里人们认为猴子可以给他们带来好运。可知为D。故答案为D。48、问题句意为在那一天,人们总是怎样?根据短文Young people are always dressed up as monkeys and they sing, d

41、ance and play music in the street. 人们打扮的像猴子,他们在街上唱歌、跳舞、演奏音乐。可知为B。故答案为B。49、问题句意为在四种食物里,猴子不吃什么?根据短文They eat fruit, vegetables, flowers and birds eggs.他们吃水果、蔬菜、花和鸟蛋。可知为A牛肉。故答案为A。50、问题句意为这段话主要讲了什么?A. Monkeys are clever animals.猴子很聪明B. Monkeys favourite food.猴子最喜欢的食物C. A festival for monkeys.一个为猴子的特别节日D. Monkeys in Thailand.泰国的猴子,根据短文内容可知为C。故答案为C。

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