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1、北师大版英语五年级下学期期末质量提高试卷测试题(带答案)一、单项选择1My favourite festival is _. I can eat rice cakes. ()ASpring FestivalBDouble Ninth FestivalCMid-Autumn Festival2Nancy doesnt go to school today. Whats wrong with her? ()Her leg _. She _ stay in bed.Ahurts; has toBhurt: shouldChurts; shouldnt3Linda is not at school.

2、Whats wrong with _? ()She is ill. She is in hospital.AsheBherCheDhim4Theres a new film in the cinema. Its funny. ()Really? _ Lets go.AI dont like it.BIm busy.CI cant wait.5They live near school. They go to school _ every day. ()Aon footBby trainCby bus6Mike is _ his toy ship _ his friends now. ()Ash

3、ow; withBshowing; toCshowing; for7Oh, its nine oclock in the evening. Its late, I _ go to bed now. ()AshouldntBcantChave to8There _ some water in the bottle. ()AisBamCare9_ they playing sports? ()AAreBDoCWill10Why do you look so tired? ()Because I cant _.Aeat sweetsBdrink waterCgo to sleepDgo sleep1

4、1That girl _ so sad. Her hand _. ()Alook; hurtBlooks; hurtsClooks; hurtDlook; hurts12Whats the matter with _? ()He _ a toothache.Ahe; haveBhe; hasChim; haveDhim; has13The Double Ninth Festival is _. ()Ain springBin October or NovemberCin November or DecemberDin October14Turn right _ the bus stop _ S

5、un Street. ()Ain; onBat; onCon; at15There _ some bread and milk in the fridge. ()AisBareChave二、用单词适当形式填空16Are you _ (run) in the park now?17We should _ (read) English every morning. Mike reads it every day.18I like eating fish. Id like _ (buy) a fish.19Mum is _ (sweep) the floor now. Let us help her

6、.20We should obey the rules. We _ (should) eat or drink in the library.21He likes _ (ride) a bike in the park.22The teacher _ (come) and the students go away.23Its ten past four. The girls _ (play) games.One of _ (they) _ (hurt) her foot.24The man _ (not know) the way to the hospital. He _ (ask) a d

7、river for help now.25Look, the twin sisters _ (wash) clothes.26Jims parents often _ (watch) TV on Sundays.27Why cant Jim _ (play) with us today?28Dont talk! The babies _ (sleep).29Its Chongyang Festival. The children _ (chat) with the old people in the room now.30The girl _ (try) on this red skirt a

8、nd it fits.三、完成句子31Liu Tao has a toothache. He cant eat a_.32We s_ not play football in the street.33Dinner is r_. Lets eat now.34The password is not easy, but Bobby has all the a_.35I have a toothache. I cant _ (eat) anything. 36_ is the first day of the week.37I _ (感觉) tired. I should _ _ _. (休息一下

9、)38You can _ _ (下车) the bus at the _ _ (第三站).39Children have a lot of f_ at Spring Festival.40Autumn is in September, October and N_.四、阅读判断阅读短文并判断。Lily has a fever. Now she and her mother are in the hospital. The doctor looks over(检查) her carefully. Then he says to her, Dont worry. Youve got a littl

10、e cold. Take some medicine, drink more hot water and have a lot of rest. You can get better soon. But Lily doesnt like taking any medicine. Then her mother says, If you want to get better, take some medicine. All right! Then she takes some medicine.1、Lily is not at school.( )2、Lily has got a little

11、cold.( )3、The doctor tells Lily to take some medicine and drink some cold water.( )4、Lily does not like taking any medicine.( )5、At last, Lily takes some medicine.( )五、阅读判断Reporter: How do you come to school, Mike?Mike: I come to school by bike.Reporter: Do you often play football?Mike: Yes, I do.Re

12、porter: How do you usually come to school, Cindy?Cindy: I usually come to school by school bus. I like talking with my friends on the school bus. Its interesting.46、Mike comes to school _. ()Aby busBon footCby bike47、Cindy usually comes to school _. ()Aby bikeBby school busCby car48、Mike often play

13、_. ()AfootballBbasketballCtable tennis49、Why does Cindy like coming to school by school bus? ()ABecause she likes the school bus.BBecause she likes singing with her friends.CBecause she likes talking with her friends.50、Cindy think its _ to talk with friends on the school bus. ()AbadBinterestingCbor

14、ing (无聊的)六、阅读理解A:Hello, Nancy,Welcometomyhome!B:Thankyou,Mike.Whatsthatoverthere?A:Itsmyfamilyphoto.B:Whosthemanindarkgreen?A:Hesmygrandfather.B:Arethemanandwomanyourparents?A: Yes.Theonewithabignoseismyfather.Theonenexttohimismymother.B:Isthegirlinaredskirtyoursister?A:No,shesmyunclesdaughter.Sheis

15、mycousin,Lily.B:Shelooksyoungandpretty.Isthewomaninawhiteblouseyourgrandmother?A:Yes,sheis.Shesaboutsixtyyearsold.B:Whosthelittlebabyinabluehat?Isheyourbrother?A:No,itsme!51、Howmanypeople(人)arethereinMikesfamilyphoto?()AfourBfiveCsix52、IsMikesmotherinaredskirt?()AYes, sheis.BNo,sheisnt.CIdontknow.53

16、、Wholooksyoungandpretty?()AMikesmotherBMikesgrandmotherCMikescousin.54、IsthebabyinabluehatMikesbrother?()AYes,heis.BNo,heisnt.CIdontknow.55、Whoissixtyyearsold?()AMikesgrandfatherBMikesgrandmotherCMikesuncle.七、阅读理解选出正确的选项Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends. They lived t

17、ogether. One day, a cow came and said, Hello, my friends. There is a football game in the forest tomorrow. Do you want to join us? If you win, youll get much food.”“Really?” The cat and the mouse were very excited. They wanted to take part in this match. So the cat said to the mouse, my dear, I ofte

18、n sleep, sleep, sleep. You get up early every day. Please call me tomorrow.” The mouse said, “Sure.”The next day, the mouse got up. He went to the football match. But he didnt call the cat. At last, the cat was very angry with the mouse.56、_ were good friends. ()AThe cat and the cowBThe mouse and th

19、e cowCThe cat and the mouse57、There was a _ game. ()AbasketballBfootballCvolleyball58、_often got up early. ()AThe CatBThe mouseCThe cow59、_ went to the football match. ()AThe mouseBThe catCThe mouse and the cat60、Did the mouse call the cat? ()AYesBNo.CSorry, I dont know【参考答案】一、单项选择1B解析:B【详解】句意:我最喜欢的

20、节日是_。我可以吃重阳糕。A春节,B重阳节,C中秋节,根据常识可知在重阳节吃重阳糕,故选B。2A解析:A【详解】句意:南希今天没去上学。她怎么了?她的腿疼。她不得不卧床。A动词的第三人称单数;不得不。B动词原形/动词的过去式/动词的过去分词;应该。C动词的第三人称单数;不应该。根据today今天,可知句子为一般现在时态,答语主语Her leg是第三人称单数,第一个空,hurt用第三人称单数形式hurts。排除B选项。第二个空,根据句意,可知C选项不符合题意,A选项符合题意,故选A。3B解析:B【详解】句意:琳达不在学校。她怎么了?她生病了。她在医院里。A她,人称代词主格;B她,人称代词宾格;C

21、他,人称代词主格;D他,人称代词宾格;上句主语Linda是女孩,故CD选项排除,该空做with的宾语,故用宾格形式,故选B。【点睛】4C解析:C【详解】句意:电影院上映一场新电影。很有趣。真的吗?_ 让我们走吧。I dont like it. 我不喜欢。Im busy. 我很忙。I cant wait.我迫不及待了。由句子中lets go可知想去看电影,故选C。【点睛】5A解析:A【详解】句意:他们住在学校附近。每天他们_去上学。A步行,B乘火车,C乘公共汽车,根据句意可知A选项符合,故选A。6B解析:B【详解】句意:麦克正在给他的朋友们展示他的玩具船。该句时态为现在进行时,结构为:be+do

22、ing,show的现在分词为showing,show sth to sb意为向某人展示某物,为固定用法,故选B。7C解析:C【详解】句意:现在是晚上九点,很晚了,我_得去睡觉了。A不应该,B不能,C必须。结合句意和选项可知,此处应用have to,意为不得不,必须,故选C。8A解析:A【详解】句意:瓶子里有一些水。本题考查there be句型,water是不可数名词,be用is,故选A。9A解析:A【详解】句意:他们正在做运动吗?根据playing,可知横线处填Are,构成现在进行时;Do和will后的动词用原形。故选A。10C解析:C【详解】句意:你为什么这么累?因为我不能_。A.eat s

23、weets吃糖;B. drink water 喝水;C.go to sleep睡觉; D. go sleep语法错误;由句子可知是太累的原因的没有睡好,故选C。11B解析:B【详解】句意:那个女孩看起来如此难过。她的手受伤了。第一句中主语是that girl第三人称单数,看起来用第三人称单数looks,第二句中主语是her hand她的手,单数,动词受伤hurt也用第三人称单数hurts,故选B。12D解析:D【详解】句意:他怎么了?他牙疼。with是介词,后面的人称代词用宾格,he对应的宾格是him,答句中主语是第三人称单数,have的第三人称单数形式是has,故选D。13D解析:D【详解】

24、句意:重阳节是在_。A在春天,B在十月或十一月,C在十一月或者十二月,D在十月。根据常识可知,重阳节是农历九月初九,每年都是十月左右。故选D。14B解析:B【详解】句意:在太阳街的公共汽车站右转。turn right at+地点,在某地右转;具体某条街上用介词on。故选B。15A解析:A【详解】句意:冰箱里有一些面包和牛奶。本题考查there be句型,横线后是不可数名词,be用is,故选A。二、用单词适当形式填空16running【详解】句意:你现在正在公园里跑步吗?根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,run的现在分词是running,故答案为runni

25、ng。17read【详解】句意:我们应该每天早上读英语。迈克每天读。should后跟动词原形,故答案为read。18to buy【详解】句意:我喜欢吃鱼。我想买一条鱼。buy买,would like to do sth.想要做某事,后跟不定式。故答案为to buy。19sweeping【详解】句意:妈妈现在正在扫地。让我们帮助她吧。根据now可知句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,sweep的现在分词是sweeping,故答案为sweeping。20shouldnt【详解】句意:我们应该遵守规则。我们_在图书馆吃或喝东西。should应该,根据句中的or可知该句是否定句

26、,故should用否定形式shouldnt。故答案为shouldnt。21riding#to ride【详解】句意:他喜欢在公园里骑自行车。ride骑,like doing sth./like to do sth.喜欢做某事。故答案为riding/to ride。22comes【详解】句意:这个老师来了,学生走了。根据句中动词go用的是原形,可知本题是一般现在时态,前半句主语是the teacher名词单数,动词用第三人称单数comes,故答案为comes。23 are playing them hurts【详解】句意:现在是四点十分。女孩们在玩游戏。其中一个伤了她的脚。根据句意可知,该句为现

27、在进行时,the girls是复数,be动词用复数形式are,动词用-ing形式,第一空填are playing。One of后人称代词用宾格形式,第二空填them。One of后谓语动词用单三形式,第三空填hurts。故答案为are playing;them;hurts。24 doesnt know is asking【详解】句意:这个男人不知道去医院的路。他现在向一个司机寻求帮助。根据句意可知第一句话是一般现在时,主语是the man第三人称单数,动词也用用第三人称单数,故对动词know进行否定要借助助动词doesnt,后加动词原形know,后面一句中now表示正在做某事。用现在进行时,主

28、语+be+动词现在分词+其它。主语是he,be动词用is,后加asking,故答案为doesnt know;is asking。25are washing【详解】句意:看!双胞胎姐妹正在洗衣服。根据句意可知,该句时态为现在进行时,其结构是be+doing,the twin sisters是复数名词,系词用are,wash的现在分词是washing,故答案为are washing。26watch【详解】句意:吉姆的父母经常在周日看电视。根据句意可知本题是一般现在时,主语是吉姆的父母,名词复数,动词用原形,故答案为watch。27play【详解】句意:为什么吉姆今天不能和我们一起玩?cant后跟动

29、词原形,故答案为play。28D解析:are sleeping【详解】句意:不要说话!宝宝们在睡觉。根据Dont talk!可知后面句子是现在进行时,现在进行时结构be+动词的现在分词,主语The babies是复数形式,be动词用are,sleep的现在分词是sleeping。故答案为are sleeping。29are chatting【详解】句意:今天是重阳节。孩子们正在房间里和老人们聊天。由句中now可知句子时态为现在进行时,其构成为be+现在分词,句中主语为the children,因此be动词应用are,chat的现在分词为chatting,故答案为are chatting。【点睛

30、】30tries【详解】句意:女孩试穿这件红色裙子,很合身。try on试穿,动词短语,根据it fits可知该句为一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词try要用单数第三人称形式tries,故答案为tries。【点睛】三、完成句子31anything#nything【详解】句意:刘涛牙疼。他不能吃任何东西。此题考查不定代词,因为是个否定句,用anything,故答案为anything。32should#hould【详解】句意:我们不应该在街道上踢足球。由句意和首字母提示可知考查单词should应该,should是情态动词,故答案为should。33ready#eady【详解】句意:晚饭准备好了

31、。我们现在吃吧。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词ready准备好的,形容词,故答案为ready。34answers#nswers【详解】句意:密码不容易,但鲍比拥有所有的答案。根据句意和首字母可知考查answer答案,前面有all,要用复数answers,故答案为answers。35eat【详解】句意:我牙痛。我不能吃任何东西。I cant+动词原形(+其他),用于描述自己不能做某事。故填eat。36Sunday【详解】句意:_是一周的第一天。结合常识可知,一周的第一天是周日,英语是Sunday,故答案为Sunday。37 feel have#take a rest【详解】句意:我感到累了。我应

32、该休息一下。根据句意句子用一般现在时,feel感觉,主语是第一人称I,所以该空用原形。have a rest/take a rest休息一下,动词短语,should后接动词原形。故答案为feel;have/take;a;rest。【点睛】38 get off third stop【详解】句意:你可以在第三站下公交车。情态动词can后应加动词原形,下车get off,第三站the third stop,故答案为get;off;third;stop。【点睛】39fun / food【详解】句意:在春节孩子们有很多_。由首字母提示可知考查单词fun/food,have a lot of fun玩的开

33、心,have a lot of food吃很多美食,故答案为fun / food。40November【详解】句意:秋天是九月,十月和_。根据句意及首字母提示可知该单词为November十一月,故答案为November。四、阅读判断41F解析:1、T2、T3、F4、T5、T【解析】1、由短文中关键句“Lily has a fever. Now she and her mother are in the hospital.”可知Lily发烧了,她和她妈妈现在正在医院里,也就是不在学校,故为T。2、由短文中关键句“Then he says to her, Dont worry. Youve got

34、 a little cold.”可知Lily有点小感冒,故为T.3、由短文中关键句“Take some medicine, drink more hot water and have a lot of rest.”可知医生建议Lily吃一些药,喝一些热水并多休息,而不是喝冷水,故为F。4、由短文中关键句“But Lily doesnt like taking any medicine.”可知Lily并不喜欢吃一些药,故为T。5、由短文中关键句“ All right!” Then she takes some medicine.”可知虽然Lily不喜欢吃药,但是为了快点好起来,她最终还是吃了药,

35、故为T。五、阅读判断解析:46、C47、B48、A49、C50、B【解析】本文主要讲了迈克和辛蒂来学校的交通方式。46、句意:迈克_来学校。根据Mike: I come to school by bike.,可知迈克骑自行车来学校,选项A是乘公共汽车,选项B为步行,故选C。47、句意:辛蒂通常_来学校。根据Cindy: I usually come to school by school bus.,可知辛蒂通常乘校车来学校,选项A为骑自行车,选项C为乘汽车,故选B。48、句意:迈克经常踢_。根据Reporter: Do you often play football? Mike: Yes, I

36、 do.,可知迈克经常踢足球,选项B为篮球,选项C为乒乓球,故选A。49、句意:辛蒂为什么喜欢乘校车上学?根据I like talking with my friends on the school bus.,可知因为可以在校车上和朋友交谈,选项A为因为她喜欢校车。选项B为因为她喜欢和朋友一起唱歌。故选C。50、句意:辛蒂认为和朋友在校车上交谈是_。根据Its interesting.,可知辛蒂认为和朋友在校车上交谈是有趣的,选项A为坏的,选项C为无聊的,故选B。【点睛】六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、B53、C54、B55、B【解析】51、根据通读对话可知迈克家有6口人,故答案为C.52、根

37、据Is the girl in a red skirt your sister?No, shes my uncles daughter.可知否定回答,故答案为B.53、根据 She is my cousin, Lily. She looks young and pretty.可知看起来又年轻又漂亮的女士是Mike的堂姐莉莉,故答案为C.54、根据Whos the little baby in a blue hat? Is he your brother? No, its me!可知那个戴蓝帽子的小婴儿是迈克,回答是否定回答,故答案为B.55、根据 She looks young and pre

38、tty. Is the woman in a white blouse your grandmother?Yes, she is.Shes about sixty years old. 可知迈克的奶奶大约60岁了,故答案为B.【点睛】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读对话,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息找出相关句进行选择。七、阅读理解解析:56、C57、B58、B59、A60、B【解析】56、根据短文叙述Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends.(很久以前,有一只猫和一只老鼠。它们是好朋友。)可知猫和老

39、鼠是好朋友。C选项正确。故答案为: C。57、根据短文叙述There is a football game in the forest tomorrow.(明天森林里有一场足球赛。)可知有一场足球赛。B选项正确。故答案为B。58、根据短文叙述So the cat said to the mouse, my dear, I often sleep, sleep, sleep. You get up early every day. (因此猫对老鼠说:“亲爱的,我经常睡觉。你每天起床很早。”)可知是老鼠起床早。B选项正确。故答案为: B。59、根据短文叙述The next day, the mouse got up. He went to the football match.(第二天,老鼠起来了。他去了足球赛。)可知是老鼠。A选项正确。故答案为: A。60、根据短文叙述But he didnt call the cat.(可是他没有叫猫。)可知没叫,用否定回答。故答案为B。

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