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1、英语小学六年级上学期期中综合试卷(答案)一、阅读理解根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully and said, “Medicine (药物) wont help you. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar (雪茄) a day. Go to the countryside and stay there for a mo

2、nth.”After a month the man came to the doctor again. “How are you?” said the doctor. “Im glad to see you again. You look much younger.” “Oh! Doctor, I feel quite well now,” said the man. “I had a good rest. I went to bed early, drank a lot of milk and walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. B

3、ut you told me to smoke one cigar a day; this almost (几乎) killed me first. Its no joke to start smoking at my age!”1、The doctor told the man _. ()Ato take some medicineBto smoke a lotCto go to the countryside2、How many cigars did the man smoke one day after seeing the doctor? ()AOne.BTwo.CHe didnt s

4、moke.3、The doctors words were _ for the old mans health. ()AbadBcoolCgood4、The underlined word “joke” means “_”in Chinese. ()A玩笑B开心C好事5、From what the old man said at last, we know _. ()Aone cigar a day was really helpful to himBthe old man was not a smoker beforeCsmoking made him feel better than be

5、fore二、阅读理解I have a good friend. Her name is Liuxin. She lives in Shanghai. She is tall and funny. She likes drawing pictures and playing the pipa. She is twelve years old. She studies in a primary school. She walks to school every day. Her father is a police officer. He is very tall and strong. He c

6、atches bad men. Liuxins mother is a doctor. She goes to work by car. She likes dancing. And she likes cooking.6、Liuxin lives in _. ()Athe UKBChinaCthe US7、Liuxin likes _. ()Adrawing picturesBplaying the pipaCA and B8、Her father is _. ()Atall and funnyBstrongCkind9、Her mother goes to work _. ()Aby su

7、bwayBby carCby bus10、Liuxin goes to school _. ()Aon footBby bikeCby bus三、阅读理解 One day, Mike and Jack were walking in the forest we are good friends. If we meet bear, I will help you. Mike said, I will help you too said Jack.Later there was a big bear in front of them. Mike and Jack ran quickly. Jack

8、 climbed up a tree and forgot all about his friend. Mike was too fat. He lay(躺)on the floor and closed his eyes. The bear will think that Im dead(死亡). The bear came up to Mike and looked at Mike. The bear even(甚至)put its nose to Mikes ears. The bear thought Mike was dead, so it went away Jack came d

9、own from the tree He said to Jack: The bear put its nose to your ears. What did it say to you? Mike answered, The bear said A friend in need is a friend indeed! 11、Mike and Jack were walking _. ()Ain the mountainBon a farmCin a forest12、They met a _ in the forest. ()AtigerBbearCdear13、_ climbed up t

10、he tree quickly. ()AMikeBJackCThe bear14、A friend in need is a friend indeed! means _. ()A患难见真情B志同道合C情同手足15、Which is wrong(错误的)? ()AJack climbed up a tree and Mike lay on the ground.BThe bear didnt climb the tree.CThe bear said to Mike, A friend in need is a friend indeed.四、阅读理解Dan is the doorman of

11、 a club in a big city. Every day, many people passed his door, and a lot of them stopped and asked him, “Whats the time, please?”After a few months, Dan said to himself, “Im not going to answer this easy question any more. Im going to go to a shop and buy a big clock. Then Im going to put it up on t

12、he wall here.” He bought a clock and put it up on the wall. “Now people arent going to stop and ask me the time any more,” he said happily. But now a lot of people stop every day, look at the clock and then say to Dan, “Is that clock right?”16、What does Dan do? ()AHe is a worker.Bhe is a businessman

13、.CHe is a doorman.17、What did people ask at first? ()AWhere is the club?BWhats the time?CWhat day is it?18、Dan bought a clock because _. ()Ahe always know the timeBhe lost his watchChe didnt like to answer the time19、What do people ask Dan now? ()AWhats the time?BWhere is the clock?CIs your clock ri

14、ght?20、“doorman” means _. ()A门卫B司钟C守门员五、阅读理解 A dog gets a nice, big piece of meat(肉) from a woman. He has it in his mouth happily. He wants to go home for supper. His home is on the other side of the river. There is a bridge(桥) over it. He goes on it and has a look at the water. He sees a dog lookin

15、g at him and he has a piece of meat in the mouth, too. And the meat looks bigger. “His meat is bigger and nicer than mine. I must get it.” he thinks. So he opens his mouth and shouts at the dog in the water. Before he knows, his meat falls into the water.21、What does the dog get? ()AA fish.BA piece

16、of meat.CSome cakes.DSome bread.22、Where is the dogs home? ()AIn a womans house.BOn the other side of the river.COn the bridge.DIn the water.23、What does the dog do on the bridge? ()AHe talks to the dog in the water.BHe looks for something to eat.CHe looks for something to drink.DHe looks at the dog

17、 in the water and wants to get his meat.24、Whats in the water? ()AA dog.BA piece of meat.CA bridge.DBoth A and B25、How many pieces of meat does the dog get at last(最后)? ()A0.B1、C2、D3、六、阅读理解Danny is a little pig. He is unhappy because he wants to leave (离开) home to see the world.Its a sunny day. Dann

18、y goes away when his parents are sleeping. On his way he meets an elephant, a peacock (孔雀) and a rabbit. At last, he gets to a lake. He looks at his refection (倒影) in the water and says, “I wish I had an elephants nose, a peacocks tail and a rabbits ears.” After a while (一会儿), Dannys wish comes true

19、. He runs back excitedly.But his parents cant recognize (认出) Danny. “Go away! Youre not our son.” says his mum. Danny is very sad. He goes to the lake again. “I just want to be a pig, he says sadly. Danny waits and waits. He becomes a pig again.Danny runs back to his home quickly. His parents hug (拥

20、抱) him and say, “This is our lovely baby.”26、There are _ kinds of animals in the passage. ()AthreeBfourCsixDone27、Why does Danny want to leave his home? ()ABecause he doesnt like his home.BBecause he wants to see the world.CBecause he wants to play with the other animals.DBecause he doesnt like his

21、parents.28、The little pig Danny likes _. ()Aan elephants noseBa peacocks tailCa rabbits earsDAB&.C29、Does Dannys wish come true? ()AYes, he does.BNo, he does.CYes, he doesnt.DNo, he doesnt.30、Which of the following sentences is RIGHT? ()ADanny thinks his ears are beautiful.BA peacocks tail isnt very

22、 beautiful.CAfter Dannys wish comes true. his parents can recognize him.DDanny wants to be his parents lovely baby.【参考答案】一、阅读理解1、C2、A3、C4、A5、B【分析】短文大意:一个老人去看病的故事。1、句意:医生告诉那个男人_。根据Go to the count解析:1、C2、A3、C4、A5、B【分析】短文大意:一个老人去看病的故事。1、句意:医生告诉那个男人_。根据Go to the countryside and stay there for a month.可知

23、让他去乡下呆一个月。故选C。2、句意:看完医生后那个男人一天抽多少烟?根据But you told me to smoke one cigar a day.可知他一天抽一根烟。故选A。3、句意:医生的话对老人的健康很_。根据Your advice certainly helped me. 可知对老人的健康很有帮助,故选C。4、句意:划线单词“joke”的中文意思是_。joke玩笑,故选A。5、句意:从最后老人的话中的,我们知道_。A选项每天一根烟的确帮到了老人的健康。B选项老人以前吸烟。C选项吸烟使老人比以前感觉更好了。根据Its no joke to start smoking at my

24、age!可知老人以前不抽烟。故先B。【点睛】二、阅读理解6、B7、C8、B9、B10、A【导语】本文介绍了刘欣一家人。6、句意:刘欣住在_。A英国,B中国,C美国,根据“Her nam解析:6、B7、C8、B9、B10、A【导语】本文介绍了刘欣一家人。6、句意:刘欣住在_。A英国,B中国,C美国,根据“Her name is Liuxin. She lives in Shanghai.”,可知刘欣住在中国,故选B。7、句意:刘欣喜欢_。A画画,B弹琵琶,根据“She likes drawing pictures and playing the pipa.”,可知刘欣喜欢画画和弹琵琶,故选C。8

25、、句意:她爸爸很_。A又高又有趣,B强壮的,C友善的,根据“Her father is a police officer. He is very tall and strong.”,可知她爸爸又高又强壮,故选B。9、句意:她妈妈_去上班。A坐地铁,B开车,C坐公共汽车,根据“Liuxins mother is a doctor. She goes to work by car.”,可知她妈妈开车去上班,故选B。10、句意:刘欣_去上学。A步行,B骑自行车,C坐公共汽车,根据“She walks to school every day.”,可知刘欣步行去上学,故选A。三、阅读理解11、C12、B

26、13、B14、A15、C【分析】11、句意:迈克和杰克在_散步。A.在大山里,B.在农场里,C.在森林里,根据解析:11、C12、B13、B14、A15、C【分析】11、句意:迈克和杰克在_散步。A.在大山里,B.在农场里,C.在森林里,根据文中句子One day, Mike and Jack were walking in the forest.可知迈克和杰克在森林里散步。故选C。12、句意:他们在森林里遇到了_。A.老虎,B.熊,C.亲爱的,根据文中句子Later there was a big bear in front of them.可知他们在森林里遇到了熊。故选B。13、句意:_很

27、快爬上了树。A.迈克,B.杰克,C.这只熊,根据文中句子Jack climbed up a tree and forgot all about his friend.可知杰克很快爬上了树。故选B。14、句意:A friend in need is a friend indeed!意思是_。根据语境可知,句意应为患难见真情,故选A。15、句意:哪一个是错误的?A意为杰克爬上一棵树,迈克躺在地上。B意为熊没有爬上树。C意为熊说,患难见真情。结合语境可知,这句话是迈克想的,而不是熊说的。故选C。四、阅读理解16、C17、B18、C19、C20、A【导语】本文讲述了门卫丹试图解决别人总问他时间的烦恼而

28、发生的故事。16、句意:丹是做什么的?A他是工解析:16、C17、B18、C19、C20、A【导语】本文讲述了门卫丹试图解决别人总问他时间的烦恼而发生的故事。16、句意:丹是做什么的?A他是工人,B他是商人,C他是个门卫。根据Dan is the doorman of a club in a big city.可知他是个门卫,故选C。17、句意:人们一开始会问什么?A俱乐部在那里?B现在几点?C今天周几?根据Every day, many people passed his door, and a lot of them stopped and asked him, “Whats the ti

29、me, please?”可知人们会问他现在几点,故选B。18、句意:丹买钟表是因为_。A他总是知道时间,B他的表丢了,C他不喜欢回答时间问题。根据Im not going to answer this easy question any more.可知他不喜欢回答时间问题,故选C。19、句意:现在人们会问丹什么?A现在几点?B钟表在那里?C你的表正确吗?根据But now a lot of people stop every day, look at the clock and then say to Dan, “Is that clock right?”可知现在人们会问丹你的表准吗,故选C。

30、20、句意:“doorman”意思是_。根据语境可知丹在一家俱乐部工作,人们每次过门的时候都会问他时间,可知该职业是门卫,故选A。五、阅读理解21、B22、B23、D24、D25、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了一只狗得到一片肉,回家的途中在河里看到另一只狗嘴里也有一片肉,他想得到,张开解析:21、B22、B23、D24、D25、A【分析】短文大意:短文介绍了一只狗得到一片肉,回家的途中在河里看到另一只狗嘴里也有一片肉,他想得到,张开嘴冲河里的狗大声喊叫,结果肉掉到水里。21、句意:狗得到什么?A一条鱼。B一片肉。C一些蛋糕。D一些面包。根据短文中的A dog gets a nice, big

31、piece of meat(肉) from a woman.可知狗得到一片肉,故选B。22、句意:狗的家在哪里?A在一个女人的家里。B在河的另一边。C在桥上。D在水里。根据短文中的His home is on the other side of the river. 可知他的家在河的另一边,故选B。23、句意:狗在桥上做什么?A他和水里的狗说话。B他找东西吃。C他想找点喝的。D他看着水里的狗想要他的肉。根据短文中的He sees a dog looking at him and he has a piece of meat in the mouth, too. And the meat loo

32、ks bigger. “His meat is bigger and nicer than mine. I must get it.”可知他看着水里的狗想要他的肉,故选D。24、句意:水里有什么?A一只狗。B一片肉。C一座桥。DA和B。根据短文中的He sees a dog looking at him and he has a piece of meat in the mouth, too.可知有一只狗和狗嘴里有一片肉,故选D。25、句意:这只狗最后得到了多少片肉?根据短文中的 Before he knows, his meat falls into the water.可知最后狗什么也没得

33、到,故选A。【点睛】六、阅读理解26、B27、B28、D29、C30、D【导语】本文讲了一只小猪想有大象的鼻子,孔雀的尾巴和兔子的耳朵,但最终他还是想成为自己。26、句意:解析:26、B27、B28、D29、C30、D【导语】本文讲了一只小猪想有大象的鼻子,孔雀的尾巴和兔子的耳朵,但最终他还是想成为自己。26、句意:文章中有_种动物。A三,B四,C六,C一,根据On his way he meets an elephant, a peacock (孔雀) and a rabbit.,可知文章中有四种动物,故选B。27、句意:丹尼为什么想离开他的家?A因为他不喜欢他家。B因为他想看看世界。C因为

34、他想和其他动物玩。C因为他不喜欢他的父母。根据He is unhappy because he wants to leave (离开) home to see the world.,可知丹尼想出去看看世界,故选B。28、句意:小猪丹尼喜欢_。A大象的鼻子,B孔雀的尾巴,A兔子的耳朵,根据I wish I had an elephants nose, a peacocks tail and a rabbits ears.,可知小猪丹尼喜欢大象的鼻子,孔雀的尾巴,兔子的尾巴,故选D。29、句意:丹尼的愿望成真了吗?根据After a while (一会儿), Dannys wish comes true.,可知丹尼的愿望成真了,答语为肯定回答,选项C表达正确,故选C。30、句意:下面哪个句子是对的?A丹尼认为他的耳朵很漂亮。B孔雀的尾巴不是很漂亮。C在丹尼的愿望实现之后。他的父母能认出他来。D丹尼想成为他父母可爱的孩子。根据最后一段可知选项D正确,故选D。

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