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1、译林版版小学六年级上学期期末英语复习试题(及答案)一、单项选择题1It was windy yesterday. Did you _ kites with your friends? ()AflyBflewCfliesilly _ on the banana skin and fell. ()AslipsBslippedCis slipping3Do you know the news? ()Yes, Mrs Brown _ me _ it yesterday.Atold; forBsays aboutCtold; aboutlack Beauty stopped because the _

2、was broken. ()AhouseBbridgeCcarriage5There _ two glasses of juice on the table a moment ago.()AwereBwasCare6Mr. Craven thought the garden would be _. ()AaliveBdeadCgreen7I often write letters _ my friends. ()AforBtoCinDwith8_ our school clean? ()AIsBAreCDoes9The sign on the door says “Danger”. We sh

3、ouldnt _. ()Ago inBdrinkCtalk10Where can we see the sign “No eating or drinking”? ()We can find it in _.Aa bookshopBthe KFCCa juice shop11Mike, you waste too much _! ()Im sorry.Aplastic bagsBpaperCbottles12Im going to have dinner with my parents _ Chinese New Years Eve. ()AonBatCin13We should love a

4、nd _ our Earth. ()AprotectsBprotectCprotected14There _ any rubbish on the ground. ()AisBarentCisnt15Yang Ling got an email _ her e-friend yesterday. ()AinBtoCfrom二、用单词适当形式填空16_ (smoke) in the hospital.17Rubbish _ (make) the water dirty.18I _ (finish) primary school next year.19_ (save) water, we can

5、 _ (reuse) water _ (water) trees.20We _ (buy) some new clothes tomorrow afternoon.21 _ (can) you ride a bike when you were four years old? No.22Listen! The children _ (sing) the song “Happy New Year”.23We can move some _ (factory) away from our city.24The sign means “No _ (smoke)”.25People use water

6、 _ (wash) hands.26There _ (not be) any water in the bottle.27Would you like _ (go) to the farm?28Theres a _(rain) season here. It often _ (rain).29_ (they) bodies are too hard. Please dont hit _ (they).30Yu Gong and his family _ (work) very hard. They _ (be) tired but happy.三、完成句子31Please dont _ you

7、r drinks _ the reading room. (把饮料带入阅览室)32Our English teachers _ (办公室) is on the third floor. She works in it.33This book is so funny. The little girl is l_.34Its my _ (机会) to tell a story.35They are the children of your son or daughter. Theyre your g_.36It is impolite to _ at (嘲笑) others.37The winte

8、r holiday is coming. The students are all very _ (兴奋的).38What _ (发生) between you and your brother last weekend?39Dont touch! Look at the sign, it means “D_”.40Shanghai _ (博物馆) is very interesting. We _ (visit) it last summer.四、完形填空Do you know Chinese New Year? It is an _41_ festival in China. It usu

9、ally comes _42_ January or February. We also call it Spring Festival. We often _43_ houses and buy a lot of food before the festival.During this festival, we get together with family. We wear new _44_ cook delicious food and _45_ friends. Children can get lucky money. In England, the most important

10、festival is _46_. Its on _47_ 25th. People decorate a Christmas tree, _48_ gifts, write Christmas cards, play Christmas music and have a Christmas party. They have a two-week _49_.Whats your _50_ festival?41、AhappyBimportantCgoodDnice42、AinBonCatDfor43、AcollectBdrawCcleanDmake44、AraincoatBexerciseCg

11、amesDclothes45、AvisitsBvisitCvisitingDvisited46、AChristmasBThanksgivingCHalloweenDNational Day47、ASeptemberBOctoberCNovemberDDecember48、AcookBplayCbuyDlook49、AvacationBvacationsCvacationsDvacations50、AoldBmanyClikeDfavorite五、阅读判断Look, this is my pen pal Alice. She lives in Australia. She likes swimm

12、ing and doing word puzzles. She has a brother. He likes playing football very much. He wants to be a football player. Alice is going to have a picnic this weekend. She feels happy. She is going to the supermarket to buy some food for the picnic. The supermarket is far from her home. She is going to

13、get there by bus. After that, she is going to visit her grandparents. Theyre going to see a film tonight.41、Alice lives in Australia. ( )42、Alice likes playing football. ( )43、Alice has a brother. ( )44、Alice is going to see a film this afternoon. ( )45、Alice is going to the supermarket by bus. ( )六

14、、阅读理解The Grade 3 students at Sunshine Primary School collected a lot of empty(空的)bottles. In July, they are going to take the bottles to a recycling centre(回收中心). They are going to sell(卖) the bottles and buy some books for the school library. Kate made a bargraph(柱状图) to show the number of the bott

15、les they collected. This is the bargraph. 51、In November, the students collected _ empty bottles. ()A80B60C4052、The students collected _ more bottles in December than in January. ()A10B20C3053、From the bargraph, we know that the students picked up the same number of bottels in _ and _. ()AOctober; F

16、ebruaryBSeptember; AprilCJanuary; March54、Why do the students collect empty bottles? ()ABecause they want to do something for their school.BBecause they like empty bottles very much.CBecause they want to use the bottles to make other things.55、What are the Grade 3 students going to do? ()AThey are g

17、oing to buy a lot of empty bottles from the recycling centre.BThey are going to buy some books for the school library.CThey are going to sell the bottles in the market.七、选择题 Four students are talking about their weekends. Lets have a look.David: I went out with my friends. We saw an interesting film

18、. Then we went to a new restaurant and ate a big dinner. The food was nice and we talked about our favourite sport stars. We were happy.Jill: My weekend was not very exciting at all. It was windy and cold, so I didnt go out. On Sunday morning, I just stayed at home and played computer games. And in

19、the afternoon, I did my homework and read some books.Mark: It was great. My friend and I went climbing. I had a lot of fun. I made some new friends. They were very friendly.Anna: I think my weekend was terrible. It was my good friend Leos birthday last Saturday. I didnt remember it. He called me and

20、 invited me to his home. When I got there, I found there was a birthday party. All of his friends gave him presents except (除了) me. Leo said it was OK, but I really felt bad.56、_ think they had a good time last weekend. ()ADavid and JillBMark and AnnaCDavid and Mark57、David and his friends might (可能

21、) talk about _. ()Asome cooksBsome doctorsCsome football players58、The word terrible means _ in Chinese. ()A愉快的B糟糕的C惊奇的59、Why did Anna feel bad?ABecause she was not invited to Leos birthday party.BBecause she was too late for Leos birthday party.CBecause she forgot (忘记) Leos birthday and didnt prepa

22、re a present for Leo.60、Which of the following is RIGHT? ()ADavid had a nice dinner with his family last weekend.BThese four students all went outside to get fun last weekend.CMarks new friends were friendly to him.八、选择题4 Carol goes to see her grandparents in Shanghai from Dalian. Now she is at the

23、Shanghai Station. But she forgets the way to her grandparents home. So she calls her grandpa. Her grandpa tells her, “Turn left at the Shanghai Station. Go straight for about two minutes to get to Hualian Supermarket. The bus stop is in front of the supermarket. Take the No. 5 bus and get off at the

24、 science museum. Walk south for about one minute. You can see a white building. It s near our home. Ill meet you there.”61、Carol lives in _. ()AHainanBShanghaiCDalian62、Where is Carol now? ()She is _.Aat the stationBat her grandpas homeCat the science museum63、The bus stop is in front of _. ()Athe b

25、ookstoreBthe supermarketCthe white building64、Carol must turn left at the station and then go _ to get to the supermarket.()AsouthBnorthCstraight65、Carols grandparents home is _. ()Anear the white buildingBin front of the science museumCnear Hualian Supermarket九、选择题4 On Christmas Evethe night before

26、 Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.Mr Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and co

27、mes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of presents.Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They cant wait to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and say: Merry Christmas!Do you know what Christmas means?

28、Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So today, people still do the same thing to each other.66、Christmas Eve is _. ()Athe night before December 24thBthe night after December 25thCthe night of December 25thDthe night of December 24th67、Fa

29、ther Christmas often puts the presents _. ()Ainto childrens hatsBinto childrens stockingsCunder childrens bedsDinto childrens shoes68、Father Christmas comes into the house through the _. ()AwindowBfront doorCchimneyDback door69、On the morning of Christmas Day, children wake up their parents very ear

30、ly and say _. ()AGood morning!BHappy New Year!CBest wishes for you!DMerry Christmas!70、On Christmas Day, people often _ to each other. ()Agive moneyBask for moneyCask for presentsDgive presents【参考答案】一、单项选择题解析:A【详解】句意:昨天有风。你和朋友放风筝吗?did助动词,助动词后面动词要还原成原形,A是动词原形,B是动词的过去式,C是动词的第三人称单数形式,故选A。解析:B【详解】句意:比利_

31、香蕉皮上摔倒了。由动词过去式fell可知该句时态为一般过去时,谓语动词应用slip的过去式slipped,意为滑到,故选B。解析:C【详解】句意:你知道这个新闻吗?是的,布朗夫人昨天告诉我关于它的事情。根据答句中yesterday昨天可知,答句用过去时态,tell告诉的过去式是told。告诉某人关于某事用tell sb about sth。故选C。解析:B【详解】句意:黑美人停了下来,因为桥断了。A房子,B桥,C马车,根据所学可知选项B符合句意,故选B。【点睛】解析:A【详解】句意:刚才桌子上有两杯果汁。该句是there be句型,a moment ago是一般过去时的标志词,临近主语two

32、glasses是复数,故be动词用were,故选A。【点睛】解析:B【详解】句意:克莱文先生认为花园会是_。A有活力的。B死的,枯萎的。C绿色的。根据The Secret Garden秘密花园中的内容,可知庄园的主人克莱文先生在爱妻过世之后,掩埋了花园的钥匙,使花园荒芜。B选项符合题意,故选B。【点睛】7B解析:B【详解】句意:我经常给我的朋友写信。write letters to sb.给某人写信,所以该空填介词to,故选B。【点睛】8A解析:A【详解】句意:我们的学校干净吗?clean干净的,是形容词,横线处应填系动词,主语our school是第三人称单数,系动词用is,故选A。【点睛】

33、9A解析:A【详解】句意:门上的标志是“危险”。我们不应该_。本题考查动词辨析。A进入,B喝,C交谈。根据句意可知,选项A符合句意,故选A。10A解析:A【详解】句意:我们在哪里可以看到“禁止饮食”的标志?我们可以在_看到。本题考查名词辨析。A书店,B肯德基,C果汁店。根据句意和常识可知,书店禁止吃喝,故选A。1解析:B【详解】句意:迈克,你浪费了太多纸张!对不起。本题考查不可数名词。too much太多,修饰不可数名词。A塑料袋,可数名词复数。B纸张,不可数名词。C瓶子,可数名词复数。故选B。1解析:A【详解】句意:除夕夜我要和父母一起吃晚饭。on Chinese New Years Eve

34、在除夕夜,固定介词搭配,故选A。1解析:B【详解】句意:我们应该热爱和保护我们的地球。and连接的动词形式要一致,love是动词原形,protect也用原形,故选B。1解析:C【详解】句意:地上没有垃圾。any一般用于否定句或者疑问句中,排除A选项;rubbish是不可数名词,所以用isnt,故选C。1解析:C【详解】句意:杨玲昨天从她的网友那得到一封电子邮件。in在里,to到,from从,get sth from从处得到某物,动词短语,故选C。二、用单词适当形式填空1解析:Dont smoke【详解】句意:不要在医院里吸烟。根据常识可知不能在医院吸烟,本题考查祈使句的否定形式,结构为:Don

35、t+动词原形+其他。故答案为Dont smoke。【点睛】17makes【详解】句意:垃圾使水变脏了。make使变得,该句可用一般现在时,主语Rubbish是不可数名词,故make用第三人称单数形式makes,故答案为makes。【点睛】18will finish【详解】句意:明年我将完成小学学业。finish结束,根据时间next year可知该句是一般将来时,will do结构,故答案为will finish。【点睛】19 To save reuse to water【详解】句意:为了节约用水,我们可以再利用水来浇灌树木。本题考查动词形式。根据句意可知,动词不定式作主语,表目的,故第一空用

36、不定式to save;can后接动词原形,第二空填原形reuse;water浇水,动词原形,reuse sth to do sth.再使用做某事,第三空用动词不定式to water。故答案为To save;reuse;to water。20will buy【详解】句意:我们明天下午将要买一些新衣服。由句中的时间状语“tomorrow afternoon”(明天下午)可知要用一般将来时,故答案为will buy。2解析:Could【详解】句意:当你四岁的时候你会骑自行车吗?不。can会,根据从句的时态可知主语也用一般过去时,故动词can用过去式could。故答案为Could。2re singin

37、g【详解】句意:听!孩子们正在唱歌曲“新年好”。根据句意可知句子是现在进行时,由be动词+现在分词构成,主语The children是名词复数形式,be动词用are,故答案为are singing。23factories【详解】句意:我们可以把一些工厂搬离我们的城市。factory工厂,some后可数名词应用复数形式,factory的复数为factories,故答案为factories。24smoking【详解】句意:这个标志的意思是“禁止吸烟”。smoke吸烟,“No+动名词”意为禁止因此该空应填smoke的动名词形式smoking,故答案为smoking。25to wash【详解】句意:人

38、们用水洗手。use sth to do sth用某物做某事,故答案为to wash。26isnt【详解】句意:瓶子里没有水。本题考查there be句型,句子可用一般现在时,water是不可数名词,be用is,is not缩写为isnt,故答案为isnt。27to go【详解】句意:你想要去农场吗?根据would like to do sth.想要做某事,所以该空填动词不定式,故答案为to go。【点睛】28 rainy rains【详解】句意:这儿有一个雨季。经常下雨。根据句意可知第一空填形容词rainy,意思是下雨的;第二空根据often可知句子是一般现在时,主语It是第三人称单数,谓语动

39、词用第三人称单数形式rains,故答案为rainy;rains。【点睛】29 Their them【详解】句意:_身体太硬了。请不要击打他们。thet它们,第一空做bodies的定语,故用形容词形物主代词,they的形容词性物主代词为their,第二空做hit的宾语,故用宾格形式,they的宾格形式为them,故答案为Their;them。【点睛】30 worked were【详解】句意:愚公和他的家人努力的工作。他们很累但是很快乐。该句是一般过去时,work工作,过去式为worked,be是,主语They是复数,故be动词用were,故答案为worked;were。【点睛】三、完成句子31

40、take into【详解】句意:请不要把你的饮料带入阅览室。本题考查动词短语及形式,take sth. into + 地点,带某物带进某地,dont后跟动词原形。故答案为take;into。32office【详解】句意:我们英语老师的办公室在三楼。她在那里工作。办公室office,根据is可知用单数,故答案为office。33laughing#aughing【详解】句意:这本书很有趣。这个小女孩正在笑。根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词laugh笑,laugh用现在分词形式laughing,与is构成现在进行时,故答案为laughing。34turn【详解】句意:轮到我讲故事了。机会turn,根据

41、系动词is可知用单数,故答案为turn。【点睛】35grandchildren#randchildren【详解】句意:他们是你儿子或女儿的孩子。他们是你的_。根据句意及首字母g,可知考查名词grandchild孙子/孙女/外孙子/外孙女。根据人称代词They,可知该空填名词复数形式grandchildren,故答案为grandchildren。【点睛】36laught【详解】句意:嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。It is+形容词+to do sth.做某事怎样。嘲笑laugh at,故答案为laugh。37excited【详解】句意:寒假要来了。学生都非常兴奋。兴奋的excited,形容词,人做主语,故

42、答案为excited。38happened【详解】句意:上个周末你和你哥哥之间发生生事情了?发生happen,根据时间last weekend可知该句是一般过去时,happen的过去式为happened,故答案为happened。39D解析:Danger#anger【详解】句意:不要碰!看这个标志,它的意思是“_”。根据句意与所给单词首字母可知标志的意思是危险danger,故答案为Danger。【点睛】40 Museum visited【详解】句意:上海博物馆是非常有趣的。我们去年夏天去参观了。上海博物馆Shanghai Museum,是专有名词,所以首字母都要大写。由句子中last summ

43、er可知句子时态为一般过去时。visit的过去式是visited,故答案为Museum;visited。四、完形填空解析:41、B42、A43、C44、D45、B46、A47、D48、C49、A50、D【导语】本文介绍了中国春节和国外圣诞节的习俗。41、句意:它是一个中国_节日。A开心的,B重要的,C好的,D好的。横线前不定冠词为an,该空所填单词应以元音音素开头,B选项符合语境,故选B。42、句意:它通常在一月或二月到来。在几月用介词in,故选A。43、句意:我们经常在节日前_房子,买很多食物。A收集,B画画,C打扫,D制作。该空考查动词短语clean houses打扫房子,C选项符合语境,

44、故选C。44、句意:我们穿新的_,做美食和_朋友。A雨衣,B运动,C游戏,D衣服。横线前有动词wear穿,可以搭配服饰,排除BC。根据常识,可知春节穿新衣服,D选项符合语境,故选D。45、句意:我们穿新的衣服,做美食和拜访朋友。A动词的第三人称单数,B动词原形,C动名词/动词的现在分词,D动词的过去式。句子为一般现在时态,主语we是第一人称,动词用原形,故选B。46、句意:在英国,最重要的节日是_。A圣诞节,B感恩节,C万圣节,D国庆节。根据后文People decorate a Christmas tree, 人们装饰圣诞树,可知A选项符合语境,故选A。47、句意:它是在_二十五日。A九月,B十月,C十一月,D十二月。圣诞节在十二月二十五日,D选项符合语境,故选D。48、句意:人们装饰圣诞树,_礼物,写圣诞卡片,播放圣诞音乐,并且举行圣诞派对。A做饭,B玩,C买,D看。横线后为

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