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1、一、单项选择1Whens Halloween? ()Its on the _ of October.Atwenty-ninthBthirtiethCthirty-first2There are six _ and four _ in the fridge. ()Atomatoes; potatoesBtomatos; potatoesCtomatoes; potatos3_ do we get _ there? ()By plane.AHow; toBWhere; /CHow; /DWhat; to4下列单词中划线字母发音与句中cakes划线字母发音不同的是哪个? ()句:I like eat

2、ing rice cakes.AangryBtakeCplane5Where _ your cousin live? ()He _ on Star Street.Adoes; liveBdo; livesCdoes; lives6A young man _ the bus and sits down in front of me. ()Agets onBgets offCgets away7Yang Ling likes _. Listen, she is _ now. ()Asing; singsBsings; singingCsinging; singing8_ do you feel n

3、ow? ()Very _. Can I have some water?AHow; thirstyBWhat; thirstyCWhat; hungry9Im sorry. I _ go now. Im late for school. ()AcanBmayChave to10When is your fathers birthday? ()Its _ the seventh _ October.Aon; atBon; ofCat; of11Whats the matter with _? ()He _ a toothache.Ahe; haveBhe; hasChim; haveDhim;

4、has12Im good _ English. ()AtoBonCat13Turn right _ the bus stop _ Sun Street. ()Ain; onBat; onCon; at14This dress doesnt fit me _. Please give me that one. ()OK, here you are.AgoodBwellCbadDnice15_, where is the bookshop? ()It is on Sun Street. You can _ Bus No.5.AExcuse me; byBExcuse me; takeCSorry;

5、 take二、用单词适当形式填空16Who _ (teach) you English this term?Miss Li.17Teachers Day is on _ (ten) of September.18There _ (be) some water in the bottle.There _ (be) some drinks on the table.19Today is Marys _ (twelve) birthday. Shes very happy.20The computer room is on _ (twelve) floor.The Art room is on th

6、e _ (eight) floor.21Mrs. Black _ (not work) these days. She _ (have) a bad cough.22Sam _ (have) many fish, but Bobby _ (not have) any.23Bobby likes _ (ride) a bike and _ (fly) a kite in the park. He wants _ (ride) a bike now.24Jims parents often _ (watch) TV on Sundays.25_ (do) Mr Brown _ (take) the

7、 bus to go to work every day?26Mays birthday is on the _ (two) of May.27What is your mother doing?She _ (wash) clothes at home.28Su Hais good friend wants _ (visit) her new home.29Cindy has a cat. Its name is Kitty. It likes _ (sleep).30Helen always _ (brush) her teeth twice(两次) a day.三、完成句子31We s_

8、not play football in the street.32Do you know the w_ to the library?33The meat s_ good. I cant wait.34_ is the first day of the week.35Listen, the girls _ in the music room. They can sing beautifully.36We can see many beautiful flowers in the g_.37Su Hai is very sad_ (wash) the dishes.38My twin brot

9、her _ (住在月亮街).39Walk to _ _ (月亮街) and then you can find the bookshop on your right.40I have a bad t_. My teeth hurt.四、阅读判断 Mr Black works on a farm. He and his wife grow a lot of plants and they have some cows. Every day they work hard from morning to night. One day, Mr Black says to his wife, “Lets

10、 go to Portsmouth next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife is very happy when she hears this, because they always eat a lot, and she doesnt like cooking three times a day.They go to Portsmouth by train and walk about for an hour (小时). At 12 oclock, they

11、 want to have lunch. In front of one restaurant (饭店) they see a post (海报). It says “Lunch: 12:00 to12:30 1、5 pounds (英镑).”Well, thats good Mrs Black says, We can eat for two hours for 1、5 pounds here! This is the place for us.41、There are a lot of _ on their farm. ()AplantsBdogsCcowsDBoth A and C42、

12、_ usually does the cooking at home. ()AMr BlackBMrs BlackCNeither A and BDBoth A and B43、Mr Black and Mrs Black walk about in Portsmouth for _. ()AtwoBthree hoursCone hourDfour hours44、At _ oclock, they want to have lunch. ()ATwoBtwelveCtwentyDone45、Portsmouth is the name of a _. ()Aplace (地方)BdogsC

13、manDrestaurant (餐馆)五、阅读判断Hello, Im Mike. I live on Park Street. Its far from my school. There are many trees and flowers near my home. There is a shop beside my home. I often go to school by metro. Sometimes I go to school by taxi. My father is a taxi driver. My friend Lily lives near school. She go

14、es to school on foot. There is a cinema near her home. She often goes to the cinema with me on Sundays.46、Mike lives _. ()Anear schoolBon Park StreetCnear the cinema47、Lily goes to school _. ()Aby taxiBon footCby metro48、_is a taxi driver. ()AMikes fatherBMikes motherCLilys father49、Lily often goes

15、to the cinema with Mike _. ()Aon SaturdaysBon SundaysCon Fridays50、Which sentence is WRONG? ()AMikes home is far from school.BSometimes Mike goes to school by taxi.CThere is a cinema near Mikes home.六、阅读理解Itisfouroclockintheafternoon.Thestudentsareintheclassroom.Whataretheydoing?Boboisreadingapictur

16、ebookwithJohn.Cocoissweepingthefloor.Lucyiscleaningtheblackboard.Cathyisdoingherhomework.Emmaishelpingher.MissZhangistheirteacher.Sheisintheclassroomtoo.Whatisshedoing?SheistalkingwithJack.51、Thestudentsareinthe_.()AplaygroundBlibraryCclassroom52、_arereadingapicturebook. ()ABoboandJohnBBoboandCocoCC

17、ocoandJohn53、Lucyis_.()AsweepingthefloorBcleaningtheblackboardCdoingherhomework54、Emmaishelping_withherhomework. ()AJackBCocoCCathy55、Whichsentence(句子)isnotright? ()AMissZhangisateacher.BMissZhangisintheclassroom.CMissZhangistalkingwithMike.七、阅读理解Once, a Chinese student goes to study English in Engl

18、and. His Family name is sun. It is the same of the English word “sun”. England is a country with bad weather. It is often cloudy or misty (有雾的), and it rains now and again, so the people there dont get much sunshine(阳光) in the whole year.When the Chinese student arrives(到达) in London, a tall English

19、 policeman with a long face opens his passport(护照) to check it. The policeman is interested to find the Chinese name “Sun” in the passport. He thinks it is pronounced(发音) just like the English word “sun”, so he says to the Chinese student, “I see your name is Sun. We want you here!” The Chinese stud

20、ent is greatly surprised(惊讶的). But after a moment(一会儿) the policeman begins to smile, Mr Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away.56、The weather in England is _. ()AcloudyBmistyCrainyDA B and C57、The policeman is interested in the students _. ()ApassportBaddressCnameDsc

21、hool58、The Chinese student is welcomed because he has got _. ()Aa police friendBa nice nameCa lot of moneyDa passport59、The underlined phrase now and again in the story means _. ()Aseldom很少BsometimesCnever从不Devery day60、The policeman is a _ man. ()AhumorousBfoolishCbadDserious(严肃)【参考答案】一、单项选择1C解析:C【

22、详解】句意:万圣节在什么时候?它在十月_。A第二十九,B第三十,C第三十一,根据常识可知在十月三十一日。故选C。2A解析:A【详解】句意:冰箱里有六个西红柿和四个土豆。six和four修饰可数名词复数,tomato的复数是tomatoes,potato的复数是potatoes,故选A。3C解析:C【详解】句意:我们_到那?乘飞机。根据答句可知问句问的是我们怎样到那?怎样用how,到达get to,there是地点副词,前不加介词to,所以到那用get there,故选C。4A解析:A【详解】cakes划线字母发音为e,A划线字母发音为,B划线字母发音为e,C划线字母发音为e。故选A。5C解析:

23、C【详解】句意:你的堂弟住在哪里?他住在星星街。主语是第三人称单数,助动词用does,动词用第三人称单数形式lives,故选C。6A解析:A【详解】句意:一个年轻人_公共汽车坐在我前面。gets on上车,gets off下车,gets away离开,根据句意,可知一个年轻人上了公共汽车坐在我前面,故选A。【点睛】7C解析:C【详解】句意:杨玲喜欢唱歌。听,她正在唱歌。like doing sth喜欢做某事,第二句是现在进行时,be doing结构,sing的动名词形式为singing,现在分词形式为singing,故选C。8A解析:A【详解】句意:你现在感觉_?非常_。我能喝点水吗?How怎

24、么样;What什么; thirsty口渴的;hungry饥饿的;根据答语我能喝点水吗?可知是非常口渴,问句为你现在感觉怎么样?故选A。【点睛】9C解析:C【详解】句意:我很抱歉。我现在不得不走了。我上学迟到了。A能,B可以,C不得不,选项C符合语境,故选C。10B解析:B【详解】句意:你父亲的生日是什么时候?是十月七日。在具体某一天用介词on,在几月的某一天中间可以用介词of连接,故选B。11D解析:D【详解】句意:他怎么了?他牙疼。with是介词,后面的人称代词用宾格,he对应的宾格是him,答句中主语是第三人称单数,have的第三人称单数形式是has,故选D。12C解析:C【详解】句意:我

25、擅长英语。be good at擅长,固定搭配,故选C。13B解析:B【详解】句意:在太阳街的公共汽车站右转。turn right at+地点,在某地右转;具体某条街上用介词on。故选B。14B解析:B【详解】句意:这件衣服不太适合我。请给我那件。好的,给你。横线处填副词修饰动词,ACD都是形容词,B是副词,故选B。15B解析:B【详解】句意:劳驾,请问书店在哪里?它在太阳街。你可以坐5路公共汽车。Excuse me是用来向不熟悉的人打听情况或提出请求,Sorry是向对方承认错误,第一空是向对方问路,排除C,第二空考查了情态动词后面加动词原形,排除A,故选B。二、用单词适当形式填空16will

26、teach【详解】句意:这学期谁教你英语?李老师。teach教,根据时间this term可知该句可用一般将来时,will do结构。故答案为will teach。17the tenth【详解】句意:教师节在九月十号。由题意可知在九月第几天应用序数词形式,因此该空应填序数词tenth,其前面应加冠词the,因此该空应填the tenth,故答案为the tenth。18 is are【详解】句意:瓶子里有一些水。桌子上有一些饮料。根据there be句型的就近原则,第一句话横线后的名词是不可数名词water,故be动词用is。第二句话横线后的名词是可数名词复数饮料drinks,故be动词用ar

27、e,故答案为is;are。19twelfth【详解】句意:今天是玛丽的十二岁生日。她很高兴。十二twelve,表示第几个生日用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,故答案为twelfth。20 twelfth eighth【详解】句意:电脑教室在十二楼。美术教室在八楼。表示楼层时用序数词,twelve的序数词是twelfth,eight的序数词是eighth。故答案为twelfth;eighth。21B解析: doesnt work has【详解】句意:Black夫人这些天没有工作,她感冒很严重。根据句意可知,该句陈述句,时态为一般现在时。主语Mrs.Black是第三人称,谓语动词用第

28、三人称单数,work,实义动词,变否定形式用助动词提前,she是第三人称,have变第三人称单数has。故答案为doesnt work;has。22B解析: has doesnt have【详解】句意:Sam有很多鱼,但是Bobby一条鱼也没有。根据句意可知,该句是陈述句,时态为一般现在时。Sam是第三人称,谓语动词用三单形式,故第一空have变第三人称单数has,第二空have是实义动词,变否定用助动词do,主语是第三人称,do变第三人称单数does,否定形式为doesnt,实义动词用原形。故答案为has;doesnt have。23 riding#to ride flying#to fly

29、 to ride【详解】句意:鲍比喜欢在公园里骑自行车和放风筝。现在他想骑自行车。ride a bike骑自行车,fly a kite放风筝,like doing sth./like to do sth.喜欢做某事,want to do sth.想要做某事。故答案为riding/to ride;flying/to fly;to ride。24watch【详解】句意:吉姆的父母经常在周日看电视。根据句意可知本题是一般现在时,主语是吉姆的父母,名词复数,动词用原形,故答案为watch。25D解析: Does take【详解】句意:布朗先生每天乘公交车去上班吗?由句中every day可知句子时态为

30、一般现在时,主语为Mr Brown,所给单词为实意动词,因此应借助助动词Does后加动词原形take,故答案为Does;take。26second【详解】句意:梅的生日在五月二日。根据句意可知表示在五月的第二天,用序数词,two是基数词,序数词是second,故答案为second。27is washing【详解】句意:你妈妈正在做什么?她正在家洗衣服。问句是现在进行时,答语也应是现在进行时,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,主语She是第三人称单数,be用is,wash用现在分词washing,故答案为is washing。28to visit【详解】句意:苏海的好朋友想参观她的新家。

31、 根据句意想要做某事want+to+动词原形,故答案为to visit。29sleeping#to sleep【详解】句意:辛迪有一只猫。它的名字叫凯蒂。它喜欢睡觉。like doing/to do sth喜欢做某事,sleep现在分词为sleeping,故答案为sleeping/to sleep。【点睛】30H解析:brushes【详解】句意:海伦总是一天刷两次牙。由句中always可知句子时态为一般现在时,主语为Helen,因此动词应用第三人称单数形式brushes,故答案为brushes。【点睛】三、完成句子31should#hould【详解】句意:我们不应该在街道上踢足球。由句意和首字

32、母提示可知考查单词should应该,should是情态动词,故答案为should。32way#ay【详解】句意:你知道去图书馆的路吗?根据句意及首字母,可知考查单词way路,故答案为way。33smells#mells【详解】句意:肉闻起来很不错。我等不及了。根据句意和首字母可知考查smell闻,句子是一般现在时,主语The meat是第三人称单数,动词smell用第三人称单数形式smells,故答案为smells。34Sunday【详解】句意:_是一周的第一天。结合常识可知,一周的第一天是周日,英语是Sunday,故答案为Sunday。35are singing【详解】句意:听,那些女孩正在

33、音乐室里_。她们能唱得很好听。根据下句句意可知她们正在唱歌,再根据Listen可知该句是现在进行时。主语 + be + 动词的现在分词,主语the girls是复数,be动词用are,sing的现在分词形式为singing。故答案为are singing。36garden【详解】句意:我们在_看到很多漂亮的花朵。结合句意和首字母提示可知,此处应用名词garden,意为花园,故答案为garden。37to wash【详解】句意:苏海洗了盘子,很伤心。此题考查不定式,sb is+形容词+to do sth某人做了某事,某人怎么样,根据句意,故答案为to wash。【点睛】38lives on Mo

34、on Street【详解】句意:我的双胞胎弟弟住在月亮街。根据句意,可知句子为一般现在时,主语My twin brother是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数,住在为live on,月亮街为Moon Street,live的第三人称单数为lives,故答案为lives on Moon Street。【点睛】39 Moon Street【详解】句意:步行到月亮街然后你就能找到在你右边的书店。此题考查专有名词,Moon Street月亮街,故答案为Moon;Street。【点睛】40toothache#oothache【详解】句意:我牙痛得厉害。我的牙齿疼。have a bad toothac

35、he牙痛得厉害,固定动词短语,故答案为toothache。四、阅读判断解析:41、D42、B43、C44、B45、D【分析】短文大意:讲述布莱克夫妇去朴次茅斯吃饭的故事。41、句意:他们的农场上有很多_。A植物,B狗,C奶牛,DA和C都对,根据He and his wife grow a lot of plants and they have some cows. 可知是很多植物和一些奶牛。故选D。42、句意:_通常在家做饭。根据短文第二段可知是布莱克夫人。故选B。43、句意:布莱克先生和布莱克夫人在朴次茅斯漫步了_。They go to Portsmouth by train and wal

36、k about for an hour (小时). 可知是一小时。故选C。44、句意:在_,他们去吃午饭了。根据At 12 oclock, they want to have lunch.可知是十二点。故选B。45、句意:朴次茅斯是一个_名字。A地方,B狗,C人,D餐馆,根据短文第三段可知是一家餐馆的名字。故选D。【点睛】五、阅读判断解析:46、B47、B48、A49、B50、C六、阅读理解解析:51、C52、A53、B54、C55、C【解析】51、根据短文叙述 The students are in the classroom. (孩子们在教室里。)可知在教室里,C选项正确。故答案为C。52

37、、根据短文叙述 Bobo is reading a picture book with John. (Bobo和John在看图画书。)可知是Bobo和John,A选项正确。故答案为A。53、根据短文叙述 Lucy is cleaning the blackboard. (Lucy在擦黑板。)可知在擦黑板。B选项正确。故答案为B。54、根据短文叙述 Cathy is doing her homework. Emma is helping her. (Cathy在做作业。Emma在帮助她。)可知是帮助Cathy。C选项正确。故答案为C。55、根据短文叙述 She is talking with J

38、ack. (她正在和Jack谈话。)可知C选项正确。故答案为C。【点睛】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,根据短文叙述来选择正确的选项。七、阅读理解解析:56、D57、C58、B59、B60、A【分析】该篇主要讲述了一个警察和一个学生因伦敦的天气而发生的故事。56、句意:英格兰的天气是_。A多云的,B有雾的,C多雨的,D意为AB和C。根据It is often cloudy or misty (有雾的), and it rains now and again.可知英格兰经常是多云或有雾,偶尔下雨,故选D。57、句意:警察对学生的_情况很感兴趣。A护照,B地址,C名字,D学校。根据The p

39、oliceman is interested to find the Chinese name “Sun” in the passport.可知警察对学生的名字很感兴趣,故选C。58、句意:中国学生受到欢迎,因为他有_。A一个警察朋友,B一个好名字,C很多钱,D一个护照。根据he thinks it is pronounced(发音) just like the English word “sun”, so he says to the Chinese student, I see your name is Sun. We want you here!”可知中国学生受到欢迎,因为他有一个好名字,故选B。59、句意:故事中划线的now and again意思是_。A很少,B有时候,C从不,D每天。结合前后句语境,可知now and again意为时不时地,故选B。60、句意:那个警察是个_的人。A幽默的,B愚蠢的,C坏的,D严肃的。根据But after a moment(一会儿) the policeman begins to smile, Mr Sun, youve brought sunshine to England! So we dont want you to go away.可知那个警察是个幽默的人,故选A。

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