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1、唯有品质 铸造辉煌中国五大国际翻译服务企业 翻 译 合 同(笔译)Translation Contract 合同编号: Contract No.甲 方: Party A:乙 方:Party B: 地 址: Add: 地 址Add: 联系人: Contact Name: 联系人: Contact Name:电 话:Tel: 电 话:Tel: 传 真:Fax: 传 真:Fax: E-mail:E-mail:乙方为甲方提供翻译服务,甲乙双方确认提供的联系方式准确无误。经双方协商一致,特签订本合同,以资恪守。Party B shall provide Party A with translation

2、service and both parties confirm that the contact information provided hereunder is accurate. The parties, on the basis of consensus, have entered into the Agreement as follows:一、 翻译项目名称:Translation Project: TTH lends LBS USD 0 64m (v6 LB) (2) 二、 合作价格: Price: 译 类Type of Translation原稿中文字数Number of Ch

3、inese characters of source text单 价(RMB)Rate (RMB)总价(RMB)Total Price 交稿方式Mode of Delivery交稿时间Time of Delivery英译中E-C2250 单词2250 words320元/千字RMB 320 per thousand words700元700Yuan邮箱By email2014-5-12 12 may 2014备注:Note:字数计算办法及译件规格要求:WORD文档以字符数不计空格为准,书写稿以含标点符号与阿拉伯字数的手工点数为准;文本框或图片中的文字另行计算。Word count measur

4、es and source text specifications: Word count shall be subject to Number of characters excluding spaces for a WORD document; manual count of characters including punctuation and Arabic numbers for a manuscript; characters in text boxes and pictures shall be counted separately.三、 付款方式: 合同签订之日甲方预付50%定

5、金,交稿三天内按实际翻译费用向乙方支付余款Payment Term: Party A shall pay Party B 50% of the contract amount as a deposit within three days from the date of signature, and pay the balance according to the actual translation fees within one week after delivery of the translation.四、 汇款账号:Account for Remittance: 开户行: Bank

6、Name:开户名: Account Name:账 号:Account Number:以上账户为公司指定收款银行信息,汇入其他银行无效。The above account information is designated by Party B for receiving payment, and remittance to other account will be invalid. 五、 译稿交付:Translation Delivery: 1 乙方向甲方交付译稿时必须以邮件形式从901邮箱交付到甲方指定的电子 邮箱。未明确约定的,乙方可以采取包括但不限于邮寄、传真、QQ/MSN等任何一种方

7、式向甲方交付译稿。1. Party B shall deliver the translation by email from to Party As designated email address_ _. If the delivery method is not expressly agreed, Party B may use any method, including but not limited to mailing, fax, QQ/MSN, to deliver the translation to Party A.2甲方应向乙方提供正确的联系方式,如因甲方提供的信息不准确或

8、发生变更后未及时通知乙方,导致乙方翻译的译稿无法交付给甲方的,由此产生的后果由甲方承担。2. Party A shall provide Party B with correct contact information. In the event that Party A provides inaccurate information or fails to notify Party B of any change to the information, which causes that Party B is unable to deliver the translation to Part

9、y A, Party A shall be liable for the consequences arising there from.3自乙方交付译稿之日(含当日)起7日内,甲方未就译稿向乙方提出异议的,视为乙方已按约定向甲方提供了翻译服务,乙方对本合同的翻译义务履行完毕;甲方需严格按照合同约定支付翻译费。3. Where Party A files no objection to Party B within seven days from the date of delivery of the translation (inclusive), it shall be deemed th

10、at Party B has provided Party A with translation service as agreed and has fulfilled the obligations of translation hereunder; Party A shall pay the translation fee to Party B in strict accordance with the Contract. 4需要快递代收款项的,甲方在收到乙方译稿时须即时付清翻译费。4. In the event that express delivery company is entru

11、sted with the payment collection, Party A shall pay translation fees immediately after receiving Party Bs translation.六、 翻译质量:Translation Quality:乙方应保证翻译的准确性和完整性。甲方如对乙方译稿有异议,甲方有权在取稿之日起7日内,向乙方提出修改意见,乙方应按甲方要求在规定的时间内免费进行修改,直至甲方满意为止。Party B shall ensure the accuracy and completeness of the translation.

12、Should Party A have any objection to the translation, Party A shall have the right to propose amendments within seven days from the date of receipt of translation; Party B shall amend the translation within the specified period in accordance with Party As requirements until Party A is satisfied with

13、 the translation.七、 双方责任和义务:Responsibilities and Obligations: 1、 甲方责任:1. Party As responsibilities:1.1 甲方应及时、完整、准确地向乙方提供翻译原稿,为确保最终翻译稿能够达到甲方要求,甲方有责任尽量给乙方提供相关的背景资料和统一的专业术语。 1.1 Party A shall timely provide complete and accurate source text for translation to Party B. In order to ensure that the final

14、translation meets the requirements of Party A, Party A has the responsibility to provide Party B with the relevant background information and unified technical terms and expressions. 1.2翻译稿件的来源、内容、用途的合法性由甲方负责。1.2 Party A shall be responsible for the legality of the source, content and purpose of the

15、 source text for translation.1.3甲方需按约定时间支付翻译费。逾期付款的,每逾期一日,按合同总金额的1%向乙方支付滞纳金。1.3 Party A shall pay the translation fees within the specified period of time. Should Party A fall into arrears with the payment, Party A shall pay Party B 1% of the total contract amount as a penalty on a daily basis until

16、 the translation fee is paid in full. 1.4甲方在乙方交稿前单方面解除合同或取消翻译的,甲方应按合同总金额80%向乙方支付违约金。1.4 In the event Party A unilaterally terminates this Contract before Party B delivers the translation or cancel the translation, Party A shall pay Party B 80% of the total contract amount as liquidated damages. 2、乙方

17、责任:2. Party Bs responsibilities: 2.1乙方需按约定时间交付译件,逾期交稿的,每逾期一日,须按合同总金额的1%向甲方支付滞纳金。2.1 Party B shall deliver the translation before the deadline agreed, otherwise B shall pay Party A 1% of the total contract amount on as a penalty a daily basis until the translation is delivered.2.2相关背景资料及译文文本乙方需按规定日期完

18、整归还甲方。2.2 Party B shall return the relevant background information and translation text intact to Party A on the designated date.2.3乙方保证对甲方翻译稿件的任何信息及其所涉及的相关信息和商业秘密负有保密义务及责任。2.3 Party B shall undertake to keep confidential any information of the source text and the relevant information and business s

19、ecrets involved. 3、 双方义务:3. Obligations of the parties: 如甲方修改原稿,乙方对译文作相应修改,根据修改程度乙方可酌量收取改稿费,或在收取原稿翻译费后,对修改稿按单价重新计费。如补充翻译,则另行收费。In the event that Party A modifies its source text, Party B shall also modify the translation accordingly and may charge a modification fee at its discretion; or Party B may

20、 recount the fees on the basis of the rate after the modification. Supplementary translation shall be charged separately.八、 履行本合同发生争议时,双方应协商解决;协商不成的,由乙方所在地人民法院管辖,适用中华人民共和国法律。Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract shall be resolved on the basis of consultation between the parties; if co

21、nsultation fails, the disputes shall be governed by the peoples court in the place where Party B is located and applicable to laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 九、 本合同一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,签字盖章生效。This Contract is executed in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. This Contract shall become effective immediately after it is signed and sealed by both parties.十、 本合同传真件及扫描件具有同等法律效力。Faxed and scanned copies of this Contract shall have the equal legal effect with the original.甲 方: Party A: A:乙 方: Party B: 授权代表:Authorized Representative: 授权代表: Authorized Representative:Date: Date: .

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