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1、七年级上5,6单元错题(实意动词练习)一,单项选择 ()1._ she have a pencil box?ADo BIs CDoes DAre()2.Does Helen_ English books?A are Bis Chas DHave()3.My friend _ have a TV, but he_ a computer.Adont; has Bdoesnt; have Cdoesnt; has Ddont; have()4._ his sister have a friend?AIsBAmCDoesDDo()5._ wants to play baseball with us.A

2、She BHerCHers DThey()4._ Li Ming_ a volleyball?ADoes; have BDo; have CDoes; has DDo; has()6.My sister_ a nice room.Ahave Bhas Cthere is Dthere are()7.Do you _ TV at home every evening?Alook Bsee Cwatch Dread()8.I have an_ book.Agood Bfun Cboring Dinteresting()9.Here is_ basketball. Do you play_ bask

3、etball?Aa; the Ba; a Ca; / Dthe; the()10._Mary_soccer ofter school?AIs; play BAre; plays CDo; plays DDoes; play()11.He watches them _ TV.Afor Bunder Cin Don()12.Sam_ sports every day.Aplay Bplaying Cplays Dto play1页()13.Jim and Mary _ a basketball.AhasBhave Care Dnot have()14._ he _ tennis balls?ADo

4、es; has BDoes; have CDo; have DDo; has()15.2014凉山Look at those teachers over there. Which is your new art teacher?The man_ curly hair. He is very funny.Awith Bin Con Dfor()16.Lets play _ soccer. I dont have _ soccer ball. A/; a Bthe; a Ca; the D/; the ()17._ Jim_ a baseball?ADo; have BDoes; has CDoe

5、s; have DDo; has()18.John usually _ at 5:30 in the afternoon.Ago home Bgoes home Cgo to home Dgoes to home( )19.My grandparents love me very much, and I love_, too. Athey Bthem Ctheir Dtheirs ()20.We_ have a volleyball.Aarent Bdont Cdoesnt Disnt()21.Shall we go for a walk?_ great.AFeels BSounds CTur

6、ns DLooks()22.I dont like tennis. Its difficult _ me to play it.Aof Bfor Cin Dto()23.Their jackets have _ color. Asame Bsames Cthe same Da same()24._ Alice and Helen play sports after school?Yes, they _ADo; do BDoes; does CDo; does DDoes; do2页二,按要求写句子1Jim has a soccer ball.(改为一般疑问句)_ Jim _ a soccer

7、ball?2Do they have watches?(改为单数句)_ he _ a _?3Do Jim and Bill have TVs?(作否定回答)No, _ _4你姐姐有电脑吗?_ your sister _ a _?5We have a computer room.(改为一般疑问句) _ you _ a computer room?6Tom has a tennis racket.(改为否定句) Tom _ _ a tennis racket.7She has a basketball.(改为一般疑问句)_ she _ a basketball?8I have a pingpong

8、 ball.(用Tom代替I改写句子)_ _ a pingpong ball.9Jack plays basketball after school.(改为一般疑问句)_ Jack _ basketball after school?10I watch TV in the evening.(用she作主语改写句子)_ _ TV in the evening.11Kate watches TV in the evening. (改为否定句)Kate _ _ TV in the evening.12我们没有网球拍。_ _ _ a tennis racket.13他们有许多体育运动俱乐部。They

9、_ _ sports clubs.3页三.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1get_2.sound_3play_ 4.ask_5watch_ 6.do_7go_ 8.have_四.用所给词的适当形式填空1Does your sister_ (play) baseball? 2Nancy_ (have) a computer. What about you? 3Lets_ (get) our new English books from our teacher. 4Lets play volleyball.That _ (sound) good.5Can you help_ (we)? We ne

10、ed your help. 6Jenny _ (not watch) TV every evening. 7_ he _ (have) a baseball?8My friend often(经常) _ (play) tennis.9He often _ (play) pingpong with his classmates after class.10Her brother _ (have) a basketball.11_ you _ (have) a tennis racket?12My brother _ (have) a baseball bat.13I have many _ (f

11、riend) in my school.14_ your friend _ (play) sports?15It _ (sound) difficult.16Mr. Cheng watches _ (they) on TV.4页一.单项填空()1._ your sisters_ bananas?ADo; likeBDoes; like CDo; likes D. Does; likes()2.Does Bruce_ bread?Yes, he_Alikes; does Blikes; do Clike; does Dlike; do()3.My mother_ fruit, but she l

12、ikes vegetables.Alike Bdont like Cdoesnt like Dnot like()4.What color are those _?Theyre _Aoranges; oranges Borange; orangeCoranges; orange Dorange; oranges()5.Mary_ like chicken, but Tom _Adoesnt; does Bdoesnt; doesnt Cdoes; likes Ddo; doesnt()6.I have some bread, but I_Alike it Blike them Cdont li

13、ke them Ddont like it()7._ Linda and her brother have vegetables?Yes, they _ADo; do BDo; does CDoes; do DDoes; does()8.Do you have any _?Yes, I have two.Asalad Bwater Cpears Dpear()9._ Marys aunt_ hamburgers?ADoes; likes BDoes; like CDo; likes DDo; like()10.I like_Do you like_?Aorange; them Boranges

14、; them Coranges; they Doranges; it()11.2015兰州I paid (支付) ¥10 for _ this morning. A4 bottle milks B4 bottles of milk C4 bottles of milks D4 milk5页()12.Im hungry(饥饿的). What about having_? Aa bread Bsome bread Csome breads Dtwo breads ()13.Mary, please get some_ for me. Amilk Bapple Ctomato Dpear ()14.

15、_ lunch, Bill and his brother _ hamburgers.AFor; like BFor; likes CTo; like DTo; likes()15.I like _ TV with my friends.Awatch Bwatching Cwatches Dwatchs()16.These sports _ eat _ every day.Astar; well Bstar; good Cstars; well Dstars; good ()17.I want some _ and_Astrawberry; bread Bstrawberries; bread

16、Cstrawberries; breads Dstrawberry; breads()18.Tom wants_ an apple.Aeat Bto eating Cto eat Deating()19*.Tom likes salad, but his sister doesnt like _Ahim Bthem Cit Dme()20.We eat _ and we are all _Awell; health Bwell; healthyCgood; health Dgood; healthy()21._ does your father have _ lunch?Chicken and

17、 tomatoes.AWhat; for BWhat; / CHow; for DHow; /()22.I want _ some apples and chicken for dinner. Ato have Bhave Chaving Dto has ()23.What would you like to drink(喝), girls?_, please.ATwo glass of water BTwo glass of watersCTwo cups of tea DTwo cups of teas6页()24.Ann eats two_ and drinks some_ for br

18、eakfast.Ahamburgers; oranges Bhamburgers; orangeChamburger; oranges Dhamburger; orange()25.How many_ are there in the basket? Apotato Bbread Ctomatoes Dapple ()26.I like bananas, but Linda doesnt like _A it Bthem Cthis DThese二,用所给词的适当形式填空1I love_ (they) very much. 2She likes _ (strawberry)3Tom _ (ea

19、t) two eggs for breakfast every day.4My brother _ (not like) salad.5What do you like _ (eat), Tom?6Does she _ (like) eggs? 7John Smith _ (eat) chicken and vegetables for lunch.8Sam plays basketball very _ (good) 9Dale likes pears, but I dont like _ (they)10Peter_ (eat) icecream every day.11Do they l

20、ike_ (tomato)?12We eat_ (good) at school.13John wants to be a_ (sport) star.14_ you _(have) a pingpong bat?Yes, I do.15_ Tim and Jane _(have) erasers?Yes, they _ (do)16_ Jack _ (have) a basketball?7页17Jerry, do you like _ ?18.My father _(like)oranges, but he _ (not like) bananas.19_ your parents _ (

21、like) tomatoes?No, they _ (not) 20. Jim likes _ (salad)21His mother _ (not like) French fries.四,按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1I like oranges.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ _ like oranges?No, _ _2They like salad.(改为否定句)They _ _ salad.3My brother likes icecream.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ your brother _ icecream?Yes, _ _4My parents like a

22、pples, but they dont like tomatoes.(用my father替换my parents改写句子)My father _ apples, but he _ like tomatoes.5Jenny likes fruit(对画线部分提问)_ _ Jenny _?6Jim likes eggs.(改为一般疑问句)_ Jim_ eggs?7They have a baseball.(改为一般疑问句)_ they _ a baseball?8Bob likes hamburgers.(改为一般疑问句)_ Bob_ hamburgers?9She likes oranges(对画线部分提问)_ _ she _?8页【本文档内容可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容期待你的好评和关注,我们将会做得更好】精选范本,供参考!

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