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1、HEALING GARDENS 康复花园康复花园CONTENTS 目录目录Historical background 康复花园的历史背景What are the healing gardens 康复花园的定义Functional requirements 康复花园的功能设计Plant requirements 康复花园的植物设计Case studies in Chongqing 重庆医院景观案例研究Examples 案例赏析HISTORICAL BACKGROUND历史背景Ancient time escape 古代的花园用于遮蔽Ex.:Babylon empire:Semiramis han

2、ging garden 巴比伦空中花园Egypt special microclimate 古埃及花园被用于改善微气候Greece and the Roman empire religious gardens and woods 希腊和罗马帝国的宗教花园Middle age herb gardens 中世纪的草药园Sankt Gallen monastery圣加仑修道院French hospital in pavilionSystem法国医院建筑布局(馆阁制度)Hungarian thermal bath匈牙利温泉Dr.Roger Ulrich research view on a brick

3、 wall or on green area Roger Ulrich博士对于绿地空间对病人治愈力的研究Vs.SO WHAT IS HEALING GARDEN?康复花园的定义康复花园的定义 “a garden in a healing setting designed to make people feel better”(Eckerling,1996)“具有治愈力量的花园设计能使人感到更加愉悦”FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS功能设计功能设计Modern design现代设计The use of wood木材的使用Limestone pavement石灰石铺装Need for

4、 sitting areas休憩空间Place for private chat私人聊天空间Need for play areas游乐场地Calm sound of water水声让人平静Special feel of water touch触摸水带来特别的感觉Barefoot path 赤脚路径HorticulturalTherapy园艺治疗法Feeling of self satisfaction亲手种植的成就感Tables for people in wheelchair 为残障人士设计的桌子Enjoyable and inviting from window令人愉悦的窗外景色PLANT

5、ATION REQUIREMENTS植物设计植物设计Spring aspect春景Autumn aspect秋景Importance of branch systemVariety枝干形态的多样性Importance of branch system color枝干颜色的重要性WHAT NOT TO PLANT不可选择植物不可选择植物Berberis thunbergii Atropurpurea紫叶小檗Morus alba Pendula 垂枝桑Thuja plicata Zebrina 北美乔柏Prunus lusitanica Variegata卢李梅(葡萄牙桂樱)Ginko bilob

6、a(f)mess 银杏果Cupressus arizonica 柏Santolina chamaecyparissus 银香菊Juniperus sabina 新疆圆柏Koelreuteria paniculata spring 木栾 春景 Koelreuteria paniculata autumn木栾秋景WHAT TO PLANT植物选择植物选择Plants enyojable by showing the seasonal change植物的季节性变化Abies concolor白冷杉Acer palmatum 鸡爪槭Interesting leaf structure叶片结构的趣味性P

7、hoetinia x fraseri Red Robin 红鸟石楠the new leafes are red新长出的叶子呈红色P.alba trunk 桦树的枝干Lantana sp.紫马缨丹Buddleja davidi 大叶醉鱼草Catalpa bignonioides crop 紫葳楸 Interesting features植物特征的趣味性Santolina chamaecyparissus 银香菊Juniperus sabina 新疆圆柏Tilia tomentosa 银毛椴Smell 嗅觉PhiladelphusCoronarius欧洲山梅花Koelreuteria panicu

8、lata栾树Tilia tomentosa 银毛椴Indocalamus tessellatus(Munro)Keng f.箬竹Populus tremula欧洲山杨Sound 听觉Cortaderia selloana蒲苇Ulmus minor 小叶榆Ilex aquifolium 构骨冬青 Betula pendula 垂枝桦Forsythia x intermedia连翘Populus tremula欧洲山杨Touch 触觉CASE STUDIES CHONGQING:HOSPITAL GARDENS 重庆医院景观案例研究重庆医院景观案例研究1)XI NAN HOSPITAL 西南医院M

9、aintained road sides行道树维护良好Shady parking areas树荫下的停车区域Terrace between the buildings大楼之间的平台Quiet garden area静谧的花园空间Respect given main entrance主入口景观良好Separate public square分散的公共空间2)XIN QIAO HOSPITAL 新桥医院Several spaces for private walk and chat散步和聊天的空间Inviting look from the window窗外吸引人的景色Great view of

10、the mountains远处的山景Shady waiting areaat the main entrance主入口树荫下的休憩空间Opportunity to create several healing gardens可建造康复花园的空间Lack of benches缺乏座椅Unplanned path to the water未规划通往水面的小径EXAMPLES案例赏析Duke of Cronwall Spinal Treatment Centre:Horatios GardenLittleton AdventistHealing GardenCoastal Maine Botanical Garden,Vayo Meditation GardenArticle:Ulrika A.Stigsdotted,Patric Grahn:What makes a garden a healing garden(2002)in Science Direct

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