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1、山东省德州市第七中学2016-2017学年七年级英语上学期第一次月考试题1.本次考试要求用黑色笔作答,不可用铅笔及浅蓝颜色笔作答。2.本次考试全卷满分为120分。3.请认真作答,作弊记0分。第一部分:听 力 (共三节,满分20分)一、选出你所听到的字母或单词,将其序号填在括号里。(5分)( ) 1. A. E B. F C. G( )2.A. am B. is C. are( ) 3.A. red B. blue C. yellow( ) 4.A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday( ) 5.A. fine B. five C. friend 二、选出你所听到的句子,

2、将其序号填在括号里。(5分)( )6. A.Nice to meet you. B. How are you? C.Fine, thanks.( ) 7. A.Thank you. B.Thanks. C.Youre welcome.( ) 8A.Its green. B.Its white. C.Its black.( ) 9.A.81163 B.57942 C.83456( ) 10.AIts Tuesday. B.Its Wednesday. C.Its Thursday.三、选出你所听到句子的应答语,将其序号在括号里。(10分)( ) 11.A. Yes, I am. B. Thank

3、 you. C. Hello, Betty.( )12. A. Good morning, Miss Zhou. B. Good afternoon, Miss Zhou. C. Good evening, Miss Zhou.( ) 13. A. Fine, thanks. B. Hello. C. Nice to meet you.( )14. A. Yes, Im not. B. No, I am. C. Yes, I am.( ) 15. A. Thank you . B. Youre welcome. C. Yes, it is.( ) 16. AIm Betty. B. Im 12

4、. C. Yes, I am.( )17. A. Im Betty. B. Im sorry. C. Im twelve.( ) 18. A. This is Betty. B. Its a pencil. C. Its red.( )19. A. Nice to meet you, too. . Im Tony. CHow are you?( ) 20. A. Its a bird. B. Its Monday. C. Its blue.第二部分英语知识运用(100分)二、单项选择从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处最佳选项,并把序号填在第卷答题栏内。(每小题1分,共20分)( )21

5、、-_your name?My name is Lucy.A、 Whats B、whatC、Hows( )22、-How _ you, Bill?-Fine, thank you.A、 is B、areC、am( )23、-_ colour are the shirts? -_white.A、 What, Theyre B.Where, Theyre C、what, Its( )24、-Whats your favourite sport? -I like_.A、runningB、singing C、cooking ( )25、Mr Wang, _my English teacher, Mis

6、s Li.A、 its B、 this is C、this( )26、-Whats this? -_a book.A、 This is B、Its C、It( )27、-How many desks_ in the room? -One.A、there is B、are there C、there are ( )28、This is _pen.A、 black B、a black C、black a ( )29、_favourite food is fish.A、 My B、You C、I ( ) 30. My father and mother like .A. swim B. swimin

7、g C. swimming ( )31. _ is a map. _ are pictures.A.This; This B. These; This C.This ; These( )32.英语中有_个字母,其中_是元音字母,其余_是辅音字母。 A26,21,5 B.26,5,21 C.48,5,21( )33.在英语中,单个字母表示一个单词的是_ A. F B.H C.I( )34.Good morning, Lingling. -_, Mrs Gao.A. Hello B.Good morning C.Goodbye( )35.-_? -Fine, thank you. A.How ar

8、e you B. How do you do C.Good morning( )36.Whats your name, please? -_. A. Im Li Da Ming. B. My name is Wang lingling C.Im Zhao Qi.( )37. Ms Gao, _ my mother. Mum, _ Ms Gao. A. this is, she is B. this is, this is C. she is, this is ( )38.-_? - W-I-F-E. A. Whats this B.What is she C. How do you spell

9、 “wife”? ( )39.Do you like _? A. run and swim B. running and swimming C. runing and swiming ( )40._ Harbin in winter? A. Whats the weather B. Whats the weather like C.Whats the weather三、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的几个选项中,选出最佳选项,并把序号填在第卷答题栏内。(20个小题,每小题2分,共40分)AJane and I are in the same class. She is a girl. Wer

10、e good friends. She is from England. She is twelve years old.Look at the picture of Janes family. Who is the man? He is Janes father. He is an engineer. Who is the woman? She is Janes mother. She is a teacher. She teaches English in No. 1 Middle School. Look at the little boy. He is Leo, Janes broth

11、er. He is only three years old.( ) 41. Jane is _. A. English B. Chinese C. a teacher D. a boy( ) 42. How old is Jane? A. 12 B. 20 C. 11 D. 13( ) 43. Janes mother is _ teacher. A. a Chinese B. an English C. a math D. P.E. teacher( ) 44. Who is Leo? A. Janes sister B. Janes brotherC. Janes father D. J

12、anes mother( ) 45. Is Leo a student? A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he isnt. C. No, he is. D. No, he isnt.BMr Hu: Good morning, boys and girls! Im Mr Hu and Im your English teacher.Boys and girls: Good morning, Mr Hu!Mr Hu: Are you Dave?Student A: No. Im Bill.Mr Hu: OK. Now, Bill, whats this in English?Stud

13、ent A: Its a ruler, Mr Hu.Mr Hu: What colour is it?Student A: White.Mr Hu: Right (正确). And what colour is this pen?Student A: Its blue. I like (喜欢) blue, because (因为) I like the sea (大海).Student B: No. The pen is green. And I like green. Look! My jacket is green.Mr Hu: Great!( ) 46. _ is the English

14、 teacher.A. Dave B. Bill C. Mr Hu D. Miss Hu( ) 47. The boy is _.A. Bill B. Dave C. Mr Hu D. White( ) 48. The ruler is _.A. blue B. green C. brown D. white( ) 49. The jacket is _.A. white B. green C. blue D. We dont know( ) 50. The _ is blue.A. ruler B. pencil C. pen D. jacketCThere are four seasons

15、(季节)in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.Spring is a beautiful season. Its from March to May. In spring, the trees turn green and the flowers come out. Everything looks new.Summer is a happy season. Its from June to August. In summer, we can swim and eat ice cream.Autumn is a colour

16、ful season. It lasts(持续)from September to November. In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn yellow. Sometimes they are yellow and red. The colours are beautiful.Winter is a cold season. Its from December to February. In winter, it snows in most places of China. Snow is white, and everything looks wh

17、ite. The children like playing with snow. ( ) 51. How many seasons are there in a year? A. Two B. Four C. Five D. Six( ) 52. Whats the meaning of the underlined(下划线的)words? A. 出来 B.开放 C. 出版 D. 鲜艳( ) 53. Winter is from _ in China. A. January to MarchB. December to February C. March to May D. Septembe

18、r to November( ) 54. In _, everything looks new. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter( ) 55. Can the children play with snow in winter in most place of China? A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they can. C. No, they arent. D. No, they cant.DThis Chinese boy is Li Lei . He is 12 .He is in No.3Middle School

19、. Hes in Class Two ,Grade One. His good friend is Jack .Hes an English boy .Hes in Li Leis school .Hes in Class One ,Grade Two .Mrs Read is an English teacher in their school .She is English and she teaches Grade Three .Jack and Li Lei have a secret(秘密) .Jack is Mrs Reads son .( )56.Whos in No.3 Mid

20、dle School ?A.Li Lei and his mother . B. Li Lei and Jack C.Li Lei ,Jack and Jacks mother .( )57What grade is Jack in ?A.Grade One . B. Grade Two .C. Grade Three( )58.How old is Jack ?A.Hes twelve . B.Hes not twelve . C.We dont know .( )59.Is Mrs Read an English teacher in their school ?A.Yes, she is

21、 . B. No, she isnt . C.Mr Read is .( )60.Are Jack and Li Lei good friends ?A.Yes, they are . B. No, they arent . C.We dont know四、写出下列所给字母相邻的两个字母,注意大小写 (10小题,共10分)61. _ o _ 62. _ j _ 63. _ d _64. _ t _ 65. _ k _ 66. _ g _67. _ H _ 68. _ U _ 69. _ L _70. _ R _五、 按顺序写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。(5分)71.六、情景对话 (5) 从方框

22、中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A .How are you ?B. Im fine ,thanks ._72_A. And you ?B. I spell it .C. What colour is it ?D. No ,it isnt .E. How do you spell it ?F. Whats this in English ?G. Yes , it is .A. Im fine ,too ._73_ B. Its a bag .A. _74_ B. B-A-G ,bag .A. _75_ B. Its green .A. Is this your bag ?B. _76

23、_ My bag is red .七书面表达。(20分) 自我介绍,运用学过的句型介绍一下自己(姓名、性别、年龄、爱好如:食物,颜色,运动等),要求:不少于6句话,书写规范。内容可拓展,不可出现真实姓名及班级。 个人工作业务总结本人于2009年7月进入新疆中正鑫磊地矿技术服务有限公司(前身为“西安中正矿业信息咨询有限公司”),主要从事测量技术工作,至今已有三年。在这宝贵的三年时间里,我边工作、边学习测绘相专业书籍,遇到不懂得问题积极的请教工程师们,在他们耐心的教授和指导下,我的专业知识水平得到了很到的提高,并在实地测量工作中加以运用、总结,不断的提高自己的专业技术水平。同时积极的参与技术培训学

24、习,加速自身知识的不断更新和自身素质的提高。努力使自己成为一名合格的测绘技术人员。在这三年中,在公司各领导及同事的帮助带领下,按照岗位职责要求和行为规范,努力做好本职工作,认真完成了领导所交给的各项工作,在思想觉悟及工作能力方面有了很大的提高。 在思想上积极向上,能够认真贯彻党的基本方针政策,积极学习政治理论,坚持四项基本原则,遵纪守法,爱岗敬业,具有强烈的责任感和事业心。积极主动学习专业知识,工作态度端正,认真负责,具有良好的思想政治素质、思想品质和职业道德。 在工作态度方面,勤奋敬业,热爱本职工作,能够正确认真的对待每一项工作,能够主动寻找自己的不足并及时学习补充,始终保持严谨认真的工作态

25、度和一丝不苟的工作作风。 在公司领导的关怀以及同事们的支持和帮助下,我迅速的完成了职业角色的转变。一、回顾这四年来的职业生涯,我主要做了以下工作:1、参与了新疆库车县新疆库车县胡同布拉克石灰岩矿的野外测绘和放线工作、点之记的编写工作、1:2000地形地质图修测、1:1000勘探剖面测量、测绘内业资料的编写工作,提交成果新疆库车县胡同布拉克石灰岩矿普查报告已通过评审。2、参与了库车县城北水厂建设项目用地压覆矿产资源评估项目的室内地质资料编写工作,提交成果为库车县城北水厂建设项目用地压覆矿产资源评估报告,现已通过评审。3、参与了新疆库车县巴西克其克盐矿普查项目的野外地质勘查工作,参与项目包括:1:


27、的编写工作,并绘制相应图件。通过以上的这些工作,我学习并具备了以下工作能力: 1、通过实习,对测绘这门学科的研究内容及实际意义有了系统的认识。加深对测量学基本理论的理解,能够用有关理论指导作业实践,做到理论与实践相统一,提高分析问题、解决问题的能力,从而对测量学的基本内容得到一次实际应用,使所学知识进一步巩固、深化。2、熟悉了三、四等控制测量的作业程序及施测方法,并掌握了全站仪、静态GPS、RTK等测量仪器的工作原理和操作方法。3、掌握了GPS控制测量内业解算软件(南方测绘 Gps数据处理)以及内业成图软件(南方cass)的操作应用。能够将外业测量的数据导入软件进行地形图成图和处理。4、在项目

28、技术负责的指导下熟悉了测量技术总结的编写要求和方法,并参与了部分项目测量技术总结章节的编写工作。5、在项目负责的领导下参与整个测量项目的组织运作,对项目的实施过程有了深刻理解。通过在项目组的实习锻炼了自己的组织协调能力,为以后的工作打下了坚实基础。二、工作中尚存在的问题 从事测绘工作以来,深深感受到工作的繁忙、责任的重大,也因此没能全方位地进行系统地学习实践,主要表现为没有足够的经验,对于地形复杂的地段理解不够深刻;理论知识掌握不够系统,实践能力尚为有限。以上问题,在今后工作中自己将努力做到更好。三、今后的工作打算 通过总结四年来的工作,我无论从工作技术上,还是从世界观、人生观、价值观等各个方面,都有了很大的提高。今后,我会在此基础上,刻苦钻研,再接再厉,使自己在业务知识水平更上一层楼,为测绘事业的发展,贡献自己的力量。8

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