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1、Chapter 4MemosLearning objectivesBy the end of this chapter,you should be able toIdentify the characteristics of memos;Describe memo elements;Know how to write effective memos;Avoid common errors when writing memos.Main Contents4.1 Overview4.2 History of Memos4.3 Characteristics of Successful Memos4

2、.4 Components of Memos4.5 Writing Memos and samplesRules for Writing MemorandaGuides for Writing Memoranda4.1 OverviewMemorandums or memos are business messages,which transmit information to those within a company.They are used for many of the same purposes for which business letters are used.Purpos

3、es of MemosGive instructions or notify events which occurred;Seek information;Offer ideas and suggestions.4.2 History of MemosBusiness letter memoThe two important changes that were taking place in US businessThe brief,direct and intimate style of internal memos4.3 Characteristics of Successful Memo

4、s4.3.1 Subject headings4.3.2 Single topic4.3.3 Conversational tone4.3.4 Conciseness4.3.5 Visual signaling4.4 Components of MemosThe format for memos varies from company to company.However,all memos,regardless of format,include the following five guide words:-Memorandum or Memo,or Interoffice Memoran

5、dum.-Date.-To:(shows the name of the person who will receive the message.The receivers job title is often included.)-From:(shows the name of the writer of the message.)-Subject:tells the topic of the memo.It should be clear,concise and complete.Some companies use the designation Re:(regarding)instea

6、d of Subject.Some companies purchase or print their own memorandum stationary with the five guide words mentioned above.This saves the writer some time when preparing memos.Components of Memos1.memo headings2.memo massages-opening:indirect,direct-body:a plain paragraph;a paragraph with highlighting

7、device-closing:expectation,avoid abruptness4.5 Writing MemosDefine your reader and purposesPay attention to the languageChoose simple wordsAvoid using wordy sentencesMemorandumDate:28 June1995To:All Training PersonnelFrom:R.Markham,Head,Training DepartmentSubject:Providing Clear,Complete Instruction

8、sIt has come to my attention that new employees are not performing their jobs satisfactorily.This is the fault of the trainer,not the trainee.You should give clear,complete instructions.Please follow these guidelines:1.Give an overview of the task.Make sure the task is understood.2.Describe each ste

9、p in order.3.Describe each step thoroughly.4.Ask questions at each step.Do NOT ask:Do you understand?Ask:How do we begin?What do we do next?etc.5.Have trainees repeat the instructions.MEMORANDUMTo:All members of staff,Northern BranchFrom:K.L.J.Date:5 December 1994Subject:Personal ComputersThe board

10、urgently requires feedback on our experience with PCs in Northern Branch.I need to know,for my report:1.What you personally use your PC for and your reasons for doing this.If you are doing working that was formerly done by other staff,please justify this.2.What software you use.Please name the progr

11、ams.3.How many hours per day you spend actually using it.4.How your PC has not come up to your expectations.5.What unanticipated uses you have found for your PC,that others may want to share.Please fax this information directly to me by 5 p.m.on Wednesday 7 December.If you have any queries,please co

12、ntact my assistant,Jane Simmonds,who will be visiting you on Tuesday,6 December.Thank you for your help.MemorandumTo:All employees of Carson BankFrom:Robert Dickinson,President RDDate:June 20,2003Subject:Instructions for New SafesTen new safes have been installed in the offices to replace the old on

13、es.To avoid any troubles,please follow the booklet of directions.Please contact me if you have any questions.Internal MemoTo:All BranchesFrom:Sales ManagerDate:26 November 1999Tour 3543-New Carrier1.We have found a new carrier for Tour 3543.This is DTL Aviation Company.2.All clients who still want t

14、o take this holiday must reconfirm their bookings as soon as possible.3.They must also check in at Gatwick Airport by 0825 on the day of departure.4.Please write to all agencies and tell them all.Rules for Writing Memoranda1)No normal greetings 2)Clear subject headings3)Direct indication of the situ

15、ation discussed4)One point,one paragraph 5)Numbering each paragraph clearly6)Be as objective as possible 7)Request for immediate feedback 8)Brief signature Guides for Writing Memoranda Guide 1:Write clear subject headings.1.Subject:Installation of Coffee Machines2.Exp.Trade Fair,June 20043.Subject:O

16、perating Instructions for New Copying Machines4.Re:Personal ComputersGuide 2:Make a direct indication of the matter or situation discussed.1.The Board is thinking of installing automatic coffee machines in the offices of each division.2.As you know,the Board of Directors is now considering the feasi

17、bility of participating in Exp.Brisbane 2004.3.I refer to your memorandum of 15th September and now wish to report on my visit to Brisbane.4.To ensure the copiers survival,it is important to keep the following procedures in mind.5.Ten new safes have been installed in the offices to replace the old o

18、nes.To avoid any troubles,please follow the booklet of directions.Guide 3:Be as objective as possible.1.It has been decided to buy some computers for certain numbers of the staff.2.I took samples of our full range of textiles with me to Brisbane and discussed these with wholesalers and retailers the

19、re.3.Hotel accommodation in Brisbane is plentiful and reasonably priced.4.Several community colleges and high schools in the area have asked us about stocking videotapes in the following areas:Shakespearean plays,American literature,and reading tutorials for children.No other video company is carryi

20、ng a rental inventory of educational materials.5.A new photocopier has been installed in the general office.All staff is welcome to use it.Guide 4:Make a request for immediate feedback.1.If possible,I would like to receive your report before the next Board Meeting on 1st June.2.Please find out for m

21、e what kind of computers are on sale in Hong Kong and what the prices of them are.3.I will be pleased to discuss my visit to Brisbane and recommendations with you at any time at your convenience.4.Please check the availability and the cost of tapes in these areas and provide me with a list by July 1

22、5.5.You should give clear,complete instructions.Format Hints and Tips on How to write a MemoWriting a memo is a relatively simple and informal task.Some things to and tips to consider when writing and considering the format of a Memo:How much information do you need to convey?Who do you need to comm

23、unicate with?The content of a memo includes information such as:Times,dates and places to meetRemindersNew basic informationRequests for confirmation,information or feedbackDont use a memorandum format for lots of informationUse this format to communicate with your colleagues or co-workersYou have now learnt how to write a business memorandum

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