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1、船舶与海洋工程专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering一、业务培养目标1、Educational Objectives本专业培养能适应社会发展需要,具备现代船舶与海洋工程设计、研究、建造的基本知识以及从事该行业工作所必需的基本技能,并有主动适应本学科及相关学科领域发展的创新意识和能力的船舶与海洋工程学科高级工程技术人才。This specialty fosters students be adapted to the development requirement

2、of modern society.,Equipped them with the fundamental knowledge of design, research and manufacture of Ship and Marine Engineering Structures as basic skills to be engaged in this industry as well as the initiative of adapting themselves to the development of Naval Architecture, and Marine Engineeri

3、ng, and the ability to enter relative industries.二、业务培养要求2、Educational Requirement本专业学生主要学习物理、数学、力学、船舶及海洋工程原理的基本理论和基本知识,接受工程图形学、机械设计、船舶与海洋结构物设计制造的基本训练,具有船舶与海洋结构物设计、研究、制造、检验的初步能力。本专业毕业生应具备以下几方面的知识储备和工作能力:1、掌握物理、数学、力学、船舶及海洋工程原理等本专业领域的基础理论知识;2、掌握船舶与海洋结构物的设计制造的理论、方法和工艺过程;3、具有本专业必需的设计、制图、计算、计算机应用及文献检索的基本

4、技能和知识;4、熟悉技术经济学、贸易与经营、造船生产管理、水上运动装备与训练等知识。5、有较强的自学能力、创新意识和良好的综合素质,具有一定的科学研究和实际工作能力。For this specialty, students mainly study basic theories and knowledge of mathematics, mechanics and principle of naval architecture & ocean engineering, accept necessary training of engineering graphics, mechanical d

5、esign, design and manufacture of naval architecture and ocean structure, and master the basic ability to design, research, manufacture and inspect of naval architecture and ocean structure. After four years systemic learning and training, graduates should bear knowledge and abilities as following:1.

6、 Systematically master the elemental theories and knowledge in Mathematics, Mechanics, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering.2. Systematically master the theories, methods and techniques process of Ship and Offshore Structures Design.3. Equip them with the fundamental skill and knowledge of design

7、, drawing, calculation, computer applications and literature searches.4. Be familiar with the knowledge in Technological Economics, Trade and Marketing, Management of Shipbuilding Production, Water Sport Equipment and Training. 5. Have strong ability of independent study, creating initiative, and te

8、am work spirit, and possess a high comprehensive quality.三、主干学科与主要课程3、 Major Disciplines & Major Courses主干学科:数学、力学、船舶与海洋工程Major Disciplines: Mathematics, Mechanics, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering主要课程:理论力学、材料力学、流体力学A、船舶结构力学、船舶静力学、船舶阻力学、船舶推进学、船舶运动学、船舶设计原理、船舶建造工艺学、船体强度与结构设计、船舶图形学、海洋工程水动力学基础、海洋

9、工程动力学基础、海洋平台设计、海洋平台建造工艺 Major Courses: Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics A, Structural Mechanics of Ships, Ship Statics, Ship Resistance, Ship Propulsion, Ship Kinematics, Principle of Ship Design, Shipbuilding Technology, Hull Intensity and Structure Design, Naval Arch

10、& Marine Engineering Graphics, Hydrodynamic Basis of Marine Engineering, Dynamics Basis of Ocean Engineering, Design of offshore Platform, Construction technique of offshore Platform四、特色课程 4、 Characteristic Courses船舶静力学、船舶阻力学、船舶推进学、船舶运动学、船舶设计原理、船舶建造工艺学、船体强度与结构设计、海洋平台设计、海洋平台建造工艺 Ship Statics, Ship Re

11、sistance, Ship Propulsion, Ship Kinematics, Principle of Ship Design, Shipbuilding Technology, Hull Intensity and Structure Design, Design of Offshore Platform, Construction Technique of Offshore Platform五、学制与学位5、 Length of School and Degree修业年限:四年Duration: 4 years授予学位:工学学士Degrees Conferred: Bachelo

12、r of Engineer 六、最低毕业学分规定6、 Graduation Credit CriteriaCredit Criteria of Different Kinds of CoursesTotal总学分Required Courses必修课学分Selective Courses选修课学分Practice Courses实践课学分Study Credit after Class课外学分209.51342443.58七、理论教学进程表 7、Theory Course Schedule课程类别CoursesClassifi-ed课程性质CoursesNature课 程 名 称Course

13、Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs其中(学时)Including各学期学时分配Hours Distribution in a Semester实验Exp.上机Oper-ation实践Prac-tice课外Extra-cur.一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th公 共 基 础 课 Public Basic CoursesGeneral Education Elective Coures必 修 课 Required Courses思想道德修养与法律基础Morals, Ethics and Fundamentals of Law48/348马克思主义基本原理Marxism

14、Philosophy48/348中国近现代史纲要Outline of Chinese Contemporary and Modern History32/232毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and “Three Represents” important Thought96/6326432军事理论Military Theory36/21836体育Physical Education144/47236363636大学英语College English256/1664

15、646464大学计算机基础Foundation of Computer 32/21232计算机程序设计基础(C语言)Fundamentals of Computer Program Design (C Language)56/3.52056高等数学AAdvanced Mathematics A176/119680线性代数Linear Algebra48/348概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematics Statistic56/3.556大学物理BPhysics B120/7.55664物理实验BPhysics Lab. B56/3.5562828小 计 Subtot

16、al1204/70563250722603403043000000通识教育选修课General Education Elective Courses人文社会科学类Humanity and Social Science Courses全校学生至少选修艺术限定性课程32学时/2学分;理工类专业学生至少选修人文社会科学类课程64学时/4学分;其它专业学生至少选修自然科学技术类课程64学时/4学分。由学校统一安排选课。 All the students are required to select at least 32 hours/2 credits in the courses of Condit

17、ionalSelectiveCourseofArt. Students of Science and Engineering must select at least 64 hours/2 credits in the courses of Humanity and Social Science, and other students must select at least 64 hours/4 credits in the courses of Natural Science. Unified Arrangement by the University.艺术限定性选修课Conditiona

18、lSelectiveCourseofArt自然科学技术类Natural Science Courses任意选修课Other Courses选修要求 Elective Demand要求至少选修128学时,8学分Subtotal class hours/credits at least: 128/8学 科 基 础 课 Basic Courses of Disciplines必 修 课 Required Courses专业导论Introduction to Speciality16/116工程图学BEngineering Graphics B64/4464理论力学B Theoretical Mech

19、anics B72/4.572材料力学B Materials Mechanics B64/4464流体力学A Fluid Mechanics A64/4664船舶结构力学Structural Mechanics of Ships64/464力学实验BMechanics Practice B24/1.52424机械设计基础B Mechanical Design Basis B56/3.5656电工与电子技术基础C Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering & Electronic Technology C90/5.52090金属工艺学C Metal Techn

20、ology C40/2.5440船舶与海洋工程图形学Naval Arch & Ocean Engineering Graphics64/464船舶静力学Ship Statics48/348船舶阻力学 Ship Resistance40/2.540船舶推进学Ship Propulsion48/348船舶运动学 Ship Kinematics48/348互换性与测量技术C Interchangeability and Measurement Technology C32/2432小 计 Subtotal834/526840080321361922989600选 修 课 Elective Cours

21、es船舶与海洋工程概论Introduction to Naval Arch & Ocean Engineering32/232船舶动力装置Ship Power Equipment32/232船舶电器设备 Ship Electric Equipment32/232船舶性能试验技术Experimental Technology of Ship Performance32/232船舶结构建模与实验技术The Modeling of the Ship and Experimental Technology32/232现代造船模式Modern Ship Manufacturing Mode 32/232

22、船舶技术经济学 Ship Technological Economics32/232船舶材料与焊接 Ship Materials and Welding32/232海洋工程水动力学基础Hydrodynamics Foundation of Marine Engineering32/232海洋工程动力学基础Dynamics Foundation of Marime Engineering32/232小 计 Subtotal320/200000006409664960选修要求Elective Demand96/6要求至少选修96学时,6学分Subtotal class hours/credits

23、at least: 96/6专 业 课 Specialized Courses必修课Required Courses船舶设计原理Principle of Ship Design64/464船舶建造工艺学Shipbuilding Technology64/464船体强度与结构设计Hull Intensity and Structure Design64/464小 计 Subtotal192/12000000000128640选 修 课 Elective Courses海洋与船舶工程ANaval Architecture & Ocean Engineering A船舶设备与系统 Ship Equi

24、pment and Systems32/232计算机辅助船舶设计Computer Aided Ship Design32/232运输船舶设计特点Characteristics of Transport Ship Design32/232船舶美学Ship Aesthetics32/232船舶与海洋工程振动学Ship Vibrations32/232高性能船性能及设计Performance and Design of High Performance of Ship32/232海洋平台设计Offshore Platform32/232船舶工程数据库Engineering Database of S

25、hip32/232船舶与海洋工程法规Rules for Naval Arch & Marine Engineering32/232物流基础Logistics Basis32/232小 计 Subtotal320/20000000003296192 0船舶与海洋工程BNaval Architecture & Ocean Engineering B船厂规划与管理Planning and Management of Shipyard32/232计算机辅助船舶建造Computer Aided Ship Manufacturing32/232造船机械设备Machine and Equipment for

26、 Shipbuilding32/232造船数控设备NC Equipment for Shipbuilding32/232造船测量技术Technique of Shipbuilding Measurement32/232造船生产机械化、自动化Mechanization and Automation of Shipbuilding Production32/232微机原理及其在造船中的应用Principles of Microcomputer and Application in Shipbuilding32/232海洋平台建造工艺Construction Technique of Offshor

27、e Platform32/232小 计 Subtotal256/160000000032641600船舶与海洋工程CNaval Architecture & Ocean Engineering C船舶贸易与经营Ship Trade and Marketing32/232计算机辅助船舶设计Computer Aided Ship Design32/232船舶与海洋工程法规Rules for Naval Arch & Marine Engineering32/232运输与保险Transportation and Insurance32/232水上运动装备概论Introduction to Water

28、 Sport Equipment32/232运动艇设计及艇型优化Yacht Design and Optimization of Hull Form32/232水上运动装备水动力学Hydrodynamics of Water Sport Equipment 32/232运动训练学Sport Training32/232小 计 Subtotal256/160000000032641600选修要求Elective Demand160/10按船舶与海洋工程A、B、C系列选修,一个系列至少修满160学时,10学分Elective according to Directive Module Subtot

29、al class hours/credits at least: 160/10八、实践教学进程表8、Practice Training Table实践环节名称Practice Courses Name周数/学分Hrs/Crs各学期周数分配Hours Distribution in a Semester一1st二2nd暑期Summer三3rd四4th暑期Summer五5th六6th暑期Summer七7th八8th军事训练Military Training3/1.53英语听力训练(分散进行)English Hearing Training2/211认识实习Field Study for Disci

30、pline Understanding1/11金工实习BMetal Techniques Practice B2/22电工电子实习BPractice in Electrical Engineering & Electronics B1/11基础强化训练Foundation Strengthening Training1/11机械设计基础课程设计Course Practice of Machine Design Basis2/22船舶静力学课程设计Course Practice of Ship Statics1/11船舶推进学课程设计Course Practice of Ship Propuls

31、ion1/11船体强度与结构设计课程设计Course Practice of Hull Intensity and Structure Design1/11船舶建造工艺学课程设计Course Practice of Shipbuilding Technology1/11专业基础实验Basic Experiment on Majors2/211能力拓展训练Ability Development Training1/11专业综合实验Comprehensive Experiment on Majors2/211船舶设计原理课程设计Course Practice of Principles of Sh

32、ip Design1/11生产实习Specialized Training Practice for the Discipline4/44普通话水平测试(分散进行)StandardChineseProficiencyTest 2/22毕业设计Graduation Design17/1717小 计 Subtotal45/43.5410131343619九、教学环节学时分配表9、Study Period Distribution Table总学时Total Hrs.教学环节类别Typesofteaching学时Hrs.占总学时比例PercenttoTTH(totalteachinghours)24

33、92必修课Required Courses公共基础课Public Basic Courses1082210843.4%84.6%学科基础课Basic Courses of Disciplines83433.5%专业课Specialized Courses1927.7%选修课Elective Courses公共基础课Public Basic Courses1283845.1%15.4%学科基础课Basic Courses of Disciplines963.9%专业课Specialized Courses1606.4%十、其它要求10、Other Demands形势与政策课程,平均每学期16学时

34、,一般按专题进行,在第七学期末考核,计 2个课外学分,具体由学校学生工作部、各学院学工办负责组织落实。Situation&Policy, a 16 hours/term with 2 credits course, is taught according to topics and tested at the end of the 7th term . The course will be arranged by the University Students Affairs Department and implemented by Students Affairs Offices in each school.

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