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1、选择填空:1The deer has four _.A.foot B.feet C.feets D.foots 2Her two brothers are both _.A.policeman B.policemans C.policemen D.policemens 3There are four _ and two _ in the group.A.Japanese,Germen B.Japaneses,Germen C.Japanese,Germans 4Two _ would come to the village.A.woman-doctors B.women doctor C.wo

2、men doctors D.woman doctors 5Can you see nine _ in the picture?A.sheep B.dog C.pig D.horse 6The _ has two _.A.boys,watches B.boy,watch C.boy,watches D.boys,watch 7The boy often brushes his _ before he goes to bed.A.tooth B.tooths C.teeth D.teeths 8The Japanese _ will not leave China until she finish

3、es her study.A.woman B.women C.man D.men 9There are lots of _ in the basket on the table.A.tomatos B.tomato C.tomatoes D.tomatoss 10.The cat caught two _ last night.A.mouses B.mice C.mouse D.mices 用所给名词的适当形式填空:1.How many_(sheep)are there on the hill?2.There is some_(food)in the basket.3.The baby has

4、 only two_(tooth)now.4.There is a lot of_(water)in the bottle.5.There are five_(people)in his family.6.Lets take_(photo),OK?7.I have lots of_(tomato)here.8.The_(leaf)on the tree turn-yellow.9.The_(child)are playing games on the playground now.10.Their_(dictionary)look new.11.I see you have a few whi

5、te_(hair).12.They are_(woman)doctors.13.Can you give me some bottles of _(orange),please?14.There are many_(fox)in the picture.15.I would like some apple_(juice).I am very thirsty.三单选Tony has many Chinese _.A.stamp B.stamps C.a stamp答案 B考查名词复数的用法。many 意为“很多”后接名词复数,故选 B。There are many _ at the foot o

6、f the hill.A.cow B.horse C.sheep答案:C many 修饰的是可数名词的复数形式,sheep的复数形式还是sheep,故选C。The old man used to raise many _ to make a living on the farm.A duck B horse C bird D sheep答案:D考查点:名词复数形式的用法。解题思路:many 之后要使用可数名词的复数形式,选项 A、B、C 都是可数名词,其复数形式为都要加-s;而 sheep 也是可数名词,其复数形式与单数形式相同,故答案选 D;Could you please tell me

7、something about the two_?All right.They arc exchange students of No.1 Middle School.A.Frenchman B.FrenchmansC.Germen D.Germans名词复数与交际用语用法。Frenchman 的复数是 Frenchmen,German的复数不是把 a 换成 e,而是直接加 s,即 Germans,故 B,C 错。Yes,please包含“好吧和感谢”的意思,All right 指指“好吧”。故 D 对。Could you please get me some_?Im hungry.A.app

8、le B.water C.bread D.egg答案 C考查可数名词与不可数名词。some 意为“一些”,后跟可数名词复数形式或不可数名词,A、D 为单数形式,需排除。由答语“I hungry”可推测,想要点吃的东西。故选 C。There isnt any _in the fridge.We need to go shopping.A.Oranges B.Milk C.eggs答案:B 考查名词。根据题干中的 isnt any,可判断后接不可数名词,选项中只有 B 是不可数名词。There are two and three on the table.A.apple;banana B.appl

9、es;banana C.apples;bananas答案:C 可数名词复数的考查。Apple 与 banana 都为可数名词,故选 C。Are there any _ in the picture?Yes,there are.A.fish B.pork C.beef 答案:A考查名词。B 与 C 都是不可数名词,be 动词用单数;fish 表示鱼的数量时,单数和复数同形。故选 A。Could you take _ for these _?They are very beautiful.A.any photos;tomatos B.some photos;tomatoesC.some photo

10、s;tomatos D.any photos;tomatoes选 B。photo 是无生命的,其复数形式为 photos,而 tomato是有生命的,其复数形式为 tomatoes,故先排除 A、C 二项;另本题是以“Could you.?”来表示有礼貌的请求,故舍 D 选 B。When I hurriedly got to the airport,the lady at the window told me that there were no _ left on that plane.A.places B.seats C.space D.room选 B。space,room 意为“空间”时

11、是不可数名词,句中 there were需要与可数名词搭配,先排除 C、D;根据关键信息 on that plane和题意“当我匆忙到达飞机场时,窗户旁的那位女士告诉我在那架飞机上没有座位”可知 A 不符合语境,故选 B。How many _ do you want every week?A.milk B.water C.apples 选 C。由关键信息 how many 可知本题要用可数名词的复数形式,milk,water 是不可数名词,apple 是可数名词,其复数形式是 apples,故正确答案为 C。here are a lot of _ in our school.They work

12、 very hard.A.woman teachers B.women teachers C.womans teachers选 B。“女教师”的复数形式是两个名词都变复数,即 women teachers。故正确答案为 B。They are from _.Theyre _.A.Germany;Germans B.Germans;GermanyC.German;Germany D.Germany;Germen选 A。Germany 意为“德国”,German 意为“德国人”,结合题意“他们来自德国,他们是德国人”可选出答案。需要注意的是,German 不像 Englishman 和 French

13、man,是由 English/French和 man 这两个有独立意义的词合成的,所以其复数形式不是Germen,而是直接在 German 后面加 s。Do you know how many_ a horse has and how many _ a bee has?-Of course.I know.A.teeth,feet B.tooth,foot C.foot,teeth D.teeth,footfoot 和 tooth 的复数形式都是把 oo 变成 ee,即 feet 和 teeth。结合题中所给的关键信息 how many 可选出正确答案为 A。参考答案:KEYS:B C C C A C C A C B 参考答案:1.sheep 2.food 3.teeth 4.water 5.people 6.photos 7.tomatoes 8.leaves 9.children 10.dictionaries 11.hair,hairs 12.women 13.orange 14.foxes 15.juice

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