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1、八上英语可数名词不可数名词练习题一、写出下列名词的复数形式:1.house _ 2.village _ 3.child _ 4.orange _ 5.bag _ 6.exercise _ 7.brush _ 8.family _ 9.bus _ 10.city _ 11.box _ 12.baby _ 13.class _ 14.factory _ 15.glass _ 16.dictionary _ 17.watch _ 18.woman _ 19.match _ 20.man _ 21.wish _ 22.German _ 23.tomato _ 24.policeman _ 25.kil

2、o _ 26.human _ 27.potato _ 28.Chinese _ 29.shelf _ 30.Japanese _ 31.leaf _ 32.American _ 33.life _ 34.tooth _ 35.wife _ 36.foot _ 37.knife _ 38.sheep _ 39.half _ 二、选择填空:1.I want to buy _.A.two bottles of ink B.two bottle of ink C.two bottle of inks D.two bottles of inks 2.They dont have to do _ toda

3、y.A.much homework B.many homeworks C.many homework D.much homeworks 3.There are three _ and seven _ in the picture.A.cows,sheeps B.cows,sheep C.cow,sheep D.cow,sheeps 4.June 1 is _.A.childrens day B.childrens Day C.Childrens Day D.Childrens day 7.Sheep _ white and milk _ also white.A.is,are B.are,is

4、 C.is,is D.are,are 8.Id like to have a glass of milk and _.A.two breads B.two pieces of breads C.two pieces of bread D.two piece of bread 9.Many _ are singing over there.A.woman B.women C.girl D.child 10.He bought _.A.two pairs of shoes B.two pair of shoes C.two pairs of shoe D.two pair of shoe 11.M

5、r.White has three _.A.child B.children C.childs D.childrens 12.-Are these _?-No,they arent.Theyre _.A.sheep,cows B.sheep,cow C.sheeps,cow D.sheeps,cows 13.There are many _ in the fridge.A.fish B.fruit C.eggs D.bread 15.Here are _ for you,Sue.A.potatos B.some potatoes C.three tomatos D.some tomato 16

6、.The old man wants .A.six boxes of apples B.six boxes of apple C.six box of apples D.six boxs of apples17.There some in the river.A.is,fish B.are,fishs C.is,fishs D.are,fish18.There two in the box.A.is watch B.are watches C.are watch D.is watches19.Mum,Im quite thirsty.Please give me _.A.two orange

7、B.two bottle of oranges C.two bottles of orange D.two bottles of oranges 20.How wonderful!The _ is made of _.A.house,glass B.house,glasses C.houses,glass D.houses,glasses 21.I met some _ in the park and talked with them the other day.A.Janpaneses B.American C.Chineses D.English 22.There are two _ in

8、 the room.A.shelf B.shelfs C.shelfes D.Shelves23.There are seven _ in a week.A.years B.months C.days D.minutes 24.My father is a _.He works in a hospital.A.teacher B.doctor C.farmer D.writer 25.There on the wall.They are very beautiful.A.are photoes B.are photos C.is a photo D.is photos26.We should

9、clean twice a day.A.our tooth B.our tooths C.teeth D.our teeth27.There are four and two in the group.A.Japanese,Germen B Japaneses,Germen C.Japanese,German D.Japanese,Germans28.Thats art book.A.an B.a C.the D are29.The boys have got already.A.two bread B.two breads C.two pieces of bread D.two piece

10、of bread30.The _ meeting room is near the reading room.A.teacher B.teachers C.teachers D.teachers31.There_ some water in the cup.A.is B.am C.are D.be22._there a book on the desk now?A.Is B.Are C.Were D.Was33.How many people _in your family?A.do you have B.are there C.you had D.there are 34.There _an

11、y trees in front of the classroom.A.isnt B.arent C.hasnt D.havent35.There _sheep in the field.A.is B.are much C.are many D.are a 36.There are _in the field.They are eating grass.A.a horse B.much horses C.many horse D.many horses37.There _a new bed and an old desk in the room.A.is B.are C.have D.has

12、38._any trees in the picture?A.Is there B.Are there C.Was there D.Were there 39.There _ pencil-box,two books and some flowers on the desk.A.is a B.are some C.has a D.have some40.How many _ are there in your classroom?A.desks B.desk C.chair D.door三.用所给名词的适当形式填空。1.How many_(sheep)are there on the hill

13、?2.There is some_(food)in the basket.3.The baby has only two_(tooth)now.4.There is a lot of_(water)in the bottle.5.There are five_(people)in his family.6.Lets take_(photo),OK?7.I have lots of_(tomato)here.8.The_(leaf)on the tree turn-yellow.9.There are many_(fox)in the picture 10.Their_(dictionary)l

14、ook new.11.I see you have a few white_(hair).12.The_(child)are playing games on the playground now.13.Can you give me some bottles of _(orange),please?14.They are_(woman)doctors.15.I would like some apple_(juice).I am very thirsty.16.There lots of flowers in our garden.17.There some milk in the glas

15、s.18.There some people under the big tree.19.There _some books,a pencil-box and a pen on her desk.按要求完成句子1.There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句)_ _ a computer in _ house?2.There are some flowers on the teachers desk.(一般疑问句)_ _ _ flowers on the teachers desk?3.There arent any apples on the tree.(变回

16、肯定句)There _ _ apples on the tree.4.There is a pear in the box.(变否定句)There _ a pear in the box.5.There are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问)_ _ students are there in your class?more 又;再,与 another 同义。数词more nanother数词n.Two _ apples=_two applesmix A with B,把 A 和 B 混在一起 peel sb.sth.或 peel sth.for sb.

17、,意为“给 某人削(剥)果皮”pour down“大雨倾盆而下”、pourinto“把倒进”、pour sth for sb=pour sb sth“为某人倒”shake hands with sb.和某人握手 make sb.sth.或 make sth.for sb.fill A with B 用 B 把 A 装满 be filled with.填满;充满,相当于 be full of cover A with B 意为“用 B 把 A 覆盖”。be covered with.被所覆盖 add to(add 作不及物动词用)表示“增加;添加”add.to.把加到中去take out 拿出,取出,拔出:

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